Whtby Free Press, Wecfnosday, Septeffiber 6. 1995. Page 13 FiY Saturdayspt9 ,ii ItsCanning Tim ~Cone see us for a large selection of mason jars, lids and canning utensils. Corne down to check us out. Our food court Happy building is NOW Birthday OPEN and ready to WHITBY serve you with four fantastie food outiets. Pioneer Food Co urts Inc. Hwy. 401 & Brock St. at Paisley Court îvuo4 Iu* EIYOJKR.S __________________________ Coîtie in and see our ot/wr Unes CRABQRU & EVELYN, BELGIANS TEA & COFFEE, - GINCHOCOLATE, N HANDCRAFTED TEDDY BEARS Fine F os&Gifts Pearson Lanes, 103 1/2 MaM St. W. 430-2480 WHITBYth__________Sret 319 Brock St. S., Whitbv (Whitbv PIaza) * 668-3540 GH ' ST H4UNT - NOUSE CL.EARiNGS We are Iooking for ghosts! Historically Whitby is known to have uninvited guests. If you would like to discuss this subject further, please give us a cail or write to: *.~-Wings of Learning Centre for Transf'orma( tonal Living 106 Byron St. S., 666-4613 Ail information wiII be treated with conidentiaiîy BROCK ST. S. AT PRICE CHOPPER PLAZA tiefEST *0 F RI ES IN11,v EEiI m.......bles 4 CI lles. friencis ak Ions B outique &Ytw b& sa4 v aw Ct.6Cta Discover 2 Great Value Foshion Stores Un Downtown Whitby WOMEN'S FASH-ION BOUflQUE Speciafizing in *Designer Labels Business Attire. - Bridai Fashions Casual Wear * *Shoes, Accessories and Jewellery* *Children's Clothing - Footwear* *Nursery Accessories - Fumiture* * Toys - Equipment s RESALE SHOPPING MAKE ECONOMK SENSEI 1% i pý9M a t hî offIh Wings of Learniing ~~ Centre foi Ti ait sfom7iatiiiil Ne Ae Book Sept. 6 - CLASSES Psychic Development 10 Weeks Sept. 8 - CLASSES Basic Tarot - 10 Weeks Guest Psychic Reader DAVID LEFORT Sat. Sept. 9th- noon to 6pm (David has appeared on the DINI PETTY show and has been featured in FLAIR MAGAZINE.) Advanced Bookings Recommended On-going Meditation Circle -0jyrnS.S.6-41 C HEiLT&'&CIIOE NUTRITION CENTRE IC 66-261 ______ L otrs &e g -a-e- 121 Brock Street North io ll2 ~O f (Just N. of the four corniers) from 1110« 50%of >DINEMIN / TAKE OUT 110 BROCK ST. N. Corne in for our daîly specialhs! He e Saturday,* September -9, 1995 9am-4pm, Byron St., W1dtby Iii roducing the Miniiature Lynde flouse Museum. in Downtown Whitby. T/is 1850 historical honie is buift to 1:1l2scale and will be displayed during Hérit~age Day. Have v,î, questions answvered and vour picture taken with thue L 'nde flouse miniature bejôr-eils'installation ii ite Cii//ci Gardeuis & Miniature Village Grounds thisfali! Sun. Sept. iotk at Cullen Gairdens * 2.3Opin-4pmn visit the Toronto GESNERIAD Socierv l pmn and 2.3Opnz Golden Slipper Band PLUS ail wveekeiid visit the 1NCRED!BLE Fali Gardens and enjov t/he BBQ, Gonu Roast & Wagoni Rides! 1'l ...... .. 1 -a-gk NiaTir m.. 1 j1j1ýýi!lillý R! il ........... e: m line2iq0f:ï 7M îýM,-e =.:e,