Whitby Free Press, 21 Jun 1995, p. 34

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Page 34 #WhItby Fr.. Pi... Wo"esdaý, Jfuno à . è5 OBJTUARIES TERUMESA CLAIKE A resident of Whitby for 19 yeare, Trsa Dorothy Clarke diod at Oshawa Gonral Hosptal on June 14, 1995. She was 54. She livod at 54 Waywell St., AWhitter of Veronica Fixm and theo fao arI Zurowéld, she. was born at Ottawa on Nov. 1, 1940. Mrs.Clark. was a membor of St. John the. Evangolit Roman Catholic Church, tho Liioness Club. of Wbitliy and tho Kidnoy Foundation of Canada. On Oct. 19, 1963 she was marriod in Ottawa, to Carry Clarke, who survives her. 8h. is also survived bysons Miko 'and David, daughter Jonnifor, brother Dvd, and mothor Veronica. -Mms Clarke was at the, W.C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby. R.v. Father Andy MacBeth conducted the Mass 0f Christian Bunial at St. John tho Evangelist Church, Whiùtby,' on Jumo 16, [Lonafidm non The Multiple Sclerosis Society-Durhgm Chapter recently received *$5,000 from -the local Liquor Control Board 0f Ontario depromnt. T'he funds wer. raised froma golf tournament held at Fawn Bok Golf Course, Pickering. Each year the. LOBO holds a golftounaont fer a selected Unied ay harty.This year, the. MS Society was the. chosen benoficiary. followed by intermüent in Resurrection Cemetery, Whltby. CIFFOIRD MURAY A retired employe. of Firestone in Whitby, Clifford Murray dled at Whitby General Hospital on Ma22, 1995. Ho was 72. Helved at 517 Kent St., Whitby. A son 0f the late William Murray and Annie Robinson, h. was born at Upialquitch N.B., on Ma 15 923. ffr. urra was a veteran of the. Second World War and a member of Royal- Canadian Legion Branch 112, Whitby. Ho i. survived by hie wife, the. former Myrtle Englehard; sons Danny and Bull and i. wife, Janice; grandchildren Trevor and Tayand sisters Mabel McDavid Mr7Murray was at the. W.C. TownFuneral Chapel, Whitby wher. Rev. Brain G.. conducted tho funeral service on May 25, follow.d b~y interment in Groveside C.metery, Whitby. If desired, contributions to the Heart and Stroke Foundation would b. appreciateci DOUGLAS PEGGS An omplqyoo 0f Whitby Hydro until bi.srtiom n iJuno 1989, Dougla Francis Peggs ded at Whitby General HopitalonJuno 819.Ho was 70. A resident 0f Whitby moot of his lif., hp lived at 534 Mary St. A.sonof the late Herbert S. Peggs and Ethel Toyer, ho was bon at Whitby on June 27, 1924. Mir. Pegg worked in Haànifton frtwo year. before joining the. Royal Canadian Air Force during the. Second World Wàr. Ho served for two yoars ovorseas as an air gunnor and flow 36 missions over iemy territorye Ho woreod. as a machiniot for threo yoars aftor roturning to Whitby. Mr. Pewg was a member 0f St. John' Anglican Church, Po~rt Whxtby. On Sept. 17 1973 ho was muared at Whity to the formor Norino Sharp.- §wman, who survives hum. Mr. Peggs i. also survived by son Brian Douglas Pefgs, daughter Susan Lyn Wickens (andiior husband'Chris), and stehidr.n Kathy Masters (and her husband R ick) Steven Bowman (and hi. wife Connie) and David Bowman. H. i. also sivived by on. grandchild, Audra, and aenand Paul aie Mr. Péggs first wife, tiie former Milded Brookso, died in 1972, his father in 1945 and mother ini 1952. Mr. Peggs was at the. W.C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby. Cremation folowed. with interment at St. John's Cemetery, Port Whitby. Rev. Jennifer Matthewst conducted the. service on Juno 13. 