Whitby Free Press, 6 Sep 1995, p. 20

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Page 20, Whltby Free Pmss, Wednosday, Septemnber 6,1995 Ie\nOSHAWA 0 D.RIVINO oSCH-OOL 172 KIn St. E. Suite #301 Oshagwa . 728-0091 Fuit Drivers Education Courses SEPTEMBER 9TH Saturdays 4 week course. SEPTEMBER 12TH Tues. & Thurs. 4 week course PRIVATE LESSONS. À& E~REGISTERED 6APPROVED 8V THE D.S.A.O. AND O.S.L CALLA PRO! FOR WHIEN LIFE BRINGS YOUAÀSHOCK OR TWO! Just check.the CALL A PRO section and let the pros do the job! You cari compare and choose from the services youl flnd there! PIANO LESSONS Senior music student, West Lyncle area. Prefers beginner ta grade 3. Reasonable rates references cen be provided. Calit d8-3556 ENGLISH UPGRADING - The Durham Board of Education is offering an lnterrnediate English Program 4 moming s or 3 aftemnoons. per week a t St. Mark's Church House. Please oel 435-3450 for information. PIANO & THEORY LESSONS, Taunton/Garden area. Expenienced teacher wvith A.R.C.T. is now accepting a limited number of students for the fail terni. Please oeil for more information 666-8736. PIANO LESSONS quaiified, expenenoed teacher in North Whitby. Any ag e, ail levels. Reasonebie rate. Ca l 721-9290. MUSIC TEACHERS WANTED: piano, guitar, voice, woodwinds. Qualifications: ARCT or equivalent expenence. Whitby.School of Music 666-8780. SINGING LESSONS. Highiy qualifmed teacher, 19 years WOOD RENEWERS - make decks, fences, woodsiding, lao structures look like new a gain. Remove al weathernq, stains & paint. Sealer/stain will not peel or chip. Work guaranteed. 655-3566. RENEW WORKS - We dlean and seai your interlocking brick with aur patented, environmentel iy fniendly products. Free estimates and ail work guaranteed. 655-3566. PHOTOGRAPHY. Distinctive 2quality portraits. Studio or in home. Babies, children, femilies. Packagesfrom $29. Also: weddings from $299,' aid photos copied & restored corporete & promotionai. No GSTI (905) 427-9164. LANDSCAPING - specieiizing in pruning, cleen-ups lewn & garden care, plantins.Fýree estimetes. Reesonebie. licensed & certified landscaper. Grass cutting & trimming $12 & up. CaeilPaul Hurst 668-0242. KATE'S CUSTOM-MADE draperies. Free consultation. Shop et hoe service. Low, low prices. Cali (905) 666-3048. FORGET ME KNOT FLOWERS, Flowers, Flawers. Specializing in lest minute flower, champagne & Balloon-A-Gremn delivenies. Roses: sweetheart $32 dozen, -lrng-stem $40 dozen. Carnations, $20 dozen. Mixed bouquets from $25. AIl prices include tex, local delivery, femn, beb's breeth, packaging & ribbon. Smies are free! Wholesale prices aveileble ta restaurants and offices. Oeil (905) 428-1305 (905) 619-3055, (416) 424-363g. GRANDMAOS CLEANING COMPANY offers highly treined, dependeble, courteous cleeners. Bonded insured & police security checked. We are very flexible. For mare information cali 725-9177. NEED VOUR yard raked, eavestroughs cleaned, gardens tumed, lewn cut 'n' trim. Cal I L an D Mowin, 436-7833 or toli free pager 1-416-553-8180. Free estimates HOME MAINTENANCE. Specielizing in smeill jobs - if you want ta keep your house or apt. lookinQg its best oeil now for a fre estime te 666-0O88. RESUMES, ETC. Give your job hunt the edge with e professioally prepared resume. -Also press reieeses, newsletter production, word processing. (905) 666-9902. A 31/2 hour course for people on the gon The Lifesaver course is designed ta teach essential Iifesaving first aid skills ta people of ail ages. Three and a haif hours of your tirne could save a life. Cali St. John Ambulance for détails. S 434-7800 St. JohnAm lne PAINTING INTERIORIEXTERIOR Sualit work, best materiai used. orthose who deserve more far their money, oeil Jae 721-2706, please leave message. OLYMPIC PAINTING - prafessianai paintin1g1 & wailpaper. teriorfexterior. No job toa small. For good prices & good work, cail George et 725-7870 or 666-2091. Free estimates. FLOOR REFINISHING - woad renewers wiil do a professional job of your sanding, refinished and steining need s. Ail work gueranteed. 