Whitby Free Press, 31 Jan 1996, p. 16

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Page 16, Whitby Free Prees, Wednesday, January 31, 199 Whity by'sdeath basvis of propose organd oray FR OM PAGE 1 Commons last October. and is currently at the comiitee level. So far there has been no opposition to the Whitby repres entative's efforts to make Canadians more aware of the press 'ing neeci for organ donation. It would be a day set aside when the House of Commons would recognize, through the Speaker, an honour roll of those who in dying, gave life to others," explaineci McTeague. "But the important thing would ho to bring about greater awareness of the neeci for organ donations," he saici. "Three thousand people at any one time in Canada neeci the gift of life, but for lack of donor cards and public awareness, only 300 of those neede are actually met. We just don't have the organs to meet the rieed." The impetus for McTeague's bill had its origins in a vigorous letter-writing campaign undertaken by Stuart Herriotts aunt, Linda Rumble. The Whitby resident made publie awareness of organ donation her pet projeet andi sent letters to politicians of ail stripesi and government levels seeking support. "I wrote to Prime Minister Chretien asing that organ donors be recognizeci in some way," said Rumble. "I suggested one of the possibilities was a private member's bill and Dan McTeague took it to heart," she said. Cancer mb sert*es underway tontght Information essential te cancer patients and their families will bo the focus of throe evenings sponsoreci by Hearth Place, Durham Region!s first-evor support centre for persona coping with cancer. Medical andi social service professionals with a range of expertise in cancer troatmont and patient care wiIl take part in the information sessions over the next four months at McLaugblin Library in Oshawa. A five-membor panel will tako part in the first session tenight (Wednesday) dealing, with Cancer and its Efficta on the Family. Panelists will include Dr. Luigi Pedretti of Bowmanville, a physician with specific interest in palliative - care; Heather Warkentin of the 'Leukemia Research Funci of Canada; social worker Angela AI-H1illal; Fran King, who teaches cancer coping Idlîs at McLaughlin Cologiate; Dan Ferguson, a judge in Whitby, whose wife, Anne, is a breast cancer surviv'or. Supporting thec Healing Prooesa with Alternative gteapies wil ho the topic of the sec«ond evening in this information serie te ho helci April 10. Dr. Richard Hasselback, a retireci breast cancer specialiet frgom Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronte, will speak at the third evemng on May 29. AUl three Wednesday information sessions. will take place at 7:30 p.m. in the auditorium of the library. Hearth Place -bas been organizeci te provide peer support, information, advuce andi therapeutie programs te cancer patients andi their families in Durham Region. INRSUCN WiN wine for 75% LESS than reta'il. Our ice wine is excellent quality using only imported juices. Wealso.carry a wide sel popular wines and beers S forget - at Brew Woî-ks, brew I1O batches - the 1 1 ection of -and donst when you th is free. fo our wdgo special ofrOde earl. w v Brbeondr Be W orks INC. We brew for you - no extra charge (you just add the yeast) DUNASSTHWY2à BURS-(n LICAIJ. 666nBREWI SCONSUMERS Unit #6 Whitby SWe accept competitors coupons * fHours: Mon.- Fd. ~11-9I Sat. 9-55 - e guranee o s eesatsfatio or w w -. rpla e urpesut "He did research into it and his bill went through first reading. His efforts have been overwhelming to say the least." Even though McTeague's bill is before parliament, Rumble will flot let the matter rest. She intends to contact aIl MFs who responded favourably to her initial letter. "I got a lot of encouraging responses. My next goal is writing the MPs andi asking them to support it," she said. In addition to lobbying politicians, Rumble bas discusseci the matter with officiaIs of Ontario's Multiple Organ Retrieval and Exchange Program (see story on page 4). She feels that a public