Whitby Free Press, 24 Jan 1996, p. 6

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Page 6. Whtby Fiee Pies, Wodnesdiay, janumiy 2 M99 The only Newspaper owned and operated by Whîtby resîdents for Whitbv residents! MEMBER 0F: CANADIAN O NTARIO COMMUNIT Y VRFICOMMUNITY NEWSPAPER CRUAIN NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION ISSN#0844-398X The Whitby Free Press is distributed free to 99% of the homes in Whitby, Brooklin, Ashburn & Myrtie as well as numerous public and commercial outiets in Whitby, Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering & Port Perry. 28,000 COPIES DELIVERED WEEEKLY SMAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE Canada $36 -1 GST - Outside Canada $85 + GSI Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario mc. 900 Hopkins St. /Box 206, Whitby, Ontario Li N 5S1 Phone: 668-6111 Out of town: 1-80066f8-0322 Fax: 668-0594 Doug Anderson - Publisher Maurice Pifher - Editor Alexandra Martin - Production Manager Printed on newsprint with minimum 20% - recycled content using vegetable based inks. CAIl wnitten materlali illustrations and advertising contained herein is protected by copyright. Any reproduction by any means for commercial purposes without the express permission of the newspaper is prohibited and is a violation of canadian copyright law. Reproduction for non-commercial distribution should bear a credif fine to the Whitby Free Press. "We want it., too." To t .heeisr. Stop the construction To the edtor: kiresonseIo ur polians' pleas ta speak Up regarding the Golden Report on GTA roform, -same of us foot quit. Indfferont ta aur Town and Regon coundîls' anger, resentmoents a aimover the passibility of lbslng controI if the GTA lias fts way. (Mayor Edwards states thet I resient have a probîem, wo cati go ta any council or committes meeting and get a fair heautng). About three yoars ago, a fsw af the residonts livng i Gardon Stroot and Rossland Road suffored thraugli contamlnated and dry wmils causod by encroaching devolopmont that sumrounded aur'praperties. Athaugli ws went thraugli the procoas of appeailng ta aur Town and Raglan councdts over a long periad of time, espodaiy when you are wlthout watsr, aur Town council refused ta eiincaunctî was a ns day away fram flnallzing a doal wth Graywaad Developments for the building ot the Rossland-Garden plaza when we, as long-standing rosidonts ai Whitby, wers forcod ta 1lie aur appeal ta the Ontario Municipal Board which was the only avenue open ta us. If à wasn't for fate lntervonlng, we would have been ans day booalete evon file aur appealtot the 0MB.. We gat aur water, but respect for thes two counis is now gone. There ia stil a portion ai a main, sidewalk alang the northeast corner af Gardon al Rossîand that lias nover been compluted and fil aves a vey dangrous area for pedstransIo akThe sldewalk snawpbw cannot clear Rt property as the «As af mud are tao rougi, and. when irs wet tram the spiltoVer tram the roa and h f reezes over, I know l'm to nervous te walk an h as I amn a seniorand woul bearaid oftfading. on this negîected Town property. This sidewak hlas not buen completed due te the at~ that the Town w>uld have ta purchase a sllver of property off the end afi-'the dniveway tram the resident al the cormeraif Rossland and Gardon. W. ceulalnly hope no ans will be injured along thîs, short walk aiea,- but condom tram-aur Town or RegIon ooUncbsfor pedsriana appaiontly la There are deep puddles of watoî on the -raad alang the curb and sldewak, due ta an aprent error ln the construction aithisroad, andff you. happen te be waîking. on the sldswalkand a car goos by, yau g9 drenchod tram head ta tas wlth dirty wato. Ths samne busy aiea, that lias no poured sldewalk, tIlla Up wlth Metr up ta tour ta fivo Inches deep, as ht la oontained b y the snow on elilier aide af the walkway. Ws have asksd for