Whitby Free Press, 6 Mar 1996, p. 6

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Page 6. Whitby Fme. Pm«. Wodnesdlay, March 6, 1996 The only Newspaper owned and operated by Whitby residents for Whitby residents! MEMBER 0F: CANADIAN ONTARIO COMMUNITY VRF DCOMMUNITY NEWSPAPER e NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION ISSN#0844-398X commercial outiets in Whitby, Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering & Port Perry. Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario Imc. 900 Hopkins St. /Box 206, Whitby, Ontario Li N 5S1 Phone: 668-611il Out of town: 1-800-668-0322 Fax: 668-0594 Doug Anderson - Publisher Maurlice Pither - Editor Donald G. Hinton - Sales Manager Alexandra Martin - Production Manager Prinîted on newspnnt with miniMum 20% recycled content using vegetabie based inks. eAil wnitten material, illustrations and advertislng contained herein is protected by copyright. Any reproduction by any means for commercial purposes without the express permission of the newspaper is prohibited and is a violation o f Canadian copyright law. Reproduction for non-commercial distribution should bear a credif uine to the Whltby Free Press. To th*e* or. ltsabout justice To dm oditor: We are oui. week Into the OPSEU strle et WNhy Mental Health Centre. A gametlmes difficult situation has been that an. of aur plcket nes le not dawn where aur dispute la, but et the top af Gardon Street. Rt la not aur Intention to lincouvenlence anyone, lncludlng those eolng ta WNhitby General HoopalotueWhitby Yacht Club. A systern 0f speclal dlspay tags has been imlemented for those frequently golng lni and out. Atuiibusiesttilmes there can b. a backup but nover mare than a few minutes' wait. Trafflc has been managed ln a courteaus manner despite omhostile retorts. Some 0f our memfbers have been uit or narroly escaped lnjury by cars gang through. DrMvng a vehicle inta acwwl cane pretty IntimidatIng on bath aides. W. have aiso had same frleuidly, patient and tolerant unM i who we are, where w. ae oming tram and trying ta get ta. W. sk that people just stop and speak ta us brlefiy an entening, or at least slow down, show us their tag and proceed wth caution. R la ddffcut tahear and se. cars coming in al directions when bundled up agairit the cold. i think I speak for many others when I express appredlatlon for the saldultyof the -staff deciared nes5sfedarwha arecoentlnulng ta car. for aur clients and aut communlty, Durham Regional Police; other trade unlanists; construction workers and those wha , have honaured aur plcket Uines; gifts of aoup, donuts -and other items; pasalng motorista and visitors who have honked, waved or stated their support; our union executive, picket ceptains and ail those who have put time muidefa~ Into aur cause. ab»h rghts go responslbliies. W have a fght to be... people of dfgrity decncy and respect, as long a 'w »are decent and tespecifult th ose around us. The ,*>tor a g>olNe belangs toaiatlof us - as long as we value It, wvrk for lt and keepfitgaod.We have aright ta speak Our mlnds, but we have ta know the tremendous responsibilfty of ,irds ... We have ta remember that aur dfghts are Ilmted ta where Our rfghts end - and another person's rlghts begn. . -We have a legal rlght ta be there ta strike. Tus affects ail of us. It is flot about money, but about justice. D.L Adams Local 331 To the editor: Capyaiofettertao Whitby mayor and councdl I attended two meetings held by MPP âMm Raert regarding the GTA/Gaîden Report recommeuidations. At bath, speaker atter speaker demanded that the citizens of Whtby and Durham b. allowed ta vals aopposition ta many reiated aspects of the, Golden recommendations via a referendum. My felow citizens of Durham and Whitby . wuld most likely b. surprlsed ta leamn that Whitby has ln the recent past already- had a referendum aon another vey Important mater - the future 0f the downtown business assocation. In tuis referendum, held by the. board of managemnent,(an eiedted bady), the. majority af DBIA businesses votea Io ena mle association. Based an the resuliso? the. DBIA referendum, the board af management voted li favour af asklng the. mayor and coundil toi pracess a bylaw ta repeai the current DBIA bylaw. A Iter to tNs effect. was sent Itheii mayar and councdl an March 30, 1995. Il ias bee nmt ane. Mi yoar To th'di. o 'Risk'rjection-wrong To the edItor: R.: Receuit resignation o the Durham Healh Department tram the Durham Board af Educations famfly, Rfe education advisary committe. As parents and educatars, we ail want what ls beat for aur teens, and pastpanlng sexual Involvement la abviously what lé bestfar them eai this paint ln their Ives. The tact romains, hawever, that no matter how cancemed we may become for aur teens, we are sti11 unable ta make their chalces for them. We are faced wih the realty that appraxlmoiely