Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, July 19, 1995, Pagu 29 NEW, MODERN 1 2 bedroom apts. Aug. 1/95. I bdrm. - $620, 2 bdrm. - $710, ail inclusive. 428-7677. OSHAWA - 2. BEDROOM basemnent a pt., $500/mo.. + hydro. Laundry facîiitieson. pr emises. Cali Paulat (416,7'161-5249. DOWNTOWN WHITBY basemrent 2bedroomn apt. Fidge stove, Sarking, deck and lotso windows. 9549 + 1/3 utilities. Firstllast. Cali 721-2650. BRIGHT, CLEAN one bedroom basemrent apt., carpet, kitchen, stove, fridge, shower, share laundry. Rossland/Thornton area. $565/mo. includes utilities. First& last. Non-smoker. 725-7474. OSHAWA CONDO, 2 BEDROOM, 2 floors. Cable, heat, hydro, water included. Indloor pool, sauna, exercise room, library, 24 hour secunty. Caîl 686-9736. 1250 SQ. FT. LUXURY 2 bedroom apt., hu ge kitchen .& living room, ensuite ]laundry, air con ditioned, complete privacy, $700 - $800Imo. ail inclusive, with cable. 430-1418. BROOKLIN BACHELOR apt. Also 1 large room. Close to shopping, in q uiet area. Available now. Cali 655-5539. WHITBY CLEAN 1 BEDROOM apt. on 2nd floor of home, centrally located within walking distance to downtown. Suitable for quiet, working person, non-smoker. Available Sept. 1/95. $520/mo. + hyd ro. Caîl 668-3011 days or 668-6818 evenings & weekends. WHITBY CLEAN, MAIN FLOOR 2 bedroomn apt. in century home, hardwood floors, large eat-in kitchen, laundry & parking. Suitable for quiet, working person(s). Non-smoker. $750fmo. + heat 9 F.A.G.). Available-August lst. Cal 68-3011 days or 668-6818 evenings & weekends. BROOKLIN BEAUTIFUL apt. for rent, fridge, stove, parking, $575/mo. + hydro. Days (905) 655-4544, evenings (905) 655-8989. ONE BEDROOM,' dean, quiet, parking, laundry, cable, pnivate entranoe, non-srnoker. References:, AIl inclusive, $550/mo. Available Aug. 1/95. Cal 668-5464. ne - 1 I BDROOIM ant. nd i1 - 2 YOUR AD!R 6683 0594 I.~~~~~ .....A.......~ES .. .A TILE .. SEV. . .....FOR...SALE... .F0 ...E WHITBY SPACIOUS 3 bedroom, 3 bath fenced yard, 2 appliances, fireplace 1½/ car garage $1100 & utilities. Available August îIst. Cal (905)985-2469. WHITBY 3 BEDROOM townhouse, 4 appî., fully brdlmd, gar., fin. basement, backs on to greenbelt, o ol, first & last p lus utilities, 985/mo. 416-208-3071. 3 BEDROOM house in Whitby. First & last month's rent. Asking $900. Available September 1/95. Cal 655-3877 or 668-2420. WHITBY COCHRANE & Dundas, 3 bedroom main floor of house includes fnidge, stove, laundry, fenced yard, quiet established neighboorhood. Available Sept. 1/95, $795/Mo. + part utilities. Caîl (905) 985-7116 or (416) 698-2589. V F.......SA....E.1.Il ,WHY RENT? $6,000 down, approx. $935/mo. (5 years, 8%). Super seémi backsplit, hardwood floors, eat-in kitchen, super rec room with airtig ht woodstove, 5 appliances, deck to 4OX136 lot, 6 car private drive. $1 19,500. Ask for Lilian North Re/Max Summit Realty 668-3800. MORTGAG ES & LOANS $e1 st &2nd LiUnes of credit eBEST RATES Frank Callahan 571-2880 After hours 668-4454 1 Innr F~ (~,ol i nrin ni nr INTERLOCKING, BRICK driveways, walkways, patios, retaining walls, steps, repairs & sealing. Cal Bricksca pe lmc. for a free estimate (905) 668-2742. Best price around! 'TREE CUTTING & TRIMMING, pruning, shaping, selective branch cutting tree remnoval. Free estimaies fully insured. 433-7140 or 430-46ý2. Pager 721-7304. SPANKY'S PROPERTY Maintenance. Residential and commercial Iawn maintenance, aerations, dethatching soddin, topsoil delivery, rubbish remnova,: tree & brush removal. Cal Jim at 905-668-6803. Please beave message. YARD SALE, Saturday & Sunday, July 22 & 23. Large sale CD's, movies, fumiture, books. Too many Io list. 128 Michael Blvd., Whitby, 19am-6pm. TERRIFIC YARD SALE Saturday, July 22, 8a m - 1îpm at 70 Fernbank PlaceWhitby(Garde/Drydn). books, furniture & toys, & muc much more! SATURDAY, JULY 22, 9am - 2pm at 811 Little Leaf Court, Whitby (Cochrane &, Rossland area). Kitchen appliances, books, luggage, household & other items. Don't throw it out. Someone may want it. Try the Whitby Free Press classifieds. i1975 CHEV IMPALA, 2 door U.S. GOV~T FORECLOSED homes from 5%. Delinquent Tax, Repo's, REOs. Toîl Free 1-800-898-9778 Ext. H-5365 for current listings. DOWNTOWN WHITBY - Brock St. frontage. approx. 2,000 sq.ft. Long term lease. 