Whitby Free Press, 17 Jan 1996, p. 6

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Page 6.,Whltby FM-le. oWdesday, JoeIuavy 171996 The only Newspaper owned and operated by Whîtby residents for Whîtby resîdents! MEMBER 0F: CANADIAN -ONTARIO COMMUNITY OMMUNITY NEWSPAPER' ESAE ASSOCIATIONASO IT N ISSN#0844-398X ASOIT N The Whitby Free Press is distributed free to 99% of the homes in >Whitby, Brooklin, Ashburn & Myrtle as well as numerous public and commercial outiets in Whitby, Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering & Port Perry. 28,000 COPIES DELIVERED WEEKLY MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE Canada $36 + GST -, Outside Canada $85 + GSI Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario Imc. 900 Hopkins St. /Box 206, Whitby, Ontario Li N 5S1 Phone: 668-611il Out of town: 1-800-668-0322 Fax: 668-0594 Doug Anderson - Publisher Maurice Pither - Editor* Alexandra Martin - Production Manager Printe d on newsprint with minimum 20% recycled content using vegetable based inks. r Ail written material, illustrations and advertising contained herein is protected by copyright. Any reproduction by any means for commercial purposes without the express permission of the newspaper is prohibiled and is a violation of Canadian copyrig.ht law. Reproduction for non-commercial distribution should bear a credil line f0 the Wilby Free Press. Get the message To the edîtor: Copy afiMlter ta Dan McMaster, chair af the Whitby Hydra Electric Commission Dear Mr. MacMaster: I couki nqt holieve my eyes when 1 read that Whitby Hydra had the nerve ta increase aur power rate 3.52 per cent in 1996...*, Sa yau only had Increases ln the lat 12 years? Our staff have nat had an increase ln the Iast five yoars and next sprng we are rallng aur entranco fees back 15 per cent ta try and maintain aur 1992 market share. I would love- ta spond -a million dollars an Cubae Gardons, thon write ail my customers and say that they wore gaing ta pay for kt. When are yau chaps gaing ta get the message? People are demnanding, mare, nat lbas, for wvery'dollar they spend. Mayho Mko Harrsis l right, we should pnivatize Hydro. This lIettor la juat 'ta let you know that Cullen Gardon s is abjecting. Ws can't afford your product and if we had anather source, we wauld deal elsswhore. Maybe thers is more fat yvu ca cut to a for your self-made problema. SIr, I arn upset. When we apened Cullen Gardons aur hydra bill waa $450 par month, aur oentrance tee was $4 for aduits. Our hydro bihla naw consistently over $5,000 per manth, a 1,000 per cent incroase. If aur ontranco les went up as tast as aur hydro biI, we would be charging $40 for an aduit. Noxt spring regular admis sion ta Cullen Gardons MlI ho $8.60. Do you seo why Ia am pllig Ln'Cullen Prosident Making choices To theoeditor: R.: Commenta by Pat Porklns I arn ln completo agreement with your viewa about locating an. elenentary sohool on Anderson CVI praperty. Aftor ail, isnlt i bad eough 'that St. Therosa and Pningle Creok oiemsntarystudentsfhave hoon lai Iuenced by these unruly high- acholers for ail these years? Can wo allow more students ta sufer the same fate? As an Anderson CVI graduate currently attending Ryerson la their Joumnalism program, i amn thrilod ta holn downtown Toronto whsrs I can rsal putmygus and drugs to gaad use. Tank you, Anderson. As ajaounmimstudent, naturally I have beun. prostttng myseif and -b&eUe!!r VY!$.D :it ~- Gerald, Hannon says la gospel.1 Thon there are those wefiare dollars l'm sucing Up by having tot home. AIl thanks ta my Anderson educaitian. Serioualy naw,»lId say my sarcaatic remarks are about as vald as Mrs. Perkins' expression afiIgnorance. lId Uke ta remind her that ahe once attonded high school, and was probably judgod by theoaIder generation for "boing different. Chilkren are goiag ta do what thsy want. If a chIld foots the need ta do druga, thon ho/ah. wili do his/hor best ta satisty that neoci. Schooî teaches childrea the ngoocr and the ubad" thinga. la the end, we must make aur owa choicea., Not placing an elsmontary achoal la such close ýproxîimity ta a high sohool wvill have Utte oiiect on ichildro's negative chaices ln the long rua. I' o th e o. ..S Sohool approval 'deceptivê' To the edîtor: Doos the Durham Board 0f' Education not havo any common sonse? Do they liston ta the concerns ai parents? Flrst.was the Implemontatian- t'ai l-day-overy- other-day senior kindergarten. This unewb concept was very confuslng' for my child.-Ik would have hoon' mors advantageaus ffk was ail-day- overy-day or, botter yet, had leit welI onough alone. Now aur'main conce.rn is the new, yet-t 'o-be-named school ta ho bulit next doar ta Anderson CVI. Ves, aur chikUren are ln the boundanoes for this new aschool.