Whitby Free Press, 24 Jan 1996, p. 24

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Page 24, Whltby Free Press, Wednesdav, January 24, 1996 BM.PBOYBNT ALLAL TYPING AT my home, resumes, reports spreadsheets. WordPertect, Microsoft Word, and Lotus 1-2-3 programs available. Aiso have fax machine. Donna 666-2364. YOUR A'D! 668*09 1 .AG.Gee.l sn *Home i mprovements e Fnished, basements e Hardwood floors *AIl Types trim work e Mantdes a Free esimates CALL MARK 666-9429 ACCURATE CONTRACTING " Home Improvements " B&sements *Building Maintenanoe a DîywalI- Stucco - Painting FREE ESTIMA TES a 905-66621851 Computer Clinic * upgrades & repairs * diagnostics &,tuneups * new and used parts * on site service available by Certified Technician Rence (905) 404-9434 MATURE HOUSEKEEPER mari, =easof expenience. Great rernces & flexible in price. Cali 430-0272. OLYMPIC PAINTING - professional painting & wallpaper. Intenior/exterior. No job f00 small. 3 yrs.gquarantee. For go.od prices & gooiwork, eau George at 725-7870. Free estimates. TWO EXPERIENCED women wil clean your home or ap t. Reliable hard workîng, reasonabie rates. Cal) Bonnie 666-8639 or Maggie 430-8769. INTERIOR PAINTING. - our experienced and professional people wiil take care of your general p ainting requirements. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. Cil Peter at 655-3566. ÉND YOUR housecteaning nightmares. Calil Patricia for immaculate results low pnices, efficient, dependaibie service, mature responsible individual. Fr.. estimates. 430-3383. CINDYS ALTERATIONS - Corne see us for ail your sewving needs. Leather, zippers, also- men's taiioring available. Tues.-Fni. 10-5:30Y Sat. 10-3l133 Byron St. N. Pearson Lanes 4à0-6550. CALL A PRO! SFOR WHEN IFE BRINGS ,~YOU ASHOCK ORPNWO! Just check the CALL A PRO section and let the pros do the job! You can compare and choose froni the erices you'I find there! HERB -A 42-1580 327116 à Ag ,CALL AL VOUR #1 SEWING CENTRE. Sewing machine repairs. Ali makes. 10% eniors' discount. Compiete tune-up from $29.95 + parts. Factory trained technicians. For free pick-up & deiivery cati 432-7375. HOUSECLEAMNG. Housecleaning avaliabie, free estimates references, residential and commercial. Some Thursday and Friday appointments available. Cai Archer Maid Services 725-5622. FLOOR REFINISHING - wood renewers wiii do a professionai job of your sandin , refinished and stainin g need s. Alil work guaranteed. 655-3566. ARE YOU A HANDYMAN but don't have the trne tools or knowhow. Cali Brookhiii Àkenovations and we can work with you f0 get the job done. Free estimates 655-5293. HENK KARELSEN Painting& Home Repaîr. Quaity work, intenior/exterior. Over 20 years expenence. No job too smaii. Free estimates. 1-800-423-0823. PAINTING & PAPERING "LET George Do -it . Reliabie expenenoed, quaiit work. Special rates for seniors. Fexible hours, prompt service, free est imates. Phone George 666-1168. P RO0F E S SI1 ON A L HOUSECLEANING at affordable prices. Team of two wiii dlean w eeki or bi-weekly. Very reliabie, refeences available. Free estiate. 905-579-657. HOME RENOVATIONS & restoration. Plans, inspections, scifications, carpentry, piumbing, eectrcal, windows, energy conservation., Cali Jacques of Aifl ITrades, ASHRAE #2053385, 666-0993. SUPREME PAINTING& Waiipapeirn, serving Durham Region for 10O years. Residentiai. Excellent rates. No job f00 smnall. Free estimates. Senior discounts. Cali John 725-5764. AFFORDABLE, QUALITY. Curtains and draperies. Custom made to your specification. For free consultation and, estimnate cail So Right (905) 985-0430. DO0 YOU find there's no time for household chores? Look no further. Cail for your free estimate on housecleaning today. Referenes availabie. 668-9587. ""HANDYMAN WlTH a van" wiil do household'moving clean-ups and removai, general. repairs and eiecticai work. Cail Doug (905) 434-7874. PAINTING, WALLPAPER, quaiity work, best material used. For those who deserve more for their money. Cail Joe 721-2706, please leave message. BLIZZARD SNOW 'PLOWING& Property Maintenance. Book now for ail your snow piowînig needs. Seasonai rates' avuilable. Residentiai & commercial. 