Whitby Free Press, 15 Nov 1995, p. 17

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Whitby Free Pres, Weckiesday, November 15.1995 Page 17 ANDERSON CVI held its commencement ceremoies recently. Major academic award winners included (from Ieft) Mike Innes- (Harold T. Maheu memorial award), Jason Ellis (Andrew Foundation scholarship, Governor General's medal, Jack Hutchinson award,. Descartes contest certificate of distinction, Siksay and Fraser award, MacKay Animal Clinic award), Frances Cameron (vaiedictorian,. Anderson prefeot pin) and Michele Vinent (Andlerson faculty award, Anderson prefect pin, Murray Miskins fiamily studies award. Phoa by Mark ReosrhIthy Fre. Pross L A Veronica Gruneberg FATHER LEO J. AUSTIN HENRY STREET High School held its commencement ceremonies, recently. Major academic award winners included (front to rear) Knséta Reeson (Mayor's medal, basketball officiais' award, SAC prize), Rajiv Gandhi (highest five-year academic achievement, Govemor ýGeneral's academic medal, Andrew Foundation Scholarship, Legion LadiesAuxiliary bursary, OAC science and math awards), Shauna Budden (Whitfield Trophy, John Connelty memnonal scholarship, SAC prize) and Brett Huether (Adam. Aggett memorial award, SAC prize). MakRer.WlbF..Po Jason Collier HENRY ST. .H.S. Aoeampfire song from my days as a Girl Guide keeps running through my head. .The words are changed a littie bit, but the meaning is stili pretty much the saine: "If I were flot a Wildcat, t he next thing I Would b.; if I wore flot a Wildcat... I don't know where rd bel" Juat the thought of ail the things I would mies if I was flot a Wildcat makes me shiver. If I were flot a Wildcat I would have. missed the Remembranoe Day ceremony this past Friday. Students and teachers gathered ini our cafetorium to remember thoe who fought so valiantly so that we may live in a free country. Congratulations to ail who participated in the assembly, especially Jeneil Harbin, Jennifer Hyland,. James Hunter, Ursula Zielineki, Justin Diamond, the Performing Arts class, Amnnesty International, and the coordinator, Mr. Labriola. If I 'were flot a Wfidcat, I wouldn't experience the pride and sIll ofAustin athletice. The junior boys' soccer and the junior girls' basloe"tbaetams have both placed firet in their LOSSA divisions. And the junior boys' and girls' tennis teama both dominated their beagues. With many more sports beginning soon, surély their fvictories are sîgns of a bright If I were not a Wildcat, I would have missed the thrill of 'Take a Grade 9 Student te Work Day.' Last Wednesday tihe Grade 9 students went 'on a.job shadow programn in the community where they were given a uamail taste of the working world. If I were flot a Wldcat, I would miss out on the nervous excitement as the OACs fil out their university applications. Guidance counsellors will meet with each. OAC student individually te discuss their options for the upcoming year. If I were flot a Wldcat, I would miss waving goodbye te the draina students who, with Mr. Shea, are off te Labrador te share their talent And if I were not a Wildcat, I would miss out on the sixth annual Book Fair. It will be held Nov. 20-22 in the rebource centre. Books mrake great Christnmas gifts, so bring in your pennies and buy one for everyone on your list. Imagine missing out on ail of these great events..ITm so glad rm a Wildcat - as should we ail. Tune in next week when our featured song will be Alice the Camel - and don't forget your marshmallow sticks. Tara Singh TRAFALGAR CASTI 'Stress' i. tue word cf tue month at Trafalgar. Although tue bazaar has corne te a succesful end raising $6,0O for charities), there are now deadlines galore, exana careening teward us and houa.e plays at -tue end of tue montu. Lucky for us, since we al worked so, incredibly hard on the bazaar, our good-natured principal ha. rowarded us a hall-day on Thursday te start our annual long weekend. Tueaday our senior basketball team- played their final game againat our own blood-thirsty teachers. It was a battie cf sweat and might. Unfortunately, because cf the severe violence tue teachers lot loase, tuey remained victorious. I look te my left, thon to my right and ail I se. is fundraising, whethr it b. for tue gym or for the grad committee. Trafalgarites have been more tuan generous. This week tue grad committe. ha. -organized a 'Dresa Down Day' and next week a two-day book fir. This morning I looked out my window and te my horror I saw white glbocf snow. "Why, God, why?" I muttered under my breath. This means tuat for fivo Music was in the air as Henry Street's cafetorium ' was transformed into an