help ta correct the defauh iln the road IseIf, and askod that the sidewalc bo comploted. At the lime we weîe laid by councilîlr Dennlx Fox that there was no monsy avallable ta complote thîs short sidewalk. But at 1h. same lime aur Town was Pîoceeding wlth an open green prkway ta the soubli ai the munIcipalbtuilding,,at a cost of about $1.5 million. Someimos you just have ta, shaks youî hoad ln wonderment. Gel a fair hoarlng? We havent been aware af that yet. Porliapa if enougli pedostrians would complain ta the Town and Raglan about thîs nagloctsd, dangerous aiea, somlething might get done r- If these councita don't panlc ovor the prospectaoa the GTA happonina. Marg MeKnight Whtby- To the odltor: The Jan. 17 Fiee Pissa article regardîng Jim Prlests commenta ta Town council lias suffidemly ralsed my Ire lo prompt this letter. . mem, ere scoirectly, Mr. Pultliasatempbed taprocurs a seat on coundil on two difforent occasions. At ne time, and 1ladmit I may have missed R. do 1 recal Mi. PrisaI doctaring he would not aoeept a salar or bunofts it sîectod. Mi. Prist, if yau ais preparea ta 51mbe - ovosypublicly and ln wrttng -tht youwdîlnot accept romnuneration af, any klnd from'the Town and uldimately the, taxpayers 9 ln ~dkianyfuture eleikons8, thon 1 To the edîtor: Capy of loIler ta Durham Board of Educatian trustées I arn very unhappy wlth the situation that lias unfalded rscentlv concemlng the new unnamed Anderson public achool. I can't belleWethai coonstruction was ever slaubed on this schoî, tho public lias nover buon ln favaur ai thîs schaol. Anyono wlth any common sense waullook etthéomapaofWhltby and the location of the schools whlch exist and ask wohy are they building anothor echool in this aiea?" Thoy would ask why thero wauld bu busing an an aiea that b ailroady otmael saturated with Anderson CVI and St. Theresas trafflc. My chlldron attond Pringlo' Crook Public Schacol. Dospibo the aveoecraîshaal lias a gaod replation. st ai the parents aie happy wlth aur schaol and do nat wattheir, children ta change schools. But apparontly we, e taxpayers, the4people who pay the trutés' alrle, ave no say whatsoevor ln the anything that the Durham Board af Education decidos. For example, when the majarlty ai parents eqrse their opposition ta the ail-day-every-other-day kindoîgarten' prograrn, did the trustées listen? No, they wont ahoad and lmplemented il anyway, citIng that it was necessary ta save money for busing. The amazing thing is, thoro Is no busing aI aur school. Sa, whore lb the aavlngs? I understand you foot l RwII bunofit the rural aiea chibdren. WeI thon, Impement where it bs requlred, nat whore kilb not wil gladly valunteer my services ta assist you tln obtalnIng a seat an Whitby caunicil. Yf you are not propaied ta do this, perbapa h latUme ta tuin yourcoestly, nagative . ad time-consumning diatribe into somsthlng worthwhilte. To Mmn oui councilois te podophilea is reproensble and uncanscianablo. We are ln bauli limes. Oui town la oneo f the bost, anid whIle 1 do flot' always agio. with ailactions taken by our olaed Town ropiosontatives, for the miost part they do a dam good Job. Town taxes have tiot increasod in the lest few pears; new business is being generatsd anid ws are certainly a tare te bu reck(oned wh ln thorion. ~udloa wanted. Thepi and only then WAIIlyau real be saving any ffioney. I faIIto urderstand hôwyou can jushffy busing the childron In our aiea ta the new school, when we are a 1O0-ri*iutowalcla Pringlo OreeK. I fail ta undorstand haw this ochool ls addresslng the -avercrowdod Issue when you aetyng to implement the "modified achool yoar program. I fait to undorstand how thîs addresses the overcrowdod. Issue when, registration includes ail of Durham Roglon (folowlng the Whltby -aiea regi stration). We do not want aur children expased ta the high sohool clImats at Anderson. We do not feel