Whitby Free Press, 9 Aug 1995, p. 20

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Page 20, Whltby Free Pmss, We<kesclay, Auguat.9, 1995 let r/e 2 90oe ,HOOVERe, Steam Washes carpet fibers using hot tap water and cleaning solution - Ready to use instantly - no faucet hook-up - Includes carpet/upholstery detergent *Includes Modal stair/upholstery F5815 nozzle VACUUM REPAIRS. & PARTS ý Special! Compete overhaul & cleaning only $29.95 Just mention this ad OnIy $99 Mention this ad HOOVER EbTM Enorgy Ef fiint - ~Upr.ght Vaum M OBiLE VA C> NEW LOWER PRICEI NQW ONL $399 DoutYourself 3-Inlet Kit Extra $4980O homs No Mess or Damage Professional Installation ONLY$9 M <DST H C> IES ZI I.sîHwy28î 'i1 HwI 401 29 HARWOOD AVE. S., ,-,(between Hwy 2 & 401) 428-1659 IT'.s BBQ WEEK AT 61H05 AGAI! r -I DON'T FORGET TO ENTER OUR FREE GROCERIES'CONTESTI. (See in store for detalis) BONELESS SKINLESS CHICKEN-,BREASTS 3 L. OX-$Ï610.9923gM OLYMAPIC BIEF BURGERS 1 kg, BOX 4A9À CIATTE~ -RCS R I DII POPSICLES. S F=C R EGGW AFFLES. ASSORTED FLAVOURSI 8 PACK Wîth this coupon. $1 .49 wlthout.5 PIZZAS, 24 PACK kj:$699 for a box of 24I1 .9 1 M A ROSSLANDRD. Ci SMARY ST. SDUNDAS ST. Awir4o1 WHITBY ST. N.e 428-ý1822 e Vhtb FreeiPes is ntduceg iký lý':l> --3* . .* 4 1~ 8 O - 5 3 i4 5 ~ xt. 4 7a n a i N W a tin g o lmn i , I<Q 4 $ & & l l . 1t's;only $1 9pr nteYumueb18yaso pace your :and have a toucht n hone to u e tussric To respond or bos:Ü FREEAD FREE VOICE GREETING FREE MESSAGE RETRIEVALoncea .week Service brought to you by: Direct Response Marketing 2451 Wehrle Drive Williamsville, N.Y. 14221 Customer Service # 1-800-647-3782 FALE SETTLE DOWN TOGETHER SWF. 21, one daughter, seeks responsibla, employed, consîder- ate SWM, 25-31, who likes amusement parks . dinfing, lunch- es, and has no dependents and has neyer been married. Whitby area.Adi! 9526 SEEKS MR PERFECT SWF, 22, 56V, blonde hair, blue eyes, slightly full-figured, likes to parly on the weekends, seeks sn- cere, honest'SWM, 24-29, for triendship, msybe more. Whilby aresAdi# 8547 10W AREYOU SWF, 40, 56W, likes long walks, rides in the country, seeks SWM, 35 or over, who is a lot of fun lo be wilh and likes home lite, for friand- ship, maybe more. Whitby ares. Ad# 9445 VERY HIGII MORALS Active SF, 46,-succestul in busi- ness, loves home, gardening, finer things in lite, seeking intelligent, humorous SM, muai be of good characler. Whilby area. Ad# 7388 HITBY OR OSHAWA SWGF, 29, enjoys sports, horse- back riding, romanlic evanings, walch movies al home, saeking SGF, t0 be friends with, maybe more. Ad# 2861 LADY FROM CANADA GAF, 23, 52T, i Olbs., long hair, brown eyes, petite, excellent shape seeking slender, blonde SWF, 20-29, ftriendship, possi- ble relationship. Oshawa area. Ad# 1252 YOCUM & BROOKS SWF, 36, good sanse af humor, one son, likes rock and country music. walks, fuit moons, stars in t~hie sky, dancing, quiet eveningsata home, seeking SWM, 36-47, for friendship, possible relalsonship. Oshpwa area. Ad# 9667 MOTHER OF ONE SWF, 19, 128lbs., blonde hair, blue eyes, Irish, ana daughter, gaod sense of humor, easy to gel along with, likes klds, going for long walks, cuddling, movies, some - sports. seaking tlI, dark SWM, 20-29. Oshawa area. Ad# 5600 DURHAM REGION SWF, 19, enjoya alternative music. seeking SWM, 19-22, for friand- ahlp, golng la concerta, hanglng out.Oahawa area. Ad#! 6362 TAIL BEAUTY SWF, 18, 5'il", modal, anjoys movies, aeeklng, SWM, 18-25, 6'6»+, for frendahlp possible rata- tonahlp. Whllby area. Ad# 6970 IS THIS YOU? SWF, 29, 5'2", dark blonde hair, green eyes, aon, 10, enjoya pela, shoting pool, outldoors, horses, Harleys, seeka ruggedly hand- some, SWM, 33-36, facial hair a plus, 58"+-, for possible relation- shlp. Oshawa area Ad#! 