Whitby Free Press, 4 Oct 1995, p. 8

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Page 8, Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, October 4, 1995 Towncalisfrenacdrolefôrmniialities Iiy PoUkK OWaJBK Whitby . councillors want muaicipalities to be given more contrai over their own désti.nies. A stronger raie for local government forms the crux 'of Town council's submnission to a provincial task force on the future of the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). In lestQun 20 minutes Monday, council approved an 18-page report whicli had already been sent ta. the GTA task force headied by University of Toronto professor Anne Golden. Most of the 15 proposais contained in the brief recommend that more power be given ta local councils and that there be lems interference from Queen's Park. Whle counilar- Marcel Brunelle believes that most Whitby residents will agree with' council, there may be some that will not embrace al of the recommendations.. For instance, the province is being asked, ta put library boards and hydro commiissions under COUniUcontroi. "What we're saying is that we are the level of government closest to the- public and that a municipality's powers should be enhanced and expanded," Brunefle said following the special session. Amalgamation with Oshawa opposed "We should be 'given more opportunity to provide services at the grassroots level because we can do it more efficiently," lie said. Although coundil takes a firm stand against any suggestion to reduce Whitby's autonomy by amalgamating with Oshawa, for example, municipalities should be given the fleibility of sharing services if it can be' done better, Brumelle said. "Why couldn't Whitby and Ajax have a common fire department?" DR. ROGER KARAM. is pleased to welcomfe Tracy Keough, (îeft) Registered Massage Therapist and Joan Popovic, (ri'ght) Certified Reflexologist t to the Karam Chiropractie Clinic. REDi E RAE*ORTE *T FOCOE! KARAM CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC ROGER F. KARAM, B.Sc., D.C. 3000 Garden St., Suite 208 ~'~<(Loblaws Plaza)* Taunton Rd. 430-1341 M - Wheelchair Accessible * Free Parking Dundas St. E. lie asked. "There are other business arrangements that can be explored as weil." Whule council Ibelieves' that' "broader general planning" should remain at the regional level, the approval process should be streamlined ta allow a local council ta determine the fate-.of development propasals, Brunelle Maid. "Why sliould we not have the authority ta approve- plans of Acute PROM PAGE 1 "We're not getting, at this point in time, in-house acute care services, but weive got the other and who knows, we're gaing ta, keep negotiating.. "But knowing the Harris government, I ItbinkJits going ta require very delicate and quiet negotiations ta get anywherÉe." Souci de5ined acute care as day surgery and other procedures not requiring overniight stays, but added lie's hoping the ministry can be iconvinced ta allow WGH ta continue offering "short stay" acute care - services requiring stays of Up ta, 48 hours. And in-house acute care includes emergency services, lihe said, adding "the door is vexy mucli open there ta, as, far as I'm concernied, ta see aur doors open 24 hours." .Ini fact, lie even foresees a "fair bit o f expansion" of rehab and outpatient ambulatory care services and "revamping the hospital. "Hey rm in the car business (Marigold Ford). I can't seil cars ta people who don't wark and I think there's going ta be, in fact I know, over a period of time there's gaing ta be more people workring down there," said Souci. * Petiumprocessors based PCs v eindfor ~ 4~A~~1~pie W Microsoft' mo M Windowe95 0..a.c.E.3...0 A M UPC CDIFX95 Pentium Processor models S.,Intel Pentium prtsr * 530MR h gh speed hard dre O MS RAM. 25k tache 3.25 hgh ejdenstyloppy drive *PCI Local bus archilecture * MB C SVGA video tard Q UAD speed CD ROM *MS Mous. and mouse padM 16 bit sound tard *Windows 95 pre-load d *Dual amplifled speakers *Nine popular software packages«M 5 . PsWsw *1t.4 VoiceFixs/Modem *Three year parts & abour warrantry &Internet Starter Kit *fsrst pear on-site service* C D I F X 9 5 - 5 7 5 M o n i t o r f o t n c u d e d CDIFX95-575 .P CDIFX95-50 Intel 911MHprocessor IPC CD/FX systems includes nîne popular software tities: e . 