haif aur students ln high school have chosen ta became sexuaiiy acve. Parents, health workers and educators have a respasl*Io respond ta the needs of these students and prcvide them wth accurate Information and assertivenesaskills that lfl Hreduce the rIsk ot their contracting a sexual transmltted disease or causlng an unglanned pegnancy. outa resawcsaur sodety spends on preveuion mand csainprograms for hlgh-dsk olves such as smoking, drlnklng and drug abuse. many teens stil chaos. ta experiment This la a realityl StatlsdiS show that fnoflne group af teens la Immune. There la vey hitle, if auy, dlifference ln pregnancy or. STD rates among *goad or ba& klds, teens of on. or two parents, rich or poor, religlous or non- religiaus, goad students or weak students. lb. health department has reslgned tram the Durham Boarudof Education's famlly Rf. educaion advlsorycoemmlttee because Rit l commttted ta supporting al teenagers, those who have chosen ta abstain, those who have chasen More .abou t Poetry ir To tdu edior: Durham Board of Education in their wisdom, Bulft a new uchoal ta add ta their kingdom. k was decid.d a rnodiffied track wauld grow. if the seeds: thoy did sow. The uiew ,prnipal Weflt out ta canvasa the mailt To get new registration far the fail OuA o 40,000, aniy 104 dld they get, YiJp, thats the mloiled track ail set. interet i the modified didn't amount Io much, Sa children were plucked tram bloa sohoals and such.* Neyer mmid the trauma caused ta ta be sexualy active and those wha maychooseIo beome sexual active lnthenear future. Their mandate .la lIn direct apposition ta the slm' majorlty 0f tnJstees representng the public school board wha, lIn vating down Reduce the RIsk, seem tIohave madle a cammitnient ta suppart anly thase students- who' are naw abstalning.' Tbis narrow vlew la fundamentally wrong. Mîke Brousem&u Parent and oducator Whftby the school... 1 motion "0's This achoal woulM add a feather ta ther Rds. Buliug a schoo where new growth would be,. Waioo afarward a vision for Ithem ta Six schaois lIn the radus of ane quart er mile, Wsa smething about whlch t#e ould tly amile. Six millon ls the pric. tag for thus, This prajeci that l not a hit but, a mIdss Sa wh.n yau pay yaur next tax blîl, Remember thîs achoal that they ham Io fi111 W.C. Clark Whitby Why do we have to leave? To the.odltor: Sa Patti Bowman anid Audrey Macean stand firm that the C.E. BmWuhtan Public Sohool (unwanted Anderson school) la ta b. buit and WliI open tua Sepember - but et wiiatcoat? Leave amide ýth9 $6 million af the taxpayers' dollar for a moment and lak enthtei.disruption ai aur chIldren tram their home schools, the seperation of lifetime tniends, and the. bass af some of the best teachers anyone could ever hope ta have. Al this is ta sadtisy tue yeamlngs o? a few lndividuals lui the Durham Board of Education who want to b. rernembered for tue installation af tue fIrst modlfied achool lui Durham Re$ion. li, amre xs ac al talfat wen we know that lus than 25 chikiren wl.be removed tram Leslle McFarlane and kes than 35 remaoved fram Dr. Robert Thombcýi. No on. argues thi Pringle Creek Public Schoal- lsnl aovercrowded, but If ewery cross- baundary child la sent back Io their homiesc1oîjust how overcrowded waul Pringle b.? The population of Pringie Creek school has been horrlbly Inflated over thê est few easwlth the acptance af cross- banary applications from one and Ves, we have a green school. But th15 nelghbounhood provlded the fax base for tue Pringie Creek school, we bilt the achool. The school was buit for us, so why do we have ta leave? B ytue way, bravo ta Christapher WIelI IVa pst tao bad uis Feb. 28 column was on page 18î where l'm sure many mlssed the pleasure afi. us solution ta the above problem. C. Rabînson Whltby since they recelved the resuits and recommendatians af the. OBIA referendum. But ta date coundil seema tlo have Ignored the. wlshes o? the hundreds of dawntown who partlcipated, havlng given vaulus excuses such as *The matter la before aur legal department, etc. I cen fully understand aur mayor and councirs predicament ai this time. Whlle belng pressed by Durham council and feiiow municipalles ta now hold a Whftby referendum on the subject of the GTA (and expecting the. provincial goveruiment ta respect the. resuit) the mayor and counci find themnsetves in the position of having ignored the resuits of a referendum held by another eiected group, the DBIA board. At tNs time I would recommend tue mayar and council show, by example, leadership in the matter of a Dunham/Whitby GTA referendum by respecting tii. DBIA referendum resufts before them tuis p ast year. Ta tNs end I will, with this letter, neuinsubmi my oiginlatuter of ir 0 a gfr L~aon nbehaif of counil lI regards ta this matter. Peul S8vag0 DBI3A chaIr Deal with DBIA

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