Page 18, Whitby Free Pross, Wednesday, August 2, -1995S HIGH EFFICIENCY carbon softeners for the Great Lakes' smeiiy water. Aiso drinking water systems. Sales/leases/rentats* Cai for a free whole house demo unit on wheels & see how g reat water is in your house. Cati (905) 655-4544. TUPPERWARE - new fail/winter catalogue fiiied with great Christmas ideas. Ideal for new homeowners. For a free catalogue cali 666-9286. QUAZAR MICROWAVE, wood finish black door, abovo stove model wvith exhaust & ight, meat fuliy automnatic, asking $400 pad$1200.KJirby vacuum deaner (older model) including rug shampooer & ail attachments excellent working condition. Gai1 (905) 985-1403. SIDE BY SIDE REFRIGERATOR, 25 cu. ft., frostless icemaker with door dispenser 35 1/2"w X 68 112"h X 30"d, ^beige, $300 cash. Cati 430-3315. [ GARAGE SALE - August Sth & 6th, Saturday & Sunday, from 9am-2pm. 1006 Byron St. S., Whitby. Furniture, toys, leather goods, bikes, etc. MULTI-FAMILY YARD SALE Saturday & Sunday, August Sth & 6th. 9am. Depression glass and lots of other great collectabtes. Just west of Brookîin, 980 Winchester West (Hwy 7), first driveway west of Coronation on north side. GARAGE SALE Saturday, August 5, 8-1lpm 59 Greenbush Place, Whitby. Leg , toys, bookshelf, stereo, T V bike helmets, dehumidifier, lots of items in good condition. 1986 PONTIAC ACADIAN, 4 door, automatic, 87,000km, rustproofed, excellent condition, $1750 certified. Cal 433-1787. TOP DOLLAR FOR SCRAP cars & trucks plus snowr>nobiies, motorcycles & machinery. Free pick-up. Cal anytime 571-2429. Need a car - Credit Problems? Bankrupt - Undischarged? " We have lease takeovers (repossessionS) " Lease f0 own any make or model " Cash for trade * Cal now for free quotes LEASEGlUIDE AUTO LEASING] Cati Jeff (905) 683-6230 1988 MERCURY SABLE, 8 pass. waon, loaded,' p.mirrors, lumbar sup,3rd seat, silver, asking $3',eÉ o.b. o. Great famiîy Car. C'à I 723-5852 after 5pm. LEASE TO OWN VEHICLES '80-'86. No credit, bankru pt, no probiem. WCB, FIA benefit acce pted. No interest. Cati 723-1222. MUST CLEAN YARD - approxirna ek 30 autos +. Vehicles from$200 up. Motors & parts. Reasonable offers. Cal 723-1222. 33' 1987 BONAIR TRAILIER, excellent condition, sleeps 8, 4pc bath, lvu tipou t, 24' awning, shed, extra fnd ge, patio, tower & antenna. Family park just east of Cobourg with activities for everyone. Asking $12,000obo (905) 721-1354. m aÀo wm m moc NATIVE CANADIAN willing to share knowtedge in making of -native crafts. EaLsy instructions - supplies included. AskMe, P.O0. Box 66118, 1355 King ston Road, Pickering, Ontario L1V 6P7. Paper Products, including i inewspaper, comprise 36 per! Cent of the gCarbage placed at curbside for .. *pickup each ;week. AIllai it is recyclable. KITTENS. ORPHANS & strays, 8-12 weeks old, need loving responsible homes, affectionate. Caîl Save-A-Kitten at 665-0406. REGISTRATION, SHADYBROOK FARM is now accepting reg strations for faIt and winter horseback niding lessons. We also have a few stalI s available for boardin g. For further details please cati (905) 263-4018. Got an opinion on matters of local interest? We welcome letters., YUUK Ail! LE 668 30594... BAYLINER CAPRICE cutty 88, 18 ft., excellent condition stereo & much more, $8,500. Cali 666-5066. FLORIDA WATERFRONT, luxury Gulf Coast home.' Great swimming, fishing, boating safe area, close t o everything. From $300 US weekly. Photos/video available. Whitby 666-4663. IMWANE. LADIES' BUSINESS, evening& casual faIl designer clothing wanted for reale. Must be in excellent condition. The Wardrobe Exchange, 856 Brock St N , 666-9225. BAHA'IS BELIEVE there is a spiritual solution to the economic problem. For information cal oll free 1-800-433-3284. VEDIC ASTROLOGY- Discover the key t0 your destiny through this ancient science! Consultation on natal horoscope, relationship and compatibility charts. One year forecasts. Cail Susan McNaug hton (905> 655-3933. ATTRACTIVE, WHITE female, 39, wishes to