Whitby Free Press, 24 Jan 1996, p. 16

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Pape 16, Whltby Free Prss, We&eaoday, January 24. 1996 Taking stock kIsl that crucial Uime ln the season when we get Into playofis. reglonals, provincials and other competitions ln which you Wlib. challenged ta prove your atuff. t la a lime when performances are measured ln wins and basses and sometimes that takes second place to how you wln or lose. As a coach, -you< rarely have contrai of the outcome of a game or competition. Your major responslblliies Invoive preparing your athietes for the avent, devising a game plan and trylng ta keep thlngs in order'so that your plan has a chance ta uravàel thie way you want It ta. Guesa what? There are a lot mare Influences than you can control. If things don't go'your way,. does,, t mean that your season waa a washout? f an athiete goe sickç or your whole teamn get the trots on game day because they ate Grandma's apecai recipe fruit cake for good luck, does il mean that they shauli head ta the gym and get an earller start on summer sports?* If you thlnk so, you have not created any measures for ail the good things you have experlenced, and learned together over the season. How do you evaluate your season? Ideally you should have given your athletes a plan of what you wanted ta teach (le. a new defensive zone system, a better way ta, stride, a new move, how ta better time their movemnent). There are speciflc skJlls ta each sport and each age group wlthin each sport. If you didn't state your goals earfler, make a Eist of some of the thfngs you'Ive done ln pracliceand asK your athletes ta refiect on their progresa. Do this now and not in 1he same week as your association handa out the player/parent evaluation forms. Remind them, of thlngs that may have been, pushed into the background as wvins, ba)ses and Individual statlstics were added Up. Congratlations ta, Jason Hodgeklss for maklng the lier Il aIl-star team,* and ta Wayne Prlmeau for his arnival back in town as the newest General. * Accolades are ln order for Whty' wn Brian wChetto" Boyce and Shane Mclachlan (who has ieamned from the master and become a- vey capable t'alner hlmself). Bath were part of the recent world champion Canadian junior hockey team. Joe Millage of Whftby là head coach of the Seneca Colège mens hocey team and program director for Variety Village. The Whitby major peewee AA hockey team. finished regular season league play in third place Whitby ringette JUNIOR A JJUL 20> Whby 9 (Jlimn Shanno 4. MoelnIivs2.f S a uocqus, C" lOsbou) and$1 Whlby 6 (JHllin Shunnn 4. Md"nlDois, CynthlaWhaw.) JuIL.9 Whtby 9 <M*ia 5. HvlsS, m ayiad onnufa CassWd. KaiynPmoc. Ands PMrr) PIciding 3 PETITE C MAJOR spoamd W ui Wbty Fabrn Jan. 20 Whitby 9(Cindy Johnuton 4, .1.maVan. Joann Tuifis. UndseyLily. Lynduny htsumursHayb Fagils) PEITE C spmuai by WbbIy Lhomu WhitySô Jan ScottZTa n mn2. Erin Fidnfdy.lmCun -aim5 uwMoe o apomosasby WuIhKlNl Ian. 21 WhiIby10 (Kilda Ir 4. Kay Schad 4.Jan* Doopd. Iacyto b WhItby Cl 3. JuIL 20 WWW 2 l)udm MMa Suah DMm"it) Ajax2 with a record of 14 wins, six lasses and four ties after defeating Vaughan 4-1 in their final game. Whitby- trailed Vaughan, who were last year's OMHA chaimpions, by one point going into the game, so it was a must-win