Whitby Free Press, 21 Jun 1995, p. 2

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Page 2VWIb r0Pes odedy u.2,19 M. O STRAWBERI. T1~/ET? ~BROOKLIN TiL.iuj:... TAUNTON Core and pick your own. Pleasebring yonur own containeîm. Open iy fJay-weather penmilltblng.WHTBY RD Cr' z ROSSLAND RC Open 8:OOa.m. to 7:iOOp.m. GARDEN ST. N. (north of Whitby Works Dept.) Concem over lime of annual meeti,üng B~y 1(ke Kowaloki Thé time of today's Whitby Genéral Hospital annual meeting has caused concern aznong mem- bers of a local citizens' group. Save Our Generai Hospital (SOGH) members were worried that the meetings scheduiéd starting time may have preven- ted sonie Whitby residentafrom atténding. The group féit that an evening meeting would iikely have attracte-dai aréturnout dué to the nmibér c people who are still working or on their way home at that timé of thé day. "Tis3 makes it difflicuit for popeto gét to,» said SOGH cecair JoAnne Prout of thé 4:30. p.n. meeting. "I cari't imagine what was- in the mixids of thé people who organized the meeting. It's not accessible te, thé malority who might want to attend, fshe said. According to 'a newspaper advertisement, the business por- tion of thé meeting was te have included the appointment of an auditor for thé néit year and thé élection of thé hospital's board of directors. Thé meeting was te bée held at Héydenshoré Pavilion, beginning at 4:30, although registration and distribution cf ballots began 30 minutes earlier. Those éligible te vote weré membérs of thé hospitai auxili- ary, annual fée paying members an e o. san igas cf Feb. *22, and he hiefoffcers cf certain associations or corporations, as défined in thé hospital's bylaws. For thosé not able te, attend, an "advance poli», was te have been held at thé hospital last évnig «Téisue just isn't about vot- ing, the advanoe poil just allows people another opportunity te vote," said Prout.*f "People want te bé at thé ~JONfOUR "BAKER'S DOZEN CLUB"'- -CU A faily plan for buying shoes BROOKS* REEBOK e BUSTER BROWN Also Iocated in Peterborough, Barrie, Goakstown,- Bowmanville H.G. Roughley Limited'Inuranfce Elizabeth "Beth" Parise ~ Broker in Àro[I:am DURHAM REALTY (1995) LTD. H.G. Roughtey Limited is pléased to anïiounce that Beth Parise has joined their staff of Insurance. Proféssionals. Beth has over 20 years experience in both Personal and Commercial Lines of Insurance. H.G. Roughley Limited is célebrating their 5Oth Anniversary in business dunng 1995 serving thé Durham Région with quality insurancé produots for business and personal requiréménts. 1000 Slmcoe St. N. Oshawa 576-7770 Toronto 686-5857 Lorne Kime Bruce Opferkuch meeting. It should hie béén held at such a time that was convenient te thé majority.» Néither hospital président Eli- zabeth Woodbury nor vice-pré- sident Marc Kealey were avail- able for comment Monday and Prout preferréd not to spéculate. «Peodple can malce theirow conclusions.» she said. While PrÃ"ut hérself was net a candidate, SOGH. membérs Jack Hutchison and Pearl Ault wéré nominated for. élection te. thé board. SOGH has beén instrumental in leading thé opposition te a p roposal from thé Durham Rgion District Health Council that would révamp thé role cf Witby Gênerai Hospital.-, A hospital réstructuring study now béore thé Ontario govérn- ment recommenda that Whtby Général bé convértéd inte a réha- bilitation treatméent centre serv- ing thé entire région..neic Whitby résidents i do émergéncy and other acute care services would go toexpade hospitals in Oshawa and Ajax, thé study pro~~ Howevér, th e recommendation is i hmbo since new Premier .Mike Harris has proniised that nothing wili happen at Whitby Gênerâl without thé community's consent. 'With this in mmnd, Prout expressed concern about a hospi- ta! fundraising dinner bein heid at Culien Gardens tenigt, foi- iowin*g thé Heydenshoré meeti niç. 'Tve ne objection te a fundra- sér it makes sensé,» said Prout. "but if it's held i conjunction with thé annuaI meeting, you run thé nisk of -exciuding some C pe,» shé said in référence te thé dininer's $50 ticket price Instéad, hospitai officiais s3houid wait for a favourablé rul- ing from thé govérnment, which Prout believes wiil bé thé case. qI think you wiil se an out- pouring cf public dollars if acute caré services, are rétained,» she predicted. ROTARY CASH C[SR 0 Rousseau House (selected t lido commercic, 0 Gord Gari (selected I 0 Lilian Nor (Rieîax s (selected f *Empire Di (selected t u Heritage homes & aIs) rier Sunoco homes) 1th Summit Realty) homes) mier homes) I ' I For blanket coverage of ALL thé homes and/or businessés in Whitby QS to selected areas only, oeil thé Whitby Free Press _ 668-6111. If you did not get a fiyer which is istéd for fuit distribution, givé us a oeil.

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