meet a quiet man, 40-43, who has a like mind MUST BE student of SUBSTANCE. My interests are nutrition, herbs, movies, walking, dining & dancing, reading & motorcycles. -If interested p lease re ply to: Box 10024, c/o Whitby Free Press, Box 206, Whitby, Ontario LI1N 5S1. MY-MAGGIE honestîy - last time: 1 FROZE! Meet me! Day? lime? i want f0 be there now with you and my itle best buddy' If means more than ianyhinig that's ever happened to me! Your Bill. I ~E Ut~ M~ IkUE~ i KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS - eryWednesday at 6:30pm oatd #2699 rck Rd. Pickering, 3 miles north of hwy. #401 (take- exit #399). Featuning evor excellent solection ofatques, ine fûmish ingsgls china, colctables, primitives, and other unusuais. So join us overy Wod. and participate un oneo of Ontarno's "tnao" auctions with no buy-backs or resorves. Terns: cash, choque (wvith proper l.D.) or Visa. Proviews from 1 :OOpm IèConsignment & Estate seîling aur specia lty." Cali us today- Kahn Auction Services 905-6813-041. CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FRîDAY, AUGUST 4 at 5:3Opm 3 miles east of Little Britain on* County Rd. 4 The property of NEWELL & HELEN WATSO N of Fenelon Falls plus others 9 pc. spocîed walnut-dining ro suite, oak sideboard, watnut diîningm table, press back rocker, Mason & Risch upright player piano, antique platform rocker, washstands, antique dressers, walnut buffet, 14 cu. ft. upright freezer, piano bench, 2 blanket boxes, 4 drawer filing cabinet, bookcase, parlour tables, walnut 1/2 moon tables, co-oil lamps, crocks, fibreglass 1/2 ton truck cap, 14 ft. Cutter fi breglass boat with 45 hp Mercury motor & traiter, table saw, jig saw, qty. power & hand & carpentry tools, plus a quantity of china, glass, househotd & col lectable items. DON & GREG CORNEIL -AUCTIONEERS . RR#1 Little Britain 705-786-2183 Annversares Garage Yard Sales Aznoucemenfs Happy AMs Antiques, Art& Collectibles Hee Wanted Aparmrients for Rent Homes for Rent Appliances Homes for Sale Arties for Sale - n Memoriams Ars£Craftskiobbies Insurance Actons Landsoepig Services Autos/Incs for Sale LegaI BirtsLost & Found Boafs & Supplies Lot&*totages Business Opporinites Mfestones Business Services Mortgages Cail a Professionaf MoforcycesAlVs Card ofT llanks Personafs Cà reers Personaf Services Chifd Care Sevices Petstîvesfodr & Supplies coming Events Rcaij Estafe Commercial Space RegisIatci for Rent or Sale Residditaf Services Dance InstructioniRooms for Rent Deaths Sfiared Accommodaton EdcabefonalServoes Storage Employvent Wanied Tenders Farms/Acreage Tharits Fwrm Supplies Training Services & Equipment Travelacations Finrncial Servios Volrnfeer Needed For ent Waifad 1 .. ..........K litI R A T i mn..A.....B..E. Marigold Co-operative Homes lncorporated TENDER FOR CLEANING CONTRACT-FOR THE COMMON AREAS AND OFFICES-0F A 6 STOREY APARTMENT BUILDING SEALÈD PROPOSALS, clearly marked as to contents wiII be. received by the Executive Off icer until 5:00 p.m. TVESDAY AUGUST 8th, 1995. Specifications are available f rom our Office, at 121 Ash Street in WHITBY. The LOWEST or any Tender flot necessarily accepted. Board of Directors Marigold Co-operative Homes Incorporated 121 Ash Street, Whitby, Ontario a LI N 9H8 PR -A.I:D: 'WORD::A08 (Cash,. VISA, cheque received before deadline) $7.50 for 25 words; ($7.01+ 490 GST) 15o eaCh additional word; (140 + 10 GST) :BILLED OD D $1 0.50 for 25 words; PLUS GST 150 each additional word; PLUS GST AuCtIN $1.08 per agate Uine. (Ads/owithfbors ptrspor gaphics Rgadisptayraespy- $1.offpervat n 20% OFF ater 3rdiertio (ntuor haes) RGSI isplextratn al d unleagotherise inicate SEAUN MndLay noon prorthWenesday d Ples cheyrieiadtemen fo riosondtha frstdao o publiction. tiby. Fre Press will not be lhable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error up to a maximum cost of thje insertion. The Whltby Free Press reserves the rlght to cîassify or reject al advertisements.. 1 E iINIMI Liti fi