Whitby Free Press, 7 Feb 1996, p. 6

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Page 6. Whltby Fiee Pissa, Wednesday, Febwaiyl 7. 1996 Thpe only Newspaper owned and operated b9 Whitby resîdents for Wtitby residents! MEMBER 0F: CANADIANONTARIO COMMUNITY OMNT NEWSPAPER NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION IS#84-9X ASSOCIATION The Whitby Free Press is distributed free ta 99% of the homes in Whitby, B rooklin, Ashbum & Myrtle as well as numerous public and commercial outiets in Whitby, Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering & Port Perry. 28,000 COPIES DELIVERED WEEKLY MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE Canada $36 + GSI e Outside Canada $85 + GSI Published-every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario Imc. 900 Hopkins St. /Box 206, Whitby, Ontario Li N 5$1 Phone: 668-611il Out of town: 1-800-668-0322 Fax: 668-0594 Doug' Anderson - Publisher Maurice Pifher - Editor Donald G. Hinton - Sales Manager Alexandra Martin - Production Manager Printed on newsprint with minirtum 20% recycled content using vegetabîe based inks. oAil written material, illustrations and advertising contained herein Is protected by copyright. Any reproduction by an>, means for commercial purposes without the express permission of the newspaperis prohibited and is a violation of Canadian copyright law. Reproduction for non-commercial distribution should bear a credit fine to the Whitby Free Press.. To teeior. Internet 'positives' To the edîtor: Re: 'Disînformation hlghway,' by 6111 Swan, Fiee Piessa, Jan. 24. For many monthe, 1 have road the. With Our Feet Up.column in your paper and put up With both 6111 Swan's terrible grammar and aten mlsspelled wordis anweIl nas i putdown af anythlng wth whlch he *1agrees. I must jake abjection ta hIe most. recent article about the Intemnet. Not only does he paint ht ln a bad lght, but as usual wth nowspapei people, ho only shows on. aide of an Issue. Let's look at each section Mr. Swan talcs about from a more positive vlewpoint. There are more than 11,500 news groupa avallablo ta people an the net, cover1ng just about wvery subjoot Imaginable. Whon my wifo neoded some information on prunîng some plants ln her gardon, I was able ta get the answor I neoded for hor in the gardenlng group. Whon 1 wanted ta know the best location ta mounitain bike. in West Vîrgînla this summor, I roceivod the information from the mountain bike news group. My family thon enjoyod throe days on groat trails with terrifie senery. Whon wo had trouble with aur Jeep that couldn't bo solved by local mochanlcs, I turned ta the 4X4 news group. 1 received answers tram over a dozon kind folks tram around North Amenica who had exporioncod the same probloms. I cauld go 'on, but you gottheoidea. The World Wido Web allowa people ta travo acomputera around tho world and locate Information. E-mai s very usoful. I arn able ta write ta frlends ilhout the postage or a long distance phono cali. once I send mail, it arrives immediatety. 1 fi I now write ta f iionds more ofttn. I subscrlbe ta a couple of mail groupa which send me mail evey dayor woely, and I am able ta sond mail back-for others ln the g roup ta read. On. group for Ford Explorer owners has provod Invaluable, saving me large sums of moneynsl tmie avtgofa others' solutions ta piablems, they' have already encountereci. Isuggest that f you are on thiee dîfferent provideis and get a busy signal, discontin ue your service and flnd ane Wth more phono nes. I occasionally get a busy signal between 7 and 10 p.m. whlch la the buslest lime ai day as most people log on durlng these hours. 