Whitby Free Press, 7 Jun 1995, p. 31

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Whltby Free Priss, Wechiesday, June 7. 1995, Page 31 ....I... ..........E....M. N T J O M$ O R O A E ..R . S ER IC....RR.T...R RE T Specializing in Early Childhood '. 1~ Education. For Peace of Mnd. Perry Ho use Child Care Services 129 Psrry St., Whtby 668-9476 MATURE, EXPERIENCED & reliable mother offen ng daycare in my home, Garden & Manning area in Whitby. Cali 666-8295. LOOKING FOR reliable 'and affordable child care? Expenienced caregiver available fuli or part-time. Rossiand and Brock area. References and receipts. Cali Michelle 666-5039. EXPERIENCED CAREGI VER available to provide quaiity homecare for your infant/toddler. Clean, safe, loving, smoke-free environment.* Daily outîngs, toys, music crafts. Cali C harlene 430-6à09. Attention parents: is your house safe? New Bqby proofin9 servireI Cali Chris or Susan 905-665-0313 DAYCARtE AVAILABLE - unlimited smiles & hugs. Smoke & pet-free home. Fultîme, part-tîme & back-up availabie, ail ages. Mornina pick-up & aflemoon drop0 available at the Whitby GO station. Lots of toys, games & fun. Calil 430-7611. BABYSITTER AVAILABLE for chitd 2Vt2 years or older. Fenoed-in backyard, lots of toys & crafts, smoke-free environment. Location: Brock & Rossîand area. Cali 430-3195. MOTHER 0F 3 vwth svwnmming pool willing, to babysit school age children durnn the summer. Please cal 6-67 We Tyfm mDay Care The ystrri hatprovide s... *Unscheduled home visits ensure quality care for your child - Fully trained providers receive ongoing Agency support EXPERIENCED DAYCARE available in my home. Includes daily outings to Peanut Club, Pam's Backyard, Y-Pace, ibrary, crafts, songs, etc. Also inciuded are brafast lunch & snacks. Very reasonabie rates. Cali 666-5452 after Spm. MOM'S DAY OUT. Home day care, haif or fui! day openings, mariy activities, indoor/outdoor play, nutnitious snacks, Garden/Manning area. Cali Wendy 668.-7644. JACK AND JILL NURSERY SCHOOL located at AIl Saints Anglican Church, 300 Dundas St. W., Whitby. Some space availabie for September 1995. Pre-schooi and junior kinderg arien programs, morning s oniy 9:OOam-1 I :3Oam, Sept. -J une. For further information visit the schooi or cali Mrs. Scott 668-4966. CALL A PRO! SFOR WHEN LIFE BRINGS SYOUAÀSHOCK OR rO! SJust check the CALL A PRO section and let the pî do the job' "~You cani compare and L'ooSe rom the senices Vouil ~Id there' ROOMMATE WANTED to share 4 bedroom home. Parking & taundry facilities availabie. $350/mo. + utilities. Cal! 666-3550, leave message. ROOM MATE - FOR LARGE master bedroom, with private bath in a new 3 bedroomn house located in a subdivision near Rossiand & Thickson Road. Available in June. Cali 725-3790. WHITBY LARGE bedroom, use of facitities, kitchen, deck, 131Q, laundry. Maie or female non-smoker. Lots of parking, close to transit. Cal 666-8388, teave message. FURNISHED ROOM for rent, $80lweek. Share bathroom & kitchen. Student or worker preferred. Waik to ail amenities. Please cati 666-3617 AFTER 6PM. QUIET PLACE FOR MATURE aduit. NO DRUGS/NO PETS. Kitchen & laundry facilities, private entrance, cabie, air, near al amenities, parking. Firsiast week. 430-0404. LAGE, FURNISHED room for rent in Whitby, lose to downtown & buses. T& cabie included. $1llOIweek. Cail 666-4279 or 668-8375 and leave message. FULLY FURNISHED ROOM in dlean quiet home, use of kitchen. Inclucles parking & cabie. Suit dlean, responsible, working person. Availabte immediateiy. 