Witby Free Prees, Weckesdy, February 28,9-960 Pq95 Oerm21 students-to take courses under contdP10tdinuing cd.proram By Mark Reesor Durham public board adult students over age 21 will soon be barred from attendlng high schools or the board'is adult education program. The change, effective September 1996, la being blamed on a provincial decision to cut grants for age-21-and-over students by 50 per cent. There are about 535. adult Strike by OPSEU PROM PAGE 1 non-urgent esi," according to a press release. "Although-,w*e are ready to respond to these regular, non-priority oels, it willlbe impossible as the law prohibits the movement of an ambulance except under the direction of a dispatcher." WMHC le coping with the walkout, but juat barely, says adminisitrator Ron Balantye. "Clearly we're in a difficuit situationp" he says, noting only essentla2l services are being provlded. "there's no programs whatsoever" and "itfs quite a struggle providing the essentials here and malng sure people are fed; we're talng. it a day at a time." The centre la getting by with less than 20 per cent of its normal staff;, he says, "which la "leary mlot adequate.ft 1Food delivory bas been delayed and other services are "minimal at boat; 'there are certalnly. some patient needs that aren't getting met." 1Patients don't have access to the canteen, where they can buy small items and soclalize with each other, he says, and they don't can't get their own money. Managers are filling in, he says, but since each manager qualified to, handie an essential position reduces -by one the number of IIIle *ii, ' 'fer Fby Cindy Weindorfe Q Idon't like vertical blinds, but 1 need a privacy cover eon my sliding glass doors. What can 1 use? AYoucouîd instal two roman . eshades Aide by side undera *comice board that Is placed over the doors. The comice can be fIat, shaped, padded or plain. One or both shades are drawn up under the comnice when the doors are in use, and let down to the floor for riay or sun control. The shades, =aeof fabric, are much prettier than a bind, yet stilî offer the practicaîity you need. OPSEU memibers required te, work, that doesn't help much. 'There's only a very. small number of managers available at any given lime te do ail the critical things that aren't being done somewhere else." Managers have been going around the dlock since Sunday evening, ho says. Although Gordon Street is blocloed at Victoria by pickets3 - the union can't move further south because it's not permaitted te -picket on crown land - Whltby General Hospital la stressing itfs not involved in the strike. The hospital will romain fully operational, says chief executive offioer Elizabeth Woodbury, who adds that "until such lime as it becomes teo obstructive te our patients, it la my understanding that the picket will romain (at Gordon and Victoria)." The delay should only be momentary and Woodbury says patients who have trouble getting through the line should contact her office "and I will deaPw,-ith the issue." students attending Durham secondary schools or enroiled in the Durham Alternative Secondary Education (DASE) program. The DASE program will continue for students undor age 21 .. "at least for another year,' says business suporintendent Brian Cain, and the mninmum ago for admission ha. been dropped from ago 18 te 16. Those over 21 wi]1 be transferred to the board'. continuing oducation program. Staff feels "we can serve the neods of those students" through the continuing education program, says Cain, adding "that doesn't mean night school," and credit courses will still be offered te students free of charge, as required by law. Over-21 DASE students may not see muchi change in the credit courses thoy're taking, ho says, sinoe classes will likoly continue te be offered in the current Pickering and Oshawa locations. "We'ro hoping. that those students can go right back into DASE and take those courses, only they would be deélivered under the auspices of continuing ed."# There may be larger clase sizes, however, and continuing education teachers, although fully qualified, are paid les. than the boards fulI-time teachers - a fiat rate of $29.41 per hour of instruction time, as compared to a range of between $33.72 .te $69.77 (depending on seniority) per hour Meeting the health caf e needs of the entirefamnily! A family practice facility with designated walk-in hours. CONVENTIENThY OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Family Care Medical Centre Dr. W. A. Cecutti Whitby Towne Square 3050 Garden St. 430-5305 Ioand Rd. of instruction time for other teachers. (Fuil-time teachers work in the classroom five hours a day, 185 day. a year their salaries begin at $3 1,195. per year, plus benefits, and advance to a top ,rte of $64,538 per year.) Some DASE teachors wiIl likely be let go as a resuit of the change, although the exact number will depend on how n'any under-18 studonts are attrated to the program. Most of the aduit students in the separate board are enrolled In the continulng education or summer achool program, says director Grant Andrews. 'We dont see the change In fundlng havlng a major Impact on us... any that we have, (in day school) can go into the continuing ed program." je~i ILi, The World o/ Bob Timberlake. It's a mood, a feeling, an independ4nt approach to living: nostalgic, romantic, -intriquing. Home, furnishings that are casual, relaxed and very functional. Made to put'a smilç on your -face, and to make your life a lot more comfortable. Corne see it noip, at Rousseau's. CI'tc~ HERITAGE HOUSE lriit ed 216,Mary St. E. Whitby, Oniario, LiN J5R7 (M0) 668-3483 Toronto. (905) 686-006 or .800-387-0242 Tues. tb.ru Fri. - '10-6, Sat. - 10-5, Closed Monday T$urs & fil. 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