Whitby Free Press, 30 Aug 1995, p. 6

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Page Ç, Whitby Free. Presç. Wednesýday, Auguat 30, 1995 The only Newspaper owned and operated by Whîtby residents for Whitby resîdents! MEMBER 0F: CANADIAN ONTARIO COMMUNITY CO MMUNITY NEWSPAPER NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION ISSN#0844-398X The Whitby Free Press is distributed free to 99% of the homes in. Whitby, Brooklin, Ashburn & Myrtie as welI as numerous public and commercial outiets in Whitby, Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering & Port Perry. 27,500 COPIES DELIVERED WEEKLY MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE Canada $34 + GST - Outside Canada $80 + GST Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario Imc. Box 206, 131 Brook St. N., Whitby, Ontario LIN 5S1 Phone:. 668-6111 Out of town: 1-800-668-0322 Fax: 668-0594 Doug Anderson - Publisher Maurice Pither - Editor Alexandra Martin'- Production Manager Printed on newsprint with minimum 20% recycled content using vegetable based inks. cAil written material, illustrations and advertising contained herein is protected by copyright. Any reproduction by any means for commercial purposes without the express permission of the newspaper is prohibited and is a violation of Canadian copyright law. Reproduction for non-commercial distribution should bear a credit line to the Whitby Free Press. Apology kI Dder to ensure the sincerity and veracity 0f bolers appearing ln the Whttby Free Press, we require, aI a minimum, the narne and telephone nuimber of the writer. The Aug. 23 edition of the Whitby Fres Press contained a lttIer under the name 0f Karen Rogers whlch made a, number 0f personal allegatians about Debbie McCauley 0f Brooklîn. On further Investigation we have been unable b contact the writer 0f the loUter and believe the name may b. fictilous. Under* the clrcumstances, the letter should not have been published. W. regret Implications the contained. any negative letter may have Unfair To th.e ditor: Cutbacks and federai transfer payments ta the provinces. Cutbacks and provincial transfer payments la the munbdpaiities. Banks are making record profits. Politicians have a very kjcratve pension plan. They do not pay taxes on a third 0f their income, besides cther perks. Tax sheiters such as farnily trust funds are available for the rlch. We have a deilcil of nearby $750 billion, nising by the. minute. Therefore, b amn wiling 10 bleed. But al of us have la share the culs equally, including politiclans of al levels 0f government. This includes Bay Street barons and bankers. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. Wmll Premier Harris follow lhrough with his mandate of smalber, mare efficient govýernment? Per capita we are the mnost over-governed country in the world. Politidians should set an example, and elmInate Iheir one- third tax-fre. incarne, k reeks af unfasrness. Premier IMke Harris has ta take quickç and positive action. Herman van der Veen Oshawa Not compulsory To theo dftor: Regarding theartide, "Alternative la Traritionai System in the Aug. 23 edition of The Free Press, b would like toclarifyaone point Kelly Green and 1 f0.1 that there is a plaeo in education for a public sohool system but that IR should not be compuls oryt attend the public echool system. Those Interested in obtaining turthem Information regarding The Diveslty In Education conference on Oct 21 can cabî the Toronto Waldorf Schaob aW (905) 881-1611 and ask for a brochure. Everyone attending the conference must b. pre- registered, Ihere wiIlbeb.na registrations ai th. door, space le Ilffted. Carol SImpson WhItby To the editor: Re: Igor Eiîyn's letter 'Legal aid threatened,' Fr. Press, Aug. 23. There appear to be a significant number 0f setf-servlng statements ln the btter. Iln the begbnnlng, as wlth most things, there were very good intentions to. establish legai aid, namely heling thé, vuînerabie and the oppressed. But jusr like labour unions, legal aid has bost its focus and purpose. Neither legal aid nor unions are looking ater the oppressed or vulnerable anymore; both are businesses interested in billings and union dues. There are- so many government choices (funded by taxpayers) for people such as the human rlghts Iaws and the right ta refuse 10 work in unsafe situations. For a Iawyer to declare that funding must b. maintained, for th. benefit 0f other Iawyers, appears to b. conflict af Interest. Legal aid in many cases ls a form of welfare for the excess of lawyers, a form of protection from the realty of economics, supply versus demand. For a Iawyer bo state "in 1h. interest 0f acess 10 justiceu Is double jeopardy. Most Canadlans would agree that w. have a legal system, not a justice system. Over two thirds of us want(ed) the death penalty; but the prevlous two elected prime ministers (Trudeau and Mulroney, both Iawyers) denied us justice and the current goverfiment in Ottawa wants more bureaucracy with the stupld gun law that criminaîs wiII flot pay any attention 10.