Open ho use on Saturdc4' itby Free Press, Wednesday, Octol More Block Parents, executive members neý By Sa"a- Stoues You may know your children are at il p.m., but do you know where they are at 3 p.m. - while you're at work or waiting at home - or Saturday morning, after practice ends and they walk the three or four blockS home? Do you and your childre.n know what tie~y would do or where they would go if tiiey ran into trouble nto and from sciiool, a frienda uoe, or even while trick-or- treti- Thatis where the. Block Parent program cornes into, focus and wiiat National Block Parent Week, F or over 25 years, the Block Paetprogram lias been helping to make our commulnities safer. Throughout Canada, the red and white Block Parent sign is a symbol of a safe refuge wiiere j assstance is availabi.. Police, government departments, e<lucators,, corporate sponsors (sucli as the. Toronto Dominion Bank) and volunteers support the Block Parent goal of providing safer communities for children and otiier citizens. Block Parents are responsible adulte who care sufficiently about the. well-being of children and otiiers to volunteer their homes as a refugel in an emergency. Ail Block Parents are screened by the. local police departments and are given instructions on the program by local volunteers. Tii. Block Parent window sign is .iiown only wii.n someone over age 18 in available to answer the door. If the. sign is flot cisplayed, this dons flot mean that no on. is home, only tiiat the. Block Parent in flot available to offer immeciate assistance. Ini addition, the. primary goal of making communities safer for children, the. Block Parent program deters ciminals and troublemakers. "Tii. efforts of our local Block Parents are greatly appreciated," status Lynda Drake, chair of the. Whitby/Brooklin Block Parent progran. "However, witii so much new residential growthin mthe. northern part of Whitby and in Brooklin, more Block Parents are n.eded ail the. time. Inu addition, we could always do witii more ezecutive members to help deliver application forms, upeak with sciiool children or even assiet at communi1ty awareness activifies," mii. continue. .Anyone nterested may contact Drake at 666-1203. A Block Parent awareness open houe. is h.ld Saturday, Oct. 28, at the Toronto Dominion Bank, located at t] Square, Rossi Otreets3, from 19 ESSENTIAl HAIR DESIGI' à eJJI> SUNTANNIN( STUDIO SUPER TAN 20 Min*.120C) TAXES 1 Regular pnices $6. $70-400 Min Csomerzc pakae fr~o suis wi 10,REE *urchas Specials end Ni 108 B ROCK ST. N. a 666-8050 'We Buy, Sell& TradeNW We Pay. Top Dollar' UE Over 4,000 CD'rls to choose from. *Movies a Cassettes a SEGA *Super Nintendo Enterta.inm ent System Business Hours:'Mon. to Wed. 10 - 6 Thurs. &Fri. 10 -7 - Sat. 10- 5 * 0 OAODAE 7 IHE e- . * m uims ro hescoo. Reeraio Htin RsrvtinHol*n 66-98043-09 *&e - ... - - - - WHTTBY MOOSE LODGE 2407 *jfr PRESENTS Friday. October 27th, 1995 at the HEYDENSHORE PAVILION (Water St. Whiby) Cocktails-6pm RasBefDnr7pt Dance .L i ?M . ý $20.00 ii A-*,,-d.."van,..ce' $25.OOatlYoorýik. Prizes forBs ALW'NCSUE For information cali 666-2609