* * v Page 2, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, Januavy 31,* 1996 United Wa y cancels funding9 to th -ree' agencies .By Mark Reesor A $200,000 shortfall in its 1995 campaign has foroed the local United Way to eliminate funding to three cf its 40 member agencies. The United Way of Oshawa, Whitby and Clarington had set a goal of $3.2 million but has been able to colleet only $3,010,000. Kinark Famtly Services of Whfltby lost $47,000 in annual Community Development $32,000 and Oshawa-based Credit Counselling Service of Durham Region $18,000, although each agency te getting a three-month allocation to ease the transition. The. allotnient to another, Oshawa's Simcoe Hall, the largest recipient ofUnited Way funds, was eut from $300,000 to *200,000 and four other charities were denied increases. iFISIC CHIPS Look fortMe fIl iFfring FishI l*I r~ 1 N.W. Corner l_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _1__ _ _ _ 1 Thickson Rd. & 'Mndy gt2 o 1Fh&C i 1 Dundas St. E. - - I i 4~ l~ Monday Jan..22, Jan. 29, Feb. 5 and Feb. 12 Take out only. One coupon per custorner. Zakarow says it was "very difficuit" for the board to decide which agency to cut and there was "ia tremendous amount cf deliberation." The three agencies completely eut off reoeive inoney from, other government. sources and some have iurpluses "we felt they should u»e," says past president' Howard Smith. Ini the case of Sinico. Hall, "we have some concerne and have had some foi a few years about whether or flot they should be runnlng certain progranis and how efficiently they're 'doing theni,"l Smith says. "F]rni our perspective, this is a bit cf a wake-up caîl to them sayingy ou have to get on wtth the work c f deciding what on earth you're gÉoing to, do- and where you're going to put you;r Money."9 Ail four agencies are welcome to apply to have the funding restored again next year. Despite the shortfall, "we are very pleased that'the campaign went as well as it did," says United. Way president Marianne- Zakarow. "Naturally nobody is ever satisfied, 'you'd always like to colleet rmore, and more funds, but there's always another year.", Executive director Cindy Murray blames the shortfall on the GM employees' campaign, falling $90,000 short of its' goal, and unempîcyment in the government sector which came up $40,000 to $70,000 short of its goal. The GM campaign suffered because,,for the first Urne ever, agencyvyolunteers weren't alowed to go into the plant and canvas. workere on the lune. Murray notes, though, that I"GM has left the door open to go back in and talk to them'about the best way cf handling it (the.caxnpaign) this year." It's important to get people "more exclted" about supporting' United Way, says campaign manager Bob Howard. In - these difficult tues, It"s time for people to get passionate about giving to the United Way. When the campaign- does flot achieve its objective, there is unfortunately some pain in the comrnunity - let's get passionate about makdig sure it achieves its objectives."@ Visit the lobby of DUNDAS CENTRE' Wed., Feb. 7th, 1996 ï* 10 arn 2 prn Formore information cali: «J «rnda s ',geritÉr e SGuctrdian Drugc~ OPEN 7 DA VS A WEEK INCL UDING HOLIDA VS OPEN.: MON.-FRI. 9-9 SAT. 9-6 e SUN. 10-6 220 Dundas St. W., Whitby 430-2999 FREE DELIVERV GR,-ý ývt OFFICE HOURS: Mon. 9:30-6 Tues.-Thurs. 8:30-5:00 Wed. 9-5 Fri. 8:30- 1 Sat. Available WC are crirebratflng Our fifth 3W~Yt~I of practifl My nfstaf nd IWtb vouldlke to thanl< evelofle for theïr Mppstffand 1 Mthough we have lived inWWtÙ fr itehe ast fve a beeri a OY to be able to pract~ce nthscmU'Ytepa feyeS ardsreOur friends ar'd nelghin~ an er oo çowad to mafly yearS Of cOntrflg sr. e h commlùy anld wuld bc pleased tO ansWeta'Y questaofiS yuh regarding your dentl heath. Dun 668-3603. 'N 2 IEARJF '>narlWALK-AWAY ONLYm. 1996 COROLLA "OSD PLUS"v eAutomatic e Power Steering a Power Brakes * Air Bag AMIFM Cassette e Rernote Mirrors * Carpet Mats and Much More! $ * PER MONTrH! TrHE N EW WHITBY TOuYOT 1025' DUNDAS STREET WEST, WHITBY e*668-4792 or 686-2228 SALES DEPARIMENT- OPEN MON.-THURS. 9AM-9PM, FRI.-SAT. 9AM-6PM * *Plus tax. Due on delivery, $2i200 down payment or equivalent trade, freight &, PDI, 1lst payrnent & security deposit ($250), tax & license. Optionail buyback avaIlable., DRIV - E A NEW CAR EVERY 2 YEAR:Sj HWY 401 Jefffey St. Co w m MR