Whitby Free Press, 21 Jun 1995, p. 35

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Whltby Fr00 Prus, Wec*oscy, June 21,1995 Page 35 MPs may be ini trouble with part bras PR OU PAGE l "I stilI have my (finance) com- mitte. position,» ho said, but noted that with'Parliament soon te b. adjourned for the summer, no action can be taken on that front until the fll. Whiie newsjpaper reports of last Wednesday's Lberai cçaucus meeting had Chretien threaten- lng not te sign the nomination paprs f dssenting MP9 Sep- hord downpflayed that aspect. eTh stories I saw were some- what out of contet,' ho said. Shepherd decliedte comment speciicaily on Chretiens threat --."the. proceedinge of caucus are privile"ed» -- but did say that "I think its beon blown up a littie te uchY» McTeagiie who. represents Ajax and *Piekering m"naddition to thie remainder of' Whitby, was not availabloe for comment. HowvEvoer, on- previous occa- sions MéTeague emphasized that lus opposition te mnciuding sexual orientation iniBill C-4118s not a case of "homophobia7 as some cribles charge. (Last weok, Liberal MP Rosoanno- Skoke toid the House of Commons that homosexuality la fmoral and a threat to family values.) McTeague's and some MPs' concerns stem from a fear that unless sexual orientation is more clearly deflned, sexuai déviants couid use tho clause for protec- tion ol' thefr bohaviour. Shepherd also took Justice Minister Alian, Rock te tasik for not boing more précise wlth the bill's language. "Il' wo want the. courts te, inter- prêt laws consistent with the sentiments of society w. must croate clear laws wlth clear meanlngs," he said. Shepherd claimed Bill C41 l'ails ta properly define the term «sexual orientation» and that if it meane society muet proteet homosexuals from abuse, thé bill should state sa. Itsa beyond mo why théejustic minister couldn't have gone that extra step " ho added. Meanwluilo, an interésted observer of the. rébellion' brew- in ithin the. Lbers] ranks is Calgary Cntre MP Jim Silyo. Despite iespartysandis own opposition ta te gun bill, Siiye was.on. of three Reform Leasing andliabiity FROM PAGE 14 eshock Simply, incomes have not kept pace with car prices. The popularity of leasing la easily traced, te its effect of<-réducing paymé t te evels ol' bank fanng offive te six years ago. Often thé buyer ie far tee cornmittéd te thé concept of 'car ownership' te consider other benefits of leasing. lI most casés, leasing offers additional liability protection at no extra caste. Remember, if you)re involvéd in a serlous accident involving hijury, 16iIlI tho driver and thé owner of thé car will b. named in thé suit. Il' tïe couiýt, awards a séettlemént ovér your $1 million- coverag, thé lessor cmes .econdary liability * an easé aima affer extra prrotectin if you are involved in a collision that has the car wri«tten ofas a totalou. il' your Üinsmne only pays a settlement baséd on thé depréciatéd valué 0< thé car, as thé owner, you réceivé fW lésa thon you mWe. Most lasn companiés provide 'ap insurance,, gain at no extra coot to cuver the difference between currnt valué and ful replacement. Onp the whoi e i advantages di- leaingotwedgh,,the négatives. How evé ofusion la the norni. For .aampe 1Pm asked wely who pjays fer maintenance of the Remoberto thlnk of leasing as another way of<financing. You are uti rospoisble fer thé erviclng cf the. car. Thé advantage of lias*in atutn'MW in your cR bel'Ir or fUsafter the arat hu ilhelp you avoïd pi alirqa a féw basic rulés to msuccéseashw. 1. 'Mk. ure you have a l'chaud end' Issue. This sirnply meas that wlthin a ilométré limit, you cenm walk away from the. car. 2. Estabiish an oton t u at thé end of thé e em ,wit the buy-out cost li writing. Ths way you can buy thé car -if its worth more thon thé buy-out or just walk away if Wts woeth less& &. Know éxactiy wluat the. véhicle. pricé la, dont buy on payment alono. 4. If you know l'or se that you will exceéd théeilomètre allowance, dont wait until thé end of the. penalty, négotiate the extra miléagé up front. 