that the students gain' the educèian as sarcasticaily mentlonod In the loUter af Janîs Leeutng ir, the Jan.'17 Fiee Press. The realty ls that there Is a different autîaak by. students attending high schooî ta thase attending public schaol. Unfartunately, there are prabîemns with drugs, vialence, etc. whîch da exiat at Andersan -- which cancerns- a srnalpartaofthe ppulation. But as In ai thing these are the people and situatians which seom ta gain ail the attontian. kIs oa ne thlng ta have the schoals aIde by aide, but qulte yet anather when one la behlnd the other. The traffic prabîems that exlst ln this area wAl only be escalated.' You must remembor that the Intersectian 'ai Manning and Anderson la one of the most dangerous ln ail of Durham Reglan. Are we nat puttlng more oa sran on an airedy difiu situation? I beileve that construction on thia school shauki bestpe until some klnd 0 f agreementca be made the lowest pald. Give tlism a break Any hikx uai who runs for elected olllcsiWhtby is not dolng so tagot ricli, cheat tho tax mari, or "double cHpr as lias been Indlcatod. Perliaps Mr. Prieatslioullum n s wrath tawaids our legal system whlch albws the probabltlty ot an acuhIal (based on self.delence) ta an erlmitted dopo-doaling, gun- toting, polic killer. Or liow about oui Ioderal îpoikies whîch allow apension foir fstâaa mani, who km any othsî country would' be. charged with tîsason, for attempfingtIodestroy hisoeuntry. Mr. Pdest~ for these Issuosyou- miglit gel supparL between the parents mnd the board. From what I understand, the gavernment can cancel contracta at any tUme. ,In the event, thet canstruction cannot-be halted, thon there aie a few other things that.this achool could be used for. French Immersion; special needs children <includlng the, "gmfed program); modlfed school year children for, those who want Il; specil educallon for aiea schaaîs, ýle."teIýnkca program. If we ould gel construction hafted altagether and determlne *that the schaoîl I not neoded, maybo, just maybe, we' could tum RI mb an arena. Gee, cauldn't the school" board mako bots of maney on that? Just athaught. Mr. Smyka and. a those Involved In this school feel that the numbers exist for thls schaol ta open under the madlfled track. If that la so, then expîain ta me why yau have se up Opraposed boundariesr and then have modlflod thase boundaules ta Include my area. I spake ta board platiner Lews Margulla and ho laid me that when and If the decisian Is made that the reglatrallon numbors aie not what are requlred for this achool, then suporlntondent Carol Yeo wauld then m"lc the decisian an the baundarles wibhout Input fram the pubgQc.1 cannot bellove this. Mr.Smyka lias blid me that there would be public, Iniput. Who -amn 1suppoaed tb beleve? A190, oould yau pbase tell me why Mr. Smyka b staatPuingîe Creek- school. Once ho was named the principal af the new schaol, lihe shouki have Mef and aur new' = cpiappalnbed. I cannot see- whe can manage aur echool and be Involved wtth ai the contr ov«SY and the setting-up af the new schol R bS amazing that ho was allowed tapta float ln the Whltby'Santa Clauspaae.cancming the new schoaLIo astePringle Creok Publc School -children who worked on the float and the band fram bur schaol played on the float durlng the parade. Do we know who oui new Principal wfiIl be? That would b. ne. lb would be botter stili If- ho were et the school naw. I sincerely hope that yau read tIlis letter and understand that if 'the baundaules aie changed for the ne* unnamed Andersan schaol' ,ta iclude thîs area, there wlll bu manry, many unhappy parents, espedaIlly follawlng the building ai the OTaj Mahar Education Centre. Showv us the yvu reatly do cars for' out chlldren and do the riglit thlng - hait construction of lhla7 new schoo. Neglect Councilors'do a good job

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