Whhby Fiee Pros, Wochiesday, Mayl17,1995, Page 9 esns EDS sales qVP at chamb er awards Ilunchleoni Mhichael- Cardiff, Senior vice presidênt of sales and marketing at EDS Canada, will be guest speaker at the 'annual awards luncheon hosted by the Whitby Chaxnber of Commerce on May 31 at Cullen Gardens Restaurant. TLhe business person of the year and- the corporate citizen of, the, year awards, will be presented at the, luncheon. The -Durham Business- and Professional Women'!s Club will hold:the annual genera meeting and elections on Wednesday, May 24, 'at- thé Victoia Garden Restaurant (Hfighway -2 and Randal Ave, Ajax). Ail members are, urged te attend, or submit their proies te Karen Graham ne later than Tuesday, May 23. The keynote speaker will be Big Brothers and Big Sisters will be among those attending the open house celeration cf the new office of Whitby chiropractor Rbojer Karam on May 28. J&aTram has invited both 1994'o business person, was Grant Souter of Dodd & Souter Decor, and the corporate citizen was KWS Energy Services. The event is 11:15 a.m. Tickets members, and non-members. chamber for moi 668-4506. scheduled are $2è *.75 $37.4É Contact Se details, for for for the at JA students are a business success story Junior Achievement of Durham Region will- hold their "Future Unlimiuted ' -banquet ' at Heydenshore Pavilion, Whitby, on Friday, June., 2,to culimate their most succegi "-"fyear for seven JA comnpany prgas in Durham. In its 2ya history JA Durham hV easponsored an average of seven companies per year, with a majority cf the companies breakcing even and making "a profit. 'Shareholdersý have had a high return on their investments throughout the years. On June 2 the Achievers will be, presented with more than 20 PIa. ues and scholarships to celebrate their successes. Four cf the Achievers will win scholarships to attend the National' Juior :'Achiévement' Conference (CANJAC)-i'n" T>ornto'ý. Aug. 6 te 27. Bert Bicknell, preidenft of JA Durham'Region, stated that the successes came from financial, support by 'the business community, and the' work cf volunteers. Cail (905) 644-7058 to reserve a ticket for the banquet. THE GREEK TYCOON has- reopened for $100,000 and forced'the eatery to close business with a new decor. An early for repairs. Phoo y ark Reesor, Whltby Free Pres morning t ire Dec. 13 caused about Bfiir haan A BEAUTY 0F A BARGAIN! N/E Whitby location, immaculate home, renovations throug hout. Lovely eat-in kitchen. Flnished recreatiori room, central air. $136,900. Blair Buchanan Brokerl0wner, 436-1800. -i - & -à ý i4ndrw WJood Quad Speed CD ROM Muhmedia Systems ALL SYSTEMS NOW INCLUDE 53OMB HARD DRIVES AT NO EXTRA CHARGE 'b85 - ~ t itii.~MI~1~ ~ ~ ~ > MoîOieCS y i * i i 35i ~ î~~1 ' ~5 ysj\i~~~%1~jÇ\i -g, ssh<ii ~hiIU~iI$I~ i iii.. i ~,a~sSIS r414$ NotWa, Âppoff PERSONAL COMPUTERS Sýystem includes 7Microsoft Encarta '95 Golf vl.0 Works 3.0 Dangerous Creatures Money Scenes* Entertalnment Pack* Scones* Enterlafiement Peck are preeded on the hard drive IPCCDIFX-66 " Pentium OverDrive ready " VESAISAIPCI bus architecture " 4 Pc, & 2 VESA local bus slots " 4MB RAM, Internai write back cache " 530MB hlgh speed hard drive " 3.5" hlgh density floppy dnive~JÂ " OUAD speed'CD ROM :L " Dunl amplilled speakers SP E - 16-bit sound card " 14.4 Volce/FaxlModem " 14" SVGA monitor. 1024 x 768_ 2Bdp " MS Mous. and mous. pad " MS DOS 6.22 " Windows for Workgroups 3. Il " Threa year parts&£ labour warranty " FIrst year on-site service t Seven Mcrosoft software tities OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS - WHITBYI Hwy. 12 frontage in proposed future major commercial centre under new Whftby official plan. Good size ranch bungalow wilh upgrades on neaîly one acre. $39,00. Cil foir details Andrew Wood Assoc. Broker, S436-1800. IPC CDIFX-575 *Intel PenflnuZ.m Hprocessor " ISAIPCI bus architecture " 4 Pc, local bus stols " 8MB RAM " 530MB high speed hard drive " 2.5" high density floppy drive " QUAD speed CD ROM - Duel emplilied speakers ~I " 16-bit sound card P E " 14.4 VoicelFax/Modem " 1MB PCI SVGA video card f " MS Mous. and mous. pad " MS DOS 6.22 " Windows for Workgroups 3. 11 " Three year parts & labour warranty t Seven Microsoft software titles $2r678 (14" monitor Included) LLease for $98/month* IPC CD/FX- 100 " Pentium Overmie ready " VESA/ISA/PCI bus architecture " 4 PCI & 2 VESA local bus siots " 4MB RAM. intenai wnle back cache " 530MB high speed hard drive - 3.5Shlgh density floppy dnive " OUAO speed CD ROM ~~ " Duel amplifled speakers $ 2 D " 16-bit sound card 14.4 VoicelFaxIModem C D " 1MB Pc, SVGA vidéo cad ....... " 14" SVGA moitlor, 1024 x 768. 2Bdp " MS Mous. and mouse pad " MS DOS 6.22 " Windows for Workgroups 3. il " Three year paris & labour warranly " Fret vear on-site service t Savon Mcrosoft software tiles PC Pars"ialComptirsa re bil by 30 Mnimpt»rs. 350 Si.doeniPAdW., Mgaidim. OnbdouiLA 13RlSFis 950479-7650. ThOIntni* n oo ia ugiird hdiinaikof 1h. nWCo"oaon, The IPC ugo tin hsdia.ni 030 MirocomnputeainMorOirn«el gOt. or »MtiSo . On-Sisamis inotal aiais nidamas of Canada, Pis id cnfguuin Obgsi inhago* u1hot iOn For information ~g contact: B sbt 25 Thiçkson Road. North (Near K.F.C.) tel: 905-725-7454 Fax: 905-725-7732 Hours: Mon., Tues. 10-7, Wed.-Fd. 10-9, Saturday 10-6, Sunday 11-4 Computer Performance Center Hwy. 2 humourist Renny Kiassen who wvill previde an. evening cf laughs following the election of the new board ef directors. A networking and cocktails session will begin at 6 p.m., with dinner te follow at 6:45 p.m. RIeerations are required. Ca liKaren Grahamu at (905) 420-6167 or Nancy'Bone at (905) 723-3000. organizaýtions -as well as patients and friends te the .Cîvic rec centre in Whitby, noon, te 1 p.m., te mark the opening cf his new clinic at Whitby Town Square, Rossland-and Garden streets. FR_1 -rsesI akrpc .Offering ail insolvency services including personal & corporate bankruptcies OSHAWA 122 Albert St. 721-7506 AJA&X: 50 Commercial Ave. 619-1473 COBOURG: 72 King St. W. 372-4744 Saturday& evening appointmnents available.- FREE Initial consultation. JAMES R. YANC Humourist at business club's annual* meeting I I Big-Brothers, Sisters at Karqbam'9s open, house Mr- . MM"