5. Finanyma misre you'ro léasing from sommen who lent just trying to selU you a lower paymntbut instead, realiy undéretanda the advantagea and pitl'alls ofleasing. followlng thé dictates of a majority ol' thelr constituents ana not their own beliefs. "Our party ran on a platl'orm of reprosenting your consti- MPs who sup"' it. Inl'act, Siiyo:tld Thé Fre Press that party leader Preston Manning commended thé trio for tuents' wishes li Ottawa and not representing Ottawa's views te thé constituents,» said Siiye'. «ýPeople know I was pergonally against thé bill, but I had te représent my constituents.» Since his riding lies in thé heart of that part of thé country génerally feit te harbour thé strongest réséntment te gun con- trol, -Siiye expectéd a forégone conclusion when hé suýrveyed[its résidents'for their opinions. Yet, «ho and behold...62 per cent said 'Jim I want you te vote for it' and I did,» hoe said. Silye, for on., is not surpriséd byCreion s alee thréat te bloc mavrickMPsfrom run- ning under théeIàberal banner in stili psséd 1Silye claimod that Chretién'e hard-line stance against thé dis- sidents, combined with Liberal «patronage» appointments, pro- ves that "nothing's changed» from thé previous Progressive Consérvativo govérnmént. «Ail wo'vo done is changé thé face of. thé prime minister, thé countrys boing run thé same way1he said. Siyé, ncidontally, was instru- mental mx coming- te rescue ol' a Làibers] MP who has aiready felt Chretienes wrath. .Earlier this month, the govérn- ment tried te remove Montreal MP Warren AlImand from his post as chair -of thé Commons, justice committeo. Alimand, a cabinet minister under former primo ministér Pierre Trudeau, voted againet Finance Munister Paul Martin's budget because hée foît its spénd- lng cuts will endanger socal prpgrms However, Silye, a justice com- mitte member, wouhd not qive thé unanimous consent réquired tu> remove Aflmand, so thé mat- ter was ieft unresoived until thé faîl. Although hée has been iobbylng the governiment te permit more free votés, Shephérd disagreed with* Silye that an MP muet abide by his/her constituents' wishes. «I think pe want. more from their MPs," said Shephérd, who has "no doubt» thé majority of' hie riding's résidents favour gunr controi despite he owni mis- givings. Whilée héesupports «90 per cent» of thé bill's proposais such as teugler sentencing for using a firearm te commit a crime, Shep- herd could still not vote for it. Thé cost of a national firearme regiotry will be more than thé néarly $140 million thé govern- mentýclaims, Shepherd contends. «I wént te Ottawa to reverse govérniment spending on pro- grams and législation which l'ail te, bénefit people," hé isaid. 1"Bil 0-68 croates more govérn- ment bureaucracy, bu t fails te make our streéts any safer.» Although thé ài braI parzy s 1993 election canipaign -booklét promieed a greater rol for MPs and moroe'Ire. votes» a epokes- person for Chrétien cleniedthat this piedge has been broken. «What we said li thé réd book was that there nééde te ber more free votes and we've done that,» said. press officer Leslie Sat man. «Al erivate members' bille and résolutions are free votes and that was not thé casé with thé provious goverrnént,» she said. Self-mhelp directory updated TMm Canaffian Mental Héalth AssocatioeiDurham Branch le currénly updating ite directory of .lf-help groupe in 'Durham groupe currentiy liatéd muet cior mail in any changes by Juiy 7. New groupe that would like te, b. listod must contact thé public éducation office at 905-436-8760 by the July 7 d.alino. the next oléction. "It just sh ows that what w. always do in Canada i8 froely elect a dictatorship,»he said. «What did it hurt that Benoit Serre (Timiskaming-French River) voted against it (C-68), it Swartman said stops are being taken to allow for even more free votes, but exceptions will be made li cases such as gun con- trol. <'ho prime mînister feels strongly about it. That was a ~ oieto Canadins in the red k=ad ho expects party soli- darity on it." Swartxnan declined to com- ment on Chrotionsi warning and said any discipline will beè meted out by partUrwhip Don Boudria, an Ontario «Xf and when, anythlnig le dono, the. media will b. notified,» said Boudria assistant Richard Wackid. «Nohin hs bendon. and I don't know if it will," ho added. 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