BangBUp eventattracts bi crowds ByLUa Gardner The Brokln pri gF 8rsdemoli- tion dorby will again be held on two nights tis year due to the success of that format when introducod two years ago. "We've .had a pretty ,good turnout the last couple years,' says- derby committee chair Eldon Worry. OnThursday nghjt, contestants will only ho from Whitbty and Brooklin; on Saturday night entries will bo accep- ted fromn outaicL the local area (Osh- awa, Peterborough, Lindsay etc...). Sing ing. pets wanted for show By Usa Gardner Musically-inclined pets can compote at this years fair. Best vocal duet -- owner and pet -- is a new category at the pet show te ho held tis year. "Our main focus is on fun and faniily entertaininent," says Don Mit- chell, who is oraizing the show. The dogs-only class has,,categories including: most appropriate naine, most 1k. owner, beat vocal duet, best shako a paw, best sit down and rol over, andbost trick. The categories for the open class are: moot appropriate name, most like owner, beet vocal duet, most unusual pet and boat trick. Reg*stration will ho at 12:30 p.m. on Sunay, à JUne 4, with the show te get underway at 1 p.m. There is a liinit of three cateÉories per pet, and only those aed 16 and under may enter. A trphy will ho given te each winner. For. more information call Liz or Don Mitchell at 655-8341. The crashing event will ho held on the racotrack in a s pace of about 45 by 200 fèet. Vehicles entered can ho any Ameri- can-mhade hardtep car or station wagon (except Chryslor Imperials and New Yorkors). Ail entored vohicles must remove the gas tank, and replace, it with a three-gallon steel tank; they must romove ail glass, tail lights and al chromo (drivors cannot hit doors directly). It is up tQ the driver te start his/her vehicle within 30 seconds of a staîl; if flot started, the driver is disqualified. Cash prize will ho awarded te the, tep two winners in each of threo heats. Tlhere will ho a champion win- ner for each night. For more* information, caîl Werry at 725-8355.