Whitby Free Press, 31 May 1995, p. 8

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Pages, VMW Fr.. Preo, WednSay, MWy 31,1996 Another 'sap on the wrist'? Town lays1 charges- against roadside flower vendors By Miko Kowali W;hitby i. renewing its efforts to chase illegal floWer vendors outoftown Ten chares of sellingz flowers without a licence were laid over the Mothers Day weekend, Town council was informed last week. Those char [, including two Whitb. residents, will make their 76et appearance in provin- cial court on June.12. Howeven, if histaryis any in- dication, whatever penalties are imposed will likely do little ta deter future violatars, council heard. Therefore, Town staff are in- vestigating new ways of making perpetratans thinktwice before ing it agam. lthough the maximum fine unden the1 Municipal Act is $5.000, the courts rarely consider the matter a serious offence, said Town clerk Don McKay. Penalties range from a «slap on the wristr ta a «few hundred dollars » McKay said. «Sta feel the fine is now viewed as a neason not ta comply with the bylaw,» he admitted. Councillor Marcel Brunelle noted that officers from the Ontario, Ministry of Natural Resources, fr example, are empoee asiepoet when 1yig charges 3zforphunting infractons. «I'd 1k. to, have us explore that," said Brunelle. McKay neplied that staff have already pursued that an gle and said Ajax officiais once tried it themselves, only ta, have a court declare the seizune illegal. «They found they didn't have the authority under the. Munici- p ai A.ct and ended up paying for the goods received." McKay said staff, in consul- tation with the Town's solicitair, are exploning othen measures sucli as court injunctions and a minimum fine. «W. think court injunctions are the route ta go," he said, but conceded that it may not take wily operatars to long to circum- vent that obstacle. «When we MIî on. loophole the ffind anothen on. For instance, some vendors are employing minons who cannot b. charged unden the bylaw, while othens have set up warehouses in Whitby ta avoid the need for a licence, McKay said. It seems eveny time we do somnething, they flnd a way around it." Following McKay's report, council endorsed Brunelle's motion that the issue of «tran- sient vendons" be dealt with a future meeting of the Association of Municipaities of Ontario (AMO). Council's resolution calîs on AMO ta lobby the provincial governinent for legislation that gives municipalities more control over the pnoblem. Ini a subsequent interview, McKaLy said a mandatary injunc- tion imposed on repeat offeniders would be more effective than the cunnent system. Guilty parties would no longer be ini violation of a municipal bylaw, but a direct order from t he court, he said. U"jt would be dealt with much more severely.» Penalties could include fimpni- sonment in addition ta a mie, McKaysaid. Stf are also examining the feasibility of a minimum fine, he added. «urently, the maximum fine is up ta $5,000, but when left ta the courts it's generally a slap on the wrist. ++iatby buinness~X «They (violatans) look at it as the coat of doing business.» Staffs recommendations should b. ready for council's perusa 1 within a few months, MKysaid. «Thig is a problem ini aIl area municipalities."he stressed. «It's unfair ta established businesses. They (vendons) have no licence and little on no over- head.» Partners ANDERSON CVI student council vice pre- sident Patricia M'zzi presents Jai Vossen of EDS Canada wth a 'Partnership Certifi- cate of Recognition,' hnig the com- pany for its involvement with the sohool. Photo by Mark Reesor. Whltby Fme Press A goal properly set is haltway reaci Let me help with the other hait. CA LL FOR AN APPOINTMENT - Fïnancial con e t _____________ Group DEREK DUTKA *FiabnciaCnept oroliratin Sa icense Mtr ua lmtuunddlar.S gWiyadOswaice1810 St esnR.SOha a5 9 m 77 Who needs a fnnilpanr The changes ini taxes, investmenta and job security should be enough ta Ilead people ta plan for financial self-sufficiency. I feel very strongly that everyone can benefit from good financial advice. But what is 'good' financial advice? The answer -ta that is much more subijective and will b. determined by your own particular needs. 'Good' financial advice can corne from a vaniety of sources: accountants, lawyers, financial planners, stockb;rokers, insurance agents, financial publications, etc. When you have clearly defined what 'good' fihancial advice is, it xnakes it a lot easier ta, select a financial advisor(s). In My opinion, the most important part of finania lanning (and often inost overlooked) is just that - planning. Wat are your goals? Setting definite goals is the ke. A goal is a strong desire ta achieve a measurable objective within a specifled time. For example, if you want ta, take a two-week cruise, it becomes a goal when you flnd out the coots involved, set a time frame and commit some of your resources ta make it happen. inm sure you have done this many times before, whether it was a trip, a new stereo, new car, etc. Once you decided that you were going ta get that item, it took priority over other expenditures. Maybe you went out for dinner lesm often, opened up a special savings account etc. but you committed yourself ta achieve that goal. Goals without time limita are only wishes. Short-term goals (one ta two years) might cover expected expenses: vacations, home repairs, lifestyle, etc. -- in other words, some sort of4udget. You should alwaysa have an emer- gency fund ta cover unex cted expenses. the amount will v ,but target three montres net expenses. 'at kind of financial situation would your family be in if you were in an accident tamonrow and you died or were disabled? Insurance is a pnionity for someone with a family because it can allow for the completion of your long-tenm goals in the event you are not able ta. Medium-term goals (three ta eight years) might include paying off all personiil debt except the mortae, building up neserves for replacement of your car or major apphianoes, starting an education account for your children, etc. Long-tenm goals (nine plus years) would include the elimination of ail debt, the age at which you desire ta retire and the income on which you would like ta retire. Moag amortization schedules are.easy ta g et. - take a look at 'how much you can save by payxng weekly instead of monthly, or amortizing over a shonter period. Retirement income is much more of an unknown. What will your pension plan pay at your chosen retirement? How secure is it? Is it indexa ta inflation? How much income will you have ta provide from y our savings? How much do you need ta invest today (or anually) toprovide that income (use at least two different rate of return assumptions) Hopefuily this has given you seine insight into what you need ta be doing -- on your own, or with the aid of a financial planner. Devek Dut is an inde ndent linancial planner Fwth éYnancial Concept Group in Jh8wa. Vour Financial Heaith Derek Dutka t' mi 106 Stevenson Rd. S., Oshawa ý5 Zo. Financial Concept Corporation is a licensed Mutual fund delaer. CrIr- Q£wýiiritior rnrnnrAtinn Lqa lirensed Securifles dealer. Serving Whithy and Oshawa since 1986

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