Whitby Free Press, 7 Feb 1996, p. 3

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Items frorn Whitby Council agenda(s) Mnd bnel Recommen da- tions fromî the Planig and Development Committee That councit approve a site plan application trom Country Lane Golf Course for the construction of a 2,400, square feet maintenance and storage buiding. The new building, to b. buift in the victnity of 1he original on. , which was destroyed in a tire last November. Committe. also recommends the requlrement for a formai site plan b. waived because the course Is anxious to have the building compteted before the golsesonbegins. IRecommnddto council That Durwham Reglon be advtsed the town doesn't support an officiai plan ammendment application to altow a gas bar/service station on the southwest corner of Lakerldge and Myrtle Roads. Sînceboth Myrtie and Lakeridge are reglonal roads, the town doesn't have the authority to ruts on the requestL If such* a service Is needed, it should bei Iocated In a settlement area, planning staff recommended, addlng that permitttng it In the rural area would "iead to an unnecess- ary Intrusion scanling the countryside." Recommnddto council Recommenda-" tions fomthe Operations COMMittee That the Town of Whttby proceed wlth request for proposais for the sale of advertistng onl Up to 60 Whttby>Transit shetters iocated throughout the munlcpaltty. Dependlng on the number 0f shelters that are used, the projected revenue wiii range from $20,000 to $72,000 annualiy. Advertislng wtll not b. permltted on shetters In residéntial areas. Recommnded to council That council approve the sale by public tender of two properties for non-payment of taxes. Taxes have been In arrears for more than three Whiy FmPreéP , Wecday. Februay 7 19M6. Page 3 Hrospil merger ýrejecte FROM PAGE 1 hospital restructuring proposai submltted by tue tPiWam Reglon District Heath Cduncil last year. Oppononts, however, felt that straylng from the iealth council recommendation could leav, W ltb n danger cf -loslng Its hospital altegether. That warning, was repeated at- Wednesday's >emotion-charg.d meeting and pirompted a harsiiý rebuke from Flaherty. "I tuought that was absolute fear-mongerig," h. teid Theii.reo Press. "W. al knw what tue mninster'a position was. Thia was an attempt te scare people brite supporting tue board's position." Flaherty suggested 'tuat the. outcome was a forgone conclusion and that it was only -indicative of the feelings of the 129 people (on. ballot was spoiied) whe voteci. 'You have to e âamember cf the. corporation for four months in order te vote, " h. said. It discourages people from being able te participate. It means tuer. were a lot of people ther, who had Interest ln tue Issus, but couidn't vote."e Although stressing that h. could not substantiat. tiie allegations, Flaherty said h. was teld later tuat the "workers were penhaps infuenced by administration with respect te job security." Flaherty said h. received a letter from a member of tii. hospital auxiliary who compiained tuat hospital employeesa were b.ing used as "pawns" by an administration bent on iiaving its way. "I maet verlly any of that, that'a just what was aaid te me," h. said. Flaherty will ý Z (Rick 0'Shea, president of Local 3082 of the. Canadian Union of Public Employe.s, couid net confirm the allegations. Anne Gouthro, president 0f Local 226 of tue Ontario Nurses Association, -was not avallable for comment> Despite his ,disappointment, Flaherty said h. wiil continue te, fight for "community-based iiealth car." and plans on meeting with officiais responsible for lmplementing the health council proposais. Wilson bas given the iiealth council until the. end cf February te have ita reatructuring plan ln place. .- Former Ontaxio.riding MP Rene Soetens and Catherine Tunneyi former Whitby separate school trustee., are chairing two health council committees charged wlth maklng detalled recommendations for a regional hospital ayatem. 'W. a]l agre witi the. acute care study and Whltby's roie b.ing rébb but tiat's oniy the firat part of the equation," said Flaherty. "Depending on iiow you define urgent Cars, we aiready have that," h. said. "At some point we have te b. concerned about holding on te the hospital as a hoapital." WGH vice-chair Morton agresd with the MPP on tuis point at least., "I think Jini Flaherty and Rob Morton and the. people on the board .iiould b. working together and that w, f giit te, retain as many services as possibe," ho said.» However, Morton repsatéd hi. message of last Wednesday tuat tiie board had no chiioce but te embrace rehabilitation. During the meeting, Morton sald tiie board wau faced. wlth two options - supportlng the. h.aith councl recommendation, or rluk havlng Wilson clos. the.hospital. "Tii. overwiielming majority of board members believe we'dont have a third option," h. sld. "Initiating discussions witii Oshawa will tell everyone that w. are flot a player and are out of the. system. Vote 'acceptable'. of board position« "Anyone who thinks we can ensure acute cars services by merging with Oshawa i. not living in the real world." Although pleased with the. resuits, Morton said