Whitby Free Press, 14 Feb 1996, p. 22

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Page 22, Whiby*FieePisa, Wedneeday, Febray14,1996ë Five Whitby ringette teams Win tournament tities .TWEEN AA The Whitby tween AA ringetto teain won the KIOtchener Gold Ring Whitby figure skating INTROOUCTOR A LADIES: 2Wd- Sbepan Botte PRELIMIARV A LADIES: 4th - NIco KM@s, 1lht6; lut - USLi OM.lght 7 FINAL'elt -Usa Bote PREMINRYLADIES: MU - Bbtay MolmWu. fIhM 1; 4th - Micliele KoeuIag PRE-UVE NLE A LADIES: Mil -Lidsay H"r.flight 4 PRE-JUVENILE A MEN: Sdi Androw NWelu PRE-JIJVENILE B LADIES: 4th- Candla. Brmbuy, figl5 PRE-JUVENILE B MEN: Sdi - Jeif Koosiag JUVENILE A LADIES: eti - Christne.Janu.q JUVENILE 8 LADIE: Sdi - Candi Gravell PRE4NOVICE LADIES: 3rd - MoUm Puaa, flight a NOVCE LADES: 7th.-Lynduay Porter. fugM5s JUNIOR LADIES: 3rd - Uisa Coedy, flght 4 PRE-NOVICE COMPEflTION: 3rd - Lindsay JUVENfLEMXED DANCE: 3rd - Michoil à Juif Kouog Bobeaygm nkwNuNoew JWi27 PRE-PREUIMINMVY B LADIES: lut - Cafflîn Hanrahan Whitby ringette JUNIOR A Fol. 10 Whltby Il<Mmnl Divus 5.Christina Bal" s2. Calls Osborneo2JonniforCaudy, Jillan Shanoon) Fe. 3 Whitby 10 (Lodt Sarchard 2, JondrCaWsdy 2. iMahnloDvsu2.Chrstina BaldasiCalle Obome, Andea Pe,. Jillian Shannon) Barie1 Jan. 30 Whity ô Chrisfina Baldasti, Jennffer Cassidy. HryleyMillard, JlWan Shannon. Cynthla WhaWe) WlltlylweonAA5 PETME C uassard ir Wb* iy suosClub Fol,. 9 WhItbyS (Dele Dada#t 3, Tanums Brown. EerIn Flaherty. Jon Scott) Otawa 1 Feb. 10 WhRW ôy (Danelle Dadak 2, Jen Scott 2.Casdy Fol. i1 *WhKW >4 Enn Fliy 4) m9cafe 3 Whitby 3 <Ein Flahodty 2. Casudy Metclf Gananoque 2 NOVICES3 81 upauad iy Vldm Suad & CreveI M2 upousarsib, MilsTransssionla Fol. 11 Whitby 82 7 <Asnnda Church 4. Amnde Liy AtysseBransn, Jesulca loli> WhitbyB81 4 <Baily Comisl3. LUndsey Gordano) Fol. 10 Whltby61 8 <Undey Giordano 2. Dailey Con"a 2. Shaunu NwurKellyJufs) Ajax 6 MUIESII qsossasiblus Mmdli LW. Fol>. 11 Bunalus 11113 <KatiScolt4, Kate ilo 3. Kalla Janssea2. Hanna Schad 2, CassandreuAbolRachel euh" il 5 tournament over the weekend. Whitby defeated archi-ival Waterloo 3-2 and Kitchener 10-2,' lost 3-2 to a tough Grey-Bruce team, defeated Cambridge .6-2 and Winnipeg Sixers 7-3. Ini the chainpionship gaine against the saine Manitoba tearn, Whitby started strong and bulit up an early 3-0 lead. In what was called the inost entertaining gamhe of the season, featurinig continuaI. end to end action, Wh:Ïtby pulled away in the second period, outscoring Winnipeg 5-2 to earn an 11-6 victory. Teani members are Heidi Schlitt, Kara Byrnes,, Miranda Burgess, Lindsay Smith, Sara Vanderlip, Lindsay Freeman, Rachel Reid, Kiistie Mueller, Jennifer Leighton, Nicole Freeznan, Stephanie Campeau and Jessica Brownridge. Coach is Ross Brownridge, assistant coach Doug Freeman, manager Kim Reid and tramner Marie Brownridge. 