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"Why go ta other levels? That just adds to the delays and caste ta, the taxpayers" Appointed by the former New Democratic Party government, the Golden commissi»on was tald by the new Progressive Conservative government toa ubrnit its findings by November. I addition, Municipal Affaire Minister AI Leach gave municipalities until' the end cf care o, "If the minister .intended for Whitby ta have emergency services, -that is what it would say (in the letter), said GerzyBlake, chair of the Durham Region district health council, "and it does not say that." The letter doesn't leave a lot apen ta interpretation, said Blake, who nonetheles interprets it differently - at least the sections regarding WGH. He referred ta a paragraph in the mninster's letter ta back up lis argument. "The highest priority should be given ta immediately planning for a regional emergency services program ta address the emergency needs of the region. "In particular, Whitby residents must be assured full, barrier-free access ta, urgent, emergency and paramedical services," it states. "Quite clearly I think it's Sodathon MRM PAGER 8 They decided ta, tackle the praject after the board said it didnt have the maney. 'The origi*nal estimate was.ta do just the inside area of the track with topsoil 'and that was $50,000V," *pointed out Slean. "We've now got twice the field space." This isn't the last praject for which Henry will employ the do-it-yourself construction method, says principal Ed Grant. "The next project will be the weight, room; a -modern weiglit training and conditioning facility'- beside the aid Sym - more news on that in the future!" 'Mhe third one we won't even talk about!" joked Slean. September ta put forward their own proposais. Brunelle said.lie would have preferred that council hold a meetingto allow Whitby residents an opportunity for input, but one could flot b. arranged i time. The Towde suubmission was put together, after an extensive "brainstorming session" by council and staff, Brunýelle said. "I would have liked, a public meeting but 1 tbink this reflects the feelings cf the cammunity." r not?! referring ta making" sure that Whitby residents have access ta emergency services that may not be - that are-not - in Whitby, that are within thé Durham Region," said Blake, who added AjmAx/Pckering and Osliawa hospitals will have ta be "adjusted" to handie the extrà emergency patients. "The ministerlias said a reliab facility of excellence for Whitby, and ta examine outpatient services for Whitby attached ta that site, as I read it, and please ensure, district health council, as yau plan collaboratively with athers, that Wbitby residents have access ta emergency services. " Nowliere daes it say in liere, and I don't see how that couid be interpreted, that it's on that site." Blake said the minister went ta "great pains to talk regional... and the context of the, Whitby commenta are in a regional context. "Well, I guess I have the advantage of having met with the minister about this," sa 'id Flaherty when askedilater in the week if bis interpretation of the letter had changed. "One canre rad inta the letter, I suppose, what one wants ta read inta it, but it's clear that what the minister is saying is, that there lias ta be adequate emergency services for the people of Whitby." Correction I last- weeks edition, it was incorrectly stated that the Civitan Club wauld meet toniglit (Oct. 4). at the Whitby Mail restaurant. The meeting wili be held at 613 Harriet St., Whitby. The Frýee Press apologizes for any confusion whicli may have arisen as a rsi of the errar. Networkinggroup meets The 2nd Tuesday- Networking Group (formerly the Business Networking Group) of Whitby wili, hold its monthly breakfast meeting at A Touch cf Olas restaurant and banquet hall, 104 Consumers Dr. (side door), Whitby, from 7:30 ta 9 a.m., on Tuesday, Oct. 10. Admission, which includes breakfast, is $10. Guest speaker wiil be Janet Banting, wha wili discuas the environment. Al awners of home-based Qffering ail insolvency services including personal & corporate bankruptcies OSHAWA 122 Albert St. 721-7506 AJAX: 50 Commercial Ave. 619-1473 COBOURG: 72 King St. W. 372-4744 Saturday & evening appoinrnents available. FREE initial consultation. businessesa are welcome. For more information or ta reserve a space, cail Sandi at 433-1246 or Marian at 668-3083. Sales workshop A workshap on Effective Skdlw for Effective Sale, wiil be heid at Durham College's skills training centre i Whitby on Oct. 20. Cost is $112. Cail 721-3000 for more information. * .JAMES.R. YANCH 9

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