- Yes, as the school's principal Jack Smyka exprossed, peoplo are oppased to change. Hawover, wveryane In Whitby shauld ho outragod at the doceptivo way this school was approved. This, is nat gain g ta ho a community school. This wAIll hoa, regional school as anyane from- Durham can attend. This unnamed school was ariginally bulit because Pninglo Creek, Leslie Ma cFarlane and Dr. Robert Thoraton 'were overcrowded. Dr. Robert Thornton is not avercrawded. Pilgle Creek could alleviato thoir overcrawding probîem if students who are nat reaident in the ostabilshed baundarios were turned away. The ar<oa where, this unnamed, school is hoing build is an established neighbourhood. Thero will not be any new houalng developments in the surraunding aroas. Build a school whoro t illIho desperately needed (le: north 0f TauJnton) and save approximately $5 million ai taxpaye or'anoy. la kl fair that aur children may ho tarcod ta go ta this unwaated school oven though we are concerned for their well-being. W. have hoon« rellgluslyattending meetings about ths ,cholandhave exprossed aur concerna about a fonce araund the schaol. Mr. Smyka said kI: would ho sending a negative Message ta the students i ofAnderson CVII Impiying %we don't want , ta o - býyaur neighbour.0 Our reply Is thet when youmomay' Into a new neighbaurhoad, whars the first thlng moat people do? They put up a fonce. ls that saylngta yaur neighbaur that, we dont want ta ho yaur neighbaur? I dont think sa. You sither want your pnivacy, yau want ta' koep yaur dog an your praperty, or Most lmpartantly, when yau send yaur chlldren outslde the back yard,. you kno w that thoy mwillho ae dand not wander off. Thers waa- nswspapsr article about the four waorst Intersections for trafflc accdents. Tme Intersection 0f' Manning and Andersan was ans af Hot shots To the edîtor:, We struggle under. this tremendous dsbt, 1 can't hsîp but wander what the politiclans wore thinking about these past years. Wo elocted thom to look afttour affairs and, if they are -hanoat, thoy, wil admnit they dld a lousy job. f Harrns can now put a stop ta the spending ln his rollor coaster way, thon, aurely somoething could and should have been do ns years. aga. The polticianis saw this coming years aga. Where were thoy? Asîeep at the switch? As I ses k, the palitician flrstly puts his- onorges into getting electod. Oh yes, and in betweenimnes don% t farget a salary increase o uId ho nice, plus a gaad. pension that will, commence an an early age - the earlier the botter. I can't help but wander f theyý are the hot shats they thlnk they are, haw corne we are ln such a tinancial mess? Edna Perry WhItby themn. So hors we have an unwanted Oregionar u chool belng built, wlth no buslng, right beside Anderson hilg h scho-ol and a stones throw tram St Theressshool. Can you passlbly Imagine the trafflo congestian? Our children attend Dr. Robert Thoîntan. We are extromely happy with this schoal and we want them ta, staythere. Howeve, aur schaal doos: nat have a scoroboard tar the gym ar the abundance of, computers that newor achoals have. We are fundralslng for thlng s we should have. is this fair? 9 Le stly, since when doos a principaf have to salcltfara newschaol? My nelghbaur'si chlld bra'ught home'a letter, wrttten by Mr. Smyka, tram sohoal. The' lettier. asks those wha teel thore are benefits ta aà modifled school calendar ta wrtte letters ta local- newspapers. This la outraye ,s and ln aur opinion. Bc>tom 1Une. This unnamed and unwanted>,regianal schoaIla an atraciaus waste of aur taxpaying dollars. The board of.' educatian shauld sel the land ta the Town of Whitby sa that it may be used for much needed-rec *reational taclities such as an outdor pool or a skating rink. Terminate the construction af this sohool. I urge over y citizen 0f Whitby ta really isten ta the concerns >of the parents ln the a rea proposed for this sohool. We aredoing this an behaif 0of aur chlldren. What botter reasan can there be? John and Heather Hohol Whltby Taken for g ranted To the edItor: What is in a warkers' -collective agreement? it contains conditions and benefits that have taken a hundred years ta obtain;- right s toaa living wage, a sale workplace, a grievance procedure ta resolve disputes, job securtty, and health care. Rt contains rights and benetits that are currently taken for granted by many in aur society. Generations of workers struggled and fought, some even died, ta gain what weposs AsdZ employera and govemments, stand l inUe Ita-rall back -warkersO rlghts and benefits,,each aid'every persan, ln this pravince should b. concemed about the Impc on themseives, the econamny and the socil values and programs we have achlsved together. To the editor: I notic that the Reglan 0f Durham is advortising a %Request for Praposelsm for the Region ta buy a 'RFnacial Information Syatom.w To my certain knowîedge, a usoful financial information ayatem la built not bought -(athor than, basic software databases 'etc) and Rk la certainly not a trivial task la terma of cast artime. Unlesa the.svstem Is Intêrnedtn Janîs-Le.rlng be<usedfor mnany yeas, Rk-Is9a -Whft4V copll5twaste.ai mony to aven coasider the exordise. Has the Reglon not hoard 0f the Golden Task Force or are thoy completely convlrcod that no change can- possIbly affect Durham?, If a truck needa replading, I caný uadorstand buying a -now aone. someone wvill mako use afILk But a financlal 'information systom -, get, real and stop wasting my money. Region- couacillors shauld immediatehj place a moratorium on ail expenditures af this type until the future dIrectionila resolved. Waste of money

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