1PETIEc The Whitby Lioness petite C ringette teani won the gold medal in Kingston at their annual Valentine's Day tournanient. After going undefeated in round-' robin play with a 6-1 win over Ottawa, 5-2 victory over Whitby minor hockey HOUSE LEAGUE MAJOR PEEWEE SîsoUigp nef1 Feb. 11 Ray'u Enterprss WhItby Pro. Frefighters 7 DIS Insurance 7 Whitby Optimigsts 5 DufslTowing, 3 Highland Van Storage 1 Lasdls scaron Mil. Kabrynovich Mark Leblanc Mati McKay Chis Lazary Michael Denulo James Elck Michael Astalas Lssdlug m. B A P MatI McKay, Whltby Optimists 11 5 le MichaeDenlo, Whltl>yOpflmjst 7 8 15 Mark LeBanc. DIS Insuranco 12 3 15 Chris Lazar,.DISlnsurance S8 ô 14 Mib Kabrynavich, Whit. Pro. Fis, il1 2 13 PauI Ma0onald, Roys Enterpnsuu S 5 13 DIS lasurusasmajor pemws bou leugus mmm Whbty hurmsutmi One. 27-28 iposorsat by Puikr Pad A Pdntug DIS 3 <Gary Kitanxira 2, Jafm Elliqk Wliiby optimwss4 DIS 5 (Kbiura 2, Elick 2, Chrs Lazazy) Bawnurrville 1 DIS55 <Lazay 2. Ktanur2. Ellick) Pari Hope 1 Waruawhuiumuîî DIS 7 Lazaay 2, EIIicK~ ShawnJimmio, Mark Leblanc, Ryan Trudeau, M altMKay) port pomy2 DIS 2 (Grog Pamait ElIick) Peterbrorough Uftlockl1 FmIn 13 (Jimmo, Lazay, Pallanit) Pelerborough St Pmuru4 Marum u rusumut Jus. 13, Gananoque and a 4-3 victory over Metcalfe, Whitby, again met Gananoque in the chaxnpionship final and won 3-2. Team miembers are Danielle Dadait, Amanda Otter, Krist.a Laning, Tamara Brown, Jen Scott, Chelsea Horne, Heidi Kobener, Cassidy Meteaif, Erin Routly and Erin Flaherty. PETUR C MAJOR Whitby's petite C major ringette team played in their fi-st tournament of the season in Mariposa this past weekend and came home with a gold medal. The, team went undefeated An round-robin play and finished first by defeating Mariposa 7-3, Lindsay 8-4, and Oshawa #2 8-3. Whitby earned the gold medal ln the chainpionship game by outscoring Oshawa#1 6-4. Emily Mounfjoy provided stellar goaltending throughout the tournament. Lindsey Lilly had eight goals and seven assista, Meghan Rodger six goals and three assista. Lyndsey Matsumura five goals and two assista, Cindy Johnston three goals and thi-se assista, Jenna Smith two goals and four assists) HaYley Fallis and Jessica Yan four assista each, Joanna Tellia two goals, Lynsie Arts, Erin DIS 6 (Mcay 2, Leblanc, Jimmo, Trudeau, EliIck) Pickerng O Dis 0. Omernes 5 DIS 0, Pterough 4 Feb. 10 DIS Insurance 4 <MAUl ay 2. Gary Kitamura, IYbrk Lelanc) Bawrnanvilîîo5 DIS Insurmnce 7 Stephen Hasa 3. Grog Poîland, Mark LeBlanc, Mtt MaKay, Scott Mêler) rono 1 DIS Insurance 8 (Robert Stieshan, Mark Lelanc. Shawn Jimma, Stephen Hass, Chris Mchaud, Mlatt McKay) Douro 0. Taumnammint MVP - goalie Kevin Conneîly MINOR'PEEWEE Fol> 1l Johnson Building Products 4 <Shawn Waîkar, Roburt I.aba, Sean Bracin, ikan Yarslovitc) Lennax Drum 3 <Rab BarrotJ.P. Galipeault, Daniel We) Moose Lodge 4 <Rob Walker 2. il. Lever, Ian Parker) Pinnacle Pharmacoutiaelu2 <Brandon Altamura, Ardrew Hanimr Wliby Toyota 4 <Chris Long,.Michael Laftey. Michael Kublynsl.Stevw Hyland) C.K Auto Body 1 (DaIe Rempe) as of Fab, il W L TGCFGSA P Moose Lodge 10 2 0 39 23 20 Lennox Druni 7 4 1 44 33 15 Johnson Buiîd. 