6 Generations of Service, Quality & Trust e Faniily Monuments 6 Granite or Bronze Markers a Cemetery Lettering a Sa ndblasting, Stafford Molnunents 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby 668-8552 After Hours 668-4460 or 721-9882 Home appointrnents gladly airrnged Local youth get' cîtizenship awards- A special Canadian citizenship coromony in célébration 0f thoe 128th anio day f the Confeoration 0f Canada, co-hosed by OitizenshxM & Immioration Qanada e ho Rogion of Durham, will ho iield at -theIi. luain qon council chambers, 605 Rslnd Rd. E., Whitby, on June 26, 7.m Thirty new Caadin ctizons will rocoive their citizonip Tii. award was created in 1982 t. rocWgnzo the. outstanding contribution 0f individuals wiio bave givon exceptional service for the. betterment 0f their coenmunifaes. Tis yoar, in Durham Region, the. award pays tributs to youtii who have made exemÏplary Car ash hels team WMhy fiefgtrs washed 252 cars, to rais. a total of $1,326 during their June 17 car wash in the ToysR Us7arknglot.f h Whitby firefighiters' cano. team entered in the Great Lake Race for charity, and top up the, *1,800 raised for the. Down Syndrome Association and Community Centre 55. The race for chairity begins at Niagara-on-the-Lake and ends at Ontario Place on Canada Day. The Whitby team i. paddling the 5-kilometre curse for the -first time. contribution- in thoir uchools mm;&bouho n mmuitiei Samoetta Colo Fathor Loo J. Austin Ca . olc Secondary Sehool ;7j -Nicolo Fllion, Ecole Mrc ; ldair C Saint-Charles-Garnior-,Chan~r Huntor, Hienry Street High Schocà KristiPeshal, Sinclair Socondr School; Stephani. Sum *ms Trafalgar Castge School. This y.ar, JuIy 1, abo marks the. lSthanniv.rsry of the. proclamation of,<O Canada" as- Canada'. national 'anthem, as well as the 75th annivermayof the Dominion -Elections Act, which laid the. foundation for the. * Whitby -duplicate bridge Jure 0 'MLuoo1144 John ad P " Lon W d Bon on we ad dGoelmKhd<huM Jusul8 91 Hw.md Gio "aU niwy d on.Ws IILS June 1 bosend ad VB" IDon Snuie la&d Noem Bi*ts ad5Non.y Btte 1WJý km sEnglmd md VSeoo suiI 12U. FRED AD FRED VOICI OREDTIN* FRED NDIA-*U Service br.ught te yeu byz Direct Respoe Ma.Mrketing 2451 WehrIe Drive Wllllau.Mvlle, N.Y. 14221 custemer service # lu'S@0273-3S77 HAPPY PERSON SWF, 25, N/S, non-drinker, red hair, brown eyes, new ta Oshawa, seeking SWM, 25-35, N/s, ta get togeth- er wth, must be ln Oshawa area. Ad# 143 GREEN EYES Bi-SWF, 30, 5'40, slightly full figured, long dark hair, seekdng SF, 23-+, ta taik ta, go ta clubs with, for friend- ship onyto start. Oshawa area. Ad 8092 LET'S TALK SBF, 19, 5-6». ll4ibs., attractive, Intelligent, mature, caring, romnantic, seelng SWM, 30s-40s, no head gamoes. Whitby area. Ad# 8232 SHE UFTS WEIGHTS SWF, 38, 5'6, llSibs., no chlldren, enjoys running races, canoeîng, mountain bildng, movies, dining out, seeksng SWM, 35-39, for Ion g term relatlonship. Whtty ares. Ad# 9150 TAKE A CHANCE SWF, 20,' mom of one, irig down ta earth, employed, SWM, 22-32, must like klds, for honest relatloriship. Whltby ares, Ad# 9719 GENTLEMAN WANTED, SWF,33, seeks down ta, earth, honest, SWVM, 29- 41, for lasting relationship, possible romance. Oshawa ares Ad# 2390 WELL EDUCATrED SWF, 39, 56-, no children, vegetarian, environmen- talist, enjoys running, mountain biking, skiing, kaai= travel, reading, seIngSWM, 10 share iterests. Oshawa ares. Ad# 9148 OUTDOOR NUT SWF, 40, 148lbs., laves Ilfe, harses, galfing, boat- lng, beaches, basebaîl, holding