Page 20, Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, November 15, 1995 YOUR #1 SEWING CENTRE. SeWng machine repairs.AUl makes. 10% Seniors* discon.Copt tune-up from $29.95- + parts. Factory trained technicians. For free pick-up & deiivery oeil 432-7375. CINDY'S ALTERATIONS - Corne see us for ail your sewing needs. Leather, zippers, also mens taiioring availabie. Tues.-FrÎ. 1-5:3U, Sat. 10-3 133 Byron St. N. Pearson Lanes 4à 0-6550. HOME RENOVATIONS& restoration. Plans, inspections, speifications, carpentry, piumbing, electri, windows, energ conservation. Cali Jacques of Ail Trades, ASHRAE #2053385, 666-0993. BO0K NOW Eavestrough cleaning, bungalow $35, 2 storeys $45. Tree pruning, removais. Don t get caught in the cold, snow remnovals from $250 per season includes driveway steps & walkway) 428-1305. P ROF E S S 10NA L HOUSECLEANING at 'affordable prices. Team of 2 wiIi dlean weekly or bi-weekiy. Very reliable. References available. Free estimate. (905) 579-5657. PHOTOGRAPHY. Distinctive à uality portraits. Studio or in home. abîes, chiidren, families. Christm~as speciai from $29. Also: weddings from $299, old photos copied & restored, co rporate & promotional. No GST! (905) 427-9164. INTERIOR PAINTING - our experÎenced and professionai people wili take care of your generai painting requirements. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. Cal Peter at 655-3566. FURNITURE MAKERICABINET maker. Customh designer and builder of fine fumniture and cabinetry. Speciaiizinq in entertainiment units, bradies and built-ins. Over 15 years experience. Quaîity workmanship g uarantee. References supp lied. -Designers weicome. For a tree quotation oeil Gary at 428-1339. BOOK NOW for ail youm snowpioughing needs. Residential, commercial, industrial. Free estimates. Seasonal rates availabie. Caîl Blizzard Snowploughing at 430-8106. END VOUR housecleaning nightmares. Cali Patricia for: immaculate resuits, iow prices, efficient, dependabie service, mature responsibie individual. Free estimates. 430-3383. CIIIO GRE cL~ AREAPARTMENT OE SURVICE$SERVICE F0.R UNTI.F . S DAYCARE AVAILABLE in my home, Monday through Friday. Infants and pre-schoolems preferred. Palmerston Ave. P. S. area. Excellent references. Cali 430-3387. MATURE WOMAN to babysit infants (6 wks & over) & toddiers in her home. Chiidren wili receive plenty of TLC and one on one attention. We wili grow together. Central .Whitby, near parks and schooîs. Everything provided exoept special formulas. Please el 668-9891 for interview. RELIABLE DAYCARE in my home 10 years experience ail ages weIcome ,at Garden à ,Manning. Cali Donna 430-7052. EXPERIENCED MOTHER of 2 availabie to provide quaiity home daycare. Nutritious lunches & snacks. Lots of' toys, crafts, music & stories. Fenced-in backyamd, walking distance to park & E.A. Fairman P.S. All ages weicome. References available. Piease cali 430-8107. PLAYMATE FOR 3 year old daughter. lndoor/outdoom play, fun activities, stories, etc. Outings to ibrary, Y-Pace. Cali 668-017&. SAFE, FUN DAYCARE PRO VIDED by mother of two. Cemtified in first aid and C.P.R. Fenced yard, crafts & stories. Bock & Rossland. Cal 666-1254. FUN & LEARNING. PLAYMATE wanted a ges 1-2. Qualified mother with CP R & fist aid, member of YMCA. Please caii Patricia at 668-6899. EXPERIENCED DAYCARE availabie. Playmate wanted for busy 3 year old full tume or part-time. $15/day. Thickson/Hwy. 2. Please oeil 430-7179 & leave a message. EXPERIENCED MOTHERS with a genuine love for chiidren providing quality home childoere, hot meais, educational play, CPR certified, BA, flexible, has reasonable rates. Thickson/Dryden. If interested, please contact Sheryl and/or ichelie 571-7492. DAYCARE AVAILABLE in my home with or without receipts. Close to Leslie McFamîane and PrIle Creek schoois. Bus stop to St.T heresa's schooi right on the street. Garden & Manning amea. Cal 666-8295. Ferry House Child Care Services 129 Perry St., Whitby 668-9476 CAREGIVER required live-in/live-out for 2 chiidren & 1 senior. Cali 416-947-4215. WE DELI VER FLYERS The Whitby Free Press 668-6111 ROOMS FOftSN LARGE, FURNISHED room for rent in Whitby, close to downtown & buses. Cable included. $85/week. Cail 666-4279 or 668-8375 and leave message. ROOM AVAILABLE for rent lst Januamy. Students,- only, non-smoker. Residential area. $70/week. Use of facilities. Computer for sale with WVPSI insta lied. Cail 905-579-2692. ROOM FOR RENT, SOUTH Oshawa. $350 per month + 1/2 cable and phone. For more info oel 436-9569 le ave message. CENTRAL WHITBY. Clean, quiet home has furnished bedrooni arking & cabie. included. Limited itchen use, suit mature womking maie. $90 weekiy. First/lasf. 668-3640. FURNISHED ROOM for rent, $80/week. Share bathroom &: .fitchen. Worker preferred. WaIk to all amenities. Please oeil 666-3617 AFTER 6PM. FAX YOUR AD! 668-05941 HOME S FOR SALE PRIVATE SALE - 2 Wilcox Court, Brock & Manning. A beau.tiful 21900 sq. ft. home in a vemy nice, quiet amea, featuring a beautiful landscaped front yard, fully fenc'ed back yard, garage door opener, upgaded marbie firep lace, al agppiances included, ail drapes and bindsinclu ded. Vendors very motivated! Asking price $239,000. Please cali Sandra for more information 668-3701. NEW LISTING in Failingbrook 2778 sq. ft. 4 huge bedrooms with his & hem closets, 3 baths, 22'X1 0' dream kicesome hadwood floors, landsoped, 65'Xirreguiar lot, central air, centrai vac, 4219,885. Frank Hawes Sutton Group Cîassic 430-9000. ATTENTION RENTERSI Closing costs is 'ail you need!l Down payment is suppiied. 