430-8106. BUSINESS OPPS.,' TRAVEL AGENCY - INVESIMENT $14.995. Full Training and Ongolng Support. Full-time/Part-time, Home or Office. Many Travel Benefits. LIMITED AVAILABILITY. T.P.I. Canada Inc., 1- 800-799-9910 or 1- ,204-987-3322. GOVERNMENT FUNDS.,Govern- ment assistance programs informa- tion available. For your new or exist- ing business. Take advanftage 0f the government gra nts and.lbans. Cali 1-800-915-3615. HOME BASED SELLING EXER- CISEWEAR/DANCEWEAR. Part/- full-tme ýat fitness clubs, -house par- ties. Generous profits. Canadian made. Free information. Finelines, 2768 Dufferin, Toronto M6B 3R7 (416)795-7788. NOW IN ONTARIO. NEW SPACE AGE- ROOF COATING. Exclusive Roofsaver dealership available ln your area. THERMO 2000 an elas- tomeric.seamless coating that totaliy seals and proteots a roof from the elements with no need t0 reshingle. Haîf the cost'of rerooflng. Excellent for metal, concrete, walls and other surfaces. Prolv;en effective in thou- sands of residential and commercial installations. Investment 0f,$12.950 includes inve ntory, protected territo- ry, fuîl company support and train- ing. For info-pak cali collect (416>398-7663 or fax (416)398- 7689. DO YOU LOVE PETS, MONEY AND INDEPENDENCE? For free infopack, caîl 1-800-896-8113. .CAREER TR.AININGý. BE A SUCCE SSFUL WRITER... with our great home-study course. Cail for your FREE BOOK. 1-800- 267-1829. The Writing School, 2486-38. McArthu-r Avenue, Ottawa,ON, Ki L 6R2. A NEW CAREERI Learn Income, Tax Preparation or Basic Bookkeep- ing. Tax d eductible certificate cours- es. For free brochures, no obliga- tion: U & R Tax Schools, 1 345 Pem- bina Hwy., Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2B6, 1-800-665-5144. Enquire about exclusive franchise territorles. FOR SALE KARAOKE - Mr. Entertainment, Canada's largest karaoke dealer, has the largest selection of singa- long tapes and related karaoke products. CatI now for our free cata- logues 1-800-661-7464. SALES HELP WANTED $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ Make a lot of money selling chocolate bars. New products available. Nothing to pay in advance. Fast delivery 1-800- 383-3589. - MEDICAL. NEW HEMORRHOIDS? Chronic Constipation? Cure themh yourself wlthin 24 hours. 100% SAFE, no Medications or Laxatives. To order FREE information please cati ': OrthoneuroiogicalIinstitute 1-800- 881-1067., PAY,. TEL.EPHONE SERV.ý HAPPY NEWý YEARI 'New Romance, Cash windfail or Career Changes? Let our LIVE PSYCHIC$ unveil yQur future. 1-900-451-3778, 18+ 24-hrs., $2.§9 min l.C.C. HEAVENLY PSYCHIC Answers. Friends of thousands. Ask for Free Astrochart. 24 Hours, $2,.99/mln 18+. 1-900-451-3783.. CANADA'S MOST'GIFTED psy- chics have answers' to your prob- lems or questions about health, love, reiationship, money, Iucky numbers. $3.49/mlnute, 18+, 24 hours, 1-900-451-4336. GOT A CAMPGROUND member- shlp/tlmeshare? We'II take iti Ameni-. cas largest, oldest re sale ctearing- house. Resort Sales International 1 - 800-423-5967. Timeshare rentais needed. Cali 24 hours a day. STEELBUILDINGS*: ALL STEEL BUILDINGS...'Rock Bottom Pricesl' Manufacturer- Direct. Straight Sides. ý0 x 30 $2,788.00; 25 x 40 $4,172.00 25'x 34 $3,944.00. 30 x 50 $6,433.00. 30 x 44 $6,188.00. Others. Ends Optionai. Econospan 1-800-668-- 5422. STEEL BUILDINGS - Quonsets 25X30 $5462 30X40 $6593 35X50 $8478 S. Series,,.Straightwail S25X30 $5922 530X40 $6999 End- walls and Siiding Doors included. CalI Future Steel 1-800-668-8653. BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Straitwall Type - not quonset - 32x54 $9460, 40x72 $14,233, 50x90 $20,443, 60x1 26 $31.314 - other sizes avallabie m misc. clear- ance. Paragon - 24 hrs - 1-800-263- 8499. 5DAY CANALCRUISES: Explore Ontarlo's heritage waterways aboard the newly expanded 38 pas-' senger NKawartha Voyageur'. Enjoy the reîaxed atmosphere, home-style cooking and cheerful crew on the calm waters of the Trent-Sevem.and Rideau Waterway. Send for brochure to: Ontario, Waterways, Box 135 Main, Orillia, -ON L3V 6J3 or cati 1-800-561-5767. I _____________________________________________________________________________________ .CLASSIFIED MARKETPLAC E "A dve#rtise A cross, Ontarlo orA cross the Country", () 0 OSHAWA o DRIVINO 1SCHOOL "172 Kli St. E. Suit. #301 CO COshawa . 728-0091 Fuil Ddvers Education Gourses FEBRUARY 13TH Tues. & Thurs. 4 week course FEBRUARY 17TH Saturdays 4 week course Enroil now for March break PRIVATE LESSONS. REGISTERED & APPROVEO 8V THE .SA.O. AND O.S.L t . e Ifsa Affordablee* Its Faste* Its Easy e One B-it Does It AUl a*Northem Ontaro $79 à Eautem Ontario JU$19 *Western Ontario $130 le central Ontarlo $134,» Ai Onarlo $3M4 *National Packages Available . Cail this paper for details!' --i 9

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