hands, theatre, dining out, seeks SWM, 40-55, wth common interests. Whitby area. Ad# 5122 STILL SEARCHING SWF, 32, enjoys dancing, going out, good times, soeks outgrnng SWM, 36- 40, ta sha re interests. Oshawa ares. Ad# 1800 HEY LADIES GBF, 27, spantaneous, seeks GF, 18-31, for friendship, golng out, maybe more. Whltb area. Ad# 3903 SINGLE PARENT SWF, 25, two children, many interests, easygo- lng, down ta earth, empiayed, seeking SWM, 38-40, similar qualities. Mississauga area. Ad# 7838 SEEKING FRIENDSHIP SWF, 19, S'4", 1 l2lbs., enjoys alternative music, seelng easygoing, hon- est, SWM, nothing, soni- ous, just hanging out, con- certs, mare. Oshawa area. Ad# 6362 POSSIBLE RELATIONSHIP' SWF, 47, 57r, slim, look- ing for taîl, SWM, 40-50, sincere, honest, intelli- gent. Whitby area. Ad# 4242 CALL ME SWF, 38, love and interest for life, honest, affection- ate, strong famiiy and social values, seeks SWM, 35-45. Whitby area. Ad# 7892 ENJOYS FUN SWF, 33, seeks sincere, honest, SWM, 30-41, for friendship, long term rela- flonshlp. Oshawa area. Ad# 2360 TALL BEAUTY SWF, 18, 5'l1", model, e 8oiesseeking, mo, 8-5 6'6"+, for friendship possible rela- tionship. Whitby area. Ad# 6970 IS THIS YOU? SWF, 29, 52", dark blonde hair, green eyes, son, 10, enjoys pets, shooting pool, outdoors, horses, Harleys, seeks ruggediy hand- some, SWM, 33-36, facial hair a plus, 5'8"+, for pos- sible relationshlp. Oshawa area Ad# 9495 LET'S DANCE SWF, Engls lady petite, 54, 5I3',glred hair, blue eyes, enjoys intermediate ballroomn dancing, loves dogs, waiks on the beach, seeklng a SWM, 50-65. Whtby area. Ad# 3033 DOWN TO EARTH SWF, 34, 5'5", brown hair, blue eyes, enjays country music, .talking, dancing, camping,' much more, seeking SWM, 32-45, mustÏIlk chiidren, similar interests. Oshawa area. Ad# 2208 I'LL GET BACKTOYOU SWF, 30 professional, attractive, IDng blonde hair, green 3yes, enjoys bands, baset ait, camping, worklng ou f, outdoors, seeks SWMV,J professionai, similar interests, for friend- ship, possible romance. Whtby area. Ad# 2324 THIS CAN WORK SWGF, 25, encys danc- ing, movies, animais, sports, outdoors, iearning, seeking SGF, any age, with similar interests, friends first, maybe more. Whitby area. Ad# 1819 CASUAL RELATIONSHIP- SWM, 23, 6', l7Oibs., brown hair/eyes, Oshawa area, easygolng, enjoys outdoor and indoor activi- ties, seeking SWF, 19-25, *for good imes Ad# 4582 DOWN TO EARTH SWM, 33, enjoys fun limes, conversations, waiking, seeking frlend, pal, buiddy, lover in SWF, 18-30. Whitby ares. Ad# 3641 MR. ROMEO SAM, 32, 6', lBOibs., blond hair, blue eyes, seeking intoresting, adventurous, sponta- neous, creative, SWF, 22-38, for friendship pos- sibierelationship. Oshawa ares. Ad# 2339 GOOD CATCH SWM, 40, 5'8", lSSlbs., full head of hair, good looklng, N/S, moderato drinker, scuba diver, onjoys outdloors, canae- ing, hiking, biklng, golf, seeks SWF, under 27. for possible relationshlp. Whitby ares. Ad# 6875 LOVE METENDER SWM, 24, Sicilian, enjays movies, bars, bands, good timos, seeking SWF, under 27, for possible retsa- tionshlp. Whitby area, Ad# 8270 GOTYOUR ATTENT1ON SWM, 45, soeking down ta earth, loving, sincere, quoen suîe, SWF, for speil- ing, pampering, tino dlin- .ing, more. Whitby area. Ad# 9016 SENSE 0F HUMOR SWM, 25, 5'6', 137ibs., black hair, green eyes, enjoys woight training, long walks, travel, seeking SWF, 20-30, for possible relationship. Whitby area. Ad# 8460 STILL SEARCHING SWM, 21, 5'10", lSOlbs., brown hair, blue eyes, enjoys- quiet times, movies, dining out, seeks MEF 18-22, honest, sn- cere, funny, wih similar interests. Whitby area. Ad# 3480 FIRSTTIME AD SWM, 24, now ta area, lives alone, enjoys cycling, sports, seeks SF, for friendship, possible rea- tionship. Ad# 9446 ARE YOU IN SHAPE? SWM, 27, 5'9', 1 80ibs., muscular, dark blond hair, blue eyes, clean cut, good loaking, honest, romantic, enjoys outdoors, golng out, soeks SWF, 19-30, similar interests, positive attitude, friends first.