655-3566. VOUR #1 SEWING CENTRE. Sewing machine repairs.Ail mekes. 10% Seir'dsoni. Compiete tune-up from $29.95 + parts. Fectory trained techniciens. For free pick-up & delivery oeil 432-7375. CINDY'S ALTERATIONS - Corne see us for ail your sewing needs. Leether, zippers, aiso mens taiioring avaiiabie. Tues.-Fri. 10-5:39,eSt 10-3 133 ByronS.N Pearson Lanes 4à0-6550. nS.N HOME RENOVATIONS& restoration. Plans, inspections, speifications, carpentry, plumbing, electrical, Windows, energy conservation. Cali Jacques of AIi Trades, ASHRAE #2053385, 666-0993. HENK KARELSEN Painting & Home Repair. Quelity work, interior/exterior. Over 20 yeers experience. No job too small. Free estimates. 1-800-423-0823. CALLLÀA ew~ The Mutual Group HEBTRAN calfor quotation 166-969r u43-716 AS ABOUTOUR-SECIA ARIONS HOUSECLEANING SERVICE (hsad& wife team) We have a service to fit your needs & budget starting at $50. Oeil us et (905) 706-0526 or (905) 427-3607 TREE CUTTUNG &TRIMMING FuIly lnsured' Free Estimates ï- pager,721-7304. U Clericel & Word Prooessing UJ Customized Resumes IJ Correspondence UJ Manuels U- Mailing Lists U Reports J- Laser Printer UJ Fax & Mail Service JPickup & Delivery Cai432-1491 ACCURATE CONTRACTUNG* " Home Improvements " Basements e> " Building Maintenance " Drywall - Stucco - Painting FREE ESTIMA TES - 905-666-2185 ; ff "itrokînýtn eann al I 'Wood f encing & decks IFREE GOMPE TI TI VE ES TIMA ITES IWritten Guaranteel 1666-9691 î Interlock, retaining walis, decks & fences. f Specializing in Pisa stone. 10 ear exerenc * il or guranee Cali (905) 718-1008 or (905) 985-46261J SHERRYS HOME DAYCARE: Brock/Rossland area. Structured, yet fun, at home program with planned atviAssoImaes dress-up & free I diyAIae welcome. Cail430- 161. PALMERSTON AREA mother of two wviIlling ta provide daycare. Yau choose: permanent, bef~ore, lunch or after school or thase 1 feel sick days. OeIl anytime 666-8598. DAYCARE AVAILABLE in my home, Mondey thru Fniday; infants & preschoalers preferred. Palmerston Ave, public sohool area. Excellent references. Cali 430-3387. FRENCH SPEAKING, responsible mother of 2 wouid love ta care for a little companion (2yrs+) for her 3 year aid daughter. Creative environment. Caîl 430-8657. PALMERSTON SCHOOL after schooi care in non-smoking home. Expenienced mother. Within walking distance. Hourly or daily rates. Referenoes & reoeipts given. 430-3962. PEGGY'S TINY TOTS (Whitby) hes aenings available in momung and aftemoon piaygraups for 2-4 year olds in smail group setting (starting Sept.) mun b y quelified E.C,.E.IR. Nf Cal eggy 668-9083. IN MY HOME YOU WILL FIND a loving place ta be; sangs & stories, colour, shapes and even ABC's. We fingerpaint we dance &ýplay, nutritiaus snacks & lunch midday Flexible schedules for ail styles wiïh unlimited hugs & smiies. Fuli-time, pert-time & back-up, also before & effer school. Pleese oeil 430-7611. EXPERIENCED MOTHER with a genuine love for children providing quality home childcere, hot meels educational play, CPR certified and. B.A. Flexible hours/roasonable rates. Babies welcome. ThicksonlDryden 571-7492. We -Watch The system that provides... *Unscheduled home visits ensure quality care for your chiid " Fullyitrained*providers receive ongoing Agency support " Reliable local back-up covers Provier illness or holiday " Complete insurance coverage j Whitby Free Press *668-6111 lf eHurS odyt riday,900 r o50 M,*Fx6809 PRFESINAL PU .ES.NL POE.tALEVCS RM".R. 11<SI-4 SPining& HOMAinenovaions V 24 hr. Emergency Repairs. Quality work at reasonable ra]tes. (905) 571-6453 r- I:i L- 1 11-

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