the. vote cannot yet b. considered an endorsement of the board's position. "I thIink its an acceptance and understanding of what tiie board has dons and 1 hope that over time this acceptance could b. changed te, endorsement," he said. "I think tiie community feit that; the men and women on the. board were not; puliing their legs on this." Morton said'tii. meeting was also a refetion of the "frustrating procesa" that everyone ha. gone througii and iie referred to Whitby physician Dr. Anthony D'Angelo's recent resignation from the. board as an example. "I tink h. was just tired of It aIl," said Morton. "To say he was forced off the. board or intimidated would b.. te minimize Tony D'Angeio's opinion of-himseif," h. added in reference te remarks made last Wednesday. (D'Angelo'could flot b. reaciied for commnent. Morton admitted that h. iad reservations about rehabilitation, but ha since grown te, realize the. "exciting" benefits that may accrue. H. rejected opponents' daims that a casii-strapped provincial goverrnent i. no position to fund FORTUNE Fi1 N A N CIlA L This R.R.S.P. Season Cali A Professional! IANCAL FEACNSATIO 666-8245L For bilanket coverage of ALLthe homes and/or, businesses in Whitby OR to, selected areas oniy, oeil the Whitby Free Press - 668-6111. If you did flot get a ftyer which is tisted for fuit distribution, g ive us a cati. the retooling needed to revamp the. hospital foi a new roi.- "Any, government looks at capital dollars versus operational dollars and I too can asIc the sanie question (affordabiiity). 'To get capital dollars for this project the. goverrnment l' would view it différentIy tiian spendlng môney te, maintain a dying institution." Morton agreed witii Flahierty that the. vote was, not an endorsement of the process, but an acceptance of change. "The communiV i. saying 'W. understand what s going on, w. understand that local politiclans have not had the. effect, on tiie, prooess as we hoped they would.'" Morton denied that 'hospitai employees were in any. way coeroed or forced Intoý voting: againat the CHC proposai. I. "Speaking as member of thei. board and :the. executive. committe., there was neyer, ever, a thought given te approaching the. (employees) te, vote a certain way."' Morton saicà corporation members in favour cf tiie board's position were enouraged to.attend the. meeting, but h. attributed this te the. "traditional" lobbying don. on any contentious issue. SOGH's Prout plans .to, 'regroup Followlng the meeting,_ a diaappointed SOGH. co-chair Prout, a member of. CHC, sald au, was "too early" te announce her- organlzation's next course of action. "I want te regroup witiih people rve been worldng wltii and I'd like te have a discussion wlth the MPP and other members ofthie committe.," ah. sa:îd. Prout acknowledged that a letter from Wilson (read out -durlng tue' meeting) whicii' reiteratediei support for the. iealth council recommendation, did not iielp tue opponents' cause.- But she sai the.healtii minister' ia StUR sending out a "mixed message" toe i.connm-nty. Prout also admiitted that letters from Bruce Mackey, OGH chair, DEBBIEMORGANI ~I - B eAndrew Wood/I Buchanan Realty (Brooklin, Ashburn, RR#2) STelehop Communications (select)> " Pringie Creek/ Dundas Centre Guardian Drugs (select) , - " Empire Diner (select) " Mobile Vacuum' (select)' " -Kira Cope-EltiotVi Royal' LePage, (select) and Dr. Robert Divies, Chief Of 0GW. modical staff, may have swayed some members as w.Ii. In hi. lettor, Mackey st.s. 0GMe support of the healtii council study and lack oflInterest ln pursing merger talks wlth Whitby. Davies, meanwhie, noted that the doctors' proposai was drafted prior to Wlson'. endorsement of the. study and as resuIt, the. "conteit" had ciiangod. Doctor now supports board nit la my oplin therefore, that current- efforts should b. placed firmiy bebind theÃ" acute care study implementation proce's and'our efforts shoul d b. directed- to ensuring that this process provides for equitable acces. to services for residents of Whitby," Davis states. Dr. Brian Reed, WGH chief of staff told the. meeting that in view of hi. Oshawa coileagues' change of heart, h. had to1 reluctantly alter hi. stand. "Even tiiough I have strong reservations about rehab, I believe we should support.'the position of the. board," said Reed. Prout suggested to reporters that the. "timing" of Davies' letter warranted furtiier scrutiny., 'tUp until the. 0MB (Ontario Municipal.Board> decision, we still had the&r support,",ah. said. Last month, the 0MB gave the green light te OGWrs iong-awalted cancer treatmnent centre expansion. Area residents, opposed te extendlng the. hospital'. parking, lot Into nearby'Alexandra Park, challenged Oshawa.clty couneiles approval of tii. proposai tote FLEXIBLE CLOSING - ibis home boast 2 f !replaces, w/o to large back.yard, 320' cedar deck, customn oak cabinets, finished basement. A must see. 1ST TMME 8UYERS - Lovely detached 3 bdrm home, wfth w/o from kitchen to fenced back yard, Prîced to selil. $121,900. Cali Michael McCulloch RE/MAX Quality One Ltdd1. 513 Westney Rd. S., Ajax 683-29922 1

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