Whitby Free Press, 7 Feb 1996, p. 2

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Page 2, Whltby Fr.. Pros, Wednesday, Feb#uay7s 1996 13 VIMIAg IRQUI PAR L MO VING We are pleased to announce the relocati rvPO2ceSý ESTHET IC BOUTIQUE.. From: Pearson Lanes To: 125 At/wl St., Whiby On.' Febrary 20, 1996 -905--666-471J Officiai opening upon completion of renovations ALL YEAR ROUND Mclntosh Apples Fresh Bakedl Kaisers Canada 'C' GradeortainBs $4.95 1/2 BUSHEL o tjnBn (SAVE $1.00)> 6 for $1 .49 1 %or2% MiIk 4L Bag $2.99 Reg. $3.29 Frozen Vegetables Bu y 2Bags &Save 15% APPLE MARKET 4425 Thickson Rd. N., Whitby S(N. of Taunton) 655-4130 mnore FR OM PAGE i 0' parente and (tue mAjority) were wilhing ta, pay more," h. sald. Burns was referning ta, last year's unforseen problei wicii tiireatened ta ecuttie any new farena -.- public or private. In March, tue five major user groupe minor hockey, men's hiockey, precision skating, figure ~ ~O kating andnringett± - as well as a ~ o few minor users had identified a need for 195 extra hours of te Urne. .7 But wiien asked In October ta confirin tueir earlier figures, the groupe' requests dropped to 123, ebg ffectively killing boti tii. - proposai from Batten's firm. and expansion offIroquois Park. The. Town had to promise the. company rentais of 180 houra per Sweek over a 15-year period at a Similanly, awn-pad expansion at Iroquois requdred a minimum of 162 hours week ta ensure that tiie e fees covered ail new operating and E) capital costes and to avoid an $0 O <~increased subeidy froin local rate aers, Faed withi tu, prospect of no 0 additional facilities, the user groups r.vised tlieir estimates and have since committed ta 208.5 hours, whicii staff feel le sufficient to justify 2.5 ice pades. For the fret time in its hietory the ningette association was confronted with the, likelihood of turning players away titis season, Burns eaid. Altiiough that scenario was avoided by increaeing team i izes, ,on of tuis will ot b. the. case next year when an estimnated* 40 girls will flot b. able ta, be accommodat.d, hoe uald. "Tiiere le ne place to play iný Whltby. As parents we have tue responsibllty and the rigiit ta, bave Our children play in titis town," sald Burne. 5 Stating that iie preferred flot ta 5"rMn on anyone's parade," Batten inforrned tue committe. tua t h. asSt did flot share the previous onne'sspeakers3'enthusiasi. theic »I don't believe tuat as -ai iique taxpayer In titis municipality and as someone un privai. enterprise that titis in the. way ta go," h. said. Batten said his firm'a proposai -included a sports bar and "lotuer amenities" not mentioned in tuei staff report and that it had tue flexibility of adding two more pads if necessary. icej Batten said the staff proposai only forecasta a $.4,400 annuai surplus from the. projected $671,850 yegrly profit umtil the debenture le retlred, whereas $340,000 profit would b. reallzed fronm inlxntg taxes and revenue on a private faeflity.. "ri1 was slt*ang on the other side of the. table I would tilnk that'. ($4,400> grueat, but 1 know our figures,'9" said Batten. "I -do think lt's ln the. best lnterest of the. Public ta know tiier. was a viable alternative ta a Town-owned facility." 'Design/build' process criticized Whleeaiso dmonlshing staff for flot pursuing the. private sector option more tiiorougbly, Perkins upbraided department director Larzy Morrow for advocating a "design/build" systein for the. project Unlike the. lump sum tenderlng process, this system, which ls frequ.ntly usèdin the. private sector, requires potentiel bidders ta fine tune their proposais toaa higiier degreç of speclfication. Tii. key difference ie that the lowest proposal may flot be acc.pted and it avoids a large number of subinissions "whicii would overwhelm staff and the. r.vlew process," tiie report states. But Perkins clulmed council