Whitby Free Press, 14 Feb 1996, p. 23

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Whltby Free Prou. Weckieday, Febway 14,1996,. Page 23 Whitb y to lore prilvatization of age. By 74k. Kowalski' Whltby' will examine the feasibility of prlvatlzlng ts garbage collection service. Town council Monday dlrected puic workS staff ta prepare a report. on the. ramifications of contractlng waste collection. Tihe report, ta be presented at next week's operations comxnlttee meeting, wlll Include Information on the. experlences of, other Durham Region municipalities that have privatized the service and will'explore options available to the Town. *Whitby now spends $1.4 million for garbage collection, whlch includes residential and speclal plckup service, yard waste removal and some recycling services. Although 'officiais of the Canadian Union of- Public Employees (CUE) - whlch rtheenst. Town's 12full-time garbage collecturs - will be invited ta- next week's comninttee meeting, counicil was asked not ta approve the recommendation. Karen Wilson, president of CUPE Local 53, sald.her members will not have sufficient time ta compile an "accurate and thorough7 rosponse ta the staff report since they will only receive a copy this coming Frlday. Wilson couldflot understand counicil's haste on, the issue, especlly since there liait been no mention of it' durlng a, labour-managemnent session on Denshamisloa Reform. pràedent On Feb. 7 the. Reform partys -Ontario riding board of directors unanimously selected Ginny Densham as their neit president. 1Vice-preaident is Rick Brown, Jane Armitrong treasurerý and Patricia Schmidt secretary. Densham was riding president ini 1994. Tii. Whltby minor atam AAA hockey team bast their last two regular season games 4-2 and5- last w.ek ta the first-place, undefeated Peterborough i>tes. Tii. two sethacis still left Wildcats wltii a record 0f 15 wlns, seven basses and two ties on the season,- good enough for second spot out ofil1 teaa this year ln the Eastern Ontario AAA leagie.. In the fremt game last F eb 1. (Councillor Judi Longfield bmought forward the motion at the Feb. 5 operations comnittee meeting.) 'We have serlous concerna about ths -issue and a number of factors have ta be, looked at and flot just from a dollar value," she said. Wilson said she appreciated council's need to control spending, but felt any decision affecting the liveluhooda of Town employees muet not be made wlthout their input, Wilson agreed with' councillor. Don Mitchell that the commi*ttee will not likely make a decision nect week. but was flot willinir ta take that rislc "We'd 1k. more time in order to be comfortable on the chance that it will go ta council," she said. Councillor Marcel Brunelle sald the problem was that no7 one yet knows what the report may recommend. "What it probably will say las a course of action based on comparisons," said Brunelle. "I dondt tliink the conùittee will deal with it- the and I don't tbink the report will b. that conclusive," lie said. "I understand what you're saying,« Wilson replied. < "But I don't have time te work on a report that will coat people their jobs," she said. "I'm here ta slow it down. I can be a pesainit at times and I do see it golng through that quickly. Followlng Wllson's deputation, councillor and operations commlttee chair Dennis Fox asked Longfield te explain the. rationale behind her motion. Longfield said council lias not had the. opportunlty te investIgate the possible savings from contracting-out garbage collection and that council was obligated te obtain this Information on ýbehaif of Whitby taxpayers. Longfield said she also wanted CUPE memibers to, attend next Wedx:eday, both teama came out ,Lyngb left goegon the geafterone.prod 0f play. Tii. Péetten drew frmt blood ln the. second sorlng thre unanawered goals i a four-minute span. Derek 'McTeagu., and Kyle Vanderloo scored for Wliltby ln the. third perlod hintthe 4-2 boss. Inthe lastgame oftiieseason'on Sunday, Wildcata ftraled Putes 2-1 affor one perlod of play on a nrattv Monday's meeting. "We want them to comment on what staff reports," she sald. "We're not aslng ifor proposais at this time or even thlnkling of talng It out of public control."» Fox, iiowever, was not persuaded by Longfield's argument. "What we're askling for through this motion la for a segment of our staff ta attend a meeting and comment on wliat other staff propose," he sald. Fox sald he envisloned "conflict between staff and staff' by forcing the union members to challenge the. report's findings. Fox warned council that It was creatlng a "scenario where we have our staff publicly begglng for their jobs" and that he wanted no part of it. «He also objected to the brie! amount o! time that the. union will have ta satudy the report and prepare a counter proposi if necessary. "W. have staff workcing months to get us figures8," he said. "Do w. expect these people to do itintwo or thre days. When theyre worklng full-time?" Mitchell, councl'. current budget chief, did not s hare Fox'. concemn "My prime mandate la ta, serve the, residents 0f the. community and provide services at the. beat cost and most efficient rata," h. sald. "Contracting-out garbage collection in nothing