education campaign is needed to flot, only to clarifS' any misconceptions or aleviate any conoerns people may have about organ donation, but also to stress the urgency of the problem. "In the Greater Toronto Area there are 25 chilciren waiting for organs, but only two of every 10 parents consent' to organ donation. "A good friend of mine is a nurse in pediatrie care at Sick Chilcrens Hospital andi she tolci me that the Most difficult part of her job is watching children due of head injuries and having their healthy organs go to heaven. with them." Rumble, however, realizes that organ donation is probably the last thing on parents' mincis when unexpectedfly thrust into such a situation; nor is it Iikely to be a topic for discussion around the dinner table in happier times. "People don't talk to their families openly about it," saici a solemn Rumble, "because you Whitby minor hockey HOUSE LEAGUE MINOR PEEWEE Jan. 28 Pinnaclo Phammuutcals 19 Jusn Gries 3. Kylo imklde 2, Jonathan Fuono, Grog Johnston, Adm Huret, Andin Stff) CX Auto Body 4 <Don CanrbelI, Ellioti Ftadiunns, John Gilard, Mii. Hendorson) Lnnox Drum 6 (Justin Bellieu 2, Rlymn Lswick 2, Rob Barrlt, Simd Chaprnan) Whitby Toyota 3 (Michael Kubrynsici. Mchael Naccarato. Bryan Niblett) Macs. Ladge 6 (Rob, Muir 3, lan Parker 2. Shmwn Goldnan) Johnson Building Piaducts3 (Tylerkarusseau 2. Srya Ahntie) Sisudis,, me et Jeu. 28 MDoossLdge 8 1 O 31 14 le Lennox Drum 5 3 1 34 29 il Pinnacli har. 4 4 1 43 36 9 C.K. Auto Body 4 5 0 37 39 8 Johnson Build. 3 5 1 35 44 7 Whtby Toyota 1 7 1 29 45 3 MAJOR ATM Jan. 28 Whitby Audio 6 <Kuitian HaiIas 3. Patrickir iu 2. AdamnDuth, shutout -.Drowi3,ckrifl) Lennox Dum 0 Biaoldin Kinsmnn6 (<St ackmnn3. gof Wells. AndSn Hiwson, Kye Abby. shutout -Joshua Shotier) WhitRy OptinisO Port Peny Mtai Pioc. 4 <LYichail Duthie. DrukSBonk, M& icalFniga,DainyiKonecny> Owasco 2 <Bian hard. LiamrnChncy) Jan. 21 Whîtby Audio 3 (Patrick Miler 3) Suooldin Kinsmin 1 (PU« GDo) Pott Peny M"taiProc. 2 <Gay Riddedofl ica Duthis) Whtby 0ptlý s1 <Scott fiae> Isinox Dium 1i(Ume iParish.shutout - nan> LaMmV) Osasco O sesofJeu. 28 W L T CF SA P P. Pery Metal 8- 2 1 50 33 17 SiookKlnsnun 5 4 2 41 30 12 Lennox Dcum 6 5 1 33 38 il Owasco 4 4 3 40 37 il WhitbyAudlo 5 5 1 47, 42 il WhltbyOptirnstul1 8 2 25 U8 4 neyer consider the possibiity of your child being the donor." Until one terrible day in March 1994, Sheila Hutchings of Whitby had neyer expecteci te face that decision. But when her 15-year-old daughter Kathleen succumbeci te heaci injuries as the resuit of a car accident, Hutchings knew exactly what te do. Hutchings granteci permission for Kathleen's iver, lddneys, two heart valves andi corneas te be useci for transplant, becauseas she tolci The Free Pres, Kathleen would wanted it that way., "She mentioneci it te me several times," Hutchings recalleci. "She had seen the form on the driver's licence andi couldn't imagine anyone being so stupici as te care about it andi not sign it." Hutchings saici ber daughter was a person with the maturity of someone much older. "The fact that she would take the time te think about it, let alone read what was on the driver's licence ... I'm sure she didn't think she would be one of those people (donors), but she couldn't ueo why others wouldn't." Hu4tchinge saici she underetancis why many people have a difficult time nialdng the ciecision te donate a loved one's organs, ospecially when the donor's own feelings on the subject are not known. "To be honest, the trauma and anguish at the time, you can't describe it," she saici. "But there was no doubt in my minci. There was neyer a question because of her." For Tim and Judith Herriott, the decision te cionate Stuart's organs WNOAATO JIan. 27 Prtsctos 4 <Diïvan Dadakt2. Kzlian Cunlils, Nathu GOR Mchianical 3 <Andew Elsan 2, Chili Bowki.) Kuiby Burges 3 <Jason Gordon 2, DirikJunldn.shutout -Paul Shauchnhssy) Dr. Semodtiuvs DileisO0 Bank ofMantrool 5 <Kyle Viwey 2, Grog Joy, Jonathan Danuwmla. Andow Crut.) WhRbyKinum 2 <Lhtthew Laffey. Andrw Finlay) MaTSgus Elctic 3 <Jarnes Sunat Lchai Italissas Bimd Taschulo .iorg's Drug Wmrehouuse 1 (Graham Knax4 s of an8. 