Whitby Free Press, 24 Jan 1996, p. 20

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B.XVWtA8ALE COPY Page 20, Whitby Free Prou, Wekiosday, Januazy 24, 199 David Leflernas Mas bis Top Tn list, and rnow 1 amnpleased 1b intoduce, for the first ârne, nv personal Pet peavo lat. S1.-.People who. use debit cards i the express 'i.n, figocey store checIcounw anid th. stores who allow tfus. An ex ress Un la letiecally a plce for people wlthonly a fowINoms who are In a bit of a rush. So Ihere yeore Inlne, ina uyh ing a fin of tuuuaanid a la~fbn for the day lnch whon the poison In front of you flot only exceeda 1hw elght- Itema-or-les rule, ,but compounds It by p<lliflg out 0(1 éttof.e accursed carda. 0f Course, âhecashîer bas to run ID anoiluor dsk for "Ie nput machine and R nno goes through knmediatel because someone punches * in the wrong nuber or fluecomputer goos By the lime aiW transaction lu actiJlIy comnplebte unexpresslUne has . ilplod In àize. The oliio custome roe hoppIng mad and iR woulhaue been fluter if you bad siood In lmebehid eaperson who was shopping for a famfly of 10. Perhape somoone out #herecaexplain uohy supermarkets do not. hae a *cash only'Une? 2. Siueakfrgof cards anid banks, my next pet peove lu wifliI#xSe f inanial Institutions- who offor a financlal Incentlve evey thule you use ani oetomatc toler machine. Why not sklmply put up a bg sIgn"ver the door saylng -we no longer want ID10 salariesanid benefte b0 al human bekugsa nid heïr chikken, please help us iay off mor wokors anid create morKm unemploymentand hoartbroak.' Thore are, of course, lims who argue #wt ueme macNnos lare simply mo efficlet Hau, nobody can mess LÇ Ike a computer." W. Ieamoed Ma afler w dischiargeé%our mortgge lu Calgay anid ur bank iýMMrew not Just cm1 but *Mo morigage payments on a mortgage that no longer existd and luat liuey #wàmselves hal disdhaged. Th. final Insuit? When aie second choque bounoed, lioy charge us an NSP. It woe a computer orror, -e wereUd. No, 1 prefef livng, breathhug people, thank you veryrmuch. 3. The Durhamý Board 0f Education for lueir iVs.better-if-we-donl'ttl- anyone-anythlng-untll-after-it-has - boondeclded attitude: First #"e snoa alc l oIay k#xdegarton ty callirg il a *transpoiltion issue,'anid now, at lue lime 1 an writingtails, iR appears b be a fait accompli luat JK la toast While 11rn Slt ttwilled with lie declalons, 1 oeuld Ive wth lhem a whole lot botter if I 1fait that lue procese was open anid in full public vi.w. Haalily called Saturday morning meetings Io elin*unate a'program liaI has boriefted a lot of children lu not, the way b go. i wasamraiskeptic about JK, but Elzabeth tuas thrived in this prograin. IVS 100 bad teuI IOW It kcoRs l1kother children will not have lie saine 4. The federai goverfiment (tas right, not thue Tories aI Qujeen's Park, but the feda> for taking thue axe 10 our self-employmient l raining progam. Jean Chretien promised lobs, jobs. Jobs.0 We wor doing our bosî 10 full fiat promise. Durham Cege, the Business DevolpTmnt Bank of Canada, Empkymeant Cnaa id Public school board drops JK FROMPAGE I "I think its a wonderful program," said Pic~kering trustee- Ruthi Ann Sehedlicii, who noted two of her family- members are in it. But with expectod provincial cuta in education spending of a billion dollars, "we havete tak. the, whole picture inte account; w. simply cannot afford it." I consider cancellatio n as our only feasible ehoioe," commented Oshawa truste. Ken Ridge. You can't continue te offer JK only in some achools and "w. don't have the. money te, expand it," h. said, adding