Page 4, Whltby Free Press. Wednesday, December 13, 1995 CONTRDO1VERSIAL OMNIUS BILL MPP defensneed forleg isito By 1(1ke Kowalski Leglation givlng the Ontario government unprecedented powers has been deemed ess3ential to its drive for fiscal resiponsibflity. "Savings and restructurlng" Is the way Durham Centre MPP Jim Flaherty sume Up a controversial omnibus bill which crities contend thrusts too much power into the govornment's hands. Flaherty dismisses opposition warnings that Bill 26 will allow the goverrnment to close hospitals and amalgamate municipalities for example, without public input. He dlaims the bill will give local officiais and communities more,ý flot lees, of a voice 'in the ctecision-making process. "In order to complete what was proposed in the economic statement, we have to effect savinga as quickly as we cari," said Flaherty of the *6-billion expenditure reduction announced by Finance Minister Ernie Eves last month. '"But in order for municipalities, school boards, hospitals, to deal with less money, we have to give them the tools to work with," he said. "This is not a power grab, but from the staff of K o iD Picture This INDOOIR LMGON eDrop & Shop at the Whitby Maill 571-151 eNo ....... No M.... 41 Birthday Parties ~Wheoe Kids can be Kids L and Moms & Dads can relax 438-16441 Excelleint.. ....... Christmcos Gif! AS LOW AS 19.95 per e Free Emergency Cails to 911, *CAA., O.P.P. and *ROAD * Zree Activation (a $60.00 value) *Free Licence Fee for first year (a $48.00 value> when prepaid for 12 months. -- - -dTO LL FREE 1-800-668-9247 WHTBY AUTO. GLASS 668-2003 specialists W.d 1013 Dundas St. E, Whitby à "oMobile Service Guaranteed Workmnans ip mmm mm mm mmm mm. a Cut your owna 'e Cristmas Trees! Fun For The Entire Family a aI aI a a a Enjoy a real tradition from over 30,000 Top: a * Hayrides e Refreshments Quality Groomed *Free Tree Baling " Craf Shop 6"-1 2' Scotch Pine à * Ample Parking Wh0 pue à 9:00 arn to 5:00 Pm White Pine a a.~ jWeekends December 2nd to December 24th a a Rolling Meadows reF a 62Townline Rood I owriline Rd. M lleNborth of 1HUR %II *Ashburn Village Myd Rd a OPEN FRIDAYa * DECEMBER 8, 15,22 ~BOKI >I Io%%- erri-I WA power sharing." Introduoed the. samne day as Eves' economie statement Bihl 26 * amends 47 different haws covering a wide range of subjeets from health car. te municipal government te personal privacy. Opposition condemnation of the bill was so severe that proceed ngs in the legisiature ground te a hait hast week until a compromise was reached between Eves and house leaders for the New Democratic *and Liberal parties. 1Tiie agreement calîs for four weeks of hearings and for the hegishature te reconvene Jan. 29 te pass, the bill. Flaherty, however, rejects criticism that the bill concentrates. teo much power at Queen's Park and is contrary te his party's ehection campaign promise of more 'grasaroots' involvement. *"I have a litthe trouble reconciling that With the contents of the bill. If they read the. bill they .wili'se. that it takes power away from the niinisters." For example, the heaith minister already has the power to close hospitals, Flaherty noted. But under Bill 26, a hospitai restructuring commnission will "have the hast word." It takes power away from the minister," he said. As for municipal and school board funding, Flaherty said the current system is too rigid since the goverrnment dictates how money is spent. "By going to block funding, grants- to municipalities like the Town of Whitby will have less strings attached. "It gives* municipalities more power to do what they want without the province having the hast say." Flaherty conceded that Bill 26 was brought forward when the opposition parties' and public's attention was focused on the spending cuts, but said this is a specious argument. 'The introduction of a bill is neyer debated. The. minister simphy introduces the bill and tables it," lie said. "l thinic the real complaint Is the act is big and there's a lot te read. ItsB hard te digest initially." Flaherty said Bill 26 is no différent from any other proposed legisiation in that most require refinement and changes. For instance, Health Minister JimWilson has already agreed te modify sections dealing with confidentiality of health records, he stressed. "As long as the. (legishative) committe. deals with the substance of the legislation and not engage in theatrics, there will b. better laws when it's passed." While Flaherty feels conifortable with what the government proposes, his views are not shared iTHE CHIPPIE > $10w0011ffwith this coupon OnQf Regular & Family Pack Fish & Chips OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK IFOOD CITY PLAZA, AJAX * 683-1644' iocahiy. New Durham Region chair Jim Witty and Whitby'Mayor Tom Edwards both have serlous reservations about the. government's intentions (se. separate story). In fact, regional council last week en dorsed a motion fromn Oshawa councillor Bilan- Nicholson te have staff report on the bill's implications te municipalities. It's just a matter of telling the public whiat they're .- doing," Nicholson teld The Fre. Press. 'They don't seem -te care what the opposition and press are saying." Nicholson sald Durham Region's five Progressive Conservative MPPs have an obligation te b. "upfront" with area residents about what may happen te their communities, .specially with respect te municipal amalgamation.' "1 don't recaîl any of the five MPPs campalgming on that ... wiping Pickering off the map, wiping Ajax off the map," he said. "If they're going te pass this legislation,th.iy should tell us why they- need the- power te amalgamate municipalities without consent.". G;rou*p.secs adva...ntages of heal1th information network, There - would b. "significant benefits" if Durham ' Region adopted a heahth information network (RIN), a study has found. The region health care providers involved - In the study recommended "group ware conn.ctivity"' as the best of, four proposed technical solutions te enhance the exchang. of information among health care organizations, reÈultfing in increased . efficiency and effectiveness. That type of "connectiviW3' would be the first step in a region "evolution towards a fully integrated health communications infrastructure," according te the study group, who began the RIN planning process in April. "Group ware" was not considered the best solution for Durham Region's neede, but the most acceptable level of communication in terma of costad speed of implementation - "aimost !i-mediately.--- I Histori Of Whitby Note Cards, ,,,,ï Available EXCLUS! VELY from the Whitby Free Press 131 Brock St. N., Whitby Poed i llb sd si sim ile itaepeevto rjcs JIM FLAHERTY