9495 LET"S DANCE SWF, Engish lady, petite, 54. 53Y, red hair, blue eyes, enjoys inter- mediate baiiroomn dancing, loves dogs, walks on the beach, seeking a SWM, 50-65. Whitby ares. Adi!3033 DOWN TO EARTH SWF, 34, 5'5", brown hair, blue eyes, enjoys country music, tlk- lng, dancing, camping, much more, seaklng SWM, 32-45, muaI ike chitdren, aimilar Interesîs. Oshawa ares. Adi! 2208 IL GET BACK TO YOU SWF, 30 professionai, attractive, long blonde hair, green ayea, enjoys bands, basebait, camping, working ouI, ouldoors, seeks SWM, professionat, similar inter- esîs, for friendship, possible romance. Whitby ares. Ad# 2324 THIS CAN WORK SWGF, 25, enjoys dancing, movies, animais, sports, ouldoors, laaming, seeking SGF, any aga, with simitar inleresîs, friands first, maybe more. Whîtby area. Adi!1819 IF YOU WANT TO SW mom. 19, 54%. 128lbs., blonde hair, blue eyes, ana daughler, saeking SWM. 20-29, for friend- ship, mayba more. Oshawa area. Adi! 5600 GOOD CHARACTER SWF, 46. seeka haneat, sincere, intelligent SWM, 45-58, who has high maraIs and enjoys the baller lite for friandship and a long lerm commilment Whitby area. Adi! 7388 LAUGHING TOGETIIER SWF, 37, 5'8», brown hair, sightty overweight waars giasses, one son, likes country music. dlnng ouI, marvies, nature watks, seeka sensitive, tun-lavlng, patient SM, 37-47, wha likea kida Whitby area. Adi!1485 IF YOU WANT TO- $W mom. 19,54". 1281bs., blonde hair, blue eyes, ana daughler, seeking- SWM, 20-29, far friand- ship, maybe more. Oshawa area. Ad#*5600 HAPPY PERSON SWF, 25, N/S, non-drinker, red hair, brown eyes, new to, Oshawa, seeking SWM, 25-35, N/S, 10 gel logether wilh, must be ln Oshawa ares. Adi! 1433 GREEN EVES Bi-SWF, 30, 5W4. slightly full f g- ured, long dsrk hair, seeking SF, 23+, to talk 10, g0 10 clubs wilh, for friendship only 10 slart. Oshawa ares. Adi! 8092 LET"S TALK SBF, 19. 5'6», ll4ibs.. attractive, intelligent, mature, caring, roman- tic, seeking SWM, 30s-40s. no head games. Whilby ares. Ad# 8232 SHE LIFTS WEIGHTS SWF, 38, 56V, 11Sibs., no chiidren, enioys running races, canoelng. mounlain biking. movies, dining ouI, saeking SWM, 35-39, for long larm relalionship. Whilby aras. Adi! 9150 TAKE A CHANCE SWF, 20, momn of one, enjoys dancing, waiking. famiiy life, home fie, seaking down 10, earth, ampioyad, SWM, 22-32, mustlike kida, for honeat raiationship. Whilby ares. Ad# 9719 GENTLEMAN WANTED SWF,33, seaks down 10 earth, honeat, SWM, 29-41, for lasting relationship, passible romance. Oshawa ares Adi! 2390 WELL EDUCATED SWF, 39. 56", no chitdran, vege- tarian, environmentalist, enjoys running, mountain biking, aking, kayaking. travet, reading, seeking SWM, to share intereals. Oshawa ares. Adi! 9148 SEEKING FRIENDSHIP SWF, 19, 5'4", 1 l2lbs., enjoys alternative music, seeking easygo- ing. haneat, SWM. nolhing, seri- oua, juat hsnging ouI, concerts, more. Oshawa ares. Adi! 6362 SWF, 38, lova and inlereal for lifa, honeat, affacionala, alrong famniiy and social valuas, seaka SWM, 35-45. Whilby ares. Adi# 7892> ENJOYS FUN SWF, 33, seaka aincere, honeal, SWM, 30-41,- for friendahip. long lermn relalionship. Oshawa ares. Adi! 2360 OUTDOOR NUT SWF, 40, 1481bs., loves lfe, hors- as, golfing, boaling, baaches, basabail, holding handa, theatre, dining ouI, seeka SWM, 40-55, with common intereals. Whilby area. Ad#! 5122 STILL SEARCHING SWF, 32, enjoys dancing. going ouI, goad imes, seeka outgoing SWM, 36-40, tla shara inlerasta. Oshawa area. AdC 1800 11EV LADIES G8F, 27. spontaneous, seaka GFE 18-31,- for friendship. going ouI, maybe more. Whltby ares, Adi! 3903 SINGLE PARENT SWF, 25, Iwo children, many inter- asta. aasygolng, down 10 earth. amployed. aaaking SWM, 38-40. aimilar qualilies. Misalaseuga ara. Ad#! 