that pretending te continue ýaslcing the. publics' opinion by postpoing tii. decision would b. wrong when there'. no other option. Although he moved the, motion te eut JK at the budget committe. and second.d it Monday night, Brock truste. Bill Fairburn said he was "acting against what I know la in the. beat interest of kdia." However, Fairburn said he had no alternative since "the choie iias already been made by, the provincial govemment." "This decision will cost us big time (though)," he warned. "It will coat us big Urne in tiie building of prisons, psychiatrie institutions, achool dropout inereasea - and I could go on and on." 'ro use Mike Harris and say it was hîm that eut this programi laa cop-out," countered Nicholson. "Ail h. did was eut out funding- it'9 our job te find out where w. want that funding te go; It was us that eut the program, flot Mike Harris, and I think the public will reniind us of that." .Trustees' are supposed té do what the public wanta them to, h. said, brandiahing a 350-namne petition agatnst the eut. "I received 100 phone calla at home. This la tii. public, people. They are telling us te do thinga their way."f Trustees ahould have asked the. public "what tiiey wanted us te doo because maybe JK la more important te theni than another pregram, h. nid, remindlng the. board that the.'Durham Catholie achool board lu keeping junior indergarden and I thlnk a lot of boards are golng te keep thua." H. urged his colleagues te postpone a decisiîon for two weeka "o alternatives to cutting JK can b. found. "If this board keepa cuttlng programa and savlng their own perkS and the lavish spending that I believe excista up here, I hope Mîke Harris takea back all the. echool boards and runmait from iei own department because I think he'll cut what we should b. cutting." Jordan saad her vote agalnst cutting JK "Isasa much a votp ln proteat to the. actions of our provincial goverpment as much au It lu a vote ln support of the value of the prograni... "I thlnk we've been yanked around like a yo-yo; we were mandated by the. province in July on 1993 to miplement JK and now, auddenly, when w. were halfway through the. prooeas, the. fundlng la yanked away." Town joins Crimestopp.ers By John Diujay In light of recent problems witu vandaliani in tewn parkas, Whltby'a operations committee has endorsed 'a proposaI te joîn with tue Durham Crimesteppers prograni. Durlng Monday evenling'a meeting, Durhiam Reglonal Police Sergeant Kevin Slaney, wiio serves as the coordinator for tue prograni, addressed the commit- tee. Concerna about persons being reluetant te, provide Information te police for fear of retaliation do not happen with Crimesteppera, aeeording te Slaney. 'Tiie closest thing you're going te, get te anonymity i. the Criniesteppers prograro." The Town recently enacted a reward program. for. vandaliam, that provided as much au $500 for tips leading te a successfu conviction. However,, there -was conoern expressed during the meeting that penhaps the program. would work better under the auspices of tue. internationally recognized Crimestoppers prOgram. Atoms move up,10 ate, powerfuee Tbree wins in tue paat week has edged tue Whitby nor atem AAA hockey team i.nte seond place In tue oastern division in league pflay. Whitby moved just ahead of Quinte Red Dévils but tbree of Major bantamS. now i1payffs mhe Whitby major bantamn AA hockey team ended tue regular str.ak seasion with two wins and a The Touring Concept Cycling Group will meet on Thursday, Feb. 1, 7:30 p.m., at Henry Street Hligh Sehool, room, 213, Whitby. W'ill Wallace of tue Ontario %ycling Association is guest speaker. For more information, caîl 905420-4275 or 668-0424. Whitby Iroquois indoor soccer IPEEWEE .bn.8 Tmenif 7 (Bret Heed 5. Jeaulc Clark. NOit PACabe> Tm#l0 7 (Tyer Wood 3. Coln Vicer 2. David, Bandl. Tyler McOonald) Tm 85 (Marron Liter2. Drid Henddx..Jordan Uduuuw. Nick Bai) Teenif# 4 JanÈe Cousin 2. kthe RMon. Geoffroy Tum 3 S (Saah Jifuuy2. Lt aheDinustro. AnlhonytLaorge. JomatoThofiso. Jnmf Tamuf094 (JasonVauar 2. Lin Salonone. Kilsty- Lae Ohua) Tmn$2 6 yëwmiauy3. il-u k CO«.