- Whitby area. Ad# 9368 STILL SEARCHING SWM, 40, 6', 200lbs., good shape, dark hair, blue eyes, smokor, social drinker, enjays outdoors, camping, fishing, hunting, walks,nature, animais, dancing, country music, movies, seeks SE, 18-40, for frlendshlp, maybe more. Whitby area. Ad# 5407 NEW TO AREA SWM, 48, 5'10m, brown hair, blue eyes, N/S, pro- fessional, funny, enjoys tennis, cycling, going out, learning. seeks SWF, 32-47, livoly, energetic, professional, for meaning- fui rolatlonship. Whitby ares Ad# 5679 ENJOYS SUMMERTIME SWM, 24, 5", l4Obs., excellent shape. enjoys outdoors, seeks SWF, 18-40, ta share interests and ideas. Whitby area. Ad# 3256 LOVES TO SKI SWM, 45, 6'l", l9Olbs., blond, N/S, casual drinkor, enjays outdoars, boating, golf, travel, dining out, dancing,.seeking N/S, SF, 22-45, not afraid ta try things. Whitby area. AdU 2589 With Auto Ad taking, just use yaur tauchtane phone ta answer some questions about yourseft and the type of persan you woul iic ke 10 meet. Thon record your voice greeting, and we'lI transcribo ià into a pnint ad that wiII appear in the Whitby Free Press. Whitby Free Press' Persan ta Persan is available far single peopl e seeking relationships. Ads cantaining explicit sexual or anatarnical languago wIl flot b. pub- ished. We roserve the right ta edit or refuse and ad. Custamer service 1 -800-273-5877. M Maie W White H Hispanic NC Native Canadlian S Singlo WW Widowed F Femaf e B Black A Asian C Christian D Divorced NIS Nan-snmokor ROBIN HOOD SWM, 40, 6', 200lbs., good shape; employed, home ownor, onicys hunt- ing, fishing, camping, dancing, country music, seeking -Maid' Marlon, SWF, 18-40, ta share interests. Oshawa area. Ad# 5507 VERY ACTIIVE brown curly hair, blue eyes,. enjoys outdoors, cottages, camping, fish- ing, scuba dlving, seeking SWF, 19-28, with lots of energy. Whitby area. Ad# 3526 STILL SEARCHING SWM, 29, back hair, brown oyes, enjoys out- doors, seeks outgolng, SWF, 18-35. Oshawa area. Ad# 3669 VERY FRIENDLY SWM, 42, father of one girl, 11, enjoys long walks, dining, homelife, seeks SWF, 18-45, for frlendship, relationship. Oshawa area. Ad# 9467 PLEASE CALL ME SWM, 24, 5-r, l3Sibs., dark hair, blue eyes, con- struction worker, onjoys dancing, shooting pool, loves romance, seeking SWF, 18-35, for possible reiationship. Whitby area. Ad# 3934 LE'S TALK SOON SWM, 30, enjoys out- »doors, having fun, seeks special SWF, 18-30, for good trnes. Whitby ares. Ad# 3741 LEAVE YOUR MESSAGE SWM, 19 brown hair, blue eyes, medium build, onjoys sports, dancing, worling out, seelcing SWF, 18-24. Oshawa area. Ad# 7512 voice - -d.!m ntcxh M& UlEX.47,, opton 2,8 a 0: Hm do 1 reopond te an ad? X- CaO 1-000-786-MU2Exf 47, opioni.et ea Ufe a SI.99 pe enter e admdnu rettfho nad -of the puiffad. Press 1 fa respand, prous 210 go on ta the next a& 0: Ham de 1 cancel or renew and ad? A: Cao customer service ai 1-8»-m7. 1 - 1 .

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