Page 8. Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, October 25, 1995 School board reverses decision, aios mking FR OM PAGE 1 that it "shows a great deal of integrity and strength of character. whon one can change their mind." . "I know I hear the familiar sound of flip-flop, but 1 think it!s wrong," said Whitby fruste. Doug Ross. "I think we should stand by our decision... it's wrong te, have a double standard. -To have it her. and not have it for our employees at other locations is very unfatir." *Fm orryif it's affecting staff morle aidPlclciring trustes Jil Nominations can be made for the. annual Peter Perry award, recognizing Whitby's outstanding citizen of the year. The award, sponsored by the Whitby Chamber of Commerce, will be presented. in November. Nominations close Wednesday, Nov. 1, at 4 p.m. Tii. Peter Perry award, named after the. ten's founder, bas been pr.aented since 1955. Last-year's winner was Dr. John McKlnney. Nominees mnust have- Hamilton, "but we are dealing with aduits heme, not teenagers... "Jfthe teachers.and priancipals at achools have te put up with tii. ruling (prohibiting smoking), then I thinkI we should b. consistent across thie board." Oshawa trustee Nancy McLean agreed, saying "staff are at other sclioo sites so why do we have two sets of rules. "In My mmnd, that's flot being fir, nor in it being cnsistent." The board has some' 6,000 eniployees, the. vast majority of which do flot have accesmte, confributed te tthe prosperity and social development of Whitby for the. last five years. Nomination forma are availble at the Whitby Chamber office, 128 Broek St. S., Wbitby. Completed nomination forme muet b. mailed or hand-delivered' te the chamber office. Individuals, couples. or families -may be nominated, but not community groupa. The award may be presexited posthumously. smoking areas, point.d out Ajax trustee Sherriil Willard, who added the. board should b. *dôiong wiiat "hundreda of thousands of otiier organizationis have don., and that is te outlaw smoking on their property.18 Trustees should ho consistent and prohbibit smoking on both achool and board property until the. Ontario government decides te change legialation te s alow smoking mras in achools, ah., said. Tii. motion te, reconsider and the motion to officiaily ailow the. two smnoking areags both passed on a vote of 8-5 (Oshawa truste. Mike Nicholson was absent), with Rosa, McLean, Willard, Hamilton and Audrey MacLean voting against Distinction awards dinner upcomîng Durham Region's l4th annual Wornen of Distinction -awards dinner wiil take place Thuraday, Nov. 2, at St. George's lkrainian Catholic Hall, 38 Jackson Ave., Oshawa. The YWCA-eponsored event will honour the. region's most esteemed women from eight different awards categories: arts and culture; communications and public affairs; education, training and development; sports, fitnesa and re creation; business, professons and trades; community service; health care, sciences and technology; young -women of distinction. « The committe. is now accepingr nominations and 'forma mà y b. obtained by contacting the. YWCA at (905) 576-8880. Guestspae wifl be CTV's Dini Petths of the. Dini Petty Show. The reception begins at 6 p.m., followed by dinner at 7 p.m. To order tickets, cal 576-8880. whA1b Ç!I .1.' z i*ss Economie fair in Pickering The Durham Region Econontie Fair will be h.ld tornorrow (Thursday), 4 te 9 p.m., at the Metro East Trade Centre in Pickering. The' fair is sponsored by the. Durham Region Commulnity Economic Development Advisoay Centré 25 years old. This marks the 25th birthday of the Durham Management Centre of Durham College. It began in 1970 when the Oshawa Chamber of Commerce and Durham College organized a five-course 1 program in management development - and more than 700 -supervisors from Gneral Motors went back te EDS holids sale at Anderson EDS Canada employees fr-or the Whitby offices will hold a giant garage sale'at Anderson CVI on Saturday, Oct. 28, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. .Proceeds from the sale, held as part of EDS' annual Global Volunteer Day, go te the Children's Wish Foundation. AUl items at the sale have been donated Lby EDS employees, family and fiends. EDS employees are aleo workIng at St. Vincent'a Soup Kitchen in Oshawa on Oct. 28. They will prepare-and serve food. EDS is holding a food drive al over Durham Region until Oct. 29. Donations can'be made at TD Bank branches in Wbitby, the. Beaver gas stations in Whitby, mhe Banker and the Bandit, and tiie Durham Shilse Training Centre in Whitby. school. Participating firms provided the instructional fadilities for . the no-name centre. Over the next tire. years was added a course designed for achool principale and vice-principale. Joined with supervisors from GM, Sklar and Wbhitby ire, there were a total of 1,400 pupils in 1974 and 1975. In'1975, the program was named the Durham Centre, and clients were aded from two more Whitby plants, Lasco Steel and Cadbury Schwepp.s Powell. mhe nam, changed te Durham Conference Centre in 1977, and a location was found for training - the- second faoon of Durharnâ College. A 1978 seminar examined the. "impact of word processing on personnel, procedures and equipment." In, the early 1980s, Management Skillein a Technical Environment was added te the curriculum. Ini 1985,-the Durhamn Conference Centre became the, Durhamn Management Centre, Iii that year, the centre co-sponsored a on.