Whitby Free Press, 21 Jun 1995, p. 3

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Items from Whitby Council agenda(s) That an officiai plan amendment application from Robert Hunter Farms Mt1 increase 1h. maximum ailowabie units from 30 to 39 units per net hectare in medium denslty residential areas wlthin a proposed subdivision on the east sie of Anderson Street, south of *Winchester Road, in Brooklin b. approved. Rtecommenaded to coumcil That an application f rom Monarch Construction Ltd. 10 amend both the officiai plan and relevant zonlng bylaws ta permit a 90,000-square-foot commercial development on the southwest corner of Dundas Street and Mcouay Boulevard be denled. Both planning department staff and commlttee toit the proposai was "premature" at this lime. Recommended to council That a revlsed rezonlng application from Monarch Construction Ltd. to, permit a mixed density 34-unit subdivision on the southwest corner of, Dundas Street and Mouay Boulevard b. approved. The proposai has gone through significant alterations since f lrst coming before councililn 1986. hl wil be bulit north of the aforementioned comrmercil development site. Recomimended to council Operations Committee That the municpallty appiy ta the Ontarlo Ministry of Health for long-term care community services f unding for current and new services aI the Whitby Seniors' ActMtky That a $327,391 tender from the Canadian Sait Co. Mt. of Missssauga for supplying sodium chioride be approved and that an $11,247 tender from Glenn WIndrem Trucking of Bethany for delivery of the sodium chloride be appred. That a $22,759 tender from Sheehan Equipmeènt Go. lnc. of Bolton for the purchase of an asphaft rouler be approved. Recommended to couneil Whitby Fm. Preo, Wockesy, JunO 21, 196 pao 3 GTA mayors endors e plan By MLke Kowalik An experimental fusion energy megaprojeet bas won the backinK of Greater Toronto- Area munici- pal leaders. GTA mayors a %regional chairs meeting i Whitby last Fridyay upprted efforts to acquire the Interritional Ther- monuclear Experimiental Reactor (ITER) projeet for Canada. If Canara is succesafuli land- ing the *20-billion fusion test reactor, it will b. bufit alongsde either the Darlington or Brýoe nuclear generating plants in Ontario. An estimated 87,000 jobs would be created *i the construc- tion and operating phases of the project that wil b. approi- mately haîf the size of the Dar- lington pelant near Bowmanville. GTA delegates overwhelmnqgly endorsed a recommendation that calîs on the federal governiùàent to select the Darlin n site. Thefr decision fo eda bief presentation from Don Dauto- vitch, pro am manager of the Canadian Fusion Fuels Techno- logy Project.. «Canada bas a very good chance of obtaiing the project,» said a confident Dautovitch. «The worlcforce is i place, we have the raw (construction) materials and we have a mono- poly on tritium.» As Dautovitch explained, the ITER is a new concept i energy production. It would befueI d by burning tritium, the waste inaterial produced by nuclear reactors. Currently, there ls no practical use for tritium. Ontario Hydro stores aIl of the tritium produced at its various reactors i the province at the Darlingtn plant. Accordinç te Dautovitch, about $2 billion is spent annuaîly on fusion research around the world with more thgn 30 plants of difteen sizes exploring vani- ous methods of fusion. The ITER is the most exten- sive undrtaling ta date and it will b. funed 9y" a coalition of countries includlingt Canada, the United States, Rui 1 Japan and members of theEuoa Union. Canadas share would be about $600 million and b., funded byv the federal and provincial goverrnments and Hydro. "Ontario Hydro feels it can accommodate it on either site (Bruce and Darlington) without affecting te current operation and imacting the environment,» si DautovitcJh. Although Russia has already indicated that it favours Canada, the U.S., Japan and four Euro- pean nations, aIl want the project as well, Dautovitch said. «It's not up to Canada or any other (one) country," h. noted. «It would onl go ahead if al countries are in agreement." Participating countries have signed treaties covering the design p hase, Dautovitch said, but additional agreements wil b. needed beyondithis stage. As for Canada's involvement reports are now being prepared for the federal government . Fol- lowing a positive response from Ottawa, Ontario's co-oeration will b. sought, Dautovitch said. 