5 5 2 52 54 12 Pinnacle Phar. 5 6 1 48 45 il C.KAuto Body 4 7 1 43 49 9 Whitbyloyota 2 9 1 40 60 5 MAJOR LION Fol>. 11 Part Pery MetaI Proc 6 <Michael Duthie 2. Gary Riddelî, Michae Finigan, Erik eturson, Danyl Konecny) Lennax Drum 5 <Ryan Sissan 3. Paul Vandewlip 2) Broolin KCinsmnen 2 <Chris McConnelî, Andrew Hewson) Owasco i <Colo Martin) Whitby Audio 10 (Adam Death 4. PatrickMIler2. Kristian HaIIas 2. Drew Docloi. Thonas NV&Whirt Whitby Optimlsts 1 <Nathaniel andres> Sîmalîqe U of FI. 11 part pen Mouai Brook Kinsmmn Whitly Audio Lu= noDrum WhIL Optmirit CA p 42 20 33 18 47 14 40 13 48 Il 71 4 Fraser and Danielle Morrison each' a goal and an assist, and Erin Mclntosh two assiste. T-WEEN B The Whitby tween B ringette team took the gold at a tournainent at Mariposa over the weekend. Whltby defeated Mariposa r 6-4, Ayr 8-3 and loat te Oro 5-4. Whitby again faced Mariposa in the championship and won 6-4. Scoring for Whitby were Kristy Kotarba with 10 goals, Sophia Yilmaz six goals, Katie Hodgson, Angle Cheng and Nicole Clar-ke two each, singles to Katie MacDonald, Lisa Druiss and Krystie Krasnaj. Other teamn mernbers are goaltender Staoey Quesnelle, Tamuny Flaxmnan, Sarah Landry Melissa Tone, Laura Weaver and Heidi Wilm. PETIEAA The Whitby petite AA ringette teain brought home their third gold inedal of the season when they won the Kitchener Gold Ring tournament over the weekend. Earlier in the year, htby won gold in both the Cabýridge and Waterloo tournaments. Fol>. 8 K r>Y B uÎrgor5 Json G rd n 2. Jared M lar 2, D eek » Junkin) *Maague Electric 3 (BradlTaschuk 2. Richard Gale> GOR Mechanlal 4 <Andrew Elson.3, Chrts Bawler) Dr. Sernotiuk's Drillers 2 <Brian Dicknson, Adam fkrgan) Fol>. 4 Pmotectoe 4 <Alex Parker 3. Kristian Cuniffle, Nicholas Schad) Bank of Montreal 2 (MAtthew Race, Derrick Schoen) Whitby Kinsaien 3 <Thrmas Farquharson 2, fktthew Blakenan) Jerry's Deug Warhue2 <Devan Brick~ Reily Andmew) Standings te ci Foi. S W L TOFGCA P Bank ofont. 8 1 1 43 18 17 IirbyeBurgors 7 3 0 32 28 14 *Mague Elac. B 4 0 37 23 12 Proteta. 5 3 2 37 34 12 GORMochianical 4 6 0 33 41 S Whitby Kinsmen 4 6 0 28 37 8 Jeriy'sDrug 4 6 O 19 21 8 Dr. Semotiukes O 9 1 15 42 1 MAJOR NOVICE Fol>. 10 Dr. Kagesus lin Grns 4 <S. Hannon 3. 8. Ptiillips) Wlirby Fru Presn 2 (C. Grahani, B. Cross) Smriling Drillers 10 <K. Murphy 4. A. Novia 3,. MacEachern 2, K. Stanlieîd) AdvantageAr 3 <C. Jakeer, S. Paupore, T. Fuiln) Pickering TiI. 5 <J. Palier 2, D. Morton 2, N. Cason> James Dick 3 <K. Sedziewski, R. Xamin, K. Home) T&D Steak & Burger 9 <D. Naccarato 4. D. Advent 2, M. P&Ouaid, E. Wakeîin. I. Snart) Leacom 6 (D. Drake 2, M. Leahy, B. Prescott, At Iloughtan. C. Duquette) Slandisgs uas fFei. 10 SnIîing Driller Advantage Air Dt Kagetsu's Whit. Fiee Pie T&D Steak Lacm Jamres Dick Pikwrng Tue Fol>. 