Page 14. Whltby Fr. Pros, Wecfresday, Febuoe 21, 1996 M Enchalment Productions. presents to be held at: DURHAMI COILLEG-E STUDENT CENTRIE 2000 Simncoe St. N., Oshawa e Sun., March 3rd FREE PARKING il arn to 5 pm e INQUIRIES (905) 697-0843 FASIION SHOW 2-1:30 PM HAIIR & NAIL DEMONSTRATTONS Facilities for trying on wedding dresses will be avalable with instant imaging through a television monitor. See yourself. Live Broadcasting by Magic-FM 94.9 FM 11:00 amn to 1:00 pmn GRAND- DOOR PRIZE TRIPFOR«2 TO- ORgDOmRmRaD f 'fs ai OUR SUCCESSFUL 112 PRICE, SALE-,CONTINUES BUY ANY QUALITY BOXED MEAT ITEM AT GINO'S (AT REGULAR PRICE) & GET A 2 LB, BOX 0F CHICKEN BURGERS, RINGERS, NUGGE~ OR F1LLETS AT * fà o %MR -ffýW THE UAÎYBOX MA SUPER STORE & MORE!I WVLOWES3T PR-V GINO'S BONELESS, SKINLESS Gama] BRMASS19 ,9 21b. BOXB9 *c:i "VLOWBIET RIce" GINO' Fis 79 HLLES 21b. BOX 7 Open: Mon.- Wed. 9-7, Thurs.-Fri. 9-9, Sat. 9-6, Sun. 10-5 N oei I 11BRCK ST.N. MARY ST. FI DUNDSS . HOW TO FINI YOUR 'STUFr A GOOD HOME A reader requested a lest of ail the non-profit places where one can talc. good used articles in our area. The organliations that I know about InWhltby and Oshawa are: *Apple Hous. YWCA (576-8880) - women's clothlng Including maternity, semall appliances, linens and ldtchenware. *Big Sisters (525-9300) - linens, kitchenware, small appliances, Miing cabinet. *Drham- Region Unemployed He1p Centre (579-1821> - threerlng binders, computers, office supplies. *Goodwfi Industries (430-6093) - lothing, furniture (except old mattresses), kitchenware, small appliances, toys andgames, books, sports equipment and linens. *Klnark Chlld & Famlly Services (433-0241) - sports equlpment, craft- materials. *McLaughlin Gallery (576-3000) -- small pieces of mazonite. *Nuclear Awareness Project (725-1565, now in-Uxbridge) need large and small business envelopes, old letterhead statlonery, photocopy paper. *Our Home (579-3406) - good used office equipment, photo copier, filing cabinets, children's musical instruments, tapes and videos. *Parents of Multiple Births (436-9058) -- infant clothing, baby fiurnitare, toys and games. *Rose of Durham (432-3622)- infant clothing (in good condition), diapers, lhnens,kIdtchenware. *Salvation Army (728-1743) - clothing, large and amaIl household furniture and small appliances in good worklng order. *Search & Rescue Operations (404-2889) - ladders, rope, sleeping bags, blankets, stretchers, medical supplies, computers and office equipment radios, wallde taikies, uniforms. *Sevonth Day Adventlst (433-8800) - clothing, household fuiishings, small appliances, linens, kitchenware. *South Oshawa Community Developnwnt Health Centre (723-0036) knitted hats and mitts, sports equipment, craft materlal. *Deniie Hous., (728-7311) - food, person al produots, cleaning products, women's clothing, household items, diapers, gift-giving items, toys and games. *Participation House Project (579-5267) - office equipment, wall unit paper shredder, electric heaters and fans, binders, legal sdm folders, computer equlpment. *Whitby District Boy Scouts (433-8020) - camping equlpment. linen, kitchenware. Elaine Collis provided me with names from Durham's Waste RéUse Exchange Program. If there are any non-profit organizations that I have not head about and that need used, items, cail Recycler's Report. Anyone wishlng to bb.'on Durham's Waste ReUse Exchange Program can cali 668-7721. It should be noted that volunteers are always. needed and that many of these groups offer an official tax reoeipt for donated articles-. M% 1 kBLE AT: Nudox Nalis ,00 Ing ýSt.E., Eas Matil Ohw 579-1035. Ëà ton's Bridât Reglstry, Ohwa Qentro ~W~dngOaês &Favours ~\3f~on St. A Wedding invita Ons hi tby 666-9710 e61èr-dd,-S reM ough 1motÀeuios* Whj y8 P e 25ý8 Toror*' ý416)O~03 M:de o b Sncil 1a1w843KhUty &W. _1ýWh4by' 2>-43 --06 Wa vériyRd - 1 qe:ý, kg