new. AIl we're loolng at It ia an analysis." Mitchell sald any suggestion that the. report "b. amerdout between senor staff and the. union in private" in wrong and that councIl must conalder.whiàt beat serves Whltby residents. "fie sooner the report gets outa and tii. sooner it ia in thie public process, the bettor." Mayor Tom Edwards, a former CUPE staff repreeentative, could, not support tiie recommandation. goal by MéTeague, from Grog williams. Whitby's Kyle Musselman then scored two goal. ln the second, the fret from Kyle Percewlzc and JustlnSawyer, the second from Josi Francis. Pet.. knotted the. game at 3-3 after two and had the only two goals 0ft.tlild perlod ta wln 5-3. Wildcats now face the ninth- place Vaughan Rangera ln a bost- of-three ulavof sarie. MOILey ~ * ~» Dance raises funds wins shootout ~~* The Broolln Kinamen bantam select hockey team lost ail three games ln a Marmora tournament over the weekend, but on. team member won, the shootout competition. Brad Moxley, selected te represent the Whitby team based on iei. coring ln the Northi York league, beat seven other players ln the. competition held after Whitby's firet ganm., a less.te Fenelon Falls ln which Moxley scored and was named game most valuabipe r 1chàdawasM7w-7ià~ other goal for Wliltby in the first game, scored, tlree goals lni-the. second game, a 4 loua ta Oshawva. Kawasaki w'aa _gEm. MVP'for Whitby. Ini the third -game, from which Moxley departed earlywlth- a broken cllarbori., Wiiy lest 4-3 ta Campbellford. Jeff Churci lied 1w ganaz was MV?, and Andy Mueblr lad th otE goaL. Tii. Holy Fanii*ly hockey organization ini Whtby held the. annual fundraising dance on Jan. 20 ini support of their minor hockey program. "There is no doubt that thia yeara dance was the mont r successful mver. We managed to rais. lots of money for thIdae," said Lucy DiLisi, dance comiitte. representative., Tiie night featured a draw for an oak dlining room table and chair set donated by John- and Rita Volpe, o! Whitby. (a HOPE FAR- "Homemad e pies, tarts >.fresh'pressed .cider (n0 preservatives) ALL AVAILABLE NOW! TOBOG6GANUNG NOW AVAILABE I 15 miles north of Whitby', on Lakeridge Rd. For moÃ"re information, cî 539 Edwards tald hi. colleagues that wiien attendlng meetigsof mayors of municipalities ln the. Greater Toronta Area, It ha. been "omy pleasure ta say that the people we employ cazi out work or out run any private contracter." Edwards sald Whltby han always been a unique case i that past councIls have explored ways of controlling costa wile at the. same time providing services. "I would have preferred that consultation took- place like Its been don. ln the. pait and we were able ta come up> witii saving," h. Mild. "I fear the outoome of this will only endanger the reputation w. have lied over the. years."' Only Fox Jolned Edwarda ini voting againat the recommandation. Followlng the meeting, Wilson told TheFre Pr...aie waa "very reasured" by Edwards' commenta. I have falihtlithey wlll give us a fair and fighting chance te defendoéur position," ah. said. Wilson said abe agreed wlth council tiiatit must do what Ie best for the taxpayers and If the. union la afforded the. opportunlty, ée believes council can b. convlnced that the currnt system in wortii saving. WHITBY GIRLS >SA1 SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION. GIRLS BORN BE TWEEN 1975 TO 1990. REGISTRATION: Sat. Feb..17, Feb. 24, March 2, March 16 PLACE: Iroquois Park Complex TIME: 9:OOam to i :OOpm Avoid disappointment register early:. Weekend play may be required. Select Program may be ofered. REGISTRATION INFORMATION- AVAILABLE BY CALLING: MARILYN 666-1427' (Presldent) PETER 430-6233 (Registrar) .11 IW 19 DODGE RAM CLUB ýCMË 8 in stock for immediatedelivery ORDER NOWI MACINTOSHCHONS DSPLYOTHLD 1*~ kIMITBY IROQUOI * SOCCER CLU-B REPR ESENTATIVE ~C!C~TEAM PLAYERS Whitby Iroquols, the top soccer club in, the region, is, looking for representative team players. If interested caîl the coach in the appropriate age group. BOYS Age Group UNDER 10 UNDER il UNDER 12(A)' UNDER 12(B) UNDER 13 UNDER 14 UNDER 15 UNDER 16» UNDER 16 UNDER .17 UNDER 18 UNDER 19 GIRLS Age Group UNDER il UNDER 12 UNDER 13' UNDER 15' UNDER 17 UNDER..19 (Aug. 1 '86 - JuIy 31 '87) (Aug. 1 '85 - JuIy 31 '86) (Aug. 1 '84 - JuIy 31 '85) (Aug. i '84 - JuIy 31 '85) (Aug. 1 '83 - JuIy 31 '84> (Aug. 1 '82 -JuIy31 '83) (Aug. 1 '81 - JuIy 31 '82)' (Aug. 1iS 8- JuIy31 '81) (Aug. 1 '80 - JuIy 31 '81) (Aug. 1 79 - JuIy 31"'80) (Aug. 1 78 - J.uI 31 79) (Aug. 1 77 -JuIy31 78) (4g. 1 '85 - JuI 311 '86) (Aug. 1 '84 - JuIy 31 '85) (Aug. 1 '83 - JuIy 31 '84) (Aug. 1 '81 - JuIy31 '83)ý (Aug. 1,79 -JuIy31'1) (A4g 1 77 -Ju1y31'70) Coach Mike Sookdeo. Bryan Twymhan Frank Thompson Kevin Bull Peter Kolobutin John Harrigan Dennis Wade Gerry, Rainey Bill Groden Steve HamilI Ian Gladstone Doug Whyte Coach- Nigel Beattie George Warren Stan *Bombino Jim Raiston Sean Ke lly Andrew Scahill Phone # 666-2821 430-6879 668-9208 728-6203 728-9956 579-1787 430-3122 666-0701 430-6026' 430-0610 721-0366 668-7483 Phone # 723-4800 725-7462 668-5657 668-2041 430-0243 723-0794- * ~:«* >~k~ .. .4 ~x>~ ~ Atoms, second no0Winnplayoffs ON DISPLAY AT -

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