New route, medileva theme for '95 prade By Usa Gardiýer * The, fairs Saturday parade route has been changed.tis year because of road construction in Brooklin (see map). O n Saturdayj, Ju-ne 4, it will begin in the Meadowcrest subdivision at 10:30 a.m. Marshalling in the Meadowcrest subdivision, the entry point will be on Ferguson Avenue, of Highway 7, and the parade will thien begin from Price and Camnpbell streets, off Campbell to Baldwin (Highway 12) and then south to Cassells Roa J East, east te Simcoe Street, south on Simcoe to Winchester Road and then east, on Winchester te Anderson Street and then south to the fairgrounds. Ufl ie the only viable alternative iroute...hopefully it won't be too dif-, ferent, " gays Sharon MacKmnnon, chair of the parade committee. This year the fair's theme is 'Medie- val Days,' with entries te consist of an aspect of that theme. As an example, «We hope te ese clowns dressed as knights ... " says MacKinnon. The categories this year are: (non- commercial) Most representative of theme, moat dramatic, most humor- ous, beat design (detail), children's group," epecial menit; (commercial) Most dramatic, most humorous and epecial merit. The winner of each category receives $50. There ie also a fanc dress competi- tion in which both cbh?dren and adults may' participate in five or six cate- gories, each ,eulxivided into A9e groupe: 5 and under, 6 te 8, 9 tol and 15 a.nd over. The pnizes for the fancy, dress com- petition will be $6 for firats, $5 for second, $4 for third and $2 for fourth. This year the -parade will have six bande, an antique car section, and participation by both the police and fire deprtents. Entry forme for the competitions must be completed and returned no later than May 26 to Barb>ara Cottora Valerie Madili or Liz Mitchell. For more' information, contact Sharon MacKinnon at 655-3526. Mr. Simons Brîng. Me A D7eamSale CANNON- BALBED BONUS OFFER When you buy a Simmons mýattressset durig this llndtedtlie promoion you, cmn purchase a 3 4 9 îINQUEENt 499' BEAUTYSLEEP* L1MITED EDITION srl OoFULL (AW QUEEN 749"' 54900WiNKING: 999' BEAUTYSLEEPO PINNACLE PILLOW TOP - 649 OoFULL: 749" 00QUEEN. 849; 649TIN KING: 1099' BEAIJrYESTO PR1NCESS 'IFULL: 799" VVQUEEN: 8W' 6 4 9 IN KING:1199e BEAUTYRST* ANNIVERSARY c soid pine ~Q 00 FUL-891 Cannonbal6 9Tà IN:1 be for oifly BEAUTYREST SOVEREIGN* PLUS su' $5 9 O .A oo kn< hts sleep s 9 9 9 TWI IG 5 If purchase" g~ eîiwnar m1 separately M ON $89900. à C NA A I C *TM Simmons I.P mc. Used under licence b>' Simmons Canada nc. DEALER #IZE 721-033« Shop by phor 25 Thickson Ri Whltby Open Sunda 11:00-4:00 Mon-Fri. 9:30-1 Sat. 9:30-6:0 t999'. 49" 49e 1199, 549" iam Day Dei.veres Available N AISLE d.N z F PETRO LCANADA ly ~HW 2 (DUNDAS ST) 9:0 F CT RYOU LE LMRT We specialize in waterbed conversion mattresses- Unique sizes made ta order Brooklin Spring Faire* May 24/95 15