Whlby Free Press, Wednesday,'October 25,995 , page 25 I~~.. .HD ....AR~IHMES: I I~NCIAL ÇffICLES RELIABLE DAYCARE available in my home. 10 years expenience. Receipts . ven. At Garden/Mannung. on na 430-7052. EXPIERIENCIED MOTHERS wifh a genuine love for children providing quality home childcare, hot meals, educafional play, CPR cerfified, BA, flexible, has reasonable rates. Thickson/Dryden. If interesfed, ichelle 571-7492.Shrladr DAYCARE AVAILABLE in my home with or without receipts. Close to Leslie McFarlane and Pringle Creek schools. Bus stop f0 St. Theresa's school. nght on the streef. Garde 'n & Manning area. Cal 666-8295. Ferry LHo use Child Care Services 129 Perry St., Whitby 668-9476 MATURE WOMAN wants infants, 6 weeks & over and toddlers f0 babysif.Chiîdren wilI reoeive plenfy of TL.W e wiIl grow together. Central Whitby, near park & schools. Cal 668-9891 for afhpoinfment f0 interview each EXPERIENCED DAYCARE available in my home. Daily ouf ings f0 Peanut Club, Y-Pace & library, etc. Also included are breakfast, lunch & snacks. Reasonable rates &receipfs. Cal 666-5452. DAYCARE IN MY*HOME or yours. Mother of fwo, good references, own car, former daycare teacher. Cal Sue 666-0233. EXPERIENCED DAYCARE available. Playmate wanted for busy 3 year old full fi me or parf-fime. Please cal 430-7179 & leave a message. EXPERIENCED responsible daycare in my home. Arts & crafts, n ufrtious snacks, low rates, any agie welcome. Excellent references. Non-smoking environment. Ash & Dundas. Whitby. 430-1538. WANTED: RELIABLE caregiver for our toddler, 2-3 momings a week, in our home. Must have references and be a non-smoker. Otter Creek area 668-9596 after 4pm. We Watch. Thesystem that provides... *Unscheduled home visits ensure quality care for your child *FuIly trained providers receive ongoing Agency support " Reliable local back-up covers Provider illness or holidays " Com plete insurance coverage " Incarne tax recelpts *Chidren six weeks and up " Full or part-lime For more Information Sail: 686m3995 a icensed Agency WHITBY - fumlshed or unfumished bedroom with use of kitchen. Close f0 bus or short walk f0 downtown. Smoke-free home. $350 per month. Leave message 666-8388. WANTED: RELIABLE male/female p erson f0 share large home in Brooklin. Use of ail faci it ies, auz included. $SOOfmo. 655-4403 HOUSE FOR rent in Whifby 3 bedroomn bungalow close f0 downtown, school &f.park. WÎiI decorate f0 your satisfaction. CaîIl Dennis 668-2613. CENTRAL OSHAWA- unique century home. Two- 3 piece bathrooms, 3 bedrooms appliances, garage, fully fenced yardi. Available immediateFy. $950 + utilities. Firstllast. 668-3640. ROONS ____________ FOR' RENT HOMES FOR SALE ~o ow~m,,~ai~w~ i%~aa -- - t-uxNimLi Ro...m for rent, $80/week. Share bathroom & kitchen. Worker preferred. Walk fo aIl amenities. Please caîl 666-3617 AFTER 6PM. LARGE, FURNISHED room for rent in Whitby, close f0 downtown & buses. Cable included. $95/week. Caîl 666-4279 or 668-8375 and leave message. DOWNTOWN WHITBY furnished room in dlean, quiet home: Use of kitchen. Cable & parking included. Suif mature working maie. $90 per week. Firstllast. 668-3640. Please Recycle This Newspaper APARTMENTS FR RENT DOWNTOWN BROOKLIN 2 bedroom apt. -Fnidge, stove. Working peole preferred. $575 plus hydro. Phone 655-8079. For November 1sf. Also large store for Apnil lst/96 655-8079. LARGE, BEAUTIFUL new basement apf. Kichen, walk-in closet, utilities included except Bell. $550/ mo. firsf & lassf. Prefer non-smoking femnale. Caîl 666-9719 affer Spm. OSHAWA - BRIGHT, SPACIQUS upper level 2 bedroom apf. 5 min. walk to downtown, close f0 hos pitaI. $760/mo. & hydro. Avai lable immediately Seeking quiet tenant. Caîl Paul art416-716-5249. BACHELOR BASEMENT private entranoe, ail ufilities, cable, parking & aundry facilities includecF. Working femnale preferred. $450 per mont h. First & Iast. 666-9453. BROOKLIN VERY LARGE 3 bedroom apt. large yard, close f0 al amenit les, utilities included. $861/mo. Available immediately. 655-5539. SOUTH WHITBY 2 bedroom apt. for rent, avail. Dec. 1195, $593/mo. includes utilities. Phone 666-9626 affer Spm or leave message. BROOKLIN, LARGE bachelor apt. Close to conveniences. Available now. For more information cal 655-5539. EAST OSHAWA, ONE BEDROOM apt. New, dlean, separate entrance, gas fireplace, non-smoker, very quiet, no pets. References required. $45 inclusive. Available Januar 1 sf. Caîl 725-3330. WEST LYNDE backsplif, 3 bedrooms, updated infenor wvith new carpef, professionally finished basement wuth woodsfove cenfral air, wndow covenings included, nice curb appeal. Asking $ 159,900. Call 430-9083. Got an opinion on matters of local interest? MORTGAGES & LOANS r$ *lst&2nd *eLUnes