Page 12, Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, Septomber 6,1995 r -u - w L= v - u - - w «Irellmtg=- 4 s A Il the comforts of a motor home. Al the case and etficiency of driving a van. Whether you arc a first, secondi or hird time RV buyer, you owe il 10 yoursetf to discover why Roadtrek l is the sc lling North Amerncan camper van. fb Cusom mode Uwterianksfii bdlou, ibefloor tu maximize fnerior storage space and improve uwigbi distribution and bandling. Roadtrek- The Motor Home That.. Dives ike a Van'*' by d HOME &PARK** ' - --MO T OR IlO MES S ~ Homeà Puk.'Roadtmk.lbc Motewlime Thi 0rs UkrA %2ow vw-perd trdembof) ~~jJ fianmlof , i ch ianmu Mfor Coroe ron ser and cimWeue e*I W"v~v 1 <* .k ~ TIr-, imi i : i n 7 i Î ~-- =b à The Makings of a Perlect Escape OWASCO RECREATIONAL VEHICLES Expenience the Owasco Feeling. WHITBY1 Pro yen to serve you BESTsince 1972. R HW]Y2 An "I CARE" and CAA award winner. Sales, service, leasing, body shop, ail makes. ~~ ~RentaIs in Canada, USA and Europe, overseas deîivery OW 1425 Dundas St. East, Whitby a: N 686-6410 40 OWSO TOP DOLLAR FOR 35 MINUTES EAST FROM YOUR TRADE!<TO NO GOING OUT FORBUSINESS A good knight's sleep is worth defending SIMMONS SIMMONS rSimmons* SFamnous Pocket Coul SEALYPRINCESS EDITION Featuring Contour Flex' POSTUR PEDIC Pocket-Coil Construction Super Premnium 3"Ti -r3 1 in varlous models other than advertised items! Lowest Price Ever Complete Batsions ORTHO-MATTRESS SNL ESLEEPERS CHOICE 5 Year Warranty Ensemble ORTHOPEDIC ~16C 9 FEATURING 39" Single 2sc lso@ .Adjusto-Res* Coil Construction 39",Set ee11p is-259 I. "'. 39" Twin e;:à 4. 54" Double Cw811 hosfrom. 54" Double is:«I 54" Set ci16l4 Headboard, trame, 6"Qen~, 6"Q en s REE Two PilUows or Same Day Delivery FCE on ail purchases of $200 or more. 721-0331 Same Day Deliveries Available WHITBY Shop by phone N MAICEEP - 25 Thickson Rd. N. ____________Kentucky____ Whitby .C cen Open Sunday , 6~uiuq qo 1i1:00-4:00 McF. :30f-6:00 FAC TORY OUTLET(DOASt We specialize in waterbed conversion mattresses -, Unique sizes made to order.l WHlTBY RESIDENT Susan Norton displas two Toronto Blue Jay tickets she won in Durham Region's composter contest. People who bought composters in July were eligible to win one of two pairs of tickets. Another resident, Ken Gunn, won the other pair; boýth bought their composters at Weall and Cullen., Photo by Mark Reesor, Whltby Free Preou Spaio us iemporarybboomprivac-r area insteadofa snalpermanent one. ai 1 »»--" Ir I I I