7838 EXCTNG FUN SWM, 20, sincere, honeal, humnor- oua, ikes havlng fun, movies, dancing, accasionai drlnking, seeka outgoing, open-mlnded, sponlaneous SWF, 18 or over, for friendship, possible reialionship. Whitby area. Adi! 6438 VERY OPEN-MINDED SWM, 25, 5'8», siim, very attractive looking, gond shape, erlisI, likes dinlng ouI, reading, anything cre- ative, seaks libarat, apen-minded SWF, 19-30, who la not boring, for friendship, maybe more. Whitby ares. Ad# 4080 SEEKING CREATIVE LADY SWM, 25, artisl, very musical, seeking attractive, slim SF, who shares passion for art and music. Whitbysres. Adi! 4080 HOPE YOU CALL SWM. 36, enjoys live theatre, movies, snuggiing in Iront of the lire, seaka SWF, 28-37, 5-57t share intarasîs, possible relation- ship. Whitby ares. Ad#! 8873 LETS HAVE COFFEE GWM, 38. 6'. 175lbs., enjoys camping, music,. sports, travet, dogs, seeks ambiious, slim, cule GM, 18-24, witti zest for life, smok- er, drug-free, for friendship, maybe more. Whilby ares. Adi! 2053 WHAT DO YOU THINK? SWM. 19, amoker, easygoing. laid back, anjoys clubs, hockey. dining out, dancing, seeks SF, to shara Inleresîs, possible relatîonship. Whitby ares. Adi! 3402 NICE CATCH SWM, 25, self employed, good background, likes many Ihinga, seeklng sincere, good looklng SWF, 20-26, for rlendahip. possi- ble relalionsfiip. Oshawa area. Adi! 9321 RELATIONSHIP 5DM, 37, 5l,11Obs., fun, easy- going. ikea movies, music, dining, camedys, gaing for drives, golng la the park, seaka attractive, affac- lionale SF, 18-50, for an ongoing relallonship. Oshawa ares. Adi! 2835 GOOD NATURE SWM, 34. 51l0". brawn hair, hazel eyea, lm bulld, likas walklng, tatk- M 1, kida, seaka good natured .F, 18-40, for frlandship, possi- ble ralatlonahlp. Oshawa area. Adi! 3589 FAIRLY FOR YOU SWM, 18, 5, brawn halr/àes, muscutar bult, seeka good lookingl SWF 22-25, for frtendship, posai- ble relatianshlp. Oshawa area. Adi! 5368. LET ME KNOW -SWM, 22, works shift work, pratty quiet, prelty ahy, likes country music, aaeking SWF, 19-25, for friendship,.mayba more. Oshawa ares. Adi! 1613 VIGOR FOR LIFE SBM, 50, liké,s sports, ouldoor activilies, seeking anergetic SBF, 35-45, for friendship maybe more. Oshawa ara. Adi! 8868 CARS ARE FUN SWMV, 36. 6 2-, 200lbs.. likea the ouldoors, camping, going ouI and watching auto raclng, aaeking SWF 25-99, for friendship, posai- ble ralationahip 'Whitby ara. Adl# 2061 GOOD RELATIONS GWM, 25, 6'l", vegalarian, no chil- dren, likea going 10 clubs, sports, making peopl e laugh, aaeking N/S SWM. 20-40, wilh aimilar intaresîs for a possible lana term relation- ahip Whitby ares. Ad# 2402 CAN MEAN SOMETHING SWM. 26, brown hair, btua eyas, N/S, iawyer, funny, likes tennis, cycling, going out. lesming, seek- in& tivaiy, enargatic, profesalonal SWF. 20-38, for a meaningful rata- lionship. Oshawa ares. Adi# 8801 GO FORIT SWM, 35, 58V, 200lbs., average tooking, one dapandent, owns horses. likas country music, ouI- dooir life, barbaques, dining ou, family, seeka SWF, 29-40. for friandahlp. Oshawa area. Ad!! 5834 THANK YOU SWMV, 30, 6'. brown hair, green eyes, anjoys camping, moviea, music, beach aI night to hear waves, going ouItat parties and bars. seeka aincere, honeat, car- ing, alim, SWF. .24-33. oshawa ara. Ad#! 