668-3640. ROOM FOR RENT in large executive home shared bath kitchen & Iaundry facitities parking and cabie incIuded. $iôolweek. First and iast week. Cali 666-0200. JULY 1IST - 2 bedroom basement apt. with walkout on Harris Cri. $650/mo. including utilities & appliances. Ron Barsi 436-0990. MARY/ADELAIDE OSHAWA General Hospital area, 1 bedroom apt. availabie immediately $650. Also small bachelor available immediately.$400 includes utilities, cable, par1King. Suit responsible working person. 668-3640. LARGE DOWNTOWN Whitby 2 bedroomn basement apt., appliances, parking & deck included. Cati 721-26-50. FIRST ONLY, large 3 bdrm., ground, Whitby, 401 & GO, dlean & guie JuIy lst, $8951mo. Phone NEW BUILDING, one bedroom modern large apartment unit $625 inclusive. Ask for Tom 905-428-7677. BROOKLIN 1 BEDROOM APT. Also .1 bachelor apt., Close to sho ping, utilities included. $495/each. Availabte now. Cai 655-5539. WHITBY DUPLEX 2 BEDROOM large living room, large eat-in kitchen, 4 ap pliances, close to school, bus & downtown. Available JulX1/95. Pho ne after 6pm TWO BEDROOM bsmt. apt., $525/mo. + heat & hydro. First and iast, no pets. Cati 668-2445. DOWNTOWN OSHAWA, quiet main floor, private house, easy pedestrian access. to ail downtown amenities. Laundry privileges, carpets & drapes. $520/mo. + hyJro. First/last, no pets. 436-7442. HUGE 3 BEDROOM In immaculate shape, close to downtown Whitby, no pets. Available August 1 st. Cai Tor. 416-491-3714 or 430-5982. WHITBY DOWNTOWN tripiex 2 bedroomn available immediately, al utilities included, iaund r rom & storage. $590/mo., first &last. Please cati 655-3406. BRIGHWT, CLEAN one bedroom basement apt., carptet, kitchen, stove, fidge, shower, share -Iaundry. RosslandeThomiton area. $575 indludes utilities. First/last. 725-7474. BRAIDLEY ESTATES Whitby Townhouses WHITBY 5 DORVIS DRIVE 3 bedroom detached home near 401. CaII 416-493-1816 after 5pm. WHITBY JR executive home 2500 sq. ft., CHA, 4 bdrm., 4 baths, 2,car garage, finished basement with walk-out, wine cellarlwet barlwooddbumingsve $1350 + depost + las month o.b.o. 5769-6579. CLASS MORTGAG ES & LOANS L$1 e lst&2nd e Lines of -Credit e BEST RATES Frank Callahan 571-2880 After hours Upper Canada 668-4454 Funding mc. IFI*ED MARKETP LAC E "A dvertîse A cross 0Ontarlo or A cross the Country" COMING EVENTS MERLE HAGGARD- MARTY STU- ART - IAN TYSON- Goods - Gary Fjellgaard - Ron Hynes - Patricia Conroy - Wayne Rostad - August 10- 13, Havelock Country Jamboree. Camping 1-800-539-3353. Tickets. For flyer send seif-addressed stamped enveiope to Box 10, Have- lock, Ontario KOL iZO, c/o Jack Blakely. ANNOUNCEMENTS HOCKEY: ALL PLAYERS 1510O21. Junior/University Evaluation Pro- grams in Collingwood, JuIy 1995. Do not pass on this opportunity. Scholarship and recruitment oppor- tunities (705) 721-9622. BUSINESS OPPS. ELITE-CRETE Concrete Stamping Tools 10 Mat Slate Set $1550.00. We stock release powder, colour, concrete and pavingstone seaiers plus colour hardeners. Contractor inquiries 1-800-667-5496. Fax 519- 638-3801. BUSINESS SERVICES GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE Pro- grams. Government aid, assistance, grants and boans money available. For your new or existing business. Cail 1-800-915-3615. CAREER TRAINING. LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern School of Auctioneer- ing. Next Classes: AUGUST19-25; NOVEMBER 18-24. Contact: Southwestern Ontario Schoot of Auctioneering, R.R.