3 bedroom bungalow needs work!! High efficency oit funace is newI! Eenced yard!! High rybasement! i Reducedpnce! $80, 00Oshawa. Cali Frank Hawes Sutton Group 430-9000 now!l. BROOKLIN LARGE 3 bedroom aptll bedroom apt. Also bedsitting, roomn with 3 pc. bath & full kitchen. In quiet area. Caîl 655-5539. MAIN FLOOR 0F HOUSE in downtown Whitby. 3 bedrooms, large kitchen, backyard, parking. $700 + 1/2 utilities. First & last. Caîl 430-0573. ONE BEDROOM basement apartment in northwest Oshawa. Large bedroom, livingroom, 3 piece bat hroom, separate fridge and kitchen area but shared stove. $590/mo. inciudes- utiiities and parking. Prefer non-smoking female with no pets. References required. Cali 571-6825. TWO BEDROOM basement apartment, new1y decorated, prvate entrance, $600/mo. First & last avaiiable now. Working peopie. preferred. No pets. 668-2445. WANT A HOME? One bedroom. Renovated. Private deck, ~parking waik to GO. Now renting. First anad last. $575 + hydro. Caîl 430-6152. WHITBY DUPLEX, balcony, laundry, parking. Available December 1lst. Cail after 3pm (416) 633-5131. APT. FOR RENT, WHITBY west, 1 bedroom,, parkin & laund ry, utilities extra. First & fast. $550. Phone 430-6109. THICKSON& 2, 2 bedroom aduit basement apt. no smoking/pets. $630' per month. First & last deposit. Utilities parking incîuded. Caîl afte r 5:30. Ë76-7951. ONE BEDROOM'APT 214 Mary St. N., Oshawa. Clean A quiet, suit working person includes utilîties, parking & cabie. Available îmmediately. ý $575. First/last. 668-3640. DOWNTOWN WHITBY 2 bedroom a pt for rent. suitable for adult, ail ut ilities, fridge & stove air conditioning îincluded. Hardwood floors, ail newly finished. References req uired. First and last months rent $700 per month. Cali (905) 623-1013. WHITBY 1 BEDROOM apariment availabie Dec. 15/95, on Craydon Road. $565/monthly includes heating & parking for1 car. Ph one 723-6 5., EXECUTIVE STUDIO APT. $495 ail inclusive, jacuzzi, spaclous, in modern home. Lots of room for storage. Gable inciuded. Rest of home furnished. Ed Dunlop 665-1229 or 655-1030 ext. 306. Plase Recycle This Newspaper ...RT..... CALL A PRO!I FOR WHIEN LIFE BRINOS # ~ YOU ASHOCK OR TWOI Just check the CALL A PRO section and let the pros do the job! '~You can compare and choose fronm the ser ces you'II find there! Wee .Watch 1 PriatHtome DayCare The syse that provides... *Unschdled home visits ensure quaiity care for your child - Fully trained providers receive ongoing Agency support - Reliable local back-up covers Provider illness or. holidays. - Compi e te insurance coverage - Income tax receis - ChUdren six weeks and up *Fuît or part-time For more Information oeil: 686m3995 a ioensed Agency MORTGAGES & LOANS [$ * st&2nd *Lines of credit *BEST RATES Frank Callahan 571-288.0 After hours 668-4454 Upper Canada Funding ln. NO.UP FRONT FEES Loans. Lines of Credit, Bank Turn Downs, Lowest Possible Rates. First Time Home Buyers Please caîll ROBERT BROWN at Johnston & Cook (905) 668-0398 (905) 428-1232 1 1 PORT - WHITBY 2 BEDROOM home & 1 bedroom bsmt. apt. $11 100/mo. Availabie Nov. 1. Large lot, pvate drive 2-4pc bath, close t. orO.(416) 261-21... 4 BEDROOM HOUSE FOR ent with 1 bedroom basement apt. Mary St. Whitby. For more information cal1 433-2197. MASONIC HALL 203 Cochrane St., Whitby availa6,ie for banquets. weddings and other occasions. Catering availabie. For more informa tion leave message at 668-0776, ý4 hrs. COM.MRCILSAC NICELY FINISHED office space available at excellent location near Oshawa Centre. Over 700 sq. ft. for $600/mo. includes everything. Caîl D. Freeman 576-4619. FOR LEASE- OLDER' home' converted to offices for professionai us e. Newly ren 'ovated, 1200 sq. ft. Air conditioned g as heat, parking. Contact Mark (â05) 668-2213. ATTENTION HAIRSTYLIST - best location for hair salon. Whitby/Oshawa. Cîosed due -to ilîness. Hurryl *Prime location. Aiso fast food store availabie. Cail Anna 435-5377, 571-3138. DOWVNTOWN WHITBY - Brock St. frontage. approx. 2,000 sq.ft. Long terni lease. 668-1468, 9am to 5pm. 'TREE CUTTING& TRIMMING, prunng, shaping, selective branch cuttýing, treé removal. Free estimates, fuliy insured. 433-7140 or à 430-4622. FPager 721-7304. L-