of credit e BEST RATES Frank Callahan 571-2880 After hours 668-4454 Upper Canada Funding mnc. COMMERCIAL SPACE FOR RENT OR SAL E FOR LEASE - 617 BROCK ST. S. Older home converted to, offices for professional use. Newly renovafed and carpefed, over 1200 sq. ft. Air conditioned, g as heat parking. $1200 Neft.Contact Miark(905 668-2213. DOWNTOWN WHITBY - Brock St. fronfge. aprox 2,000 sq.ft. Long term eae. 66-468, 9am ta Spm. BROOKLIN IS boomin g! 1740 sq. ft. building - renovated, lights, ceiîing fans, alarm systemrs, excellent location for offices, store or pub, etc. Days (905) 655-4544, evenings (905) 655-8989. COMING EVENTS Cali 668-6111 j Loans. Lines of Credit, Bank Turn Downs, Lowest Possible Rates. First Time Home Buyers Please cali ROBERT BROWN .. t Johnston & Cook (905) 668-6102 weekends & evenings or dlays (905) 428-1 232 YAR SAES: Ho up FRONT FEES AJAX- HOUSEHOLD ITEMS, ~ower& air fools, ladders, alum rkaxels' &- tires office equupment. Taunton Rd. Wi. Salem Rd. N. f0 Sth Conc. E. FolIow signs. Oct. 28-29. LARGE YARD SALE MOV1NG sale Saf. & Sun., 28th & 29fh, 8:30 - 3:â0. in case of ramn will be held inside. 802 Byron St. S., Whitby. Toys, fumiture, clothes, etc. ROCK AND ROLL YARD sale. Cds, records posters, videos, sports cards, lots more. Sunday October 29th, lOam-4pm, 70 Maria Street. Indoor, ramn or shine. JANICE LYNN SCHOOL 0F Dance Gara ge Sale Saturday, Oct. 28th, 9am-4pm A&P Plaza, Thickson & Hwy. 2, kain date Sun. Oct. *29, 9am-4pm.. Help support the danoers. CRAFT SALE & GARAGE Sale Saturday, November 4, 8am-4pm af the Whutby Yacht Club. GIANT GARAGE sale! We've got enough really great stuff, to ma ke you gad you read this ad! Saturday October 28 1995 8am-lpm, 129 Bell Drive, WVhitby.' 16 FAMILY GARAGE AND craft sale, Saturday, Oct. 28, 8amn ta 3pm. Thickson and Dundas, A&P lot. Something for everyone. Refreshments available. STOP!. Don't throw it out. Someone may want it. Try the Whitby Free Press classifieds. LANDSCAPING SERVI CES LAWN MAINTENANCE, pruning, grass seeding, sodding. Faîl dlean-ups. Renovafions 0f g ardens, rock gardens, planfinq, firewood. Dut chwa Landscaping. (905) 649-318 NEED YOUR yard raked, eavestroughs cleaned, gardens fumed, lawn cut 'n'frim. Cal I L an D Mowing, 436-7833 or foîl free pager 1-416-553-8180. Free estimafes TREE CUTTING & TRIMMING, pruning, shaping, selective branct cuffing, tree removal. Free estimafes fully insured. 433-7140 or 430-46ý2. Pager 721-7304. LADIES & chiîdren new & nearly new faîl & winfer cîothing. 20% off on selected items. Clothes amrving daily. We also have a demand for ladies size 14+ & matemnity wear. For further information caîl The Wardrobe Exchange, 856 Brock Sf. N. 666-9225. EVERYBODY READ5 TH E WHITBY FREE PRESS 66-61 Specializing in Early Childhood Education. For Peace of Mind. ONE VEAR OLD YORK 2001 wifh PecDec, like new, $275 o.b.o. Caîl (905) 666-5138. COMPLETE STEREO UNIT - 250 watt amp, tuner, double tape deck CD player, four speakers. Pail $3400, sell for $950. Caîl Marc at 655-8325. ANTIQUE DiNING room set c. 19201 china cabinet 60'W. 76"h., table extends to 68", 4 chairs couch, mafching chair (not antiques. Phone 430-9492 afier 5pm. ANTIQUE PLAYER piano wifh musical scrolls, excellent condition, $2500 o.b.o. 2 new' Lazy Boy chairs $900 pair o. b.o. Car, 432-361 7. WEDDING DRESS and veil, must see, originally $900, sellin~g for $250. A[so bedsofa 8 mos. oîd, originally $1350 selling for $900 mainly blue, modem style, ver comfy. Also office desk with hutch and typing, table $100. Phone 430-7428. PIANO GARRARD Heinfzmann, upght, good working order, $525: .FAIL& WINTER CLOTHING, ments teens & boys. Boys size 8 to men's XXXLG. Over 2,00o articles f0 choose from with more amrving daily. We self only top designer labels at less than 1/3 refail pnices. From casual f0 dress clothin?. Pnoces start: jeans $9, sweaters $, winter coats $19 ski jackets $25, shirts $5, fies $3, blazers $1suf $29, +++.' Salesman samples of namne brandsk& sport clothinq '(al new of course) are now amving daily. Don't miss ouf. AIl new items are sold belowwholesale costs. Corne f0 Rugged Repîsys in Whitby and see for yourself. Take Hwy. 2 f0 Thickson Road go suth to t he 3rd light ( Bums ýt.) tum left & first plaza on your left. Now accepfing Winfer designer clofhing.Caîfo further information 404-2063. LUXURY ITEMS, bargain.pnicesl Eafon's fur ýsalon wheat mik coat, value $2799, will self $900, size 6. Wheat fox and leather vest, value $600, will self $200. 14 karat gold Seiko wafch with sapphire stem value $2500, wilI sel $900. Cali 436-0633. Chesterfield suites, sofabeds, mattresses & much more 1 E- McKEEN FURNITURE 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa 725-5181