#5, Woodstock, Ontario N45 7V9. (519) 537-2115. MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Train, upgrade, retire in a powerful new profession. Become a Certified Mas- ter, Hypnotist/Hypnotherapist. Free information package. Alandel School & Çiinic 1-800-661.-2099. EMPLOYMENT OPPS. HD MECHANICS, MILLWRIGHTS, ELECTRICIANS; future uncertain? Semi-retired? Unemptoyed? Jour- neyman contract positions available Canada-wide. Mining expenience an asset. Fax your resumé now to Mine Temps, 1-807-597-6820. FOR SALE CASHEW/NUT LOVERS. New! Home nut roasting kit. Everything incIuded. it's easy, it's fun, you'iI save and the taste is incredible. For details cati 1-800-390-8529. HELP WANTED COMPUTERS. No previous comput- er experience necessary. Exciting opportunities now availabie in com- puter programming. We wiii train suitabie applicants. CMS 1-800-477- 9578. SALES HELP WANTED $Attention Students$ 15 BIKES TO DRAW. Make a lot of money seiling chocolate bars NEW $2.00 PROD- UCTS. Nothing to pay in advance. Fast detiveryi1-800-383-3589. PAY TELEPHONE SERV. HEAVENLY PSYCHîC ANSWERS. Cati your Psychic Friend at 1-900- 451-3783. Live 1 on 1, 24 Hours, $2.99 per min. 18+ "Better Living" is "Through Awareness". LîVE PSYCHICS! Genuine Canadi-. an Psychics teil ail.,Past, Present, Future revealed. Roac, Weaith, Career. Live and personai. 1-900- 451-3778. Innervision Crystai Con- nection. $2.99/min .,18+, 1-on-1, 24 hrs. LIVE PSYCHICS ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS Dream interpretations, Tarot Readings, Horoscope Read- ings CALL NOW! 1-900-451-3297 ext. 200., $3.99/min, 18+ Only, Touch Tones Only. Infoservice/Stu- dio City, Cal 213-993-3366. PERSONALS WOULD YOU LîKE to correspond with unattached Christian people across Canada for companionship or marriage? S.A.S.E. Free infor- mation. State age. Ashgrove, P.O. Box 205, Chase, B.C., VOE 1iMO. REAL ESTATE GOl A'CAMPGROUND member- ship/timeshare? We'II take it! Ameni- ca's iargest, oldest resale clearing- house. Resort Sales International 1- 800-423-5967. Timeshare rentais needed. Cali 24 hours a day, STEE L BUILDINGS- THE LAST BUILDING YOU'L EVER NEED. Future Steel, the rec- ognized leader in affordable, top quality, arch-style structures:- For Value, Service & Integrity, cati 1- 800-668-8653. BUILDING SALE...Ontario Manufac- turer Direct. Quonset style. 16x21 $1,698.00. 21x30 $2,198.00. 32x40 $3,988.00. 34x48 $4,988.00. 40x54 $7,144.00. 40x66 $8,734.00. 46x120 $17,544.00. Ends optional. Pioneer 1-800-668-5422. *t' ftAffodable a ftk, Fast a ftk Easy * One Dili Do. It Ai eNorthem Ontario $63 -, Eastem Ontario $91 Western Ontario $162 e Central Ontarïo $168 e Ail Ontarjo $380 National Packages Available Cal! this paper for details! -n 1 - - - -- -- - - -- - - - - - 1 L.

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