[ PUBLIC MEETINGS UPC OMNI Former Region chair on tiGTA panel FA»rmer Durham Reglon chair Wtar Beath is one of three people appointed to a panel that wll get, public Input on the GTA taak force Four are charged foliowing break-rn Police arrested four Oshawa young offenders after a "very short" chase on Hwy. 12, just north of Brooklin, Thursday afternoon. The youths, whose names can't be released, were charged with breaking into a Port Perry residence and stealing liquor, jewelîiy and persnal items. Inspector Walter Hall says a neighbour spotted a van, which turned out t e b- stolen from the' Oshawa area, hanging around the house and mentioned it to an OPP officer. The' information was broadcast over the police radio and heard by an officer t ravelling north on Hwy. 12, who spotted the van around 2 p.m. and gave chase. Ho was joined by Durham Regional Police officers, who made the arrest without incident when the driver pulled over. A search of the van'turned up the stolen items. GTAsuýbjeet of meeting A public meeting will b. held in Whitby on Tuesday, night, Feb. 20a, te discuse the recently. released Golden Commission report and Greater Toronto Area issues, includingtlie future of Whitby. The Whitbyý meeting will b. in the council chambers of the, municipal building on Rossland Road East. ~ urhnlm Personal Counselng Services Individual. Group and Marital Counselling IS VOUR RELA TIONSHIP FEELING THE STRAIN? HAVE YOU STOPPED' COMMUNICATING? YOU CAN LEARN HO W TO REKINDLE THA T FLA ME! Cciii todav for heipfrom11 oitr professionai. coitfidenii, iionjudgeienitai coimseiior. Diane Casidy (905) '6 66-3153 304 Dundas Street West, Whitby recommendations. The. panel,, formed by Municipal Affira and Housing Minister AI Leach, wlll determine the level of consensus on the report of the task force. Other task force members are Toronto lawyer Libby Burnham and Mississauga Board of Trade past president Ron Starr. HIgh Park-Swansea MPP Derwyn Shea will bo an ex-officio member. Public meetings will bo held in each of the five GTA reglons over the next four weeks. The panel will wrap up Its work by the end of March. Leach says any changes to the GTA uhould be ln place for the -1997 municipal élections. Obtain your Membership at Whitby General Hospital during regular business hours. OnIy eligible members have a voice. Reminder from the SOGH committee I G.T.A. SERVICE» $1 2.99 per nia. res. + tax (Must have Toronto service) al etco. UXBRIDGE SERVICE > ee/O«o <>>*jauVriu'f $1 0.00 per mo'. res. + tax rm',5'o gm ajG.-t (Must have Toronto service) ~'.~ ~ .00 DURHAM SERVICE $9.99 per mo. res. + tax Communications (Whitby) mc. San Up naw 15M Brock St N., Whitby 430-S4t,31onf PEMS$3.00 and up HI-LITES $31.00 Fnî. &K Sat. $42.00 and up SRAS$9O COLOURS $29.00 Appointment necessary. Cut extra. UNISEX HaAIR CUTJS ADULTS: $8.00 * KIIDS:,$6.00 Frn. &Sat. -ADULTS: $iO.OO KIDS: $7.0 Bus.* Hrs. ,Tues.-Fri .9am-6pm & Saturday,9am-3pm i 153 Brock St. N, Units 8& 9, Whitby. 430-8998- î Aj Whitby Free Pros, Wecfresday, Fobrur 14, 1996 Page 5 [ MOVING We are pleased to announce the relocation ofj YES WE'RE STILL OPEN ALL YEAR ROUND Mclntosh Apples Fresh Baked -Kaisei Canada 'C' Grade'o tlinBn S4or I1/2an Buns 1% 4L Bag (SAVE $1 .00) 6for $1.49 or 2% MiIk $2.99 Reg. $3.29 Irs Frozen Vegetables Buy 2Bags &Save15 APPLE MARKET «Z2 ThicksnRd. N., Whtbyj ~N.fTanton)ff/r3 Hickory Chair's warmth will help ease the cool winter nights o itrical timeless selections, there are formai adaptions from James Ri-ver Plantation homes. From the backroads of early America corne influences for casual, eclectic designs. Whatever your preference, afi of the James River and America'n Digest collections, plus much more are -up tO, 40% off during our Wmnter Sale. HERJTAGE HOUSE Iimited Your One Stop Interior Deign Shop 216 Mary St. E. Whitby, Ontario, LIN 5R7 (905) 668-3483- Toronto (905) 686-0061 or 800-387-0242 Mon. - Wed. 10.6, Thurs. -Fni. 10-8, Sat.- 105,Sun. closed No Membership!!1 No Voice!!. rvCI212CýS ESTHET IC BOUTIQUE 905-6664715 From: Pearson Lanes To: 125 Athol St., Whitby On.: February 20, 1996 I Officiai opening upon completion of renovationsJ L& 1 1DundasSt. Le I)Id Yvonne's' N Esth<I c 1 ý ACiAi.j WAXING S. 1-AR P ERCING (SAVE $1.00) 6 for $1.49 ý