Whitby Free Press, 3 May 1995, p. 6

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poge 6. WhIt y Free Press, Wednesclay, May 3, 1995 ~j à?WW The only Newspaper owned and operated by Whîtby resîdents for Whitby resîdents! MEMBER 0F: CANADIAN ONTARIO COMMUNITY W COMMUNIT ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION ISSN#0844-398X The Whitby Free Press is distributed free to 99% of the homes in Whitby, Brooklin, Ashburn & Myrtie as weIl as numerous public and commercial outlets in Whitby, Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering & Port Perry. 27,500 COPIES DELIVERED WEEKLY MAIL SUBSORIPTIONS AVAILABLE Canada $34 + GSI - Outside Canada $80 + GST Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontarioa mc. Box 206, 131 Brook St. N., Whitby, Ontario Li N 5S1 Phone: 668-6111 Out of town: 1-800-668-0322 .Fax: 668-0594 Doug Anderson - Pubisher Maurice Pifher - Editor Alexandra Martin - Production Manager Printed on newsprint with minimum 200/ recycîed content using vegetable based inks. cAil writen mnaterial, illustrations and advertising contalned herein is protected by copyright. Any reproduction by any means for commercial purposes wilhout the express permission of the newspaper is prohibited and is a violation of Canadian copyright law. Reproduction for non-commercial distribution shoutd bear a credit line to the Whitby Free Press. PariamenntarymKRe-ports Marketing Canada abroad - and at homne By AlSx Shepherd Canada is strapped with an annual tourism dot bit approaching $8 billion. This doesn't moan governmsnt i8 running its naional park msums*and heritage propertios Ineficiently. 1t means the net money spent by Canadians outside aur borders 19 substantially more than what foreignes are spending inside. Sa what's the prablem? This much fareign travel puts a strain an our dallar. And Canada has ta attract toreign dollars to replace thie lbt currency. 1 don't have ta tell you haw much the Canadian dollar has beon under pressure lately, and with $8 billion leaving the economny, weIl, i's ail part af the pressure. The tederal government is setting' up the Canadian Taurism Commission (CTC), nat onty ta promate Canada abraad but within aur barders. Since 1984 Canada hasn't spent promational money encauraging Canadians ta travel et home. This is due, largely, ta the previaus governiment's pandering *ta the separatists who think provincial govemrments should b. the only ones promating taurism. 1 was shocked with the Bloc Quebecois arguments on this tapic. Obviously it we cari encourage people tram Quebec ta visit Ontario and vice versa instead ot gaîng t the U.S., we will aIl be better off -- in mare ways than just improving the economy.1 The largsst lass ot capital is not tram the Snowbirds «thase. Canadians who tae off ta Fonida in the tall and retumn in the sprng), but rather tram tamilies packing up the car in the summer addriving two or three hundred miles inta the U.S. This seems so odd ta me given that summer is the easiest time ta explare Canada, the third-largest country in the world. The CTC will wark in coaperatian wth the taurism industry on a cost-sharing basis. Fifty million dollars ot taxpayers' money is being invested in this initiative. Five of this wiIl be spent develaping the Canadian market. An evaluation system will montor how successtul the plan is. Marketing Canada ta Canadians, Americans, Sautheast Asians and Europeans is the goal at this shared-cost program. The taurism industry is expected ta spend $50 million ot ifs own money. Tourism is ans ot the tastest growing industries. lt's reîatively dlean and doesn't require enarmaus capital costs ta establish. Tourism also brings out the adventurer in al ot us. h gives us the oprtunity asrpe understand and appreciate ditterent ?itestyles. Myb this is ans ot aour probiems? We haven't taken the time or mfade the effort ta understand aurselves as a nation. Recently I was a Ifttle surprised when some Bloc Quebecois MPs visited Toronto and Rf was the tirst time they had been out ot their province. In Durham we have tremendous taurism resources. We should be pramating these with tniends and relatives tram other areas and toreigners. Fishing and baating in Lakes Scugag and Ontario, aur Bowmanville Zoo, the Ganaraska Forest, these are j ust a tew ot the attractions Durham has ta off or visitars. Afex Shepherd is MP for Durham rdîrsg which incles Whitby, north of Taunton Ro>ad.' To meach .his constituency, office, caJt 721-7570 <shawa) -- By Paul Pagnualo The Ontario Taxpayers .Federation The Latthing an almost bankrupt Ontario govomment needs is ta add mars bursaucracy and hlghsr costs ta ts oprations. Andthe ans thinq Ontarians don't neod is mare in-yaur-taco goverrimont and highor taxes and doNt. Chances are mast' Ontarlans didn't notice whet happened et the beginning ot April. Bit- sooner or