for Whitby since third place meanit being seeded in the opposite playoff - -T>racket from the undefeated Peterborough team. The showdown, was set ùp the night before when Whitby played Clarington ta a 5-5 tie. Matt Rae had a goal and two assista ta lead the scoring, with other markers going to Paul Tait, Ryan Mendes, Chris Trinkunas and. Mark Cipparone. Luc Chiasson and Grant Ilowe each had two assisas. Goaltender Josh Hughes was solid ini the final game, and he received support from goal-scorera Kyle Ruttan, Dana Bloom, Chiasson and Trinkunas at the other end of the ice. Rourke added two assista. Silver has sparked petites The Whitby petite C ringette team is unbeaten in the last three games. After capturing silver in the Whitby tournament, the team has beaten Ajax 5-3, tied Mariposa 3.3 and beat Lindsay 8-0. Scorers over the last three games were:, Lexa Bailey, five goals, two assista; Melanie Quesnelle, five goals, one assist; Lindsay Tait, three goals, two assista;: Jennifer Kerstens, one goal, four assista; Holly Macillop, two goals. Disa ayew got the shutout against Cindoay. Sandwiched ONE PLAYER is caught beween two othersln the struggle for the' ring as the.Whitby petite Cl team took on C2 in Whitby ringette toumnament action recenfly. C2 came out on top andi was one of three Whitby teams to earn gold at the weekend tournament. Photo by M" arkRes. Whltby Froe Prou Ùbeaten 11110 The Whitby major peewee A.AA hockey team is hoping ta catch firat-place Pete rboropugh as they continue an- undefeated streak that has stretched to 10 games. Sean MacRuzy had two outstanding games,, scoring Whitby mnor hockey HOUSE LEAGUE MINOR PEEWEE Jan. 21 Pinnacle Phamucoeuticals 8 <Ky@ Lirnclddo3. Adam Muni, Brandon PM.l Robeit Shannon. Andrsw Mnr, Grog Johaston) WhutbyToyoa3 <MchaelKabynsd 2.MIwchael mamcrato) C.K. Auto Body7 <Michael Hnderson 3. Justin Pothr2. Elliot Fllzslrmns, John Gllurd) Johnson Building Products 4 (Sun Bracdin 2.Bay»n fVinle 2) Mooso Lodge 2 (F8k. enir, Ltrk OCm) Lennox Drum 0 as of Ju. 21 Mocu Lodgo LwmnxDrum CK.Alto Body Pinnaclo Phar. whitby Toyla MNOAATOM Jan. 20 BankofMonbtim 6 O Kyl Vuwy. lmSulonen Matthom Race, MichelRichards, t3 rnilli, MMMea Ednoda) Jorys Drug Warshouso 1 <RoillyAndmsw) Krby Burgers 2 <Andrew Kop. skD.mukJunldn) GORMaâchanical 1 Jordan Hayes) ffToaguo Ei.cric 4 (And nw Ewait. BradaTuchu MichaelAita', MichaelNornen) Pnybtitoe 1 <Lchai Kin) Whitbylnsum3 <Aron Poacock fm huaify, Thomas Farquharsn, shutout -MicaelJifuuy or. Sonotiurs Drillons O as ofJus. Z& Whitby's only goal in a tie game againut Peterborough on Jan. 5. 1MacRury had four goals on Jan. S as Whitby defeated Oshawa 7-2. .Other goal-scorers in that ga me were Marc Binaldi, Jay Harrison and Jeffraser. Protocto 2 3 2 24 27 S GDAMmchania2 5 O 24 35 4 WhbyKlnsnun2 5 O 20 28 4 Dt SooiuK's O S 1 11 31- 1 MAJOR NOVICE Jaz,.20 Dr. Kagolas ln Grtns 5 <J. Biue2,. LNoordfnnS. Onon. R Siblock) T&D Stsuh& Burgoe2 <AJ. WIuton 2) Snlillng Drillors 12 (A. Nova 4, K. Murphy 3, . Luni2, S. Boas, A. Mclntosh, J. Oplolu) Picloring Tils 1 (J. Pftta). Advantag Air 8 <R. Cotiroo 3, C. Osboms 2. A Drlm. J. MUtin. C. Juait) LImcm2<(J. Roed. ARynus) Whlttiy Fma Pros 7 (S. Morîlo 5, B. Cros 2) Janes Dlck 3 <C. Bwînnu K. Novo% J. GuI.) SIa.dlsgs as of Jan. 20 W L T OF M P AdvantugoAlr 