1 do not have prablome at other times ai the dat. you can't remember your password, write the thlng down. I tend ta make good use of my Internet service whlch costa me about $5 week. If you don't make gaod use of yours, thon dIscontilnue Rt but don't plan something juat because you are unable ta use It. Stay in the past or movo Wth the future, the choice le yours. Colin Hughes Oshawa Ta the edîitor: To theedto.. New sohool. supported To the oditor: Not aIl parents vew In a negative way the new elemientary school beîng bulit behlnd Anderson CVI. The actual location ai the ochool has many people upset. Legîimae concerna are belng ialsed about the ade of young school chîldien. But I arn very optilstic about a positive reltonshp between elementary and Nh hhal students. Temajortty ai the young adulte wha attend Anderson are good people. Tues. are-the students w. shauki be workng Wlth In aider ta help aur yaunger chlldron graw. Granted, not ail hlgh schoal students are pefect, but th. same can aiea b. sald about elementary students. As parents and oducatars, we need ta be aware af the behaviaur ai ail chîldien and*young adutt. Belng ln close proxlmlty ta t he hlgh school1 Is a perfect apportunhty for us ta educate aur children on If sWgç1% street smarts and choîces. The modlfled calendar Is eomn*g tht should be avalabe to us In Whltby. Ut. le not the samne as lt was 20ypars ago and R never WUl be agedn. We need ta broaden aur soepeof how and why wedo things. A mnodlled calenda schoalyear la flot Inferlor ta a tradeitonal calenda year and Rt should not be ectad as an un mceptalechange moet Imporant benefit aofthi calendar la that aur oblldren wIll retain more af their school work durng the summer holdays and oesa lme woul be taicen up reAeWIng the previaus year's work when they retumn. Change 1e controversial. The. teachers and admInIstration are lcowledgeabîe and enthuslastlc about the modlfled school calendar. No sense To theo dlor: On Jan. 22 the Durham Board of Education docdod ta drap junior kindorgarten due ta provincial cutbacke. Tuoe actions brougbt ta llght, for me, the lackoa comman sens.e t the board'offices. In tuis day and age, wbenwery dollarcounta, RI laInfurtaing ta se tax dollars waated on some projecte whîle dollars are takenaway from others. Lot me explain.. I have two chldien currently enrolled ln public echools. On. atends the Aldon scbool ln Ajax and tue ocher le, et Dr. Robert Thaînton ln Wiltby. Whon thé rogîstration tok place for Aldan, Rtvwn 50 popular, that tue 120 JK spots were quickly srued up In oesa than thîee boums. Te chîldien, who weren't lucky eougu ta get >a spot iiad their names placed on- a lengtiiy waltng Ilst. Thie school bas proved ta b. a wanderful Introduction Inta thie world 0f leamling and sadiallzallon for my four-year-old. On the ather aide of the coin, we are cuirentiy .iesldlng within th. boundarles aio the unnamed Anderson school. This school le being- bult ta accommodate 450 students. Ov ert. past twa weelcends, registration was held and appraxlmately 100 chîidren were rogistorod. These *chîlden wl be from aIl over Durham. If the board can'convînce another 350 students ta attend, famlles such as mine wili b. forcod ta uproot their chîldron from their curont home school ta attend this -schaol. Mr. Smyka, the. principal, was ta b.e a two malle ln Durham over two woekonds, hoping ta register familes ta fil hie schooL Have you ever heard of a case ln whlch the principal bas ta solci people ln mails ta fil1 a biand new schaol? I think actions definltolly speak louder than words ln thla Instance. When comparing -tues. two situations, on. can't beip but se. serlous errors in the. decdsion-maklng procesa. Whiie the JK program itwas axod becase of Insuffidient fundlng, millions of taxpayerà' dollars are belng pumped Into ea project that la n ether Wanted nor noedod.' d say somoone bas ta get their prioites straight. Tii. lime has corne for parents and taxpayers ta volce their concerna, and objections. f nothing else, ay.the. Durham Board of Educatian- wiUaone day se. that common sens. la just an Important ns tue almlght dollar when It cornes ta*our chîldren. Usa murDhv, WIth the staffs hlgh amount of expertise and theïr confidence, thls progratn WIIl work effectively - aur children wIII b. the fortunate ben-ctfl The more dlverslfed we are, the more adaptable-w. become ln thierapldly changlng world. Ltus' provide aur chidren wtth the oppartIJnhty I earn ln more than one -y.