Page 16, Whltby Fr.. Press, Wednesday, March 6, 1996 Futupre, high school site may change lSY Mark Reesor Tih. location of a future Brooklin secondary echool may b. shlfted from the west side of a reialigned Anderson Stret te the east smd.. Dunham's public achool board standing committee recommnded the. change, whlch would see the school built on a 23-acre site nostled between Anderson Street and Thlckun Road, wlth Hlghway 407 bordorlng the south end of the property., The, prevlouu site, indicated on Whitby's officiai plan, i. 15 acres and has a small.r section borderlng the future I-ghway 407. The. west (original) site is owned by Bob Ilunter and is zoned residential whie the new_(east) site, which he's pledged te make available to the board, is zon.d, Industrial. Plant superintendent Mike Grahamn says Hunter feels there wIll b. litti. future demand for such a small industrial site and feels the new site would improve the. ahools visiblity. They are "potentially concerned" about noise from 407, though, and' suggest the. board investigate noise reduction methods when acing the, property. Tii.erposed achool will ha nedd when Brooklin's population rahs 13,000, Graham writes in a report, and would serve smre 800 students from "Up te four elementary schools." H. says current forecasta suggest the. new school would ha needed somewhere hatween 2006 and 2011. *%%~ j3~ Crimestoppers and Durham Begional Police are aslcing for the publics assistance in solving a break and enter which occurr.d In Whitby Dec. 20-21, 1995. Sometime between 6 p.m. on Dec. 20 and 6 a.m., Dec. .21, suspect(s) forcibly entered S.R.B. International, 519 Dundas St. E. Once inside, a quantity of property, which included five personal computer systeme and one Yamaha stero system with CD player and cassette deck, with a total value of $36,000, was stolen. Crimestoppers will pay a cash reward of Up te $1,000 for any information that leads te an arrest. Callers neyer have to, give their namne or tesify ln court. Caîl 436-8477. Picket disruption iAadea aerures Get interactivewith Somp at "Stomp Grounds" sponsored by' Mix 99.9 Watch Walt Disney's animnators bring Pocahangos characters to life Wed. 10&.m - 3p.m. Special Musical Appearances of the Plaids Thurs. 2p.m. & 4p.m. & Fni. 2p.m. & 4p.m. Mix99.9 Night Thurs. 5pm - close admission only $9.99 ($0.99 goes to charity) Beckers TICKETS AT SKYDOME (Gate 7) OR FROM PAGE 1 move the. picket lino if permission~ can ha obtained. 'Two weeks hafor. the strikte we realized tiiere would ha a problenm witii that situation," said Gates. "W. ask.d <WMH-C administrater) Bon Ballantyne il we could move It soutii of Whltby General Hospital and we wore ilatly refused," mii. said. Gates said tii. existing situation is dangrous te both tii. public and picketE, but the. union ha. no otiier option.. "We'r. hospital workers too, w. lcnow how people, feel," mii. said. "But w. also need a strong picket lin., w. need that presence." With tiie use of replacement workers once again legal in Ontario, the union is leaving nothing te chance, Gates stressed. "There'. no doubt in my mind that if Our managers could -get away with it, they'd bring in al kindea of replacement workers," she said. "We're letting emergen cy workers in without a problem, but w. wouldn't have an. effective strike without a picket line.u As of Monday, the. governxnent was adhering te its initial stand, Ballantyne said. "#As far as 'rm* aware, Management Board Secretariat-is maintaiing the. position taken hafore," ho said,, "Any picket lino ha. to-ha off Crown land.-- Tiiere have been no discussions on tuis issue for "several days," Ballarntyne added. 1Healtii ministry spokesperson Nino Wisciinewsli said the. ministzy is "fw.ll awar."9 of Whitby General's concerns. "We've talked te tiiem- and OPSEU and legally OPSEU i. within its rights," h. said. WischnewskI declined te comment on OPSEU's contention that the government could relent but would rather keep tii. pickets at the, intersection so that the. public wlll direct its wrath at the union. nitVé (WMHC) provincial jroer~y ndunder the. legislation, piekets can't b. on privat. poitho Mid. Durham Centreo MPP Jim Flaherty concurr.d with ~Wischnewski's explanation. "Gordon Street la Crown land and the. hospital. (WMHC) is Crown property and you can't Lpick.t on Crown land,". said Flaiierty. 'rUnfortunately, access te WhitbY General is via Crown land."t Flaherty said h. discussed the. matter with Gates and received assurance that no emergency vehicles will ha impeded. However, Flaherty cannot understand whii tI necessary to stop most traffic and for more tiian a fow seconds. I think somo of.the. problonis oen ha avoided. ' s not essential te take two minutes with each car,"« he said. Flaherty is also disturbed by reports that .WMHC out-patients are, haing asked . te produce identification hafore haing waived through the. picket lin. I iihave a problem witii the. privacy, aspect ...I- hope that has been corrected." G CM workers off 'to Vegas as United Way d raw winners SPRING FLING 1996 CANADA'S LARGEST INDOOR MIDWAY MARCH 12 -17 PAY - ONE - PRICE!1 MORE NEW RIDES!1 UNL[MITED RIDE AC CESS! Aduits $15.00 Tues. 12 noon - 8 p.m. Fni. lOa.m.- lOp.m. Children S8.OO(agea 2 - 7) Wed.* lOa. M. - 8P. M. Sut. lOa.m. IOp.m. Thurs. 1Oa.rn. - IOp.m Sun. lO.m.- p.m.