lator, i's goinq ta camne ta, light. And for many, n'ill be too late. Na, iR wasn't an outlandish April Fool's Day joke. Athaugh, came ta think atfiR, it did have ail the sarm >arkings ot on.. On Apnil 3. the little hoard-ot Substituts Decisions Act was proclaimsd inta Iaw. Along with two accmpayin picesOf legislaeion, TheAdvocacy Act and the Cons fta Treatment Act, it's another oxample ot how govsrnmsnt knows whet's bsst tor Ta the edltar: Copy of letter ta Ruth Grior, Ontario Ministsr ot Health Dear Honourable member, Ruth Grier: Your office, under yaur direction, requested a rsview ot health services in Durham Region, and in particular the rsviow ot services offersd et Whitby Genoral Hospital (WGH). Your request is politicai because they (Durham Region District Health Council) wsre handsd a request and an answsr at the samne time, which was served ta thomn on a $250000 platter. Furthor, what answer would you or anyone oxpoct tram a hsalth cauncil which serves a population in excsss ot 400,000? In other words, thsy (hsalth council) had ta came up with an answer ta justify their existence. My hoalh records, are wth Whitby General Hospital. Same tamily members and triends have used -the hospitai and wero oxtreme impressed with ths lovel ot service. 1 very recsntly had ta direct a Young maother wth- a serlous convlsive infant lai, ns .v enlng, yau and me. In simple ternis, it's a devastating intrusion ot gaverriment inta the lives of every Ontarian over age 1B. Fanning out across the province, we now have a new army ot bureaucrats ta attend ta our every need. They'II be assuming the management of praperty ând the tinancial affairs of anyione wha becomes mentally incapacitated, a responsibility whch in the past was attended ta by tamilies, boved omes and triends. Protection tram -gavernment intervention in your personal Ite comes in the torm ot a general power ot attorney tor praperty, ans which includes ail yaur assets and contains a specific set ot instruction on your personal care. if you don't have one and become mentally incapaCitated, get ready tar what could becme a tamily nightmare." One ot those tresh, new bureaucrats tram the Public just prior ta the emergsncy il pin. closing hour, ta Whitby Goneral. The young mother could not find the hospital bocauso the gavermoent and insuranpe reguiations tarced the removal ot the 'If signs tram aur shtret roads and highway. -l1 this your expression ot cancem tor the wolfare and health ot the people travelling through or around aur Durhamn regional area? 1 bolieve that your department has gons totar on the issue ot healt h cars, particularly whon your dopartmsnt funded new construction ta the Ajax-Pickering Hospitai among other haspitals, Trustees Office, wha knows nathing about you or your tamnily, wilI came rushing in and manage ail ot your affairs. Everything tram your bank accaunt, to the porsonal cars you receive, ta the tood that Yau se. To prepars a power ot attorney, sither consult a lawyer or a paralegal service. Or, if you want ta avoid the 'expens,. cail the Substituts . ýDocisions Act Intormetion linse t the Public Trustoo's Office at 416-314-2989 and ask tor a copy ot the gavsrnment's 23-page booklet 'You Decide Who Decides! The'decision is yours as ta who you test cari best look atter your assets and porsonal cars -- a strangor tram the provincial governmsnt, or somoone who you are confident would have your bost interests at heart. Lits doesn't get simpler. ht just pot more complicated and costiier, thanks ta Big Brother and Sister over at Queen's Park. thon cut back funding, torcing hospitals ta sither close or clos sections of their hospitals. My hanourable member, in which direction are wo gaing an hospital acute cars services in this W. ýl:deserve aur excellent Whitby Genoral _Hospial, and I beliove citizens in WhiTRý with a grawing population ot over 65,000 plus, deserve a service.on par with othor haspitals whuch serve a lasser population. Whftby Generai is my haspitai Ot choice. D.D. Stewart Whtby Appalling To the edIf or: I arn appalîed by the verdict ot David Peterson being acquitted for spanking his daughter, with her pants down, over the trunk ot his car. f this mari was hitting another adutt, ho wauld have been chargsd with assauit. If ho was hitting an animal, ho would have beon charged wlth cruslty ta animais. There was no Justice for this little girl. The shame of fer having her pants taken down in public andi being assaulted, there are no words ta describe this abuse. David Peterson said that his daughter wilfully slammed the car door on her brother's tingers. The so-called uwiltul misconduce this littîs girl did ta her brother is a rstîectian at her tather's wilful misconduct ta hor. D.bbls Churcher OiîWM Govern ment knows best Health care a concern Viewpoint

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