- A type af legal aid abuse is the Nacess ta justc system that aîlows women 10 repeatedly drag "regular payer? back b court, 10 increase the amount of child support. I ar nfot talking about deadbeat dads, but regular payers. Mr. Ellyn, regular payers do not regret paying chiîd support; unfortunateîy the money is spent by the ex-wife, as they se. fit, and in many situations flot for the goad 0f the children. Imagine how new wives feel about supporting the ex-wife. Forget about a mamrage agreement keeping ail affairs separate; the justice system wiIl Ignore that and include some or ail 0f new spouses' income in a formula making payments higher. Imagine a system that encourages a child 10, ask their father (after h. gets a new job) %do you gel pald overtire?" When dad gets a higher paying job or remanries and the new wife has a jobÂincome, or if he works lots of overtime, this wanderful systern Mr. Ellyn is talking about ailows women, ai taxpayers' expense (a lot of whomn are also on wetfare, more taxpayers' expense) back ai the trough looking for more money. There le no lmit tothe number of tîmes this can happen. b know sommoe who hasUben forced 10. pay out of Nis pocket for a lawyer five times, whiîe hNs ex-wlfe, with naccess to justicew has a free ride on legal aid. There Is a provision that the free ride must b. paid back, but only a portion, and t.does not encourage the legai ald/wetfare abuser to pay the money back. A legail separallon agreement? Forget about iR. The. justice system will Ignore that and increase the amount of payments as they see fit. 1Lost your job and cant afford to continue to pay for a Iawyer? Legal aid MlI Ignore your marriage agreement, include your new spouse's Income and deny you access to justice. Does the panel thae revlews challenges to , h15 situation get pald? If the'answer to this question Is 'yes,'why is the panel so large? if the answer Is no, thank To the edîtor: Re: Letter by Jane Snyder, M Kids Ahead 0f My Career,' Aug. 16, Whltby Free' Press. Ms. Snyder must b. very fortunate ta have a husband who eamns a single salary barge enough ta provide a home and support a farniiy 0f four with clothing, food, etc. Many people are not that fortunale and as a resuît must seek care for, their children sa that bath parents can wark' ta provide just the bar. necessities for a modemn farnlîy. b think hem comment about the mother being the anly one ta give ample care and love is very irresponsible. I arn certain that she offerded many fathers who read her comment. Nt. Snyder conlinued 10, insuft a large number 0f dual-income parents statlng ftThe chbd wiIl not grow up 10 b. an independent secure or morally uprlght individual ...0 1 would lave ta meet her perfectly independent, secume and morall upright childmen. The chibdren 1 have had the privilege to knaw and teach ln a daycare are very much independent and secure <as secure as infants ta fîve-year-olds can b.). Uf children under age five can b. "rnoralfy upright,w then, yes, they are. Ms. Snyder has nover had her children ln day car., therefome, fom what I cen* read has no idea what the daycare envimonment entails. Our children are encouraged 10 b. independent and they are constantiy interactlng in a multicultumal and nurtwling environment. They Ieam ta get along wvith each other and work out their differences by talking to each Cther. #f that ls not whag yau consider ta b. Independent, secure or learnbng to b. morally upright ln God. Win a bottey five or 10 years down the road and even if your ex-wfe has remarrlod, the system may pay her legal costs to drag you back to court (for the good of the children?). I read nothlng ln Mr. Elyns letter about a system- that is' efficient Prompt resolutions are only ln the Interest of the paying client. Two lawyers and a legal aid abuser are the wlinners while the regular payer, his new wife and the childrensuifer. Some justice. I encourage Attorneyl General Charles Hamlck to cut legai aid by at toast 22 per cent and not allow for, legal aid paid requests for increases, In support payments. Ted Greenf leid Whtby today's socsety, then I don't know what is. i feel Ms. Snyder has insulted most farniles ln this region who vakse their daycare by telîing -them that their chlldren are flot their most preclous commodilles. In the dlaycare settlng I am escltdwlth, our parents are very much concemned, lnterested, and do thnk their children are their mast preclous commodities. Many familes have both spauses worklng in order Io give theïr chiidren the best the.y can offer. Unfortunateiy, as I sald before, rnost familes cannot afford 10 do this unless both parents work. I also have to defend aur single parents. If ht were not for child care subsidies, many of these chlldren would not have the qualty care that they do. I arn not by any means diminishingin- home child care. I feel very fortunate that aur parents have chosen and trusted us ta care for their children and love their children tagether with them. Doos M&. Snydler have a clue as 10 how much of her tax dollars atuaby go ta hebp subsidize spots? Not much. As far as daycares being "tatalyprvise," Iamn a little unclear as ta whether she means licenced private or bn-home prvae.Ucenced private ls stil ssdaedwth the govemment, not as much as *non- profit," but stili assoated. Apart of your tax dollars goos 10 chiki care workers' saladies ta, supplene nt aur wage 50 we can live at eh poverty Une. If Mr. Harris cuts that, we are working for approxlÎmately $1 2,000 ta $16,000 a year. We ought to b. able to raise familes on that, don't you think? I wouki bet mms people*would have a hard time living off that. Jl. Miler Early Chibdhood Educator Legal aid has Iost focus I nsulted _777,' 7 -,> 7 -.. To the editor..0 1 To the editor,,.,.. 1

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