668-1468, 9amn to Spm. BROOKLIN 1500 sq. ft. commercial building, juSt renovated for store offices, etc. Also office space available at reasonable rates. Days (905) 655-4544, evenîngs (905) MASONIC HALL, 203 Cochrane St.. avaîlable for banquets, weddings and other occasions. Caterinq available. For more informiafion, leave message at 668-0776, 24 hrs. hardtop. Good mechanically. Great car to be restored. $1 ,000. Interlock brick salmon/ g (approx. 400 sq. ft.), M75. Cal?6618-1336. MENS SUMMER CLOTHING Clearance. Save up to 75% on 100's 0f items. Prices start: shorts $5, shirts $3, pants $6, jeans $10, blazers $9, suits from $18. Don't miss out! Take Hwy. 2 to Thickson Road. Go south to the third light (Bums Street), tum left 1lst plaza on the left. Rugged Replays, upscale new & nexi to new clothing for men, teens & boys. Cal i 404-2063. Note: save hundreds on back to school cîothing for teens & boys. DOUBLE DRESSER $30; off-white/chrome dinin g roomn table & 4 chairs, excellent condition, $300 obo. Phone 434-6781. AIR CONDITIONIER Kenmore 10,000 BTU's, used onîy 2 summers, as now have central air. 141/"vvX2O1/2"hX23"d. $300. Cal 576-2442. CHEST 0F DRAWERS $35; wood armchair $20; nip ht table $10; oak chairs with padded seats; electric fan $10; large roast pan $7. Cal 668-3975. ESTHETIC BED $285 o.n.o.; telescope, 3Omm, a ge 7 & up, $18; babysitters scholastic books $20, with bookcase, poster, $40 o.n.o.; Smooshers vanity & music box, age 4+, $16; Mighty Max mini ping pong machine from UK $35, as new; vanious other toys; make-up & skincare products, 1/2 price. 430-2761. HIGH EFFICIENCY carbon softeners for the Great Lakes' smelly water. Also drinking water systems. Sales/leases/rentals. Cal for a free whole house demo unit on wheels & see how g reat water is in your house. Cal (905) 655-4544. LAUNDRY DETERGENT - high conicentrate, 55lbs (25kg bags, only $27 cash. Save 30-50%( over brand names. Free deîivery. Cal toll-free 1-416-550-3897, leave message. J&B Distnibutors. CUSTOM MADE chesterfield & loveseat. in burgundy/bI ue paisley des ign fabric, excellent condition $900 for both; 2 upholstered chairs, 1 light blue, 1 beige, $100 each. Cal 725-0718 after Spm. GARDEN PEAS - a special variety of tender, youn g, petite peas, freshl y picked, sh elled, washed, blanch ed and individually flash frozen. Available now at the special harvest price of $10.75 for 101b. MacMillan Orchards Hwy. #2 between Ajax & Whitby. Open 7 =das aweek gam-6pm, Thursday APT. SIZE fridge, good working condition $80; apt. size dryer $100; handcarved oak rocking chair $100; cast iron antique chandelier $100. Cal 430-8904. COMPLETE COMPUTER systemn includes AAmazing VGA monitor, 286 hard drive with colour upgrade, rainbow grinter & mouse, etc. Asking $590. Cal 666-5628. FOR SALE - fridge, stove, automatic washer, dehumidifier. 725-1937. BLACK & Decker electric mower, %with mulcher, purchased May/92 for $216.19, model. M-2270, 9hp, warranty inspected on maintenance 1993 & 1994, excellent condition. Price $50. Cal 655-8264. finish lack doorte, sabedstov model wih exhaus & lghtmoea 52paidco $100. K.,byshacwa exoeletRking cRondition. Cal1 DISHWASFIER, PORTABLE, g od condition, $100. Kitchen tabte, 4 chairs, $100 Cal 430-3712. G.E. FREEZER, aparlment size, 8 cubic feet, $75 ; Tiffany lamp $50; G. E. Spacemaker coffee maker., Ail A-I condition. Caîl 668-0906. USED BATHROOM sink and toilet Crane, he'rvest g old, very good condition, chrome ]e gs for sink. Lot $50.00. Caîl (905) 686-2258. RED OAK & ASH WOOD, 8 years air dried; fibre glass boat & trailer $600 o.b.o. CaIl(905) 683-5905. CALL A PRO!e v ,,FOR WIEN LIFE BRINGS SYOU ASHOCK ORt TWO! Just check the CALL A PRO section "~ Yu and let the pros do the job! Yucan compare and choose from the servces you'1 fnd th.ere! BARBIE COLLECTOR on buying spree wants older (pire- 1973) dols & accessonies. Top $$ paid. Anything Barbie related. CalI cotlect 1-416-751-1182. BOYS, BOYS, BOYS. We need excellent quality faîl boys clothin g for resale,' earn quick $$'s. High turnover. No limits. Also wanted designer ladies' faîl clothing. Caîl or visit ts Worth Repeating, 3555 Thickson Road North, -Whitby, 579-9912. l W HITBY SEWING MACHINEQJ Repairs to ail makes INDUSTRIAL & DOMESTIC In-home service available 111 DUNDAS ST. W., WHITBY. Peter 666-3377 b M.......... to happy feet and I happier body systems. Cal 668-4265 for appointment KITTENS NEED good homes - they are very cute & playful. Cal Karen at 665-0406, Whitby. BOXER, 3YA OLD maie, fawn & black, papers, ail shots, ears cropped, house trained, great with kids. Asking $300. Cal 668-7825.