Whitby Free Press, 17 May 1995, p. 34

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Page 34, WhlIby Free Press, Wedneeday, may 17, 1995 HOW TO BOOK YOUR CLASSIFIED AD... Cati 668-6111. Adsplaced by Mondlay at moon wuiI be pubished that Wednesday. Prepay by 5 pm to save moneyl Or, prepay wth your VISA card when piaclng the ad. Fax your adlto us at 668-0594. Please ensure rnormaton, andea number where we can reach you, f necessary. Mailt your ad to, Whitby Free Press, Box ý206, Whitby, Ontano, Li N 5S1. Ads should be mailed to arrive by Monday at noon. You can enclose your panment, or provide billing informa ln. /F# e Were open 9 am to 5pm, Monday to Fniday. Place your ad by Monday' at noon for Wednesay publication. f your can't make R ln durtng office hours, we have a mail siot to the lefi of our front door. ............... $200-$500 WEEKLY. Assemble producis at home. Easyl No selling I TORONTO SCHOOL 0F BUSINESS You're paid direct. FuIly guarant e OSHAWACAMPUSNo expenience neoessary. CatI, 24 hrs., 1-504-641-7778, ext. 142H-20. P T-TIME COUNTER help for dry cleaning store, 4pm to 8pmn ................weekdays, Saturday and Sunday à 8am-6: OOpm. Customer service expenienoe required. Fax resume to 416-922-3030 or leave message 416-618-1100. BOSS! You be the boss. Have fun and meet fniends while eaming profits selling Dickie Dee ice cream Pîcture yourseif in an excitng new career! on Whitby streets. Cati 666-9539. It could happe i n as litie as six months...____________________ and it A begins with one phone cail. COME PLAY FOR A LVNG - iscovery Toys' expanded product Ieadte~ine gives you theoopportunity to .Cafl build a g reat part-time/fuil-time caree*riiibusiness. Eam your kit FREE - Join before May 31 st and Discovery _______________________________________ Toys wviII invest $90 in your rî success. Cati Mary Lou L hoose From Our Exciting Career Options: 905-666-0608. DAY NURSERY SUPERVISOR. Brooklin Day Nursery, a icensed, non-profit, Day. Care Centre requires a supervisor to oversee ail day-to-day operations, including administration, payrotl ang personnel. Minimum qualifications inctude ECE Diplomra, as wett as two years of retated expenience. References wviii also be required. Competative compensation and benefits await -the successfui candidate. Please forward resumre, no later than May 31 1995 to: Brookiin Day Nursery, Âttn: Board of Directors Box 3441 14 Church Street, Brookiin, Ontano LOB ICO. HAVE FUN MAKING EXTRA money as a TV or movie extral Ail ages needed. Cati (905) 428-9756. CALL A PRO! î FOR WHEN LIFE BRJNGS YOUAÀSHOCK ORITO! Just check the CALL A PRO section Yu and let the pros do the job! Yucan compare and choose froin the services you'l find there! I BUINES I F~E$ê TRANINO .tN ...... V i C E S [ .. . . . .............. HOW MUCH is your t!me worth? Dont waste hours figurnng out how to use your computer. F or fast, customizod training and support cali Compeng Associates 725-5407. BOOKKEEPING - accounting services available. CMA-expe *enoed, very current and computer itorate. Smaii business, self-e mpl oyod, taxation. Reasonable rates. 905-666-6867. GOLO FEVERI Buy gold and make commission on those who buy after y ou. Sound interesting? You bot. Le gai? For~ sure. Unbeievabie? Befievo it. Please cail 905-668-1760. BREW ON PREMISE. Wanted: partner(s) to invest in established bew-your-ov. Only one in Whitby1 Great income potential for night person. Cati Jim 666-2739. PART-TIME TRAVEL business, no vontory required. Save income tax P uease Recycle in yu travel expenses. For more This Ne spaper information cali (905) 725-4436. _______________ AX YOUR AD! 668-05941 [~ eOSHAWA IODRIVINO Osaa*728-0091 Full Drivers Education Courses MAY 27th Saturdays 4 week course JUNE 6th Tues. & Thu rs. 4 week course JUNE 26th to 29th 4 day course JULY 4th to 7th 4 day course PRIVATELESSONS REGISTERED & APPROVED 5V 1THE O.SAO. ANDO9 :4 v :~ùu~. N UW$CAT10NM$~ i WANTED: full and part-trne telemarketers to hielp prompte Green Back Directory. Our telemarketers average up to $1l 0. 00 + per hour & hetp support your local businesses. Cati (905) 430-0993 ask for John or Gord. EARN UP TO $550 A WEEK - we need People- to make, jewellery (neokiace, bracelet, eamng). Job- available coast to coast, from your home. No experienoe needed. Send a seif-addressed stamped envelope to: Kevinchris Corp., 332-5060 Tecumseh Rd. E ReL: 139, Windsor, Ontario, NëT 1ICI. Local C.A. firm is pleased to announce that it is in a position to hire a recent C.A. graduate. Douglas R. Freeman, C.A. 511 Bond St. West, Oshawa, ON , LIJ 2M2 CRUISE SHIP JOBSI Eamn $300/$900 weekly. Year round ositions. Hiring both menfwomen. F ree room and board. WitI train. Cati, 24 hrs., 1-504-646-4502, ext. 142 C- 18. EXPERIENCED HAIRSTYLIST wantod at a contemporary WVhitby salon. Cai 430-8787. FSHOP IN THE CLASSIFIEDS! You'llsave time andrmoney ifyou shop the ads in the classified section firstl Vts the place to find the big bargains you're Iooking for. FOR HIRE - 14' cube van wvith 1 or 2 mon, %Mil do household or commercial moves. Phono 433-0775. Tap into your child's early learning potential. Create & Discover PreSChool, offers a carefully ba!anced 112 day program for 2 and1/2 -5 year ods featurilg: - an unparalieled group size of 5 cbildren *E.C.E. teachers with- 20 years experience *music, stories, draina - math concepts copte* e ading oeadiness prograin, emphasizing phonetics *fine motordevelopment through mixed media arts, printing, toys & puzzles *Outdoor play includes swings, climber, slide & sandbox.,,' Make the most of the preschoolypars! 430-1737 -Whitby GUITAR LESSONS. Ali levels. Alil ages. Accoustic or electnic. Register now. 666-1979. WHITBY, SCHOOL 0F MUSIC- pianolkeyboard, guitar, voice, viotin, fute tessons. Also Kindermnusik ( ages 3-5J, Qualified Teachers. Caîl 66-87à , 103 Dundas St. W., Whitby. E=mTUTOR2. High schoot phy sics math, science or computer womfes. Expenenced high schoot teacher wil[helpyu really understandl Cati 66 6635 COMPUTERS FOR THE Cowardly. Become fearless of the new technology. Private sessions from a ffiendly computer expert. Cali Carol 666-6735. SINCLAIR SECONDARY School Computers & Sports Camp, summer dey camp 9:30-3:30, July 10-14, Julyl17-21, Juty 24-28 ages 9-14 $125. Contact: W. Pamer L'Ecote Française smail aduit classes in an informai but resuits-oriented environment beginner to advanced courses designed to meet your needs Reasonable rates 20 years Iteaching experience Private instruction also available Cali Jacques at 666-0993 m s. * 1 Shoo ofBusnes ..q.

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