Page 16, Whutby Foee Pros, Wednesday, Febnjaiy 7, 1M9 *(ef {BROOKLLNI }oo By thestrne yau road hits. apsrdng nlght wlfl be 24 houm awaid mon" os f rhearsals wti mally produos what w. fervendy hope lBai e Mm beshwfor Ot audience. Thl isambon a fasclnating expodience. dlscovorlng a new craft and tooeîig how to utilize It under the guldance of direclor Diane Wlklnson and producer Ckjde Lavote. Diane neyer gave us part 2 of Othe spsoch,w and Claude, when he would see me pacig the bock of theatre, woul bock and forth, assuring me that my linos would corne and that ai would be wetl. The odar cat mombers have beon great I% a fumny thlng, you spend hours and hours wth these people speacng b each ather in dialogue and -havig very ItUne b get b krow each otier. So 1 decled bo cal dhm uptfils pt wek to Ulnd out who thnymally were. LainHeerson, who pays Max, Is in hNs 42nd shcow. Fie goos back b the St. Georges youh choir In Toronto, wheme by coincidence Lon and 1 appeared In 7he Gondoies, ans 0f the il Gltbert aid Sulvan operetis ho tisa dons. Ion, ai acoountant la a spocililt in last second replacements. A tew yeoes.bock ho was lttîng at home on a Sunday atternoon wMen ths plhone rang and a theatre comnpaiyhI Brampton woe callng because theïr kmnowas Il aid couid ho - asehslp thornm&ou. appy b, esays Lon, 0wheris yorfirst performne7 nThla Tuesdaye cane the reply. Lon had neoerplayod lat particla rote before, but #xiesho was on aperdng night singlng hNs heart out. Our hIgonue, Maggle, la ptayed by Donna Graham who, whon not enMtenlng us, works wlth tis toughost audience knbown bo humaind ... a Grade 4 cdam. Donna has dons elght shows from Arsenic and 0Wd Lace b Torch Song Trkrjy which rai at the Poor Toronto. Shes haplng diat hor next rote wil be In sormeatxy êana as, In her ow w,,s e Iseems b wnd up wearlng ligoris a ici" In tie rabs she's dons b date. She la *In tM second part 0f dhe tsmlly connxetion In tuila show playig opposite her brother Paul, aka the Belhop.' Uts hla sister, Paul Love works i education but tisa just racendy discoverod Iheatre. Fies dons lys plays I one.year aid la hoplng bD brancti aut hIto somne profossiona work In the future. The whole theatical procees la hits natural environmenu Watch out! The Urne may corne when 1Iwll be abeIosay, mi once shared a stage wîith Paul Love when ho was just startng out. ibe public* educatlon system las featIjred promnentty in aur cst. Chor>1 Maret who pays .maria, teachos music aid French.Fier §Mra rote was-hI kto the Woods In whtch ah. ptayed Cideroila. What bodi her audience aid students don't kmo aboutChorytla sher lae af moocce.Sho owns a Fionda 450, her favourite mode of transport it takes her ail mrOntario searching for liat perfée camping spot. Laurd Campbell (Diane) tisa spent her Ife ivotved In dis arts. From slnglng aid dancing tessons as a child, b cabaret theatre indiudlng profegsnl work which ted as far as a cosed audition for a puti Phanbm of hie COera, Lauret's Lt show wsa Dames at sea. She also aid cabaet trom Toronto b Caapy. Shotls cmecbr of the Durhamn Colege Cmmunily Choir aid Infarnou for thatAmewhen ... oaps, gotlago08 ale mngdonstars, see yOU RÉ dis show. 1 i For morei service is free of charge te lb. public. As well as providing accees to the Free-Net for the residents of Whitby, lb. Whitby Public ià brary is also an information provider on the Free-Net. The Wbitby Public Library home page gives information about hours, services and programs. Patrons can alo search lb. anlime catsWogue. *Elaine Yatulis, depà rtment head of techuical services and systems support, notes "The site will continue ta grow in lb. future and I welcome any suggestions regarding lb. home page." Board chair John Ecker extends an invitation to all residente te attend lb. official ribbon-cutting by Mayor Tom Edwarde' at the Dundas branch of lb. Wbitby Public Library on Thursday, Feb. 15 at 6:45 p.m. The Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Recreation provided funds for lb. purchase of equipment and the Town of Whitby provided a portion of matcbing funds. ~YuHOPE FARM eç Homemade pies, tarts & fresh pressed cider AL (no preservatives) ALAVAILABLE NOWM TOBOGGANING MOW AVAILABLEI 15 miles north of Whitby, on Lakeridge Rd. information, cati1655-3091 BNANAS 2901lb. rby SteLah Yep, pardiiers, its round-up limne again as the infamous Legend of Ashburn Gulch returne to the Thunderbird Golf Club corral. Al the cowboys and cowgals will be galloping in from the range to whoop it up at the big barn dance on Salurday, March 2, commencing at 8 p.m. The good folk at the Ashburn Community Centre Board will be putting on quite- a spread - including a haif-dozen heifers on the fire. And ah don't