'The projeet wîll also b. subject ta a thorough environmental assessment, lh. emphasiz.d. «Ever sînce th.y (proponents) came ta our. municipality we've had nothing but encouragement from the people we've talk.d ta ... the .scientists, univ.rsitypro- fessors said Clarington 4ayor Diane fhamre. (Up to 600 scientists could b. worling at the. plant at any on. time, Dautovitch pointed out.) Injured hi collislin .A 51-year-old Wbitby 'woman in now in good condition in Sun- nybrook Health Sciences Centre sfterbeing involved in a car accident in Ajax June 6. Police siay Margaret Powers was driving her flodge Shadow eastbound along Highwa- 2 in Aawhen she was struck.- by a GMC pickup at Elizabeth Street while mowmg for the intersec- tion. I e Appraisals ~ On Spot e Repai rs - 3 Days e Remodelling 211 Brook St. S., Whitby *the fiHer car valued at $10 000 was compfetely demolished' ani Powers w'as rushed to Oshawa Generai Hospital with erous head ijunies. She was later transferred ta Sunnybrook. The driver of the pickup, Bilan Olafson, 33, of Oshawa, wasn't urh=am Régional Police's traf- fie management unit la investi- gating and charges are pending. Gem T Buy 2 Gemirds Get 3rd at 1/30OFF 666-4612 e I ~.10OOFF «Evrerywhere w. go people say please pursue it,» said Hiare. In Tact, Hamre, Durham Region chair Gary Herrema and Durham economic development officer Pat Olive will be. travel- lingto England this week to tour a fusion plant. Whlle I Enqland, the irrup wilI meet with local officials ta' determie the- *impact of a test reactor on theàir omunities. Although Durham politicians view the project as an economnic boon ta the region, not everyone has embràoed te rpoa. Toronto Major Barbara Hall noted that Durham Nuclear Awareness and other (Janadian environmental groups have ban- ded together in opposition ta the pro'ect. Dautovitcli maid the objections deal primarily wi th the enorm- ous coot of a still ' unproven tech- noloff and the use of tritium on In iddressinqthe first concern, Dautovitch smmd the economic potential, of such a development Will sgtili b. realized, even if the technical aspects falli .short. 9ff, i the end, fusion doesn't work ... and we believe, it wilL..it will have no relevance ta the economic benefits of the projecto' he said. "And once it does work, Cana- dian- industries will have had a head start.' As for--the sale handling cf the potentially dangerous tritium, Dautovitch said the riaks are minal ince the material will a]ready be on site. «W. don't feel they (environ- mentaliste) have any substanitive obectons he said. said Ohaw - yNnD ia- mrond. 'ie land ila available and par- ticularly, when tritium is the fuel,n it àa stored at Darlington nwshe éaid. «; ' à slaeconomic enhancement 11k. we've neyer meen,»' mmd Whitby mayor Tom Edwar;ds. «W. should attend ta the con- cerne, but if we are to go this route,, we should do. mc righft away. START T.fA.FU LANDSAIGNW #9 Unique Designs' * 0ice and fg Quality Nursery Stock r~uaionl since 1 1 -I GroW -wth- S f laIs' COUNTRYBARN AND GREENHO USE 'Where Qua/îy Fînds A Home' 36"w Pîne Sheif - 6"d (with or without plate groove) ............. 1010 Dundas St. W., Whitby (Open 7 days a week dawn to dusk) Norcom Cellular Bell Mobility Centre 595 King St. East~ Oshawa oJust East of Wilson) 432-0088 Oshawa Centre 419 King St. West Oshawa 571-0088 THE ONLY WAY To G.7 Bell Mobillty J ____________ - 1.

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