Whlfby Free Press, Wedesday, August 16, 1995 .Page 21 ARICLE LITTLE TYKES easel $35; toybox $35;, booster seat $10; airpiane swing $15; Piano $10. Cati 427-0584. MENS TEENS'AND BOYS'qualty clothing. Boys' size 8 to mens 3XLG. Oe r 2000 articles to choose from with more arriving daity We seli top designer labels at- wel betow ýwholesale prices. From casuai to dress ciofhing. Pnices start - jeans $9, shirts $6, fies $3, shoes $9, blazers $19, suits $29, jackets $12 +++. Satesmen sampies , end of lines, and store closeouts- are aiso availabte ai. Rugged Replays, Upscate, new and Nexi f0 new ctothing for men, teens and boys. Take Hwy. 2 f0 Thickson Rd. in Whitby, go south f0 3rd lighf (Burns St.), tum teft 1 sf plaza on Ieft. Note we are now accepting fait ciothin'g. Cai Steve for more info 404-2063. BAO( TO SOIOL $SAVIIS MOM 1 Shop for yoursetfl1 Shop for the kuds at... it' WO0RTH R EP E-AT 1N G *Earn Quick $$l i g.We have buyers W'for ladies' deigner W ciofhing and quatty boy's & girls' clthing. CLL T(D]Y' 59-99112 i 355 TicsonR.N, shfý TV 27"0 COLOUR MONITOR, amplifier, Denon 50W Alpin e AUIFM cassette, Alpine i 8w amp Alpine crossover with tweeters andi mids, Btaupankt 6X9 3 way speaker. Calir666-3870. REFRIGERATOR, working condition, $40. Cati 668-3496. FRIDGE, STOVE, euifer 725-1937 LITTLE 'FOLKS QenAn mahogany crib & 5 drawer / 3 drawer dressers for $1000 o.b.o. Like new. Phone 430-4634. DUSTY ROSE VERTlCALS- I pýir usfy Ose linen sheers; ý pairs ivory lien sheers, large & smati. F or size S & pnoces cai Shalon 668-7926. GLASS B' STORE DISPLAY case with ights & sheives, asking $400. Singer sewing machine wifh attachmenfs & instruction booktet $100. Cati 430-3615. QUAZAR MICROWAVE, wood finish black door, above stove model with exhaust & light, meat prbfutty automatic, asking $400 (paid' $1,200). Kirby vacuum. cèleaner (older miodel) including rug shamrpooer & ait attachments excelent working condition. Cati <905) 985-1403. CEDARS FOR HEDGING, picked up & planted. Cati 905-427-0912. FAX YOUR AD 668-05941 FNeed a car - Credit Probtems? Bankrupt - Undischarged? " We have lease take-overs (repossesslor5> Lease to own any make or modet *Cash for trade - Cail now for free quotes LEffSEG-UlD AUTO LEASING Cati Jeff (905) 683-6230 LEASE TO OWN' VEHICLES '80-'86. No credif, bankru pt, no problem. WCB, F/A be'nefit accepfed. No inferesf. Cati 723-1222. 1981 DODGE CAMPER VAN 318 V8. PIS, PIB3, extended roof, new brakes, rebuilf carb., new universat joints, fulty finished inside, good running condition, tow miieage asking $4000 as is. Cat Frank 668-8617. 1987 GRAND AM, 2 door aufomafic, air, V6, power steering, brakes, locks windows. 100,000O mites, 'AMIFMi sfereo, front iig hf needs replacing. As is, $1 ,900. Cati 668-9264. 1984 PONTIAC Parisienne station, 2-toned blue & wood. Com plefe bodywork, new starter, gas tank, 1986 engine. Great famit car. Price negofiable. (905) 427-41900. 93 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE SE, white, g ray teather, sun roof, no accidents, excellent condition. 666-5508 CREDIT NOT a probiem tlease f0 own cars, '82 - '86, everyone qalifies, $275 down. 570034 O'ntanio Ltd., 1976.Notion Road, Pickering, 686-7428. TOP DOLLAR FOR SCRAP cars & trucks plus snowmobites, mot orcyctes & machinery. Free pick-up. CatI anytime 571-2429. 1988 MERCURY SABLE, 8 pass. waon, loaded, p.mnirrors, tumbar supp., 3rd seat, silver, asking $3, 950 o.b.o. Great famnity cà r. Caà 723-5852 affer Spm. ..O........ .... 1988 19' RENKIN BOWRIDER wif h 140 hp inboard outboard Mercruiser, traiter etc. Asking $6450. CatI 668-95k0. 6CC>MING 3EVENT-17? k 668-6111 CLEARWATER LARGO, fully fumished 2 bedroom, 2 bath mobile home. Heated pool, hot fub. November f0 A prit. Recnl renovafed. (1905) 839-3907. cn FLORîDA WATERFRONT, tuxury Gulf Coast home. Great swimrning flshingboating, safe area closeo everything0. From $350 UË; weekiy. Phofos/video availabie. Whitby 666-4663. CHAMPAGNE BALLOON FLIC~HTS $125-$175 per person utimafe expeence ideal gifi. UprJ Away 1-800-305-8666. PUPPIES Rtwi-rGra Shepherd, 5 weeks otd verv cute. For more information cait 430-0102 or 655-1062. SHADY8ROOK FARM is o accepting registrations for fait and winter hoseack ridinlso. W.e also have a few statgs availabie for board Ing* For further detaits please cati (05) 263-4018. -s- - r lyr- 668-611 happier body systems. Cati 668-4265 for appoint ment THANKS THANKS TO ST. JUDE & the Sacred heart of Jesus for favours received. May the Sacred heart of Jesus be adored, gionified, toved & preserved fhroughout the wortd now & forever. O Sacred heart of Jesus pray for us. Sf. Jude, worker ot miracles, pray for us. Sf. Jude, helper of the hopeiess, pray for us. Say thisp rayer 9 fimes a day. By the eighth day your prayer wit be answered, regardiess of how ho etess your situation seems. Pugtication must be promised. 