Whftby Free Proe, Wodnoecy, Juno 14,.1995, Page 15 A HOME DESIGN AND IMPROVEMENT FEATURE Muc entre. un'M nson Many visitors to Victoriaville Mansions' model home stop in .ust to satisfSr their curiosity, but bavZe as customers, says contract manager J.R. Faulkner. 'Mhe sign says it ail: 'incred- ible housing miracle...' I had one ladywh said to me, 'By the way rlm ggto buy here today,' ani I said 'that's fine.' 'No, no, y ou don't understand (she said), 1 didn't corne here to buylrn really shocked!'" Thtalso happened to Vic- torigville sales representative EvelynRivest. "'.'e first time I went through the furthest thing from myr minci was buying a condominium. I went through because agaïrl- friend coaxed me over andwithin haif an hour of walldng through I said 'Where do I sign? I couldn't believe it. «There's absolutely nothing on the market that compares to this, any way, shape or form, Kany people say they've been shopping for a home b ut can't fmdLÃanythingr they like in their price range, Rvest says. «They walk in here and you walk them through the brochure you take them on the tour ( Victoriaville's specially construc- ted model - home ini the A&P plaza, 80 Thickson Rd. S.) and they say, %hand me the pen...' Despite the fact Victoriaville bas advertised the new project throughout the Toronto area, «overwhelmingly our purchasers are from Whitby,» adds Fitulk- ner. Tribe Group, a consortium of trades and materials suppliers, p lans to begin constructmng the forlow-rise buildings at the corner of Dundas and Garden streets this month. The firs"t two will be readv for occupancy in Design Chat Touch of whimsy By Lynne Butler Design Consultant Dear Lynn: .How can I add some fun and personalily to my home decor? You can transforni even a traditional room into' one teemning with *wit and high spirits by small doses of whimsy. Accessories can be a great source of fun in a roomn and let you show *some of your personality. Pillows can add whimsy, simply by choosing some fabries that set a theme. Decorative paint is another vehicle for transporting whimsy. Trompe l'oeil can turn a sm all corner into one filled with fanntasy and imagination. Used, wisely, only a few touches of whimsy inject a huge amount of personal style to a home, warming its cooler places December and the second two in February. Tfrbe tias' a lot of experience worldng with concrete. It con- structe the skywalk leading from Union Station to the Sky- dome; extended and repaired a section of the Queen Elizabeth Highway, and buit the unique Humnber edestrian and bicycle bridge, whic as twin parabolic arches, Faulkner says. EVELYN RIVEST points out a crown cornie, one of the design features on the Vctoriaville condominiums., Photo by Mark Reesor, Whltby Free Press Fri h Dami g ad otegig Bar 46 Baldwin Street, (Hwy. 12) Brooklin, Ontario lnground Pools, Acid Washing & Painting Major Repaîrs Openings & Closings No Subcontractiflg FREE ESTIMATES 655,7827 e 655,STAR "Quality & Set-vice First"i CL GA_______CENTRE For your screened tops-oil byî Ithe bag or delivered î weedy Iawn? Free estimates to lay Fresh Kentucky Blue Sod. No obligation. Hwy 7 X Winchester 655-95926' 8-ciTano HWY 7 - LAKERIDGE RD ~H5 MAL 0 AIl chair parts are 1 " thick Pine with rounded edges and water sealed. M Ail nuts, boîts and woodscreWs are corrosion resistant. 0 Available fully assembled or boxed in kit to follow assembly instructions. Our Produot LUne Inoldes: i e nl is siat $50 '~~. Sing~-Loe cai tatgai$5 E * Double chair with table (as shown) *Table 20" wide x 24" long - Ask about customiziflg - 1260 Terwilligar Ave., Unit #6, Oshawae (905) 725-5285 Im à -U- ma -In -ar_ _ 1 Ph- Iilý ý 1 1 N -4ce.