- I have every confidence ln thls =ramnand the. schoaî s location. 1 myf;famîîy wudbenefit enormousWl. Carolyn Mountjoy Whltby Apolog ize To the oditor: Copy of latter ta Jim Wilson, Mànîster of Heafth Mr. Wilson: On Jan. 31, I was part of a very lag gatheri n to discues the optins for Whftby Ge9neral Hosptal. A letter fram,,jou ta Jlm Souch, char f hebordof Whitby Goneral Hospital, was read ta thîs gathering. Yaur latter suggested and gave the distinct Impression Io thîs group that the roha bllltallan option for Whtby General "Rplai was a ertalnty, therefore nullfylng any meaningfll discussion of the CammunitY Partnershlp and Health Gare Vision for which the meeting was called. This allowed the seake r rm the, board ta leave the graup wth the same Impression. >The Implication aofyour letter aiea made faolaofai althose Who develaped the document, lnckjdlng the mayvr and councl of the Town af Whîtby. More lmportantly, 1 was, embarrassed for the two local MPPs that you lot down so badly. At the veWy lenst, yau owe Durham Centre MPP Jlm Rlaherty and Durham East MPP John OToole an apology and aIeoalal those. who have worked so hard ta carry out youi, instruction of communlty. Invaivement. You detlnltely owe the 70,000 and' grmwlng residents of Whltby a public clarificatIon; no doubîe-talK, jug -a' stralghtfarward answar ta tWa questions, FIretla the rehabilitation option for Whftby Generai Hospitala certntY? Second, whet la the amautofRh and operating funds, already ln place for thîs faclllty? For those. ai us who- laïck the sophistication and acess ta ail the "double taVk ai bureaucracy. a simple yesor no >and theamountaof fundlng now In place la requlred. The bomission of Ohonourabemwas intentional as 1 do not bellev e a yau have yet eamed It I expect a peisonai -and publc clarification afi>the above questons immedlately, not a mionthtram now. .Ruth Holdsworth seem ta think we can handle the Increase. Hey, no problem, guys, wo'll just double tho rente.-. SInce many lettors have appearod Thon cornes 1995 - blackouts over the. summor, fali and now and power surges. The compressor wlnter, I thought aur oxpeniences malfunctions. We cail Whtby Hydro with Whitby Hydro would b. af who, bo and b.hold, aron't Interest. responsibie. Wo roe thîs lb/ely In 1994 our hydro bUils doubled ln latter tram the. Municipal Electil a commercial building which wo have Association - Recaprocal Insurance owned for over elght years. The Exchange (catch that word - metor whlch had a multiplier af 50 rocipiocal), saying "Suppliera of when we purchased the building, electrical energy do not undortake ta was changod ta 100 at the beginning supply a continuous or unvazlod flow ai 1994, onboknownst taous. of power ... , Under the In the Initiai phono cal to WhItby dircumetance,... we regret ..., etc. Hydia, I was- told thatit àwas er impo"sble and I had- made a Sa thoy won't reimburse the. cost mistake. Ater th. usuel tbree-week ai a new compressai. They know it p edào, ewr ol h rn waa thefrfault and we know à wns yer g.But they have corrected It Sa, Mr. commissioner Raiph) now. Blanki, iVa goîng ta take more than What wns so Infurlatng a their ldollars of gaodwtll.* One day, altiue and irdierence ta the whole monopoles whD b. don. away wlth situation. A later was not sent ta us and the sooner the. botter. Only thon ln advance, si the time, or even vuMl consumera get the service and afterwards. An apology. was nover respect thoy deserve. Juat look ai affeiod. Manager Tom May wgnont Bell Canada. available - he was an tire. w.olcs Want ta start a Hydra company? vacation. And cuscusslng this at their Standlnhi e. Mr. Len Cullon, weWli b. Tau~nton Raad palace madie me cry. your firet custamor. Their funds are never-endlng. Tupy Comi. -Lewis -~ 4 -,*-~.jr,~ A Hyd ro experience

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