10 Ttm PrudOnta7 (SMneGaam 2 John Irulnd 2 SluplugillckiRynRHounc. TylerCalrn) WMitAuxIIIus2 (Gmugry FeyK affl sy Macmor) CIrrus Canlruting 5 <BenMlaSéwyu2. Thr «ilnney 2.Katlyn Suir> Broolln Leglan 7 <tpmn Brsu.3, Mica Uis 2- du <blmsuRys Shm) Whitby defeated Kitchener 9-1, Cambridge 4-1, Sudbury 9-2, Huron-Perth 4-1, and tied Waterloo 3-3. In the championsahip game, Whitby again faoed Sudbury and won 3-0. Whitby's scoring attack was led by Rachel Stewartý with 10 goals and seven assista, Karen McWilliams eight goals and four assist8, Kailey Miller five goals and il assiste,- Aleya Suleman four goals and four assiste, Jade Blight two goals and two assista, Jenna Clements two goals and an assist, Laura Camipbell a goal and 10 assiste, Meaghan Cloutier two assista, Heather Peel and Susie Crabb with an assiet each. The defence of Blight, Ci-ah, Peel and Cloutier provided strong support for goaltender Jennifer Marteil who allowed only eight goals in six gaines. VOLUNTEERS Kinark Ohild and Family Services is lookring for volunteers who are interested in providing emotional support to a parent or parents of a special needs child, and volunteers who are interested in being a special friend to a child. Training provided. Cal -433-0386, ext. 308. CurtrOo nEloet 8cS Kody Musslnun 2, Scott Hunt 2,' Justin Duguay 2. Timthy ForresWe, Davfd Turner Owasco Voîkswgmn 5 <PO« rKnowles 29 Stivea E th e nt n2 .* C lin Raner) 1>1 ý Curt Brown Ela. - BroL okeglon l CisContruc.1 The rudenma WMHAuxdlilry OwascoVolel.1 f Lb Tle 11 0 73 r 3 0 el 6 4 0 53 4 8 O 49 I7 0 50 I 9 O 37 Lesdîug momi MchwaMller Brookin Legon Stephen Braseur, Brook Leglon Scottreenun Cuit Brown Kody Musselnn.Cuit Srown Trevroktlnney, CIrrus Contrac. Michael GorczyskO#asc Ian Millar, Cuit Brown Eloct A p 7 26 3 23 10 22 ô522 1 19 1 l6 Fub. 11 JerY'sWarehoueo6 DneloTyor 3. Rya PMtcer Denny aleeon, Mathow Battue) Play Il Agaîn Sports 1 (ErcfRlgan) Al Way Machancal 6 <Shane Davdson2, Jay Ror.l>eck 2. MichW aleiagh. ShawnBlacquîrs) WhiWtlyrOPhY Nous.4<(Cameron Larnu2.,Andnuw BowlerDeOmri Fr.yng) PolardRooflng 5 <Cayton Pudelu!y 2, Stephon Heaslip, Robert Bothwell, Bradley Kennedy) WhitbyOptmlsts 3 (Cory Rose 3) Roughiey Insurance a <Derrck Mclenry 2. Jaed Bralhwalt a, utin Exenk , Kylo Holdbmo roo ee Archambauft)' M«ullough Jewellers 3 <Ian Mutie, David James, BrNd Davis) W L TGCF - A p Jenys Drug 8 O 1 48 25 17 Roughleyîinsur. 6 2 1 48 30 13 AlîWayMeci. 6 3 0 59 56 12 MocCulough 5 3 1 49 47 il PaîlardRootlng 4 5 O 40 36 8 WhitbylTrophy 2 5 2 34 50 6 PlIyl Agaîn 1 7 1 41 63 3 Whâtl> OPtiss 1 8 0 41 53 2 Lesdlscaru, usofFeb. Il E. Rogan, PIay 8 C. RoOptinis J. RoMlek AUI Way C. LoffuçTrophy Noms C.Pondistry, Poblrd ýw P

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