mean lime dancing, though thereMl be plenty -0' thal since the ladies have been taken lessons I heard. Aèide from being the beat tirne this aide of the Pecos River, this here hoedown supports Ashburn Canada. Day celebrations. Iles two big bits (that's $25 for you townies) a couple, or $12.50 a single, and you can stomp, eat 'nW clink and stomp some more ilîl lhe coyote's howl "Enough!". Give old Dsputy Steven Usher a holler at 655-3496. P.S. This shouldn't need-a- sayin'. But in case there's any muley-heads out there: Corne dressed in your western dudla cause there's prizes in them thar hilis. WL MEETING The next meeting of the Brooklin Wornen's Institut. is3 being held on Wedneeday, Feb. 14 at 1 p.rn. in the community centre on Cassels Road East. The topic will, be "Internal- Affaira," the motto, "peacekeepers" and, the convener is Aleta Campbell. Hostesses for the meeting are Vivienne Eckels and Bobina Nesbil. Ail Brooklin women, are welcome tb attend. SKI FOR HEART This Saturday, Feb.'10 ail you cross country skiera can bit the trails at Long Sault Conservation Area for the firet annual Ski for Heart event. Al skiers' are encouraged to collect pledges as this is deeigned as a fundraiser for COOKG 2 IL bag4l -I (WHILE QUANTITIES LAST) SBROOKLIN PHARMACY 65BLDWIN ST. BROOKLIN~ LOB 100 905- 655- 3301 i AFEBRUARY IS HEART &STROKE MONTH Didyo Know that you niave smoking. Minor risk factors are ::a fifty-fifty chance of dying of high biood sugar, diabetes, poor j heart disease or stroke? diet, over weight, and inactive Did you know that heart lifestyle. disease and stroke dlaim Why not change your diet and more lives in Canada than ail cut your risk factors. The other diseases combined? "Sirnply Heart Smart" cookbook L Major nisk factors in by Bonnie Stern can show you developing heart disease or how. For more information stroke aehg lo consuit your pharmacist or cati ipressure, hlgh blood the Heart and Stroke Foundation cholesterol and cigarette at 571-1582. 1. I:~j-J1$j-~itjj:[~ J .- Lj-ii fl---i [it1Ij-Jj.I the Hleart and Stroke Foundation. Although the. lding gets going, at il a.m., organizers wil ,b. putting candies along a portion of the trail ini the evening so that everyone - everyone with pledges, that is - wiil experience the rare pleasure ofsïkiing at niglit. Pledge forme can b. obtained from the Outdoor Inn. on Brock Street North in Whitby or by caliing the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority at 579- 0411. LUNCH This Sunday, Feb. 11lfrom 11:30 a.rn. to 4 p.m., Brooklin. and District Kinsmen will host their annuial 'Senior's Lunch' at the ILegion. Seniors wil be treated to Borne excellent food, entertainment and door prizes.j All seniors are invited to corne and enjoy themselves this Saturday afternoon. OPTIMPOTLUCK Brooklin Optimiste- will hold their Valentin~. potluck dinnerfsocial next Tuesday at 7 p.m. at Meadowcresit Baptist- Church. Phone 655-4434 for more information about the evening or about the club. CORRECTION For Playgroup registration at the Spenser comnunity centre, oeil 655-3016 (not 655-3010 as was stated last week). Bmuklin United Church Women will hoat Çupids Dessert & Card Party on Wednesday, Fob. 14, at 7 p.rn. Admission la $4.50 by advanoe ticket sales only. For more information and.-tickets, oeil 655-4559. Steve Leahy's column appew eveg week He ar be reached t ~ 5.4398 or 655-58 fx._ i MARTIN GABBER, with the aid of an overhead projector, explains the Durham Free-Net at an Information session at Henry Street High Sohool last week. The Whitby Public Uibrary has joined the Durham electronto network - with the province providing funds for equipment sato reNtsrie ttelbay-- and a ceremony will be, held on'Thursday next week marking the Photo by Jeromyq Drosar, Whitty Free Preas Library joins the Free.-Net The Whitby Public Là ibrary has joined lb. Durham Free-Net, Durham's electronic comrnunity network. Public access terminale have been instlled at the library's Dundas Street West main branch in the reference and lb. children's and aduit fifction departments and at the Brooklin and Rossland branches. The Durham Free -Net provides up-týo-date airline schedules, information fror MPs and MPPs, accoos tl, Durham Region libraries, and entertairnmsnt and leisure activities. Çontact can b. made with other free-nets li Canada and around the world. There is information for children available on lb. Kidz Web and School Net in areas such -as astronorny, computers and science. "This is an exciting, new community information source and we believe il is a valuable addition to our information resources ber. at t.he Whitby Public Library," says Nancy Harsanyl, chief librarian. Harsanyi also notes lb.