28 BanikofMont. Mclsaguo Elac.i Kirby Sur i j.n's Drug Pmtectae GOS Mmchnical WhRW ylnsnun Dr. Smnîoiuk's TUC 1 35 0 32 0 25 0 17 2 28 0 27 1 il .ian. 27 Or. Kagtsu's Tin Grins 9 <. Siblock3. LR Mse3. BL Noordun. LRGalip.ault, S. Hannon) Lcoem 4 (Mt Leahy. B. Cudnubrs, G. Dionne,0. Cousins) Smiling Drilles 10 <K. L9irphy 3.A. Novia 3,& LtscEachar 2, S. Soirs.K. Stanf"d) T&D Stek & urper 0 AdvanagsAir ô <R. Cotranso 3. C. Jhair 2. S, Poupors> JaesirDick 2 <C. SNuinsmu. K. Hows) Whtby FS .Press 20 (S. Monulo 8. C. Litchid3. E. Boyce 2. C. Graham 2, C. Thomson 2,#A AI..ndv. MR Morgan. J. Kutch) Pickering Tile 2 (S. 0'Connell. N. Caunon) Jan. 23 Dr. KagsTin Grins 5<(. PhiiipeB. NoordmnnS. Hannon. R .Siblock.Lkt DiipeuN) &ntuing Dfilles 5 <M uphy 5) Lmcorn2 (D. Drake. B. Prisco) Jamnis Dick 2 <C. Buinn2) UtaofiJ". w L 1a Advntags Air 8 1 0OS'à sniI»ng Driierus ô O 4 71 Or. Kagetsa's 6 2- 2 54 WhiL FmsPress 6 2 1 5i T&D Steak 3 6 0 31 Imoem 2 62 3. Jamsflici 2 7 1 M PkctringTlhm O 9 ,O0i1 MINOR NOWR~ Jan27 Cuit Srwn Eltnc 2 (Callan Srnwn ScotFm=nu) also Came easily. "Although he was only 25 months when he passeci away, anyone who knew our son, knew he always likeci te sucoeed ln, anything he trieci," saic i Tm Herriott. "We knew that if he coulcint help himelf, he would ciefinitely want te help someone else. Bo when the doctors saici there was no hope, we tolci them anything they coulci do to help others they shoulci." The Herriotts later reoeivod a letter from the mother of a young girl'who receiveci Stuart's heart. 'They saici their prayers were answereci, they, had juet about given Up hope. That meant a lot te us," he saîi. Although he bas not been as active as hie sisber in Iobbying poiticians, Herriott has taîkeci te an artist about a project te coincide witb MdTeague's private member's bill. The artist bas agreeci te do a painting of an angel- "passing the gift of ife down te a'sick chilci in beci," Herriott said. He hopes te have, it completeci in time for the Hospital for Sick Children's finmrising telethon in the spring. On the anniversary of Stuart's death hast April, the family donated a rocking chair te the hospital. A brass plaque affixeci te the chair is inscribed with Stuart's name, when he was born andi dieci, anci the worcis 'He helpeci miracles happen', Herriott saici. "if people would only take time te think about it, before tragedy happens, I think there woulci be a lot more miracles happening." lb. Prudential 9<Shane <raham3. Erc Bown, Kmon Ksuit, Stephmn Hici., KM Nos% .John tkolmnd. Jeffrey WNH Awdl1<PterKnowles> OwascooVoflswaginSô <Gwsy MacGregor 3.TyW Dszan. Lewis Sayant, Chril Sanisi) Smoolin Logion il (LichaiiIo4. Devon Wright 2. Stephmn Basseur 2. 5dm Damu, RobsilCkmli Adum M.mny) su ofJam.27 W L T é A' P Cut Brown El. 8 1 0 65 33. 16 Brook.I.sglon 0 3 0 54 42 12 ClirrsContrac. 8 3 0 47 38 12 WLilAsdI.iy 3 6 0 45 57 8 The Prud«mn 3 ô 0 42 47 6 0»= cVoIl. 1 .8 0 35 71 2 s Jeu. 27 Md"chai iDi Bruoodln Lsgon 17 6, 23, Staphuau.rOmolLgion 17 3 20 Scott Fmn.CurtflsowXiih. 12 8 &0 KodyMuuainun, Cut Brown 15 4 19 Tr.vor MiKnnsy. CisContm .16 1 17 MichaelGorcayuMd. Om là 15 le1 JuL 28 AlIwyMochanlcm7 (Scott tiaêl4 TybsrJlnuno2. Whity Optimise <LMhI.nzPowr2, Shanh Vu.y CMr flos. Kyle Vousi) Pollard Roofing 6 (Coqy Agnsw 3. Chyon P.ndIobUri 2. AndmwLtMuhw floughby Iosvancsî(Méchoui TumuI Lccunouoh Jwihr,6 <Iau LMuitrl3. Simon Déran&t John CanMbuI-LLu. Anrhuw Cible) .IUIy'sDug WUimhousB <KbDnlulTurir2. Da"n Wuom2. Jordmn PMat Inii a) WhitbTrophy Homus3 <Kvin Stephn 2. Carnern Lonu4 Play Again Sport 3 (Eicflsg3) se i Jeu. 28 V L T' OF AM P .Imy'sDng 8 0 1 36 23 13 floughieyms à 2 0 39 24 10 LtCuIIougI 4 2 1 42 38 9 Ahlay Le& 4 3 0 45 46 8 Podald dloof. 3 <4 0 32 29 8 WhibyTtiph 2 4 1 27 41 5 PlaymRAgoln 1 5 1 33 49 3 Whtby Optmisti1 6 0 37. 42 2 esofJan. 28 Coty Rlom .Lforabm CanurnLonm io Ltàt Enc Paga um.mcnmn claytofPendibuly 17 3 19 0 16 2 l6 1 12 3 il 2

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