w ..~~-.-------.------~,-- -- - Cuts could Police-make mean, lineups progress in Whitby at hOSPit 1page war, on crime pg Midgets.win Reduced speeds. third tournament in school areas of season pagel7 page 11 Hospitals share surgical serv..ices Based.on a submission by local doctors, the sharing of surgical services between the Whitby and Oshawa general hospitals has begun. Surgey isjust one area in which the two hospitals will work together, as the newly formed Communty Hospital Committee, in, what it describes as -a "statement of principle" that incIudes local physicians' recommendatons, alms to "optimize soute cite and emergency care services." The comritteeî made up mostly ofarea politicians, agreed to adopt 'The Doctors' Proposai' - 'the submission by doctors from both hospitals - as a basic model for sharing of services. They proposed that the integration of clinical programs for surgery and emergency services begin immediately. For surgery, there would be one department of surgery, one department of anaethesia, and a chair* for each; one booking system; one informnation system; standardization . f practices; amalgamation of administration and support. Surgical facilities and operating roome are assigned as if they are on one site. For emergency, they propoe one department. at two sites; oüne director- one ambulance service' including full paranxedic services SEE PAGE 4« Whitby's first winter carnival bgi FnsFrday SMusic, games, rides -and refreshments will be added Vo the annual parade and tree- lighting events as the first County Town Winter Carnival will be held in downtown Whitby Friday, Saturday and Sun-day. The TFree- of Hope lightirig ceremony on Friday night at the fire- hall on Brock Street South will kick off carnival. events. At 7 p.m., a 30-foot blue spruce tree will be lit up with hundreds of Christmas lights. >Christmas music, in- cluding Old T e Christmas Caroling, will b e rendered by the Whitby Brass Band and local choirs. Merchants will serve hot choc- olate and host> other special activities. The carnival gets into full swing on Sat- urday when, just as was done success- fully_ with the summer carn- ival, Brock and Dundas streets will be closed -to vehicular traffic Vo form a pedestrian -mal, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.in. To begin the- day, the Rotary clubs will hold a pancake breakfast at the four corners. Then at 10 a.m., the Whitby Jaycees Santa Claus parade wiil begin, with the participation of more.than 40 floats,* marching bands," clowns and, for the grand finale, Santa himself. When the parade ends, events for ahl ages will then begin on downtown streets. gActivities. for children include a jumping castle, ffamazing castie maze," pet- ting zoo, pony rides, hockey skilis area, colouring contest and Newfoundland dog rides. Meanwhile food and Loy drives will be held throughout the downtown. Saturday afternoon en- tertainment also includes Santa's Villag e for kids, tours of the fire hall and more activities in and outside downtown Whitby stores. On Sunday, there will be an Old Tyrne Christmas _________party at the Whitby mun- icipal building on Rossland Road East, starting at 2 p.m. The carnival's wrap-up party includes- food, drink, entertainment and a visit from Santa Claus. See page 13 for carnival map Lights on at the Gardens THE FESTIVAL of Lights -- featuring - continues at (uien Garder thousands of sparkling lights, a 60-by- There's also a miniature 30-foot animated locomotive train, 90-foot parade. mooonlight sleigh rde and tunnel of lights Photo by Mark Reoso, ms until Jan. 7. Santa Cla.us r, Wliltby Free Press Town offers rewards i effort to nab vandals By Mike Kowalski Town officiaIs, are again appealing for the public's help in combating vandalism in Whitby. A reoent outbreak in the Otter Creek subdivision of west Whitby p rompted Town council te, offer a $500 reward Monday for information leading to the arreet and conviction of the vandals (the incident was reported in last week's Free Press). Although liznited primairily to, graffiti spray-painted on buildings in the area of McQuay Boulevard and Bonacord Avenue, the extent of the damage had councillors not only condenmning those responsible, but suggesting probable reasons for its cause. Lack of parental control, provincial governinent cutbacks and even the Town's own "user pay " approach in. providing recreational activities came under SEB PAGE 16 Santa Parade Bring.a donation for the Whitby Free Press Food Drive- see pg 5