8390 With Auto Ad taking, just use your louchtone phone to answer some questions about yourself and the typoe of person y ou would like to meet. Then record your voice greeting, and we Il transcribe Ili mb a print ad that will appear ln the Whitby F ree Press. Whilby Frea Press' Persan ta Persan la available for single people seeking relationships. Ada contalning explicil sexuel or anatomical language wiU not be put- lished. We reserve the right to edit or refuse any ad. Custamer service 1-800-647-3782. M Maie - White H H-ispanie NC Native Canadian S Single » WW Widowed F Female B Black A Asian C Chriatian D-Divorced N/S Non-amoker CASUAL RELATIONSHIP SWM, 23, 6', l7Olbs., brown hair/eyea, Oshawa ares, eaaygo- lng, anjoys auldoar and Indoor activities, aeaking SWF, 119-25,»for good limas. ,Oshawa area DOWN TO EARTH SWM, 33. anjoys fun limas, con- versations, walking, aaeking friand, pal, buddy, lover ln SWF, 18-30. Wiitby area. Adi! 3641 MR. ROMEO SAM, 32, 6', 1 BOiba., blond hair, blue eyas, seeking lnteresllng, advenlurous, sponlaneous, cre- ative, SWF, 22-38, for friendship possible long relationship. Oshawa ares. Adi! 2339 GOOD CATCH SWM~, 40, 5'Q", 1551bs., fulhaad of hair, gond ooking, N/S, moder- aIe drinkar, acuba diver, anjoya ouldoora, csnoeing, hiklng, bikîng, golf. seeka SWF, undar 27, for posaible relationshlp. Whitby area. Adi! 6875 LOVE ME TENDER SWM, 24, Sicilien, enjoya movies, bars, banda, good limes, aeeklng SWF. undar 27, for possible roia- tionship. Whitby aras. Adi! 8270 GOT YOUR ATTENTION' SWM. 45, seeking down 10 earth, loving, aincere, queen size, SWF, for spoiting. psmpering. fine dlin- ing, more. Whitby aras. Adi! 9016 SENSE 0F HUMOR SWM. 25, 56", 1 37lbs., black hair, green eyas, enjoys welght training, long walks, Iravel, seaking SWF, 20-30, for possible ralationahip. Whitby area. Adi! 8460 STILI. SEARCHING SWM. 21, 51S. iSOibs., brown hair, blua ayaa, enjoys quiet limes, movias, dining aut, seaka SWF. 18-22, honeat, sincere, funny. with similar Interests. Whilby area. Adi! 3480 FIRST TIME AD SWM, 24, new 10 area, livas atone, anjoya cycling, sports, seeka SF, for friendship, possible relation- ahip. Oshawa ares. Adi! 9446 ARE YOU IN SHAPE? SWM. 27, 5*9".Ibs., muscular, dark blond hair, blua ayes. dlean cul, good laoking. honasl, roman- tic, anjaysa uldoors, galng out, seaks SWF, 19-30, almilar inter- esta, positive altitude, frienda Oiral. Whltby area. Adi! 9368 A; Acorulidentli 4 digit code thal only you k6a6,that allows conly you accesa la your maUbax.» O: What are messages? A. Voice greatinga from ather singles >Who responded ta gour ad in the -newaépaper or Ihrough, the browae..To $iten ta gour messages for FREE, cet 1-400- 853-6445 Ext. 47 once every 7 deya or 1-900-451-4882, Ext 47 5*1>41me, St 5 charge of $1.99 per minuta. 0. Whel are syatem matches? A: Volce greatinga f rom athar advartisers whoaa malchlng cri- tafis la the sae or almitar to yours. You can fiston ta your sys. tam matches lnSlantly by calling 1-900-451-4882 Ext. 47, et a charge of $1 .99 par minute. 0: What ta Smart Browse? A: A epecial fealure Ihat atlows you ta istan and reapond la allier voice greatinga that match the criterla yau select. Cal 1. 900-4514882 Ext. 47, option 2, aI s charge of $1 .99 par minute. Q: 110w dol1 respond toan ad? A: Cali 1-900-786-4882 Ext. 47, option 1, et a charge of $1.99 par minuta, the syatam wvilt ask you ta enter the 4 dieitad num- bar et the ned of the print ad. Press 1 la raspond, press 2 la go on ta the next ad. 0: How do I cancel or renew and ad? A: Cal cualomer service aI -1-80004473782. G arage Kit $69 Value 3Oft. hose, hose hang er, crevice & Upholstery tool. -1 "" -- -1 Fuý&-e 'T "OUR VERY OWN" -CANNED POP-.. 24x355mi ÇANS AT GINOIS OUR BUSINESS IS FOOD..@* OUR 1

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