W itby Free P ies.. oÃ" esy, Fbru y 7. 1906 .Pago5 Noise, safety concerns raisedovrhuigpa By John Dijay About 12 residents met wlth the planning committee Monday ove- nlng to relay concerna' about a 130-unit development proposed for the northwest corner of Brockt and Maple streets. Accordlng to plana by the developer, River Oaka Group, the former Cobi Fooda factory site would ame a townhouse-stylo, de- velopment that would Include Burn injury A 29-yoar-old Youngso n 0Ol nman recalved second-degree burna to hi. legs ln an accident at Co-Steel Loaco early Baturday evening. Police say the vlctim, who waa worklng for BOC G3aaes, waa adjuatlng a comproosor ln the oxygen, plant around 6:45 p.m. when a fire broke out and spread to his pant legs. Police say he uaed hi.ecoat to smother the fiames and waa taken by ambulance to the burn unit at Wellesley Hospital in Toronto. A hospital spolcesperson says he was ln good condition yesterday (Tuesday) and expected hlm to b. released later in the day. Correction In last week's edition of The Free Press, it waa stated in two photo captions that a boy dled from Injuries resulting from a fil out a Dodge minivan when the rear door latch falled. It .hould have been stated that It waa alloged tlhat tho latch falled, since neither the National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration ln the US. nor Transport Canada haa found any defect ln the. rear door Iocks of those types of mlnivana. streots, fonces and a safoty borin along the. rallway corridor. One residont at tho meeting, Joan Maunn, waa particularly By John Dujay If Town planning committes, ha. its way, there wlll ho no more new bilîboard "signa in Whitby's agricultural fields. During a meeting Monday eve- nlng, the committo. voted te ac- cept a staff proposai that would limit the building of new signa, but not'penalize owners of signa already standing. "Given that poster panel signa contribute to roadside clutter ln rural areas, council dfrected that such signa ho deleted from the liat of permitted signa ln agricul- tural zones," it is stated in the report prepared by planning di- rector Robert Short. As well, there would ho a limit of two such signa' at railwy~ concornod about safoty at the CP rail track. iCida are going over the track daily,"e she said. "'here's going to crosilnge and one at s3treet frontages. 1I thlnk It makes sense," nid regional councillor Marcel Brunelle of the bylaw. OGILVIE TERRACE Private School Opening Sept. 1996 Grades 4-5-6 Coed Grades 7-9 Boys OnIy STRONG ACADEMIC CURRICULUM Meeting for interested parents, Feb. l3th - 7:3Opm at Trafagar Castie Sohool, Reynoids St., Whftby For Further Informaton Cali 668-7650 bo another death." As well, she was concerned about a hedge that would be raisod to control rail noise. "There ouses on tho north 3names suggested for Sehool The unnamed Anderson elemontary school won't b. unnamed much longer. A public board --'lng commlttee bas corne up with thre suggosted names for tho contrvosal new achool, whlch is hoing buflt behlnd Anderson CVI - May Irwin Public School, Crawforth Corner Public School and CE. Broughton Public School. May Irwln was born lni Whltby Juno 27, 1862 andjolned Augustin Daljy's 'Temiple of Dramatlc Thealz!e at age 21. 8h. porformed wlth notable 'actr of the. day, includlng John Drew and Otis Shinnor and in 1896, waa chosen by Thomas Edison te play In a scene Inthe movie KMu before his new movie camera. Crawforth Corner waa what the area around the new school w*as known as In the early 18009; It wasa later renamed Hemer Corner. C.E. Broughton owned the land whero the school> i. being built from 1910 te 1956. He- servod In the. Royal Air Forc~e durlng World War t, waa on Whitby town council and worked for both the fodoral and provincial departinents of agrcultujre. The final decision on a name 1s being left up te the. community., Anyono van vote for theïr favourite by cafllng the principal of the new school, Jack Sinyka, at 666-953 no later than Feb. 21.1 and we're going to ho blown out," she sald. Mann said eh.bas vlslted a similar site noar Ottor Croek where such a hodge was con- structo. Sho sald that the rail- way sound was refloected and, therofore lncroaaedi on the othor side. Other reÈsidonts exprossed con- cerna about estiietice, the prs - vation of eilsting trees and the Impact. on the intersection of Brock and Maplo, which would ses increased vehicle traffic. Town staff promlsod to discuas residontïs'cncerna up -wlth the doveloper and wîlll advserosi- donts of fuiture meetings regard- Ing the development. y- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FIS iFfring Fish! BUT i IE I N .W . 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