Y.hatu 9 r-sw roue nVUIÊ asoI~vmDru, à m, - 1 Wilcatswiln twolse oene 1 een9ae in ieague play recentuy, the Whitby major atom AAAs, sponsored by International Preight Systema, had two wins and a loss. In the first game againet the Central Wolves, Whltby skated to a 5-3 victoiy. Wildcats thon opened the scoing on a goal by Brandon Whitby hockey MJOR IAiIAM AA spemi lby FueDisposa ip. Whitby 3 Oduilla 3 "dn Hmdry OCu±31 Whiiby 5 Pickerlng 5 PaulChornobay3 Sunsmmr MJORATOMM spo.uid y la &iuLin, Cl Whithy 2 Newmaiot 2. Justn Ham. NOV. 4 Whity 8e rcta AndruwMagtiasd 2 Bandon Fowl« 2 Justin Ham 2 Mins b McBride when ho converted- a paus from Wade Branch. Central tied the game lator with a power play goal. Whitby regained the load on go)als by Branch, assistod by Sean Pitcher and McBrlde, and by Rton Robertson who beat the Central goalie when ho converted a passing play from Jamie Fox and Mike Kosiw. In the thIrd period, Whitby tallied their fourth goal when Tyler Harrison scored with Just 1:32 reniaining on the clock. I<osiw drew the assiet. Whitby thon scored their third just 27 seconds later and finally iced the victory with 18 seconds left in tho game when Robertson scored lits second of the game into an empty net, Paul Ranger assisted. The Wildcats also hosted Ajax/Pickering and won 6-2. Goals came from Harrison, (two) Tutak, Goodstart endsin ls>s Wbitby, Wildcats minor, atom AAA hockey team lost a lethargic match in Oshawa recently 6-2. Whitby did start the game strong, taking it to Oshawa in the first four minutes, but trailed 2-O affer the first *period. In the second period Adam Stein scored from ' Kyle Vandeloo, thon Vandeloo picked up a goal of lits own on a ice pass from Kyle Musselman to tie the game 2-2. Aftor thai it was alb Oshawa. Whitby nunor atoms head off to the Blueline tournaâment in Kitchener this coming weekend. AAA teamstrong in--last seven games- The WhitbY Midget AAA hockey team, sponsored by Hanet Plastics, continues to show thoy have the team and the spirit to bo a strong contender in the Eastern Triple A beague. In their bast soven games they Whitby men's hockey 8tadlopg ms of MeV. 3 Naftionast Ra. Mps RoY's Entr. Dodd & Soute.' Attasley Tie GeMmas Hote CXKAuto Body Ted Badot3 Jim Ltfry B.~er8sPM cfwrlie eiaquier John arisuni Soms 7 C.K.Auto Body Jon Patte 3 Paer Bathu Kmn Red 3 RJ. PIillilps Auto Bob DeMlos 2 have fivo wins, one fie and one boas. Whitby will be in tournament play Nov. 9-12 at Quinto and wil face teanm from tho eastern townships and Quobec. John Else Suervce r Rick Faniuharson GM Hood National [Trust George (idfWod Joe Ferr John Huitenu GewEdge Bathe & McLeIan Jim Branton 3 Gn gCartwright Dodd & ioute. James Disburg 2 Steve Sanford Douie lMyes 3 Ouees Hotel Craig Tony Paul Frquharson Kevin Mulane 4 Roy's Enterprises WoitFrquharson John Lesrarduzzi 4 ma" deMoyem KenDanms 4 AtterseylTire Cadl clans Harold Huftenuà Pliyer(s) .oflw emk Jim Banton, Bath. & W.Lellan, 3 goals Ted Bant1e Eqetoch. 3 goals. 2 assls UcrSSg leadiers as of NOVA Grant Mussinun. Roy>s Enter. 14 il Mario Lessard,. Macide Liawns1l InRossR.J. Ptillips 8 11 Tom Sclûce, ma"cHo m ws 10 6 CMngrdawhght Rathe &McL 7 9 2 Vieil Faquharson, Roys Enter. 9 5 Grog Mcdonnei, Oodd & Soute.'8 6 PeterBathe, C.KAuto BOcy 6 8 McBride, Brandi, YKoew, assis by IC»aw, Pat Lang, Brandi, Ranger. In an away game agalnst PeterborougI, Wbltby bout - 6-2. Harrison counted ýboth Whltby goals. *SENTRA 2 door COUPES 5 speed, P/S, P/B and more. CMA award winner. *SENTRA 4 door SEDANS Special editions with automnatic, air, stereo, etc. *200 SX SE COUPES Power group,- mag-wheel's, spoiler, dual air bags plus lots more... *240 SX SE HATCHBACK 5 speed, ABS, loaded. *ALTIMA GXE 4 doors Auto, air, power group. Our best seller! *OUEST XE MINI VANS Power & convenience package. *PATHFINDER XE 4 doc) 5 speed, air, stereo and lots more on sale. $10vf990 ON SALE ON SALE REDUCED REDUCED $1g999 ON SALE $221r990 ON SALE r $24,190 ON SALE (Freight ($845), taxes, licence extra.) -'l EXECUTIVE DEMO'S. NOWAVAILABLE 95 MAXIMA SE, 95 ALTIMA SE 95 ATIMASE *5 Sr., Lxur&e->- (Taxes, licence extra.) I I I II - "SERINGDURHM SNCE 960 j,' e Auto, Loaded e Auto , Luxury $32.f390 $23.99 1996 Toyota Camry 9 TOYOTA BIMe or Lueas Nowly's L tave. 1996 Toyota *', Corolla FROM: $21,138* OR, $3691M0.** FROM: $13,883* OR $2691M0.** SPECIAL FINANCE RATES 5.7%(24M0.) 6,7%1(36M0) 7.7%(4.8M0.) OAC Plus f reight, PDI and taxes. * Based on 41 months bease plus taxes. First payment & secunty deposit required only. THE (eNEW WHI iTBY TOYOTA MTYT 1025 DUNDAS STREET WEST, WHITBY* 668-4792 or 686-2228 *________ SALES DEPARIMENT OPEN MON.-THURS. 9AM-9PM, FR.I.-SAT. 9AM-6PM_______ 95 ODL EA HCLEAROUT Ni AN [NISSAN]