7 1 O 48 25 14 SnilIng drllor 5 O 3 56 25 13 DL Kgos Tn 5 2 1 40 20 il WhlL FmuoPms 5 2 1 39 23 il T&D Sbk 3 5 O 35 38 S Laconi 2 5 129 40 5 Jarrescou 2 S O 35 64 4 Picwring rd@ O 8 O 14 61 O Lsadlsg mue aos t Ja. 2 8 A P Kyls Murphy. Sniling Drilla', 30 4 34' Anthony Novia, Snfiling Cfilion 18 4 22 RiIy Siblock, Dr.Kgo"ssTin 18 4 20 MuttHougion. Lucm 14 S 20 ShunoMiloWhitby FmosPm 14 3 17 Robent Colom. AdvanageAir 10 7 17 KalinSbnffld.SnifingDrlls 5 12 17 Chrés Ombomo.Advantage Air 10 O 16 .NOR nomIC .tam 20 Theudma" 4 <John lrland 2.Eric omn. Shano Bnoldin Loglon il (SmponBruàuur 5, MicIUOIMIIW 4. Bilan (blama, D.onWrlght) Cuit OnElocric7 <Sott Fmuonu4. JustinDogquay. DIvd unr. an LOas 0 ucVoi.wags 1 (Goffryhco&ngor) CkrnlContrading 4<(Tnuvot*Knmy 2. ily SornariurDmsn igwood) WUI Aadmy 9 ylr Qmrdn. 2PU« Cot«or 2.p Knowls 2, Colin RMyno2. JO iPlira> WL t U Curt Brwn Eloc. 8 0 083 Brooln Lsgon .5 3 043 Cirjs Contra. 5 3 O 42 WMi<AuxtliM y3 ô O 44 TheoPrudontia 2 6 O 33 OmascoVol. 1 7 0O'29 Lesdlugusmm m htJa. 20 ScottFronuit Brown El..1il 8 1 Kody Munselnn, Curt Brown 16 3 18 1 &'haelMlilhroiMn Loglon 13 5 18 Trovor MclOnn.y. CisuConru 18 1 17 Stophon Brassur. Brook .Lefglon 15 2 17 Michael Goroeyul, 0 -Ico 14 1 15 lanMUiI uriteron Elotlgr 8 7 15 84UIRIT Jam 21 Jonys Dnig Wurhoue2 <MonyGbm.uoh Roughlsy Isurancel1 KylsHoldbicolr) McCulough Jomellonsg<an &tcMuntr4, DIvid us 2. Brun iKVIJUHai n Omn. Sun Cuntff) Ptuy RtAgaln Sporbs8 (Erc Rogan 8, Mm King,> Michael Mnnon) WhulbyTrophy Houose < Canetn Lonex?7. Kovl 1St-n WhitbyOptrnw (Cory Rus 5 JI Way Michanlca7 (rylvrJinuno2.JuyloMe oc2. JofBumhamnThonusSUigoWad.Ak.cEchburgo Pollardkindustuulfoofing 3 AndruwUunsha, Brandon Johnston, IhItI mn), St us. 21 Jwy's Dng Rouchiby Imsu. MccCulough Whtby Tnphy whbyopUai Play àAgaIn ms 84 Jus. Il JayARoubock CanetonLonex Ian McIhutrIe C. Pendlebuny L B"rndt, A O 3. O 1~~ ~1 2 2 a Whity hockey et e an.ile w L T FI -P ScMa OMl13 3 2 85 52 28 &~a lursP 10 3 5 OS 48 25 Srvic Mstr11 0 1 63 41 23 NUtioIUITIU 10 6 2 54 48 22 Expotwcl ' 9 S 4 67 59 22 Dodd & SOUtu 8 8 '2 »58 .88 18 R..I PUIIps 8 10 0 8 74 18 BIthS& MCL 7 9 2 85 72 18 Adta*WsThr 5 8 5 54 81 15 Roy's Entur. 6 il 1 63 OS13 C.K.Ato Body 5 13 0 71 85 10 ouuns HoWs 3 -13- 2 47 89 8 Som .IaL le NMtiouTnmi 5 (G.oM fefld 2.Tm"yKapy, Jofin DmwR.utng) RoysEnthpdus3 (Grat liUlnun, N Fatquharun, Don Wualhffl) 8~ths Pim 7 (<Rndy Galles2, PeterHKm2, CWM Blaquàgu EmmNAnaldi, John Fbinng) R.J. PHilisAi"o5 <Munuyobins 2 DguW Ami*ong. boffl uutord. Bo: DhlElois) SAwMWIsI u5 (MhrhafThoun, Dmw MunW.Reid Unwln, Rick Farquhamnt Suit Daimas tot2 (Don Frnch.2) Exbofhl4 CPit Sthn2. Dmw SnIh, Mn CX Auto Body 3 (romnBuc1.nan 2. PulIDOM) Lb"cLtomow4 (?hdo Lsuord 21TOM Scivor Don Mlitchll Bath@&A tLan 1<855, wit) AhwWTursyle 4 (Bob Mowat Bob Col@, DMu Edardsjid51d k") ' odd & Sou.r 2 <PmiuAbucih, &MgLComauI1 PIo*$) el Ob e Rmndy (Mias, &Broitu'Pzza, 2 goaks22assis GSrg iNtd. National Tnmt 2 goals. mis Laadlnguoruus G«ua kMannRys Enter. 24 27 5t PhIjOLeuaid. bM"MOWIS 23 21 44 JoaPattsC(Aaaoody- 18 19. '37 PuIarBWthsCJ(.Aub oed 151 17 32 Ma i aquharso, AoysEnter. -16 13, 31, InnRoPA" .PhiltlpAuto -12 15 ýl 28 Mine Gallas,R.ap mtluVs il 17 28 TOM mScro, LtcwdMOwr 1e il 27 Peewees third

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