5.W. HOLY SPIRIT, YOU WHO make me see everything and who shows me the way to reach my ideats. You who give me the dIvine gff f0 forgive and forgef att that is done to me. You who are wifhme in att instances of my tife. t want to fhank you for everything and confirm once more that 1 neyer want f0 be separated fromf you no matter how great the materiat desires may be. [want f0 be wif h you and my ioved ones in your perpetuat giory. AMEN. Pray this prayer for 3 consecutive days wifhout asking for a wish. Promise f0 pubtish this diatog. L.N.- PRAYER TO THE BLESSED Virgin, neyer known f0 fait. O most beautifut floru of Mount Carmet, Jesus be praised, adored, gtorified, ioved andppreserved throughouf the world now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us. St. Jude. worker of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude heiper of the hopeless, pray for us. C.D.N.E. ;Ai25th Wedding Anniversaryf David and Jean Hewis ceiebrated 25 years of marriage on Aug. 15th, 1995. Love and best wvishes fmom your four children- Steven, Michael, Philip and Elizabeth; from Mom, sister Dianne and ail your relatives and friends. PLEASE JOIN US in the oelebration of the 5Oth Anniversary of John & Mary Pucknin on Safurday, September 9fh from 2-4:3Opm at Pickering Villag e United Church, 300 Church St. Norfh,,Ajax, Ontario. &ZBARSAM Paticia and Michael celebrated their 2Sth weddi ng anni versary on Tuesday August 15, 1995. Congratulations and much love fr-om Mother Reta Barsam. sister Susan Turpin and fami ly. broi.her John Armstrong and f'amily. and chiidren David and Andrew. MAGIC - AL READY TO PERFORM at your chitd's birfhday! Great magic, doves, battoonsI 721-8769. IPlease recycle 4wI thîs newspaper L> BILL, BILL BILLI You ought f0 know beffer than f0t mess ýwith Maggie. t don't fake kindty f0 her flot g etfing what she wanfs. Want a four of the universe Bilt? Ifs comîng. Maggie's Anget. MY SWEET BILL. Sfudious, retiabi.e, f aienfed - really quife supenor in s0 many ways..Yef stili hearfless enoug h 0 st ring his darting Ma g balong tike a tin cant1 Where is t at boys conscience? t, gof quivers' LOSE 20 tbs & inches in the next 30 days. ifs so easy. Cait 1-800-256-0643 . PSYCHIC ANSWERS RATED #1 IN CANADA TaIk tîve one on one CERTIFIED PSYCHICS with mystical pow ers... .find out about your future .. .concerns about love, money or career. Cali now 1-900-451-4055..24 hrs. a day for instant answers. Evaniy-Rays, 18+,. $2.99Imin. in Canada caîl 1-900-451-4055 VEDIC ASTROLOGY Discover the key f0 your desfiny fhrou.gh this ancient science! Consultation on natat horoscope, retationship and compatibiiity charfs. One year forecasts. CatI Susa n McNaug hton (905) 655-3933. BAHA'IS BELIEVE we must have an international partiament of man. For information cati toIt f ree 1-800-433- 3284. Paper Products, including *newspaper, comprise 36 per cent ai the garbage placed at curbside for i. mpickup each ;week. Al oif it is recyclable.. flAI~~ PR-PIDWORD:AD (Cash, VISA, cheque received before deadiine) $7.50 for 25 words; I($7 .01 +490 GST) 15o each additional word; (140 + 10 GST) :81LLED -«."-WORD ..-*'.-ADS $10.50 for 25 words; PLUS GST 150 each additional word; PLUS GST ..... I .... $1.08 per agate Une (Adso withbors ptres ormgaphics Rgadisplayraespy- $.5ffper vatun DIFLAYAD 20% s OFF afer rdiertio RgST isplextratn ait ads un1.1s5operwise inaed DEAINOSN MondLaynoon prort hWenesday publiextation.ai d Ples cheyoriadverctiemen fo Mroson thefirt dy 0 pulco.p Thei hitbyFre Press witI flot be liable for faiture to pubtish an ad, or for typographic errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error Up to a maximum cost of the insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to ctassify -or rejecf ail advertlsements. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Att dlaims againsf the Estafe of OLIVE ELIZABETH CREBER, lte of the Town of Whifby, Ontario, who died March 27, 1995 must be in our hands by September 18, 1995, affer which the Est afe witt be disfnibufed having regard onty f0 the dlaims then fited. DAVID WARREN by his solicifor herein,' ROBERT G. WHITTINGTON, 326 Dundas Sftreef East, Whifby, Ontario LI N 2J 1 7!-.-7""7ý 7-77-7 1 --i i::ý