Whitby Free Press, 25 Oct 1995, p. 1

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Trustee drops bid for, individual expense accounts page 3 Brooklin residents..again, denied page à"", Protesý Dy Mike Kowabskt Work in now w.Ul under way to Iay*gthe. foundation for tiie [qnde Shores housing .evlopment. Mudi tothe. surprise of critics of the controversial project, construction, oeews bga r.moving trees and 'domng otiier mmrminaq work last weekend on tii. ite of a future 545-unit subdivision next to Laynde Marsii. Altiiough local government concerning te projectar roeolv.d. Opponents are also ustta security guards and doge - hired by the. contractor t prevent possible damage tocntuio machlnery - are now patrolling the. Rose property. In fact, I:uniam Regional Police were called out tothe site after protestors staged a weekend demonstration. However, a Rose representative told The. Free Press that neither hie flrm nor the contractor contacted the. police, but that the. police were* sumrmoned by a protestor who wanted the work etopped. "Ail the trees have been removed, Pat Perkins, chair of the Save Lynde Marsh (SIND citizens' group, uaid Monday. "WVe're concerned that they (Rose) would start on the. weekend wiien on Tuesdy night we made a presentation (to the. conservation authority)," said Perkins. "Our otiier concern is with the. three scary guards and rottweilers. I don't know what they were expecting," ah. said-. Last Tuesday, SLM requested that the. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) management board r.sdind a "cut and fil" permit that had been Issued to Rose at the board's September meeting; mhe permit allows Rose to remove 12,947 cubic yards of soil from the site and replace it witii 10,625 cubic yards of flul. Althougii CLOCA staff recommended that Rose b. required to demonstrate that its proposali Win maintain flood water storage *within acceptable limite" in the. event of a regional storm, the. board overrode staff. Last we.k, SLM argued that the. board flot only made an uninformed decision, but that it also ignored its own ruling in Mardi that an outside appraisal of the development's impact on tiie maàrs'hIi b. undaeakin. ,ts at marsh as work, be, WORK WAS welI under way Mondlay on preparing the site of the future housing development next to the Lynde Creek Marsh (Ieft). Opponents of the project held a dem onstration on the weekend and Ieft a reminder (right) of their sentiments. Pho»o by Ma"kReffo, WIWtbFmsePissa Chan ge of attitude:@trustees allow smoking By Mm*k Reesor Public achool board trustees have r.versed tiieir decision ta not allow smoking areas for staff and visitors at the, administration and maintenance buildings. The Durham board decided at its last meeting two weeks ago that the outaide smoking areas should b. eliminated ta avoid iiaving a "two-tiered system," since smoking is prohibited on sciiool prop.rty and inside ail board buildings. But on Monday nigiit, Oshiawa truste. Ken Ridge, on. of nine wiio voted against ailowing the. areas at thie last meeting (five favoured them), moved the motion ta reconBider. H. said the. board did not "adequately" consider staff moral,, whicii ias been "sagging recently. "To support this, 1 don't tbink would be outrageous. Eacii on. of tiiese institutions is an aduit place of work. "Students are not here <admnsrtion building, attached ta Sinclair Secondary Sciiool) or siiouldn't be, and certainly not at tiie maintenance centre." The smoking ban at the. two buildings lie not enforceabl,," argu.d vice-chair Ruth Ann Schedlich. "Wiio's going to enforce it; ia the. director... or one of the. superintendents? And what if you see an employee smoking? Wiiat iiappens? ."la he sent hiome or is ho disciplined or (does) h. has t tay after work? What's the. purpose of it?" Pickering truste. Susan Kular said her "heart was ruling over her iiead" wiien ah. voted ta do away witii the. amas, adding "I believe my view was a bit extreme... ."Even in mathematica, sornetimes two plus two does not necesaarily equal four, it migiit equal five, so... ]Pm going ta change my mind." When staff is faced witii cutbacks and many otiier concerne, "wiiy hurt -tiiem again witii someti.ng else," wondered Ajax truatee ColeenJordan, wiio added SR PAGE 8 Reach out to Quebec,1 says MP By M1ke Kowalskl Whitby residents with ties ta, Quebec are being asked ta "reach out and taucii" tiieir fellow Canadians. Ontario riding MP Dan McTeague is caling on his constituents witii relatives, friends or acquaintances in Quebec ta make a final pies a tiiteir neiglibours befor. next wek'sm referendum. The. fluently bilinguial McTeague, who has spent conaiderable time in Quebec promoting the. No side in Monday>s vote, believes tiiat if enougii non-Quebecers make even a single telephone cail, it could make a di.fféence ta tiie outcome. 'Tv. been in Quebec campaigning door ta door and 1 think it wifl b. very dlose," said McTeague. "Hopefuily it wiil work out, but anytbing we can do ta convince them that we want Quebec t tay will help," h. said. MdI'.ague -feels that Whitby has a "strategic advantage" over other Canadian communities. "It's offlcially twinned with a town in Quebec, that's a good starting point," h. said. (On page 9, mee letter from Wiiitby Mayor Tom Edwards ta bis Ljongueuil counterpart.) "Whitby also boasts a strong and growing bilingual population. That countermands the. separatists' SEE PAGE 9 4 Whitby residents are invited to participate in a rally i Montreal on Friday in support of the pro-Canada side ini the Quebec referendum. Buses will leave the Centennial Building parking lot on Centre Street South at 6 arn. Deadline for registration is 4 p.m. Thursday and those interested are asked to eall MP Dan McTeague's office at 427-6203. 'ns

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