- day conference for women, Strategies for Sucoes. I 1993, the centre moved into the Skills Training Centre, formerly the Cadbury (tien Neilson) plant, on Champlai.n Avenue ini Whitby. Some of tie courses offered ini 1970 remain today, but the current menu includes hands-on Iternet, Microsoft produets, ergonomies - humnan engineering, and energy management. Commilies, that bas been workIng since early this year to croate an eoenomic developmnentý strategy for the region. Tii. fair is being iield ini coajunction. witii chambers of commerce and boards of trade in the region - they are holding their firat annual amal business week trad, show. The fair will showcase organizations that have worked with the. advieory comraittee, inldnthe Bureau of Excellence in Durham Region, Durham Homepreneurs Group anc&Dunharn Federation of Agriculture. Advisory committee memnbers wiil discuss the progresa of the. strategy. Bil-Den gé ts Alcoa prizeýç Bil-Den Home Improvements, Inc. of Wbitby was third among grand prize winnere in the 1995 Alcos lifetime roofing incentive program. As a resuit, Keith Doiron, tope in sales for the aluminum roofing dealersbip that sella and installa Alcos roofing products, and bis wife will take off on an exotic vacation - a three-day trip for two te on. of several destinations including Mexico, Antigua, St. Lucia, Jamaica or Barbados. Bil-Den, competing againet 80 other dealers throughout the U.S., Canada, Puerto Rico and Jamaica, won. the. first quarter of the competition ais Gary Whittaker wattfirst in sales. He and is wife went te tthe Bahamas in April. AU Alcoa lifetime roofing dealers are entered in the incentive program, and earn points for the volume of Alcoa roofing tiiey sell. Bil-Den, owned by Bill Moore-Gough, has been in business aince.1975. -ff Financial Concer1 Corne in for a second opinilon. No cost or obligation. CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT DEREK DUTKA oup Financiat Concept Corporation is a lIcensed Mutual fund detaer. ECG. Secunties Corporation is a ticensed Secunties deater. Serving Whitby and Qshawa since 1986 106 Stevenson Rd. S., Oshawa 5 7 9 7 7 7 7 Prry awar nomiatons What to do now People who buy Canada Savings bonds must ho rich - you'd have to have lots of money in Canada Savingi Bonds to produce a reasonable icorne. The only advantages I can gee for owning Canada Savings Bonds -are: 'amal denominations available, liquidity, and patziotism. What are the alternatives? Many mnvestments - ranging frorn oeshable GICs to mutual funds, have a minimum of only $500 to open the account and thon you can. add smaller amounts at any trne. These other investments havé competitive rates and are available ail year, withjust as much liquidity. Buy a loiger-term government bond (three-to 30-year maturity) as do the foreign investora. You'll get a higher rate which means that youll pay more taxes and stUh have a bit more left for yourseIL The government je a big winner, too, because foreign investors only have to pay 25 per cent withholding tax. Buy rnvestments that earn dividends and capital gains. That wfll reduoe your taxes, but you'll have more money te spend, and when you spend rnoney our econorny growe and-fewer people need to b. supported by government programa. The. faflixig stock market is a normai and recurring behaviour. The exact timing of the ups and downs of the market ia a whole diffrent story. The value of a good business will go down, it will. just nover stay down. The stock rnarket is aimply a proxy for the value of busrnesses, rnany of them good businesses. Uncertainty of what's going te happen in the future often causes people to 'ait on the sidelino.,' waiting for thingi te work out. If people aren't buying (cars, dlothes, computers, etc.) the value of the businesses that provide that good or service wil surely go down ... until people start te buy again., As discussed in the last two columne, two of the biggest mistakes people make are making decisions based on emotion and using too short of a Urne horizon. Mak yorsef financially independent by taking a long-term view and buy some good businesses while they are temporarily available at a slight discount, .Dére1 Dutha ia an independe nt finandald planner with Financial Concept Group in Oshawa. DEREK DUTKA 106 Stevenson Rd. S, Oshawa ý5 Z0ý À-e- Serving Whitby and Oshawa since 1986