Whitby Free Press, 24 Jan 1996, p. 22

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Page 22, Whtby Fmo Prose, WecfrIeday, Januaiy 24, 199 ROBRIE BUERNS The. annuel Robbie Burns' supper 1e at St. Andrew's Preebyterian Church, 209 Cochrane St., Whltby on -Friday, Jan. 26, 7 p.m. Followlng roast beefdlnner (complet. with haggis), there will be a speaker, highland dancers and sing-song. Tickets are $13 each or two for $25 for aduit,. and $5. for those aged' 10 and under. TIckqts are available in Witby at Ferguson's Wool Shop, Big V Drugstore, Halenda'., 965 Dundas St. W. or from the church office (668-4022). CHILOBIRHEDUCATION The Childbirth Education Association of Durham has volunteer positions available for women who have an interest ini childbearing issues> and community education. An information sesion wiil b. held on Mond~ay, Jan. 29, 7:30 p.m., at the Durham Regional Police station et Westney. Road and Harwood Aveniue in AjaX. IEL!)NATURALISTS Durham Rtegion Field Naturaliste will meet Monday, Jan. 29, 7:30 p.m., at Northview PublieiàbraryOshawa. Dave Dunnigan, superintendent of Darllngton Provincial Pairk, will discues the parks masterpian and the rois naturalias could play in its development. FAMILY SKATING On the weekend of Jan. 27 and 28, 1 te 4 p.rn., the. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority wlil hoat a family skating party at Heber Down Conservation Area (sujet to weather conditions). On the day of the event, cail 655-4843 for up to, date information about the event. BIRD FEEDER TOUR CLOCA staff will conduct a tour of the bird feeder trail at Lynde Shores Conservation Area on Sunday, Jan. 28,, starting at 2 p.m., from the. parkcing lot. The hike is free. For more information, cail 579-0411. BREAAST CANCER The Oshawa and District Breast Cancer Support Group will meet on Thursday, Jan. 25, at Kingeview United Church (corner of Wilson & Adeleide St.) 7:30 te, 9:30 p.m. For more information, oeil 725-5349.* MSSOCIIT The Durham NS Society will hold a support group meeting on Monday, Jan. 29,7:30 t 9:30 pm., In room 3027, Durham Board of Education headquarters building, 400 Taunton ]Rd. E., Whitby. Cal 686-1801 te conflrm attendance. ONE PARENT PAMIY The On. Parent FamIly Association of Oshawa & Whitby will meet on Tuesday, Jan. 30, 8 p.m., at the Adria Culturel Club, 432 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. For more information, caîl Glen at 579-7915 or Debbie at 404-0629. MMIorLYOMSpg&U" A fr-ee seminar for women, regarding RRSPs, will ho held Satuir1ay, Jan. 27, 10 a.m. te noon, Saturday, Feb. 3, 10 a.m. to noon, or Thursday, Feb. 8, 15 and 22, 7:30 te 9 p.m., at 580 Klng St. W., (corner of King and Stephenson). Cail Riioda at 725-4142 for more information and te reserve a seat. AWARDS The Whitby Junior Chamber of CommercelJaycees will hold the firet annual emerge ncy Services awards on Thursday, Jan. 253,7:30 p.m., at the Whitby Chamber of Commerce offices, 128 Brock St. S., Whitby. They will honour the outstanding police officer, firefighter and. ambulance personnel who haveý shown outBtanding leadership and service within their profession and within their community. For more inormation and reservations, oel Jim Bradfield at 668-1529 or 430- 3245. PARENTS Parents Without Partnerp Chapter #204 will meet Thursday, Jan' 25, 8 p.m., at St. George's Church, (upais) 51 Centre St. S., for John Grey's video; Men are from Mar4, Wmen are fr-om Venus. For information, oeil 571-542 or 723-1699. BROOKLIN } Kurnon cornes8ookli FREZ-NET Ani information'session about the D>urham Fres-Net, Durham'é community-based computer res'urce facity, will be presented by the Whitby Public Làibrary and the Durham Free-Net at Henry Street High School, room 307, on Wednesdy, Jan. 3 1, 7 te, 8:30 p.m. Register by calling 668-6531i ext. 3. BLOOD DONORS A blood donor clinic wlll b. held Tueedgiy, Jan. 30, 1:30 te 8 p.m., at the, Whitby Leglon Hall on fflron St. S. The Red Cross also needs sponsors and volunteers. For more information, oeil the Oshawa office at 723-2933. Refbrm Party NP Ed Harper will bo