old style café for our fîret Cabaret Night on Tuesday, Nov. 7. The students of Ms. Maksins' OAC music class organized and presented a variety of musical seldctions from such stage productions as Les Miserables and Sunset Boulevard, ail arranged by Jason Locke. An amazing effort was made by al involved and tlinks go out te Erin Smith and Jackie McIntrye who demonstrated unsurpassed dediçation. The. evenmng was a great succes and from the smooth-running outward appearance, the cast managed te follow the old adage of "the show must go on" even when lead singer Andrea Kers was unable te participate due te iliness. (W. ail hope tha.t Andrea is feeling better and will soon b. back te normai again.) The understudies were quickly oelled mnto action and prepared for the leading roles, and others were named te take over their parts. To the credit of their talents and professionalisin, the audience was nover aware of the changes. On behaif of ail Hawks, sincerest congratulations te al involved in this excellent production. months of my l8th year I will b. perpetually freezing You seeo, ry school hao a hugo heat distribution problem. It'. no one's fault, really, I mean it's an old castle. Certain . mooms are warmer than othersso the key te survival ia finding the right places. This change in weather alo means five monthe of my frienda and I complaining and flghting over who gets te stand over the radiator the longest. if stress or frostbite don't maqngle me first, Ilil ho back in this space next weok.. Report cards were te ho sent home Nov. 13., Grade 19 students were.te receivo a special anecdotal report with their regular report carda, and ail other students were te receive the regular mid-term reports. We are sure that you are pleased with the fr-uits of your efforts. Grade 9 student were very busy last Wednesday. Nov. 8 was.'Take a Student tu Work Day,' and Henry Street proudly announces they had 100 per oent participation in this educational event. As in other years, on this day, Grade 9 students are exempedfromxegular classes to go out into- the workplace with a parent, neighbour or friend for a day to learn about. that -particular profession. Only two Grade 9 students were at Henry Street and they were also particlpating in the prograi by shadowing teachers at the school. WeI, Hawks, another -week of hard work with your noses te tth. grindatone awaits. Till thon.. [i a d fluIII ie IanId I\Uier i SINCLAIR SECONDARY SCHOOL The school week has been cut short this week for students, tomorrow we have the day off. Time off is weil needeci for those deeply imbedded in their work. Others may use the day. te catch up on deeply awaited sbeep. SLast night's awards ceremony turned out te ho a success. Staff, students and family members turned out te congratulate last year's award winners. Special thanks te ail those who helped to make this night a succees. Anyone aged 16 to 18 interested in spending a year in a foreign place, can see Mr. Thompson in student services., Calling ail those interested in tue nursing profession. There wil b. a visit from a registered nurse on Nov. 22. Sign up in Student Services. Another tedicua day is approaching our Grade 9 students. Skills for Living first term report carda are due out this. Friday. Pa 'rents have the opportunty te meet with teachers next Tuesday and Wednesday. The junior boys' voileyball team quaifled for LOSSA affer tueir 2-0 win over Eastdale last week. The junior girls' basketball won 44-30 over Ubridge. Teams have corne a long way, and we're proud of you ail. Some of Our studenta are heading back te medieval times next week. They are heading towards Toronto te partake in tue Medieval Times feast. Those interested in the wondorful world of hockey are hoadling for the Hockey Hall of Fame next week as well. Science, tech challenge ,rat Whitby schools The Durhamn Industy Education Council for the Advancement of Science and Technology (DIEcAST) is hosting a Tecknochallenge on Friday, Nov. 24, 9 a.m. te 3 p.m. Local business and. industry pariziers are mnvited te, take part in the event. Evaluaters, product prizes and donations for project parts are welcomed in order te provide the 150 Grade 7 and 8 studenta, of Durham's public and separate schools opportunities te de-nntrata their asklll and share their talents. Father Leo J. Austin and St Charles Garnier Catholic high achools will host students, supervisors, industry evaluaters and the DIECAT ommitte. Gear-driven machines- and problem-solving will b. highlights of Technochallenge. For more information, oel Audrey Cartile-at 576-6150.

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