âme tie te ffiish three points over .500, and will compote in the York- Simcoe playoffs after standings and scheduling are complete d. Whitby defeated Ajax 7-2, crushed Pickering 13-5, and played te a 2-2 draw against Clarington. The game against Pickering was a come-from-behind win as Wildcata dug out of a 4-1 déficit with il unanswered goals. Hot Clarington goal tenclingeld tihe Whitby shootera to just'two goals early in tue game. Toros replied with two goals, and numerous Whitby scoring chances failed te provide the go-ahead goal. TurefS 3 (JeNnlfeRFaanc. SruAlbn. Bla Edmonde) Tem #1 7 (Blewlowenu 3. LM"IeUMcctnq, Gevld CrabbSoti Powell Ian. 20 Ugtfllue4 <Lbm M"WnI2. John LabaJco2) Yitow 3 (LchaiWood. J aoe ut, JordanI SutIwnd), Yelow 3 (Brui Chapfm 2. DwnTionierho) Ught Orna 4 (Lbthe Kroensto 2. Tayor Lord 2) White 3 (Nchol.Budtch 3) PurpteO0 Team # 2 <Kifth Head Chistoph« Shunda) Tean #5 0 Team 03 1 (Jonathmn Slonea> Tum 42 3 ALlan Ewyn Z Sm Kopp) Tum 4 3 (GvMdJue2. GmorgeIWjuovld> Temn #1 2 (Nigi Schaer. Robbie Goddaud Tun 47 3 @chui EthuliJordan hzzotta. Scoti Whitby's remaining four games will b. againat tue poweruouse Peterborough team tuat- la unbeaten and easily in firat place in tii. league. Whitby defeated Oshawa Jan. 17 as Derek 'MeTeague- scored twioe and Cam' VonEichecholtz had three assists. Greg Williams, Kyle Percewicz, Adami Stein, Derek RaynerI and Kyle Muaselman eacii had a goal.', Stein acored two goals au Whitby bounced Central Ontario 6-2 tue next n ight. .David Arnold,' VonEsch scholtz, Wilhfams and Pereewicz also scored. McTI'ague and Rayner each had two goals whule'défenoemen Scott Morrison and KyleBriuon were outatanding in a 64 wivn over York-Sinieoe on Baturday. ' VonEscbscholtz- and Kyle Vandeloo each had'a goal. Civic renovaUions finrhed Renovations have been eompleted at the Civie Auditorium in Oshawa. Work on tue project included replacing tue he ating, ventilation and air conditioning systems and structural improvements te tue complex. Whitby « select hockey mOIIRATOU WhItI8 (KiùW"uHaldu 2. Putd erti2. Pau Loâm . oWwe Nu* hTo.onb 3 Whby 4 (Lichai tinigan 2. Puai Lon*ard. E.. Sow'ee.uhulout -D»uwDoctMli Whity 2 <Janie lMiage, ?WC"hungan) Whtby 2 (Lchai Fnigan. PWulLontiardi) Fonm 0i Whitby4 (Paul Lon*ardI. June ià %g% e etWIIte (hmiin Puk 1 .u.15 - bague Wthy «Nad FNdgu2. PdLembi2. m1diui Noe.Pad Yu* d "w moi- mtoCOrne improvements were made to tue pool, courts and running traek. Tue $2.8-mifion project was completed 1under ,the. Canada/Ontario infrastructure works programn with eaeh partner (federal, municipal and municipal) contributing te tue total cost. Jain.13-14 Whltby 3(PauILonadl u , IW Ftinigun) Kawck3, Whiby 2 (Gmfl Wdle.KiteUuiHeilde) SuionS Jan. 12 - laqué WhiIy 10 (Janià Ubp 3. PeulLmn*" 2. wiy DomMteo. PeulVdN. ndieWJwOOOMM coIe. Bilan Chaed epoeuud b nonfRenud. C.A. Tweed Toe e t Jan. 4 Whitby 2 (ordan Potie. WMHoughton> Hralock4 Whaty 4(prshdJa. Evan Boyce. ISMeéWod.> Whly4pmnMmota.SiVkdhIIib AY&

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