was obligated tua tender any expenditure in excess of *10,000 and that 1t could tailor the. tender documents ta specil* whatever it wanted. "To do anyliiing else te going ta leave you wide open for criticism and wfil fuel the. &mra of conjecture tiiat favouritism and otiier such chstasteful activities are possible," siie said. "Let!s fot iiave people tiiinking tiiat tiiere could b. somethlng undenhanded going on ber. Fi sure that wouldn't b. your intent." When Longfleld polnted out tiiat otiier municipalities and .the. Ontario Ministry, of Municipal Affaire have adoptod the. systein on some projeets, Perkins replied tiiat se wae flot dismissing the. concept, only the. manner of tendering. Longfield countored that tiire. of Is this the most COMPLETE real estate SERVICE you've ever seen? YOU be the Judge! Please fînd below some of my super currently histed properties' CALL STEVE COOPER* F OR A CHAT. A WHITBY BEST BUVI This executive 4 bedroom 'Tormfia-Buift ail brick home es packed wih exiras and isted under $200K No waflpaperi Let your creativity loosel BONUS: main floor denl A RECIPE FOR HOME SA71SFACTIONI Mix warmth, tasteful decor, 4 bdrms. and a huge greenhouse kitch. w/super loc. Add new f loors, leaded French doors and a double garage and price Ihis great package at only $1 94,900 and VOILAI A GREAT family home la the resultl the four projects she investigated did flot oeil for formai tenders, only proposais. Longfield also ciialleng.d Batten's dlaim. that tii. private proposai was less costly toWNhitby residents.' me municipallty would b. charged $155 pernbour for Ice Urne, Longfleld said, wiiereas user groupe would pay the Town $126 for youtiis and $155 for adults. "Excese .Ice at tiiat (privai.9) facility wouldn't .b. available at $155," siie said. 'Tih. rates would flot b. fixed for 15 years, tiiey woùld b. subject ta negotiation, and et the end of 15 years we wouldn't own anythlng," she added. "At some point in trne, we as -a council have ta act or we'll b. investigating ta the. day we« di," agr.ed councillor Dennis Fox, committee chair. "At one tfite couneil wae 100 per cent behind tiie concept of privai. enterprise getting involved, but as time went -on it became more unclear and we were flot certain that it was the, best deal for the. public," he said. "W. want ta keep, costé in lin. for the users and the bottom lin. is it won't cost taxpayers-one cent." An"other, robbery atT A lone bandit escaped'1wlth a smail amountofcash. after holding up the downtawn Whitby Toronto Dominion Bank ehortly before closing ie Friday evening. Police Bay tue robber enterod the 107 Dundas St E. branch around 7:55 p.m., approaciied a tefler and demanded money. Aithougii h. indicated h. had a gun, none waes een. No one was hurt ln the. incident and tue cuipnit wio's descrlbed as a white maie, about five feet nine inches and b.tween 170 and 185. pounds, fied on foot. SWitnesses say iie was wearing a burgundy coat, a black hat and a black scarf pulled up over bis lower face. The saine branch was robbed Jan. 4 by a man witii a simular description. Computer Problems? I - d14 Your computer may need cheekup! - Specialists in hardware and software troubleshooting - Ask about our 5 point checkup The Byte Doctor 668-9143ý Dundà .Colbourne St. M VOLUNTEERS The central Ontario brancii of the Kidney Foundation of Canada is looking for volunteere in the. Whitby area to assist with the. March drive campaign. Cali 1-800-387- 4474. NO CONDO FEESI BIG LOTI This fre"ý has a great layout * Young, ls 65xl83 feet a big enough kg for you? U it and is priSd to go quic4 et $153.M ousands contained a cozy, oomtortable detached bungalow in upgrades tool Perfection plusl. and was priced et $129,900, would you like Io learn DO NOT miss this onel more? Simply cal Stem Cooper et 905-619-9500

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