in Ajax tonight (Wednesday) te discuss Reform's challenge te Canadians te solve national unity problems. Harper will also speak at the local Reform constituency association's annual general meeting tonight, 8 p.m., at the Annandale Country club, Ajax. h .4 .. . By Steve Leahy At the request of several parents, Mohammed Rahim, an instructor with the Ajax South Kuinon Centre, is holding classes at the. Brooklincommunity centre on Tuesdays from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Rai ays that Kinon is-the world's moat succeseful, after- school math program in the world with 2.2 million s3tudents, participating. Designed te supplement regular echool, the Kumon method of learming math is based on individuel programe and independent-learning. There is no- direct teaching involved. Stuldents spend 15 te 20 minutes every day at home doing sets of exercises at tei own level, of difficulty until they have mastered them. 'There is no magic here, it ijuut practice," says Rahim. While- there are no tests, students do not move on te their next, levol until they can get 100 per cent on 200 or 300 questions in an eoercise and it only takes 15 te 20 minutes time te complote them. Given enough time in the program - -four te* six montha - Rabim says virtually any child can become an %A! student ni math. Kumon was started by Japanese math teacher Toru Kumon in the 1950s when his own son was having difficulties with the subject. Kumon believed that by matching the learning materials precisely te the individual student's current abilities, they wýould enjoy learning and become more confident because they would soon achieve 100 Per cent. Rahim says he started offering Kumon in Brooklin because several local parents who were travelling te Whitby for Kumon thought there might ho enough interest here. Students from ages three to 15 are welcome and free diagnostic tests are offered at the commnunit centre on Tuesdays. Students can etart at any time and it costa $60 a month. There ie a reaistration fee of $40. zi BROOKLIN PHARMACY. 65 BALDWIN ST. BROOKLIN LOB iCO 905-6,55-3301 SWhat can be done about bad breath Bad breath is mostly due to brushing gently. Try using ~bacteria in an unclean a "baking soda toothpaste, ~jmouth and can often be which is more abrasive. Sremedied by better mouth Use a "Water Pik". Try a Scleaning. Bad breath may mouthwash -of hait Salso be due to periodontol hydrogen peroxide and hait - S(gum) disease. water, used as a rinse. Or Brush the teeth at Ieast try the bacterial j three times a day and floss mouthwash "Listerine". Ionce daily. Clean the Consuit your Pharmfacist, - tongue before bedtime by Dentlst or Hygienist. . . . . . . . . . There is also a Kumon reading program available. For more information, oelý 571-7200. Luncheons at noon to resume Wheels to Meals luncheone will resume in Brooklin on Feb. 14. Ail seniors from the Broolin area are invited to attend the luncheons held at noon at St. Thomas Memorial Hall, Brooklin. Cost je $3.50 for lunch, with a short entertainment program following. For more information, oel 655-3187 or 655-3883. SupIport la appredated To the. editoir The. planning committee for Wheels te Meals wishes te thank ail who assisted in any way with Our luncheons in 1995 - those who prepared and served the ýfood, ,worked ini the kItchen, provided programa, came for lunch, clergy from the varlous churches, choirs from Meadowcrest and St. Leo chooS, students from St. Leo who came te help regularly. Exoess fumds were donated ln Deceniber te the Whitby YMCA, St. Elizabeth Viâiting Nurses, Childrens Aid Sciety Christmas Hamper Fund (familles), Windreach Farm and St. Thomnas' ktitchen fund. LuncFheons begin again Feb. 14, at-noon ln St. Thomas' Memorial Hall, Brooklin. Aàme Budd, Mary, Forbes, Pat Jadmuon, Bouule PengeUly, KRISTY NILETT, 10, watches the bail atter takcing a practice shot at the recent St1 Lea Knights of Columbus youth baskelball free throw competition held at Meadowcrest Publie School i.nBroolln. Moreomn events on page 27

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